EVE Search - high-sec and low-sec Retriever fits for solo mining (2024)

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Aredesta Faer
Black Knight Society
The Knights Templar.

EVE Search - high-sec and low-sec Retriever fits for solo mining (2)

Posted - 2013.07.05 16:11:00 -[1] - Quote
Hi Everyone,

I have an indy alt that I want to use for mining. I'm skilling her up for just some high-sec Kernite mining and refining right now.

I'm not fond of any loadouts on Battleclinic for the Retriever. (Actually, I've been a bit disappointed in that site. A friend in-game said that trolls hang out on Battleclinic. If anyone could give me another site that has decent suggested loadouts, then that would be greatly appreciated.)

What are good fittings for high-sec mining with a Retriever (and possibly a low-sec fitting as well)?

As far as high-sec mining, do you think Kernite mining and refining is the most lucrative? If not, then what for high-sec?

Any other advice is more than welcomed.

Thank you. I appreciate your time.

Fly safe.


EVE Search - high-sec and low-sec Retriever fits for solo mining (5)
Tinu Moorhsum
Random Events


EVE Search - high-sec and low-sec Retriever fits for solo mining (6)

Posted - 2013.07.05 17:40:00 -[2] - Quote
I've never seen a fitting on battleclinic that I adopted 1:1 but often times it will point in the general direction

It honestly can't be that hard in the case of a mining ship....

highs: mining laser (wow... whodathunk)
mids: tank
lows: mining laser upgrades

In low-sec fit a stab because you're more likely to have to use it.

EVE Search - high-sec and low-sec Retriever fits for solo mining (9)
Karak Bol


EVE Search - high-sec and low-sec Retriever fits for solo mining (10)

Posted - 2013.07.05 17:51:00 -[3] - Quote
Use aligntime Rigs. And a Procurer in Lowsec along with some ECM or if you feel ballsy combat drones. Maybe you are lucky and you find a dumb Frigate pilote :D For the Question what to mine:


So no, Kernite is no good. Mine scordite instead.

EVE Search - high-sec and low-sec Retriever fits for solo mining (13)
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic


EVE Search - high-sec and low-sec Retriever fits for solo mining (14)

Posted - 2013.07.05 20:33:00 -[4] - Quote
Don't bother with low sec, aint worth it.Life is short and dinner time is chancy
Eat dessert first!EVE Search - high-sec and low-sec Retriever fits for solo mining (17)
Bertrand Butler
Cras es Noster


EVE Search - high-sec and low-sec Retriever fits for solo mining (18)

Posted - 2013.07.05 20:33:00 -[5] - Quote
Here is sth to aim for.

[Retriever, Retriever HS]

Mining Laser Upgrade II
Mining Laser Upgrade II
Damage Control II

Adaptive Invulnerability Field II

Modulated Strip Miner II, Scordite Mining Crystal II
Modulated Strip Miner II, Scordite Mining Crystal II

Medium Anti-Thermal Screen Reinforcer I
Medium Anti-EM Screen Reinforcer I
Medium Core Defense Field Extender I

Hobgoblin II x5

You will need to use a Genolution CA-2, or downgrade to a meta invul. Use your hobs for defense against rats and don't stay stationary but orbit the rock you are mining.

Have in mind that retrievers are prime targets in HS for ganking, mainly due to the fact that most miners tend to not tank them while using the big cargo hold to remain semi-afk. Don't do that, stay at the keyboard and mine responsibly.

For LS, you are much better off with a Venture or a Procurer. Here is a Procurer fit that might help:

[Procurer, Procurer LS]

Mining Laser Upgrade II
Damage Control II

Medium Shield Extender II
EM Ward Field II
Adaptive Invulnerability Field II
Adaptive Invulnerability Field II

Modulated Strip Miner II, Hedbergite Mining Crystal II

Medium Low Friction Nozzle Joints I
Medium Low Friction Nozzle Joints I
Medium Core Defense Field Extender I

Hobgoblin II x5

Lastly, regarding BC you will often find that non combat loadouts/hulls are often ridiculed, mainly due to the fact that they are very straightforward to fit. There are exceptions though...XD

EVE Search - high-sec and low-sec Retriever fits for solo mining (21)


EVE Search - high-sec and low-sec Retriever fits for solo mining (22)

Posted - 2013.07.05 21:21:00 -[6] - Quote

Bertrand Butler wrote:

There are exceptions though...XD

2680 trolls and 322 down votes. It is Battleclinic in a nutshell right there.Loss is meaningful. Therefore is the loss of meaning likewise meaningful. It is the source of all trolling.EVE Search - high-sec and low-sec Retriever fits for solo mining (25)
Q 5
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire


EVE Search - high-sec and low-sec Retriever fits for solo mining (26)

Posted - 2013.07.06 01:11:00 -[7] - Quote
O | o your planning on mining in low sec with a retriever,

Your fit should be,

Insurance on your barge

Total t1 fit

Current updated clone

And a copy of the PAX Amarra cause your gonna need alot of preying for the God's of insert name of deity here --->(____________)

And no implants either that's a waste in low sec.

EVE Search - high-sec and low-sec Retriever fits for solo mining (29)
Zhilia Mann
Tide Way Out Productions


EVE Search - high-sec and low-sec Retriever fits for solo mining (30)

Posted - 2013.07.06 01:14:00 -[8] - Quote

Q 5 wrote:

And no implants either that's a waste in low sec.

Buh? If you can't get a pod out in low then you need to reevaluate your priorities. Or you got caught in a smarty camp/gank, but even those are survivable with decent skills.

EVE Search - high-sec and low-sec Retriever fits for solo mining (33)
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State


EVE Search - high-sec and low-sec Retriever fits for solo mining (34)

Posted - 2013.07.06 04:46:00 -[9] - Quote

Zhilia Mann wrote:

Q 5 wrote:

And no implants either that's a waste in low sec.

Buh? If you can't get a pod out in low then you need to reevaluate your priorities. Or you got caught in a smarty camp/gank, but even those are survivable with decent skills.

Just Google "how to not get podded eve" and the top result is a very educational youtube video. Nullsec yes you'll get podded due to bubbles but you shouldn't get podded in lowsec if you're not AFK.

Not getting podded is so simple but few actually take the time to learn it. I learned years ago from a pirate in lowsec that felt sorry for me and haven't got podded outside of nullsec since.

EVE Search - high-sec and low-sec Retriever fits for solo mining (37)
Exiled Kings
Enlightened Violence

EVE Search - high-sec and low-sec Retriever fits for solo mining (38)

Posted - 2013.09.20 22:23:00 -[10] - Quote
miner I, II's or strip minersEVE Search - high-sec and low-sec Retriever fits for solo mining (41)
Huttan Funaila
Terminal Radioactivity
Spaceship Samurai


EVE Search - high-sec and low-sec Retriever fits for solo mining (42)

Posted - 2013.09.21 01:02:00 -[11] - Quote
Bertrand's fit is pretty good. Speaking from experience, when you are mining in lowsec, fit 2 warp core stabilizers in your procurer otherwise you will lose your ship to anyone able to lock before you warp out. A retriever isn't going to be able to tank the belt rats in lowsec let alone cope with other players. Evasive Maneuvering V is important in low/null.

As for the fits on Battleclinic, there are some bugs where whatever ship you upload, the site thinks it is an Executioner, so a lot of fits get lost due to bugs. You can't delete your fits. The players there frequently post remarks such as "stop posting mining fits" and downvote.

EVE Search - high-sec and low-sec Retriever fits for solo mining (45)
Kaarous Aldurald
ROC Academy


EVE Search - high-sec and low-sec Retriever fits for solo mining (46)

Posted - 2013.09.21 02:30:00 -[12] - Quote
Lowsec really is not the place for a retriever.

I'd advise you to use a procurer. Especially in some parts of lowsec, people will suspect you are bait anyway and you will get left alone more than you might think.

I will hunt a retriever for a while if I see one in lowsec. I pass up on a procurer.

Not posting on my main, and loving it.-á Because free speech.-áEVE Search - high-sec and low-sec Retriever fits for solo mining (49)
Ginger Barbarella
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State


EVE Search - high-sec and low-sec Retriever fits for solo mining (50)

Posted - 2013.09.21 02:50:00 -[13] - Quote

IIshira wrote:

Zhilia Mann wrote:

Q 5 wrote:

And no implants either that's a waste in low sec.

Buh? If you can't get a pod out in low then you need to reevaluate your priorities. Or you got caught in a smarty camp/gank, but even those are survivable with decent skills.

Just Google "how to not get podded eve" and the top result is a very educational youtube video. Nullsec yes you'll get podded due to bubbles but you shouldn't get podded in lowsec if you're not AFK.

Not getting podded is so simple but few actually take the time to learn it. I learned years ago from a pirate in lowsec that felt sorry for me and haven't got podded outside of nullsec since.

All the bluster of "if you can't get out in your pod youFAIL!!" is full of crap for one basic reason: if the other guy(s) have SeBo and/or Remote SeBo, you're dead. No amount of spamming will get your pod out if you're locked and pointed. Period. Remember: half of the 'leet low or null miners here don't tell you they mine in blue sov space, and know quickly when baddies are in the system from their corp or alliance intel channels.

Pay attention, and if things feel skeevy, get out. And if you AFK outside your own sov in null or low, you deserve to die and lose those implants.

"Blow it all on Quafe and strippers." --- SorlacEVE Search - high-sec and low-sec Retriever fits for solo mining (53)
Kahega Amielden
Point Blank Alliance


EVE Search - high-sec and low-sec Retriever fits for solo mining (54)

Posted - 2013.09.21 03:02:00 -[14] - Quote


All the bluster of "if you can't get out in your pod youFAIL!!" is full of crap for one basic reason: if the other guy(s) have SeBo and/or Remote SeBo, you're dead. No amount of spamming will get your pod out if you're locked and pointed.

A SeBo is not enough to lock a pod before it warps assuming the pod's owner is hitting warp before his ship goes down.

EVE Search - high-sec and low-sec Retriever fits for solo mining (57)
Froggy Storm
Paxton Industries
Gentlemen's Agreement


EVE Search - high-sec and low-sec Retriever fits for solo mining (58)

Posted - 2013.09.21 03:24:00 -[15] - Quote
If you're looking to do mining outside of hisec to any real degree you might as well just join a renters empire. The drudgery is the same and the cut from your spoils will be higher. However, you get to have near perfect safety of the Intel (read local) and much better yield ore/ice in systems built up for those sites.

Otherwise just fit a venture and have a fun afternoon of running and gunning from the lowsec locals.

EVE Search - high-sec and low-sec Retriever fits for solo mining (61)
Karma Kelmalu
Boa Innovations
Brothers of Tangra


EVE Search - high-sec and low-sec Retriever fits for solo mining (62)

Posted - 2013.09.21 15:26:00 -[16] - Quote
I have 3 miners and I have mined in both high-sec and null-sec, I have tried mining in low-sec but guess what... *boom*, I would highly not recommend mining in low-sec solo.
In high-sec you'll make most ISK mining (from highest to lowest): Jaspet, Scordite, Pyroxeres, Kernite, Plagioclase, Veldspar, Omber. (From http://ore.cerlestes.de/index.html#site:ore).
As far as fit goes, retriever/mackinaw and covetor/hulk are never going to be tanky enough without a lot of yield compromise (or big ISK spent) to survive against a ganker.
I would recommend just fitting your barge with a maximum yield fit and then add a little tank if possible in the mids.EVE Search - high-sec and low-sec Retriever fits for solo mining (65)
Zero Sum Gain
The Scope
Gallente Federation


EVE Search - high-sec and low-sec Retriever fits for solo mining (66)

Posted - 2013.09.21 16:36:00 -[17] - Quote
Going into low sec with a retriever is like asking to have your retriever blown up in low sec.EVE Search - high-sec and low-sec Retriever fits for solo mining (69)
Kitty Bear
Disturbed Friends Of Diazepam
Disturbed Acquaintance


EVE Search - high-sec and low-sec Retriever fits for solo mining (70)

Posted - 2013.09.21 17:29:00 -[18] - Quote
personally for lowsec mining i'd suggest a Venture

aligns faster than the retriever
has an innate warp strength bonus

for either ship tank is moot, they are going to die if something even looks at them
but your best option for a tank .. ASB + Extender rigs + DC

EVE Search - high-sec and low-sec Retriever fits for solo mining (73)


EVE Search - high-sec and low-sec Retriever fits for solo mining (74)

Posted - 2013.09.22 04:43:00 -[19] - Quote

Huttan Funaila wrote:

As for the fits on Battleclinic, (snip) the players there frequently post remarks such as "stop posting mining fits" and downvote.

Let me know who's doing this and myself or the mod team will correct that behavior.

BattleClinic - killboards, loadouts, ETC for EVEEVE Search - high-sec and low-sec Retriever fits for solo mining (77)
Ireland VonVicious
Vicious Trading Company


EVE Search - high-sec and low-sec Retriever fits for solo mining (78)

Posted - 2013.09.22 05:20:00 -[20] - Quote
Max yield 1.0-0.9 mining.

2 T2 mining upgrades.
Meta 4 Damage control.

Survey scanner

2 T2 mining lasers

3 drone mining augmentors

5 T2 mining drones.

Has over 14k health which is plenty in 0.9 for a retriever.

If you want to do other securities of space look into a mackinaw or a skiff.

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EVE Search - high-sec and low-sec Retriever fits for solo mining (2024)
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