TOTAL CHAOS - Chapter 10 - dreamvoyager, FanaiTazunipa, snoozingnewt (2024)

Google Doc (Color Formatted, Primary Supported medium to read on): [Will release once Chapter 9 Part 2 is released]

Has color coded dialogue for each character, and has images.


CHAPTER NINE (Part 1) - Aftermath

Round 10: 0:00 --- 01:40:00

Sans stood at his lecterns, watching Andrew’s body disappear. Steve’s fight with Andrew was replaying in his mind.

“huh, neat.” Sans mentally remarked.

The scene that was replaying in Sans’ head was interrupted by Ben Shapiro, as he spoke up.

“Same time again? Shall we reconvene in fifteen minutes?” Ben asked to the room.
“oh, yes. of course.” Sans replied hastily to Ben.
“Sounds good to me.” said Phoenix.

As the brief exchange concluded, the room once again fell into silence. People began to slowly leave their circles, walking to other parts of the room. Some walked towards the window, admiring the look of the city outside. Sans walked towards Steve in the Mainframe’s direction. Steve still stood there, with his clothes and hands stained with Andrew’s blood.

“good job defending the mainframe.” said Sans.
“Oh… thanks, I guess.” responded Steve.

Steve looked down at his blood-stained clothes, confused.

“I don’t know what this red thing is. Mobs in Minecraft don’t produce this when I damage them.” said Steve.
“that’s called blood. welcome to the real world, buddy.” responded Sans amusingly. Steve was unamused by Sans’ tone.
“I guess blood is bad right?” asked Steve to Sans.
“depends… to most, it’s kind of a big deal.” Sans explained.
“Yeah, this doesn’t look good on me. I need to get this off my clothes…” Steve grimaced.

Round 10: 0:01

While Sans and Steve were conversing, Sonic walked up to the two of him. His energetic and cheerful mannerisms contrasted the deadpan tone of Sans and Steve’s conversation.

“Hey!” Sonic interjected, immediately catching Sans and Steve’s attention.
“Oh, hi there Sonic.” said Steve.
“You handled the situation well, that was pretty impressive.” said Sonic in an upbeat tone.
“You think so? I didn’t mean to get so carried away…” Steve said, begrudgingly accepting Sonic’s compliment.
“yeah, you did good, now it’s time to be more serious.” said Sans, his tone changed from slightly upbeat to neutral.
“i’ve been thinking… you and i should probably swap places defending the mainframe. you’re gonna need to defend yourself in the upcoming debate. i think that at least some people want you to be held accountable for your actions.” Sans explained to Steve.
“Are you sure you can defend the Mainframe?” asked Steve.
“just trust me on this. you already saw what i can do.” Sans said confidently.
“Hmmm. Okay…” said Steve.
“we need to be smart about how we work together moving forward.” stated Sans.

“i suppose that i will be the one in charge of defending the mainframe this round. i just need to announce it to the room during the debate so that it's clear to everyone.” Sans thought to himself.
“it’s unlikely that someone would attempt to tamper with the mainframe, after what they saw with andrew. however, on the off-chance that someone does, i can’t use excessive force… that would look bad.” Sans contemplated, imagining hypothetical scenarios in his head.

Round 10: 0:02

“i can handle the mainframe. steve, focus on staying alive. sonic will help defend you.” explained Sans.
“Sure can do!” Said Sonic enthusiastically.

“one other thing…”
“Have you talked to any others in the room? Have you two made any alliances of your own?” asked Sans.

“I’ve talked to Knuckles, but I already knew him before ending up here.” replied Sonic.
“I’ve talked to Comrade Stalin.” said Steve.
“He approached me and we have made an alliance. I figured it helps to have someone on my side rather than against me.”
“Stalin? Interesting…” said Sonic in a doubtful tone.

“You know him, Sonic?” inquired Steve.
“No, but I wonder why he wanted to ally with you out of everyone in the room. No offense Steve, but you aren’t really the most strategic choice in a place like this.” Sonic finished in a tone of skepticism.
“Well, maybe he sees something in me that others don’t.” retorted Steve.
“I guess, but he certainly has his own motives.” Sonic replied.

“Switching topic… Sans, why did you want to know who we’ve talked to?” said Sonic, his focus switching back to Sans.

Round 10: 0:03

“well, i was simply gathering information on the room. unfortunately, i don’t have the privilege of knowing anyone else beforehand.”
“sonic, is knuckles your friend then? can he be considered an ally?” asked Sans to Sonic.
“Well… it’s complicated. I don’t want to go over the details, but I guess ‘friends’ would be the right word to use.” explained Sonic.
“hmmm… very well.” said Sans.
“i was simply asking so that we could expand our group. the more people in our group, the better. that would make five of us if stalin and knuckles joined us. The circle is a game of numbers, and we need as many people as we can trust to survive.” Sans explained his plan to Sonic and Steve.
“Ah, I see.” replied Steve.
“So, do you want me to tell Comrade Stalin about our group?” asked Steve.
“feel free to.” replied Sans.

“i’ll take sonic’s word about knuckles. however, i’m unsure what to think about steve’s relationship to stalin. he may be strong, but he sure is oblivious in this room. i’m unsure whether or not i should trust stalin, but i can only really know once i’ve interacted with him.” Sans thought, as he carefully considered Sonic and Steve’s relations to others in the room.

Round 10: 0:04

Jerma glanced around the room and looked for his peers, beckoning them to come closer.
“I know I haven’t contributed much yet… I could be a target soon.” He thought. “After Andrew, they might want to go for someone that can’t defend themselves as easily.” Jerma reasoned.
“Hm… I would definitely benefit from teaming up with the other YouTubers. All of us would, actually.” He thought. “Hopefully we can form an alliance of sorts!”

He watched as the people he could call friends approached him. Jimmy took the lead, walking in front of Markiplier and Matpat, who were chatting a few feet behind him.

“Hey, Jeremy, you called us?” Jimmy asked.
“Yeah.” Jerma replied.
“So, guys.” He began.
“I’ve been thinking… I might be at risk of being voted out soon.” He said, with a tinge of concern in his voice.
“I haven’t really been active or contributed much yet, I’m worried that could put a target on my back.”

Matthew, sensing Jeremy’s unease, nodded understandingly.

“I get it, Jerma. It’s tough to stand out when there’s so many of us and the stakes are so high…” He said.

Jerma continued, glancing around the other YouTubers he had gathered.

“And it’s not just me. Apart from you, Matthew, we’re all in a similar situation here.” He said, pacing around, and then stopping, considering his next words.
“I…” he stuttered.
“I think we could benefit from forming a proper alliance. Keep each other safe, you know?”

The others exchanged looks, clearly having considered it themselves too. After a moment they turned back to Jerma, who was fidgeting with his hands nervously.

Round 10: 0:05

“You’ve got a point.” Markiplier said, understanding his position.
“Yeah, I agree!” Mr. Beast added emphatically.
“If we band together, we can watch each other’s backs and strategize more efficiently.” Matthew added, his analytical mind already working out the logistics and plans.

Jerma nodded, happy to receive the support he was looking for.
“It seems they’re all agreeing with the plan. That’s a relief. Hopefully this will help me out…” He thought.

“Maybe we can discuss the previous round?” Markiplier suggested.
“And think about the next move, y’know?” He said.
“That’s a good plan, yeah.” Jimmy said.
“Like identifying future targets?” He added.
“And making sure it’s not any of us, hah…” Jerma said.

The group fell silent for a moment as they recalled the previous round’s events. After a while, Matthew broke the silence.

Round 10: 0:06

“So. Last round was pretty… chaotic, to say the least.” He said.
“Still can’t believe I’m saying this, but Steve… really showed Andrew what he’s capable of.”
“That was so crazy.” Jerma said.
“And that guy Light really freaked out last round too.” Mr. Beast added.
“Can’t really blame him, though…”
“Oh, speaking of which.” Markiplier said.
“Matpat, why didn’t you tell the group about… y’know, Light’s identity?” He asked.
“I mean, we know he could be dangerous.”
"I’m a bit scared of the consequences. Light is smart and ruthless. But there’s another reason…” Matpat began.
“He could be a useful shield in the future, given his… instability.”
“Either way, I don’t think he even has his Death Note on him.” He added.
“Something similar happened with Jesse and Walter, although he approached me directly.” Matthew said.
“I was pretty much forced to say I wouldn’t reveal his identity.”
“But I think we should get back to our main topic here.” He said, glancing at Jerma.

The others nodded understandingly.

“Alright.” Mark said.
“Makes sense.”
“You could be a bit more proactive, Jeremy.” He suggested.
“You know, maybe contribute to the vote discussions by pushing a name.”
“Oh, yeah, that makes sense. But who should we target?” Jerma asked.
“Maybe someone that hasn’t been active. Focus on them, and divert the attention from us.” Mr. Beast said.
“Exactly!” Matthew said enthusiastically.

Round 10: 0:07

As they pondered their options, Mr. Beast noticed Michael Jackson in the distance, sitting alone.

“What about Michael Jackson?” He proposed, causing the rest to turn their heads in that direction.
“Damn…” Jerma said.
“You are right, though.”
“Yeah, Michael Jackson hasn’t done much, if anything at all.” Matpat said.
“But Jerma, if you decide to push for him, be subtle. Don’t throw him directly under the bus.” Matthew continued.
“Alright. Let’s play it smart then.” Jerma said in agreement.

Round 10: 0:05

As the round ended, the four presidents walked towards a secluded corner of the room as they convened. Each man’s face was marked with stress, as they all seemed unsure of what to do going forwards.

“This is going to be one hell of a conversation.” thought JFK to himself.
“I’ll just see how this goes out.” he continued pondering in his head.

The four of them stood silently and tensely. Trump, his face was flushed red with anger, his eyes gleaming as he stared daggers into Obama. Suddenly, he walked closer towards Obama, as he raised his hand and slapped Obama violently across the face. Trump’s slap was so forceful that the slap reverberated across the room.

“What the hell, Donald!” shouted Obama, confused and angry at Trump’s sudden provocation.
“Hey hey hey!” JFK exclaimed, stepping in between the two men.
“Let’s talk this out, we can’t resort to violence.” JFK said in a diplomatic tone, as he attempted to ease the tension between Trump and Obama.

Trump could barely contain his pent up anger.
“I wanted to slap some sense into Barack, Kennedy.” Trump stated sternly and loudly.
“He’s lost the plot!”
“Okay. Trump, if you can state your grievances with Obama, then maybe we can resolve this. How does that sound?” JFK said calmly, as he continued to defuse the situation.

“I’ll tell you my grievances all right!” said Trump passionately.
“You betrayed us, you betrayed all the Americans in this room, Barack.” stated Trump
“Voting out Andrew? What happened to our alliance? What about your whole grand speech about unity?” Trump stated, listing his perceived slights against Obama.
“Donald… I haven’t betrayed anyone here.” Obama responded
“Bullsh*t!” Trump interjected.

Round 10: 0:06

“We need to think strategically about this. Yes, I may have contradicted myself, but I think it was ultimately for the benefit of our alliance.” Obama continued, phased by Trump’s interruption.
“You see, several people were threatening to leave the alliance because of him. That left me with a simple decision. It was either keeping Andrew around, or keeping the people who threatened to leave because of Andrew. I chose the latter.” said Obama.
“I don’t make decisions without reasoning. Andrew was a wildcard and others clearly wanted him out.” Obama concluded.
“Barack, your reasoning is fine, but it still feels like you are going against what we’ve agreed upon - defending Americans.” stated Biden, as he joined in the conversation.
“You said that we shouldn’t vote one of our own. I remember that.” Biden continued.
“See! Even Joe agrees with me, and that’s something I wouldn’t imagine ever saying.” Trump said, with a slight expression of surprise.

“I just think we need to re-evaluate what this alliance means.” Biden clarified himself.
“Hmmm… It seems like you two aren’t convinced by my actions. What can I do to make up for it?” asked Obama, as he gestured to his willingness to compromise.

Round 10: 0:07

“Maybe you should step down as leader of the alliance, and let one of us take charge.” stated Trump plainly. Obama was visibly shocked and stumped by Trump’s directness at the situation.

“I didn’t expect Trump to say that out loud. This could either go really badly or really well for our alliance. I guess I’ll just have to stand and listen.” JFK mused at the situation, as he tried to analyze Obama’s and Trump’s expressions, trying to predict their next move. He briefly glanced over Biden, but he was unable to get a read on his expression.

“Donald, you can’t be serious. If I didn’t do what I did, then our alliance would have fractured.” replied Obama, justifying his decision.
“I get that you’re upset that I suggested voting out an American, but I felt that it was needed to keep our alliance from breaking.”
“Yes, I see your point.”
“But you made a promise and you broke it. How could any American expect you to defend them when you threw Andrew under the bus just like that.” Trump explained.
“If you care about unity that much, then stepping down would be the best for our alliance. It would be a bad look if you stayed as leader.” Trump concluded.

“Seems like it could be a good opportunity for me to make a move.” JFK thought.

“Perhaps…” JFK said assertively to the other three’s attention.
“While you, Donald, suggested that Barack step down as leader, I wanted to make my point about that matter.” said JFK.
“Though I agree, I think that Donald, or Biden, being the most recent presidents in history to my knowledge, may have some unexpected ‘political baggage’ if you became leader of the alliance.
“What do you mean by that?” asked Trump, as he attempted to probe JFK's reasoning.

“Yeah, what is this ‘political’ baggage you speak of?” Biden added to Trump’s question.

Round 10: 0:08

“I’ve been observing everyone in the room, and they seem to all come from the ‘modern day’, whatever that time is. I think you two, being the most recent presidents, are currently in their living memory. Thus, I think they certainly have their own personal political opinions about you two.”
“I think Barack has made a good point earlier that we shouldn’t be bringing politics to the conversation. It would most certainly destroy our alliance, and politics would be at the forefront of debate if you two would be leaders.” JFK continued his line of reasoning.

“Thus, here is my proposal - I will offer myself up to be the leader of our alliance.” stated JFK confidently.
“I will act as a sort of compromise candidate between us four. I hope whatever history was written about me, it was neutral at the very worst. No one seems to be against my continued existence in this room.” JFK explained.
“Barack, this would get the heat off of you for the time being, while I spend time trying to keep our alliance together.”

Round 10: 0:09

“Sorry, Kennedy, but this seems like a cheap excuse for a power grab.” said Trump accusingly.
“I admit, it slightly is, but our alliance is something that is bigger than myself. It is our ticket to our collective survival in this ‘game’…” said JFK.
“I care about this alliance’s survival just as much as you three do. I simply believe my leadership will be the best fit for the alliance’s continued existence.”

I’m not going to make any wild or outlandish promises here. I am all for defending the Americans in this room, but if they act to the detriment of others or to the interests of the alliance, then I am not afraid to hold them accountable, and possibly be eliminated.” JFK stated, his tone filled with determination.
“And I’m not going to play favorites here. If I think someone deserves to be eliminated here, I will speak my mind. Even if that means voting out an American.” JFK added.

“So, how does this sound?” JFK’s tone shifted suddenly to a more authoritative yet collaborative rone.

Round 10: 0:10

“I accept. I hope you can keep this alliance together.” said Obama, conceding.
“I don’t buy into your argument fully.” Trump said with doubt in his voice.
“But… who am I to say here? I can’t judge something until it has happened. I’m open to you being the new leader Kennedy. I hope you don’t disappoint.” said Trump.
“I accept. Whatever it takes to keep our alliance afloat in this room.” said Biden.

“Fantastic, I shall announce when I can during the upcoming debate.” stated JFK, satisfied that all three of them have accepted his offer of letting him become the leader of the alliances.
“And Donald, I won’t disappoint. You can trust me on that.”

Obama and JFK shake hands firmly, signaling the transition of power between them.

“And just like that, I now have control over the largest alliance in the room. I hope this change of leadership will keep it together.” thought JFK, with a mixture of determination coursing through him.
Trump’s doubtfulness might affect my plans though.” JFK mused.
“I may have to spend some time pleasing him or convincing him that I am a good choice as leader. He’s certainly capable of breaking up the alliance with his actions, and I need to consider that. Though, I wonder why he was so upset over Andrew’s death. He didn’t bat an eye when others before Andrew died. Perhaps he made a short-lived personal alliance with Andrew?” JFK theorized.

Round 10: 0:07

Bill approached the Mainframe carefully, his gaze fixed on its intricate design. The room's transformation had given the Mainframe an even more enigmatic aura, its sleek design contrasting sharply with the opulent surroundings.

“I still can’t make sense of this thing…” Bill thought, recalling his own experiences with the Circle.
“It’s kinda cool, not gonna lie.”

“it’s really something else, huh?” Sans said, almost as if he was reading Bill’s mind.

Bill was initially startled, but then turned around and faced Sans.

“Ye it’s crazy.” Bill said, still in awe at the Mainframe’s intricate design.
“Hey Sans.”
“hiya Bill.” Sans said.
“this machine reminds me of…” He began saying, but he trailed off.

Bill ran his hand across its flat surface, occasionally interrupted by a button or dial. Although a few buttons were lit up, there were still many disabled ones.

Round 10: 0:08

“We never had this kind of technology… Makes me wish I’d thought of this.” He thought.
“We were much simpler, to be fair, though…”
“Maybe this could unlock twists or advantages in the future?” He wondered. “That would be interesting.”

Elon interrupted his train of thought as he arrived to inspect the Mainframe, quickly scanning the panel.

“It’s fascinating.” He remarked.
“It’s unlike anything I’ve seen before. The level of sophistication here is extraordinary."
“We need to understand its full capabilities…” Bill replied.
“Maybe, if we know how it works, we can use it to our advantage.”

As Bill’s eyes scanned the Mainframe, he found a label that seemed interesting.

“Look at this.” He said.
“‘Reveal History’?” Bill pointed towards the button.
“Huh, interesting…” Elon replied.
“Could that reveal someone’s backstory?” He pondered out loud.
“that’s a good theory.” Sans said.
“that would be really powerful…”

Round 10: 0:09

Sans it’s right, it’s too powerful… I don’t think everyone would have access to it that easily.” Bill thought.
“If I were to implement that, I would make it a reward for only a select few, or even just one.” He contemplated, considering what he would do if he was in charge of The Circle.
“Some of us are advantaged, though… Especially the real ones, compared to the fictional.” He analyzed the state of the people in the room.
“I just hope my history isn’t revealed, though… Or Fanai and Nisen’s. That would most certainly mean our deaths.” He thought, his concern visible on his face.
“We should talk again, probably.”

“are you alright bill? you look like you saw a skeleton. heh.” Sans said.
“Uh… Ha ha… Ye no I’m fine Sans, thanks for asking.” Bill said nervously.

“What the hell was that? You gotta keep your cool, man!” Bill thought.

Round 10: 0:10

As the conversation between JFK, Trump, Obama, and Biden settled down, JFK and Trump parted ways. JFK walked towards the Mainframe to inspect it further. Trump walked towards the window to admire the view of the city. Obama and Biden were left standing together.

“Barack, that’s quite the move back there.” Biden spoke up,after Trump and JFK left earshot.
“You let JFK take leadership just like that. What’s your idea here?” asked Biden in a curious manner.

“I need to get to the bottom of this. I need to know Barack’s reasoning for his decision” thought Biden, awaiting Obama’s response.

Obama sighed, as he looked towards Biden.

“I had to do it. I had to do it to please Trump.” Obama explained.
“He is willing to sow chaos and dissent just to get back at me for letting Andrew be voted out. I wouldn’t say I gave up my position to keep Trump on my side, but rather to keep him not against me.” continued Obama, as he stated his theories about Trump’s hypothetical actions.

“Hmmm, thinking about it, Trump defending with Andrew felt very out of place as well. I barely know about Andrew… He was a kickboxer and he said some questionable things online?” thought Biden, struggling to recall details about Andrew before entering the Circle.
“He doesn’t seem to be the type of person that Trump would be at all interested in talking to in any normal scenario.” Biden pondered about Andrew further.
Trump would only network and surround himself with others who can further his own goals… Maybe he saw Andrew as someone who would support him and his actions.” Biden's thoughts raced as he theorized about Trump’s rationale for his actions towards Andrew.
“Maybe Trump saw Andrew in a vulnerable state, and gained him as an easy ally.” thought Biden, as he constructed an alternative theory.

“Now… that’s all theoretical of course, but I need to think of the possibilities as well…”
“It’s about survival. If JFK’s in charge, any bad decisions the alliance makes - well… the blame falls on him now.” Obama said pragmatically.
“Now, let me be clear, I don’t want JFK to be blamed or put under danger. But I’d rather that happen to him over myself.” said Obama in a calm and rational manner.

Round 10: 0:11

“I see.” Biden replied.
“But we can’t look weak either. We don’t survive by conceding.” he continued.
“Trump will be a pain in both of our asses if we don’t deal with him soon.” Biden said in a tone of urgency.
“I agree.” Obama replied.

“Firstly, let’s pair up, just like the good old days.” Biden said, with a slight tone of nostalgia emanating from his voice.
“Secondly, we need to find people who are against Trump. I don’t think that will be very difficult, there are plenty of folk in this room that don’t like him outwardly.” Biden explained.

“Now this is an offer I doubt Barack would ever reject.” Biden pondered, confident in his proposal to Obama.

“Indeed. We need to be quick, before Trump consolidates his power and gathers any supporters. Obama said, as he nodded his head in agreement.
“Yes. We need to get supporters of our own, so we have enough votes to get Trump eliminated.” said Biden in a slightly hushed voice, being careful not to let anyone else hear their conversation.

“Great idea, Joe. Let’s pair up.” said Obama in a friendly tone.
“Let’s get to work.” Obama said, his tone shifting to that of confidence and determination.

Obama and Biden began to scan the room, recalling moments when people outwardly expressed negativity towards Trump as they identified potential allies.

Round 10: 0:11

For Hope, the recent changes the room had undergone further confirmed how different this was from her previous experience. She felt out of place, alone, and afraid. Her hand instinctively rested on her belly, tapping nervously, a habit she had developed during her time in the Circle.

“This is truly nothing like last time…” She thought. “At least I had a few people on my side last time, but now I feel so alone.”

She looked around, taking in the new luxurious surroundings. She quickly scammed the room, looking for someone, anyone, that was in a similar situation. It seemed like most had already previous relationships, and some had even forged new ones.

She noticed Meg sitting alone on a couch, looking distraught. Seeing her younger self reflected on her, she took a deep breath and decided to approach her and strike up a conversation.

As she approached, she saw Meg glance up with weary eyes.

“Hey. Do you mind if I sit here?” Hope asked, a slight smile on her face.
“Sure, whatever.” Meg said.

Hope settled beside her, taking a moment to gather her thoughts.

“This whole situation is pretty overwhelming, isn’t it?” she said, trying to break the ice.
“Yeah.” Meg sighed.
“One moment I’m dealing with my family’s craziness, next thing I know I’m stuck here in this weird ‘game’.”
“It’s like I can’t catch a break.”
“…Yeah. I know the feeling.” Hope said reassuringly.
“It’s a lot to take in.”
“It’s so overwhelming…” Meg said, almost breaking down in tears.

Hope did not know what to do or how to react, so she simply offered a hug and a shoulder to cry on.

Round 10: 0:12

“I’m sorry…” Meg sniffled.
“Don’t be. It’s normal to feel like this, Meg.” Hope said.
“I know exactly how you feel. This isn't my first time in a situation like this… but it doesn't get any easier, unfortunately."
“I’ve learned that… finding people you can trust and support each other helps a lot, you know?”
“Really?” Meg said, glancing up, her eyes red with tears.
“Yeah…” Hope replied, smiling.

As they continued to talk, Lisa walked by, her sharp ears noticing the discussion.

Round 10: 0:13

“Are you guys okay?” She asked, a tinge of worry in her voice.
“Sorry, I couldn’t help but overhear…”
“It’s okay LLisa.. Always nice to see another friendly face.” Hope said.
“We’re managing… I think.”
“Hey Lisa.” Meg said, tapping the space beside her, prompting her to sit.
“Hi.” Lisa replied.
“I kinda feel the same way too.” She admitted.
“Many times I’ve felt like my family doesn’t understand me…”
“But now… I’m so alone here, I just want to see them again…”
“I guess I do too, even if they made my life hell more often than not.” Meg said.
“You know, it’s interesting…” Hope interjected, wanting to change the topic of the discussion.
“We are one of the few that are the only ‘representatives’ of our media.”
“Yeah, everyone seems to know each other, or at least have something to contribute…” Meg added.
"It’s tough being here without my family." Lisa said.
“I always felt alone even when I was with my family, but this… this is different." Meg replied.

As the small group continued to talk, they noticed another figure approaching. It was Madeline, slowly making her way towards the group.

Round 10: 0:14

“Mind if I join you guys?” Madeline asks.
“The more, the merrier!” Hope laughed.
“We were just talking about how scary it is to be here, feeling like outsiders…” Meg said.
"I get that. Climbing a mountain was easier than dealing with this situation." Madeline said, nodding.

She paused for a moment before continuing.

“But we’re all alike in that.” She said profoundly.
“We may feel alone, but we’re together.”
“We all come from different worlds…”
“We’ve all faced our challenges alone. Maybe that’s exactly why we need to stick together.”
“We can support each other, just like I had to learn to support myself on the mountain."

Hope, Meg, and Lisa were moved by Madeline’s speech, a sense of camaraderie growing between the four. They might not have had the previous relationships that others did, but they were forging a new bond, one based on shared experiences and mutual support.

Round 10: 0:15

“You’re right, Madeline. We can do this together.” Hope said.
“And we can start by looking out for each other, make sure no one’s left out.” Lisa added.
“Thanks, guys. I really needed this.” Meg said, smiling slightly.

Hope looked around at her new friends and felt a surge of determination. This time, she wasn't alone. They could face whatever came next together.

TOTAL CHAOS - Chapter 10 - dreamvoyager, FanaiTazunipa, snoozingnewt (2024)
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Author: Dan Stracke

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Author information

Name: Dan Stracke

Birthday: 1992-08-25

Address: 2253 Brown Springs, East Alla, OH 38634-0309

Phone: +398735162064

Job: Investor Government Associate

Hobby: Shopping, LARPing, Scrapbooking, Surfing, Slacklining, Dance, Glassblowing

Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.