The Electrical Worker Online (2025)

With enough hard work, nothing is impossible in politics.

Pittsburgh-area union members proved it in March with an improbable special-election victory in a deep-red congressional district, a race that took on national significance with its implications for November's midterms.

IBEW and other union members in Pennsylvania's conservative 18th District forcefully campaigned for Conor Lamb, giving the pro-union Democrat a narrow March 13 win in a House district that Donald Trump carried by 20 points in 2016.

"Side by side with us at each step of the way were the men and women in organized labor," Lamb said in his victory speech. "Organized labor built Western Pennsylvania.... Tonight, they have reasserted their right to have a major part in our future."

Two days before being sworn into Congress in April, Lamb reaffirmed his commitment to workers in a speech to the IBEW's Political-Legislative Affairs Conference. He decried assaults on Social Security and Medicare, calling them "sacred promises" that he would fight to keep. He called prevailing wage laws a "core value" and said any infrastructure bill "must preserve Davis-Bacon, period."

"Labor must fully regain its place in our democracy," Lamb said. "Working people must again be able to organize, to bargain collectively and have their voice heard at every level of government."

Pittsburgh-area Locals 5, 29, 126, 1024 and 1919 helped turn out voters and inspire members to take part in phone banks, labor walks and rallies for Lamb.

While candidates routinely court labor, Lamb's embrace of unions and concern for workers felt genuine, said Kris Anderson, the IBEW's political coordinator in Pennsylvania.

"I was so excited to hear him profess his gratitude toward labor in his speech," Anderson said. "A lot of times we get left at the altar when it comes to the thank-yous."

Local 29 Business Manager Kenn Bradley also was pleased. "It's very important for him not to forget labor," he said. "We were a big reason why he got voted in, and now we have to hold his feet to the fire and make sure he follows through on his promises, which I think he will. I believe he's a man of his word."

The 18th District seat opened up with the resignation of Republican Tim Murphy last fall. Lamb's opponent was Rick Saccone, a brazenly anti-union state representative who sold himself to voters as "Trump before Trump."

Union members were drawn to Lamb's blend of social conservatism with a fierce defense of workers' rights. Mine Workers President Cecil Roberts summed it up colorfully at a get-out-the-vote rally.

"Let me try to explain what kind of folks we are and what kind of Democrat Conor is," Roberts said. "He's a God-fearing, union-supporting, gun-owning, job-protecting, pension-defending, Social Security-believing, health care-greeting and sending-drug-dealers-to-jail Democrat!"

In other words, Lamb was uniquely suited for his working-class district, experts said.

"This is just the start of it— if we can keep our members energized and if we put more labor candidates on the ballot," said Hank Boldyzar, an elected commissioner in nearby Rostraver Township and business agent for Local 126, which has about 200 members in the Pittsburgh area.

Active in his county's labor council, Boldyzar persuaded the organization to host a meet-and-greet for Lamb that drew about 150 union members and other voters in a region many candidates largely ignore.

"I think he talked to everybody in the room that night," he said. "I had lots of people come up and say they were undecided until they met him."

The morning after the election, Lamb described on MSNBC how he built trust with voters.

"No offense to all my friends who make their living on TV— campaigning in real life in small rooms, door-to-door, person-to-person, it works and I learned a lot doing it, and I think that helped out the campaign an awful lot," he said. "And I would advise anybody, no matter where they are, to do that."

Boldyzar also approached the campaign one voter at a time. Often recognized as a township commissioner, he sported pins for Lamb wherever he went and was ready for naysayers.

"I tell people that the first thing you got to do is vote for your paycheck and you lobby your hobby," he said. "If you don't do that, you're hurting yourself."

He had many conversations like the one with a man who criticized Lamb based on unfounded claims in a campaign ad. Boldyzar told him about Saccone's unwavering anti-worker voting record in the statehouse.

"I said, 'You're going to go by a commercial you saw on TV and not do any research?' He said, 'Hank, you're kind of right.' I said, 'I'm exactly right.'"

Boldyzar hopes Democrats have learned that rejecting pro-union candidates in the past was a mistake.

"A lot of good labor candidates got passed over," he said. "We just showed you what can happen when labor gets up and gets going."

The Electrical Worker Online (2025)


How to prepare for an electrical aptitude test? ›

It is recommended to have at least a basic command of high-school-level algebra, functions, and equations. There is no need to memorize formulas or factual material in order to do well on the test, and previous knowledge of electrical work is not required. You should also practice your reading comprehension skills.

How do I interview an electrical technician? ›

Questions about electrician experience and background
  1. When and where did you attend electrical school?
  2. Have you done more residential or commercial work? ...
  3. Can you describe a time when you solved a complicated electrical problem as part of a team? ...
  4. How is your work experience relevant to the work you'll be doing with us?

How can I pass my aptitude test easily? ›

Our 12 aptitude test tips
  1. Practice. Practice is the most commonly advocated route to aptitude test success, and one very few people would dispute. ...
  2. Know your test. ...
  3. Don't get your friends to help. ...
  4. Make the most of online tests. ...
  5. Realistic simulation. ...
  6. Be alert and stay focused. ...
  7. Ask for feedback. ...
  8. Know when to move on.
Oct 10, 2023

Is the electrical aptitude test hard? ›

The IBEW aptitude test is widely seen as tough, especially the math part. Here's what makes it challenging: The math section includes complicated algebra topics like equations, functions, polynomials, and advanced sequences. The level of algebra is tough and goes beyond what is usually taught in high school.

How to pass an electrical interview? ›

Electrical Engineer Interview Tips: Getting the Job You Want
  1. Research the Company and Hiring Manager. ...
  2. Create a Portfolio Showcasing Your Work. ...
  3. Practice Common Interview Questions. ...
  4. Demonstrate Solid Technical Knowledge. ...
  5. Showcase Communication Skills. ...
  6. Highlight Relevant Projects in Your Experience.

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You can't be an electrician without knowledge of basic electrical theory. Understanding the basic physics behind electricity, Ohm's Law, currents, electrical resistance, Faraday's Law, and circuitry is necessary for identifying and solving minor electrical problems.

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IBEW Question Types

This aptitude test is divided into two sections and contains 3 main topics: math, mechanical reasoning, and reading comprehension. In the first section – math and mechanical reasoning, you are asked to answer 33 multiple-choice questions in 46 minutes.

What is a good score on the IBEW aptitude test? ›

Applicants are scored on a scale of 1-9. A score of four (4) or higher will qualify for a interview. If a score is below four (4), a applicant will need to submit a new application with all the required information for re-testing.

What is the electrical reasoning aptitude test? ›

In the electrical comprehension test, you'll be given 15 minutes to answer a series of 22 electrical questions. Questions are multiple-choice and cover a range of electrical topics such as switches, batteries, and fuses. Some questions may even involve images or diagrams that you'll need to decipher.

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These tests usually consist of numerical, verbal, abstract, and logical reasoning questions. To improve your skills in these areas and practise test-like questions, visit our cognitive ability prep guide.

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