White County Times from Monticello, Indiana (2024)

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White County Timesi

Monticello, Indiana

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Win Looking Backward 1 HAVE A ULL LINE i Virgil McClintic Editor A 'James in and pr ure information on these products Thel kEXALL Store Phone 99 Monticello in the NUE MOUNTS ormal Op enin came 1 In Our New Location We Hope) Be Then they will THE COUNTY CHAIRMANSHIP taken a whole fora accept Dunfee ft ied happy to have been given the opportunity of listinctive line of merchandise to this common tary and Charles Mason treasur er of all photographic mounts double weighti (with Craftsman bound edges and glass inserts protect your photograph These will soon be HI To those) these prices wl RICES made possible by unexpected volume of business Next to a new Case machine you find anything better than an old Case machine kept running like new by proper adjustment and renewal of wearing parts We always try to have on hand factory parts for any Case machine used in this locality Our shop is equipped especially for farm machinery repairs and overhauling Come in now and arrange a convenient time for your service work continued 'efforts to give our customers die I in photography at the most economical prices announce the following: Entered at0 the Poetoffice at Monticello In lana as eecond class motter boring farmer boujght'a pig for $12 and fair ed the farmer to build a pig pen back of the cottage The scheme was a great success All the garbage and the dish water disappeared as if by magic The pig grew apace and was fat and happy In the fall when it came time for the cottagers to return to the city the question arose as to what should be done with the pig The man was absent for the day so he told his wife to go over and see whether the far mer buy back the pig The farmer said he wis interested and came over to take a look at the pig He wanted to know what the lady wanted for it Well said she' "we paid you $12 for it but we've had the use of it all summer which ought to be something Would $6 be too Phone 181 1 "I LOSING THE IGHT ON INLATION e' 25 YE ARS AGO (rom the files of the White County Democrat riday March 4 1921) Miss Helen McCauley who has been attending the Logansportbusiness College' has accepted a position with the Auto Sales Co An appropriation of $1050 was made by the city council for the support of the Monticello band Dr Henry Greist left Thursday by plane from Chicago' for rancisco At San rancisco fie will' visit Mr and Mrs James Ward and then go to El Centro to see his son David bursts as it is certain to do dollars will lx wagon wheels again The best advice nowadays is not to anything unless ft is worth at least 75 per cent of what the normal valuation wouldbe If meat is too high buy eggs If eggs are too high' then buy some other kind of protein food compete for scarcities get yourself in a position of being up in the balloon when it blows up LEVI REYNOLDS Levi Reynolds 86 a resident of White county 'most of his life' died Tuesday after being in fait ing health for some time He had made his home with his daughter Mrs auber and Mr au ber in East Chicago' for the past five years uneral services were held there Thursday morning followed by graveside services and burial at three in the afternoon in the family lot in the Monticello cemetery Rev Jasper Cox' Methodist minist conducted the service here Mr Reynolds was born in White county Nov 26 '1859 the son of Calvin and Georgianna Sill) Reynolds pioneer residents dis great uncle was the founder of the town of Reynolds Mr Reynolds spent his boyhood on a 3 irni) md his uucition from local schools and one year in Monmouthrollege In Novem ber 1914 he was elected trustee of Honey Creek township on the Democratic ticket He married Clara Burns Sufrviving are four children: Mrs Ruby auber of East Chi cago Claude Reynolds' of Monon Mrs Minnie Gibson of Brookston and Mrs Lulu Shultz of Misha waka and one brother Embree' Reynolds and one sister Mrs" Chas Gladden both of Monti cello The Miller uneral Home was in charge of local funeral arrange ments Published Weekly By 1 Virgil McClintic Lessee vvh 109 East Broadway Monticello Ina Phone' 1 While there is nothing less appreciated in this vale of tears than political leadership the Democratic party in White coulnty should be grateful to Claude Steininger rearing county chairman who has given generously of his time and ability to the organization during a period when the party was at ebb of a losing cycle and there was no hope of pat ronage reward or even of the satisfaction which comes with victory 'As chairman Mr Steininger always had an uphill battle replete 'with discouragements and disappointments and yet the records shqwl that the party in White county in re cent elections fared better in other rural counties in this section of the state Mir Burham the new chairman is a man of energy accustomed to public leadership with an abiding faith in' progressive political principles The Democrat is glad to welcome him as chairman and honored to be associat ed with him in the forthcoming campaign 225 North Main Street Monticello this summer William Saunders resigned as night policeman and Orville Rothrock was named to succeed him Harold Irelan former Burnettsville boy will manage the Kingsport Tenn club of the newly formed Appalachian' base ball league 4s? A The McCuaig House on Wash ington street operated by Mr and Mrs Marion Stoner for some time will be under the management of Mr and Mrs Wells of lorida Mr and Mrs Ray Cochran and family? former local residents are moving from Mexico Ind to Royal Center as asoon as they ran procure a house Miss Merle Ackerman has gone to Washington to visit her SATURDAY MARC! 2 1 946 In Our New Lc cation 1 19 South lain DALE SHELL Dale Shell a native of this community died riday night at ayetteville and the body was brought to Monticello Thurs day evening for funeral' services buriaL The funeral services will be conducted riday after noon aet 2 at the Prevo and Son uneral Home and bur ial will be in Riverview cemetery iMr Shell was bom in Montis cello the son of John and Mary (Ross) Shell and grew to man hood here He had been in the south for several years and op erated a carriival company Mr Shell visited here 'last fall' the first time in 20 years Surviving are the son John Shell local' business man two sis ters Mrs Elizabeth ox and Mrs Lizzie Halstead both of Gary two nephews Morris and Shell of Hobart several nieces and three grandchildren Upon receipt of his death his son went to ayette ville and accompanied the body here grandmother Mrs Strader and will there attend theinaug uration of Warren Harding Arthur Koestner son of Mr and 5 rank Koestner under went an appendix operation at: the St Elizabeth hospital Lafayette Miss Isabelle Clingan of Ennis kilten Ireland a niece of Mrs Jane McCuaig arrived to reside with Mrs McCuaig This is the first visit to this coun try and the first rime she met her aunt1! "7 1 The' republicans of the city had organized with Dorsett as eyi unfM Lemocral 83RD YEAR REVISED 'These are we have cnjo 1 in Monticello and to the increasing supply of photographic uipment and material I iterested in family goup and wedding portraits SAVE THE ROADS Unlike last year this has been a hard winter on gravel and macadam roads Secon dary roads especially those without adequate drainage and ample base cannot stand up un der heavy traffic during a prolonged period of freezing and thawing weather The county highway department is try ing to protect its roads Signs have been erected at various road intersections warning trucks to stay off the country highway The hard surfaced roads built by the county are economically constructed Without concrete base They serve the purpose very well and last a good many years if they are not sub jected to mistreatment They are not strong enough to withstand heavy traffic at this tim of year Protection of the highways depends' up on the cooperation of the pubhcTiiepeOple ought to be just as interestSdrin maintaining good roads as the responsible officials and sentiment should be solidly back of this' en forcement of the law at this time THIS WEEK Hundreds of White county basketball fans will be disappointed this week end as all tickets for the regional toufney at Logans port have been sold Scores of local people will be unable to procure them Assistant Supt Gillespie had or ders for 150 tickets Saturday night immedi ately after the final game was over Since then every place fie goes he has been besieged by ticket customers The first allotment was 750 tickets After Mr Gillespie saw that they were all sold he called Logansport for 200 more and had the promise they would be sent Later they telephoned that every school had asked for more tickets consequently they had to be rationed according to the IHSAA rule book At that Monticello rwas only assigned 736 but we already had 748 The sectional tournament here broke all records as far as crowds and receipts The total take was $3653 compared to last record receipts of $281950 There were 844 season tickets sold compared to 723 last year The single admissions totaled Each school will receive 4 for each ticket sold Another record was established! It ap peared that everyone was generally satisfied with the officiating The concession operated by the Band Parents Club did a thriving business Also the new water cooler at the east end of the corridor iwhich was installed prior to the tourney The cooler was a gift of the 1945 graduating class The Earl Wilsons of Logansport did not know for two years where their collie dog had gone and still but their pet is back home The dog disappeared early in 1944 A few days ago it returned with its toe nails worn off apparently from a long journey the lessons of experience What happens of course when thing get too high and that way for anj lengthy of time 'is that 'the 'people go on a buying strike That was what happened in 1921 when the reaction to1 the inflation set in The alternative is progressive inflation ofthe currency to the point where it takes a market basket full of money tObuy a loaf of 7 bread This is not likely to occur in America things possibL: one likes to let for you to set THE PIG STORY According to a story inZReaders Digest a Chicago couple came down to their cottage on the lake in the spring' prepared" to enjoy their summer vacation' Like a good many other people in these parts they encounter ed a problem in the disposal of their garbage At first they tried burying it and then they tried burning it but neither was very satis factory A visitor one day hearing of their difficulties suggested that they purchase a pig which the cottagers were surprised to hear was an animated consumer of garbage 4 Monticell 5 (JUST ONE DOOR NORTH OLD 1 OCATION) 'X i It begins to appear that the government in Spite of its best efforts' is not going to "be able to hold the line against the same sort of inflation which roqked the country at the conclusion of the first World War i The packers have already been granted higher prices for processing meat The cost of Irving is expected to rise io per cent within i ithe next few months The Association of Manufacturers is engaged in an advertising campaign to remove all price controls Retail ers shelves are becoming bare not so much because of scarcity of merchandise as because manufacturers and wholesalers are holding back goods in the hope of higher prices Locally Monticello residential property' is already as high if not higher than in 1920 I and far' beyond any reasonable level of norma! valuation' Land has not reached' the ant as tic heights of the 1920 inflation largely be if cause there has been little or no speculative activity but it is on the way to the clouds Anytme the age of 40 who buys $50 land at $150 an acre is hopeless He ir beyond SUBSCRIPTION RATES On Year SLOO EBsht Mentha Three Months In White Carroll Cass Benton Tippecanoe Jasper and Pulaski Counties Slsewhere $200 a Year Six Months $L10 Reader or Paid Local per word 3 Cards of Thanks Advertising Rates on Request riday March 1 1946 40 YEARS AGO rom the files of tbe Wbiie Democrat riday 1906) Mrs? Anna Spencer has position in sale trimming deartmen few weeks preparatory to ing her position'' at Mrs and daughters WOLCOTT Little Dyer is better at this writing The revival closed Sunday even ing 82 probations and letters RANKIN Adam Bender is going to run a huxter wagon this summer for Mrs? Rankin 'BUALO George Calvin bought some hogs of James Mason for his summer meat Sylvester Imler moved to the Monroe Han awalt place and Mr Hanawalt moved to near Burnettsville 119 S0UTH MONTICI Gamble Proj fc lillibn Studio 117 South Main Street MONTICELLO RICE Phone 392 The Aid 'will meet at the Headlee church on Thursday Mar 7 for an all day meeting There is work to be done Host ess will be Altai Davis lian Hask ins and Stella ry There will be a shower riday Mar 1 at the Headlee church for Mr and Mrs Dick reshour THE ARMER SHOWS THE WAY (Pulaski County Democrat A prosperous agriculture is essential to maintaining a high level of employment and A a prosperous nation The American arm Bu reau ederation declared in formal resolution recently "We have learned through bitter experience that we cannot have a prosperousagriculture without ah effijctive'i farm program to maintain a fair balance be tween farm prices industrial prices and wages Nothing new or startling about this? It is merely saying that prosperity' stems? from the land and that unless the fanner tbebas producer is enabled to produce at a pro fit the whole country suffers Industrial workers are striking all over the place Representatives of labor manage ment and government are xin X' attempts at settlement and the probability is that when a settlement is at it will ignore the basic producer who never strikes the farmer If repeats itself agree ments will be reached which will provide for increased wages of the' industrial xworkersand the farmer will continue to be taken care of through government subsidies? it about tirrie that ip proached realistically? About time that ser ious attention is paid to the foundation of rise economic structusre? About time that the prime producer is taken into consideration? And about tim that he is given first consid xT eration and not dragged in as an after thought The arm Bureau ederation iv ably to plans proposing unlimited production at ruinous pricesand 'declares that" 5 farmers are as much entitled to a fair price in the market plate as the industrial worker to a fair wage orindw for industrial goods PARK AV We are it oresenting this ity Words csj 'truly the peiJ cases and fold which compkf available as ir: Again ths king you for the patronage that has made these things possibly: 6 incite you to come in and look around every at pictures and we are constantly changing them Dr Sultry Products Including he famous Germozone Acidox Giz zard Caps les Vapo Spray and Tonax Come Am ouncing 1 I In line with newest and we are happy THE WHITE COUNTY DEMOCRAT MONTICELLO INDIANA RIDAY MARCH 1 1946 We also take this opportunity to Thank All Our Custc jners or Their Past Patron: re And We Extend: A Cordial Ii yitatiori To Come In And Inspect Our Nf jv Headquarters Westen A Auto Associate Store k'x Ajar iS5s 'x 41 I ff Vw el 2 I I "4 I 1 (fl fl 3 7 1 JI I 'I 1 fl much as $450 per doz fl fl I a I I I 1 I 1 iiiil 1 ns h1I ijMi in I i I ififl I tr 4 tair tmo I Bring whdwfcHes or cookies to 29 Palms to the benefit of her health Dr I who has been will be gone about two it six weeks for weeks 1 i.

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White County Times from Monticello, Indiana (2024)
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Author: Twana Towne Ret

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Views: 5981

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Author information

Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

Address: Apt. 990 97439 Corwin Motorway, Port Eliseoburgh, NM 99144-2618

Phone: +5958753152963

Job: National Specialist

Hobby: Kayaking, Photography, Skydiving, Embroidery, Leather crafting, Orienteering, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.