Twillingate Sun 1889 (2024)

Twillingate Sun 1889 (1)

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Twillingate Sun
May - June

May 4, 1889
Shoal Tickle It was hoped that when the initiatory steps were taken for the improvement of Shoal Tickle, the work would be found in a far more advanced state, than it is at present. A large sum has been expended in putting the wharves there, much larger we imagine, than would be paid for any private enterprise of the kind, and there the work remains. So far as it has gone, it is no improvement in enabling boats to pass through at low tide, but rather the contrary. It may not have been convenient, the past three years, for pushing the project to a speedy completion, but now that we are on the eve of a general election, we dare say that ways and means will be forthcoming, for carrying on the work. The most important part now, to be performed, is that of deepening the tickle..... Missionary Meeting The children of the Sunday Schools of the North Side and Crow Head, held their annual Missionary Meeting in the North Side Church on Friday evening, the 26th ult. A lengthy programmeâSunday Schools of the North Side and Crow Head, held their annual Missionary Meeting in the North Side Church on Friday evening, the 26th ult. A lengthy programme… was rendered….. Church was filled….. Appropriate addresses were given by the Rev. R.W. FREEMAN and Messrs. MINTY, ROBERTS, SCOTT and WHITE. ..... Miss PRESTON, one of our Church and SS organists, presided at the organ. Much is due to her for her labor of love in this essential part of the work of Christ..... Programme: Hymn # 25 Church Book. Prayer, Rev. R.W. FREEMAN. Opening address, Arthur YOUNG. Recitation, ""On Missions"" Stephen LOVERIDGE."Your, Your"" Harris WHITEHORN. Dialogue ""On Missions"" Minnie BARNES and Lydia NEWMAN. Address, Mr. J. MINTY. Recitations, Joseph FIFIELD, ""Work for Children"" Susan VATCHER. Dialogue, ""Second Coming of Christ"". Address, Mr. WHITE. Recitations, ""Martha's Dream"" Laura GAVIN, ""Cup of Cold Water"" Jesse ELLIOTT, ""Only Now and Then"" Arthur LOVERIDGE. Address, Rev. R.W. FREEMAN. Recitation, ""Begging Piece"" Edith MUDFORD. Collection. Address, Mr. G. ROBERTS. Recitation, ""Blessing of Song"" Belle LINDFIELD. Dialogue, Emily ELLIOTT. Recitation, Minnie ROBERTS. Address, Mr. W.J. SCOTT. Dialogue ""The Missionary"" J. YOUNG and Annie RIDEOUT. Recitation, ""Why didn't You Come Before?"" Minnie STUCKLESS. Recitation, ""Heaven"" Amelia MANUEL. Recitation, ""School Bellman"" A. YOUNG. ... Benediction. Entertainment Herring Neck On Easter Monday evening an entertainment was given under the auspices of the Herring Neck Young Men's Mutual Improvement Club, and several ladies and gentlemen.... addresses from Revs. CHAMBERLAIN and REX.... Programme: Instrument Solo, Miss CHAMBERLAIN. Reading, Mr. COLBOURNE. Song, Mrs. CHAMBERLAIN. Reading, Mr. Geo. HOLWELL. Song, Miss REDDICK. Dialogue, Messrs HOLWELL and Sidney BLANDFORD. Song, Mr. Herbert GABRIEL. Reading, Mr. Isaac MILES. Address, Mr. REX. Song, Miss CARTER. Recitation, Mr. Sidney BLANDFORD. Song, Miss Margaret CHAMBERLAIN. Dialogue, Messrs. J. MILES, A. CARDY, and A. BURTON. Recitation, Miss Lea MILES. Reading, Mr. Herbert GABRIEL. Song, Mr. Sidney BLANDFORD. Reading, Mr. David BLANDFORD. Trio, Messrs. LOCKYER, S. BLANDFORD, and H. GABRIEL. Dialogue, Messrs. J. TORRAVILLE & C. HOLWELL. Recitation, Mr. Thos. TULK. Reading, Mr. HOLWELL. Reading, Mr. LOCKYER. A vote of thanks to the ladies was proposed in a neat little speech by Mr. Isaac MILES, Vice President of the Club, and seconded by Mr. Sidney BLANDFORD, Secretary..... Votes of Thanks to the Chairman, Rev. Mr. CHAMBERLAIN .... and also to the Rev. Mr. REX... were proposed by Mr. LOCKYEAR and seconded by Mr. H. GABRIEL, Librarian of the Club.... Mrs. LOCKYER and Miss CHAMBERLAIN presided at the organ..... Small Pox The Small Pox epidemic in Harbor Grace and neighborhood, it is hoped is now over. There have been no fresh cases for some time, and the quarantine has been raised on all houses in Island Cove. Death The sad death of Rev. A.C.J. WARREN was referred to from the pulpits of all the Churches. A fund is being raised for the benefit of Mrs. WARREn Steamers Return The following steamers belonging to Messrs. J. MUNN & Co., have arrived from the icefields: Greenland, Capt. THOMEY with 11,500 young Harps, Vanguard, Capt. R. GOSSE, 20,000 old and young, and Iceland, Capt. WINSOR, 16,000. Banking Fleet Harbor Grace will send out a fleet of eleven Bankers this season. Carbonear sends out the following: Snowbird: Hon. John RORKE, Barbaroni, B.T.H. GOULD, Esq., Argonaut, W.H. Raymond, and Dart, Messrs. DUFF and BALMER, Orion and Dodd, Messrs. PENNY Bros., Pet and Mary Young, Messrs. TUCKER and CAMERON, Myrtle, Hon. M. MONROE. In accordance with the new Act, each member of the crew deposits fifty cents, which will go towards establishing a fund to aid the wives of men lost on the Banks. Endowment for Orphanage The Hon. C.R. AYRE, whose lamented death took place on the 14th inst, has left a good record behind. He was respected by all classes and creeds, and gave generously in the spirit of broad Catholicity, to all denominations. Almost his last act was the endowment of an orphanage, connected with the Methodist body. Shipping News The Schooner Harvest Home, Capt. GEARY, will start for Little Bay and Tilt Cove on the 23rd. Inst. [This and the preceding five items are in a column titled ""Items from Southern Correspondent"" GW.]" Lectures Two brilliant lectures have recently been delivered in St. Paul's Hall, Harbor Grace. Rev. G.J. BOND, B.A., lectured on Monday, April 1st, on ""Mind your Helm and Keep her Full!"" The proceeds devoted to Methodist Sabbath School. On Monday, the 8th. Inst., Rev. J. ROUSE, B.A., lectured on ""Oxford Notes"" in behalf of the WARREN Fund. $40. were realised. Shipping News The brigantine Shamrock, Capt. WESTCOTT, belonging to Hon. J. RORKE, arrived on Thursday last from Cadiz, with a cargo of salt, after a passage of 22 days. - Carbonear, April 15, 1889. Jottings from Bonavista (Part 1) We are enjoying Summer weather here, and have been for the past week or two. Indeed the winter, and all that has passed of Spring, have been exceedingly fine. There has been a little stir on our Mercantile premises of late, in the shape of fish making. Apart from this, business generally speaking, is dull. The much talked of breakwater, is still unfinished. The grant of $3000. being insufficient to complete the work. Another $1000. is needed to extend the undertaking to the first island, and to protect the works already built, from destruction. No blame can be ... Quite a number of large boats of substantial build and improved model, have been constructed here the past Winter. Our fishermen, finding that the punt fishing is not to be relied on in future, have shown their wisdom in thus providing means to pursue the finny tribe to their deep water resorts. We were not favoured with an opportunity of greasing our ropes the past season. In fact, the ""Northern jam"" did not come near enough to allow our people a tramp upon it, nor to make ""tail ropes"" a requisite. [This is a reference to sealing from land. GW.] Numbers of our young men have been to the ice in Northern steamers, the greater number being with our ""second to no man"" representative, Capt. A. KEAN, who has proved himself [eqyus?] to repute in the ""swiling"" line, the past Spring. Jottings from Bonavista (Part 2) A few others were in the Neptune, and all were more or less successful. Fresh Herring, the principal luxury of an outharbor Spring, where the ""flipper"" is denied, as in our case this Spring, have been quite plentiful in our local markets the last few weeks. Capt. DRAKE, of Catalina, arrived from the Metropolis on the 13th inst., with a general cargo to our Merchants, and is loading again with fish for the Capital. Some of our enterprising planters, who as a rule, are always ready to ""catch the first Cod that wags its tail,"" have embarked for St. John's, in their new boats, for summer supplies. Others will follow suit soon. Several cargoes of lumber from the Bay, have been landed here the past few days, and have met a ready sale. Firewood is now offered for sale at a reasonable figure. A new schooner, to be called the Bonavista, will shortly be launched at Hant's Harbor, Trinity Bay. She has been built for the enterprising firm of BAINE JOHNSON & Co., and is to take the place of the Thrasher as coaster for the Bonavista trade, and will be commanded by Capt. Thomas BURGE of this town. Agriculturists are astir betimes this season. Already preparations are being made for the reception of the seeds... A few cod have been taken in nets in the vicinity of Cape John. They are said to be good fish and of the right kind. Jottings from Bonavista (Part 3) Quite a remarkable metamorphosis has taken place in the interior of several of our business places, as well as residences, of not a few of our upper ten, during the past Winter and Spring. These changes which beautifully harmonise with nature, just now have been effected by the artistic skill of Mr. O'GRADY, a first class painter, grainer, guilder, &c, from Prince Edwards Island. This professional gentleman came here from King's Cove about a year ago, where he was employed by the Rev. Father VEITCH, in beautifying the inside of the magnificent Chapel of that place, as well as other Churches in the same Parish. He also embellished the Orange Hall at Keels. After finishing the Chapel here, last Spring, he proceeded to Catalina, and gave the finishing touch to the splendid edifice of that settlement. We understand that Mr. O'GRADY intends visiting Twillingate, sometime during May, and will stay the Summer, should the business outlook in his line, warrant such a procedure. We bespeak for Mr. O'GRADY a good share of public patronage, when his work is seen, and prices known. Nowhere in the country have we seen his graining, flowering and guilding excelled. Caulking, hammering, and chopping, consequent on getting ready of boats for the summer's voyage, have commenced in earnest. The beach portion of the place, is quite a scene of activity, and has been for the past week. - Bonavista, April 27, 1889. Fishery We learn by the Volunteer that a few fish have been taken at King's Cove lately Sealing The Blooming Queen, John PRIDE master, Back Harbor, arrived on Thursday with about 500 seals. The Eagle, Capt. JACKMAN, arrived at St. John's from the icefields on Sunday last, with 5500 seals, this being her first trip. Telegraphy The telegraph line has been disconnected the last few days, shutting off all communication between this and St. John's. Schooners Two fine schooners were launched in Morton's Harbour the past week. Two or three well built vessels have also been launched at Exploits of late Shipping News The Jewel returned from St. John's last Saturday night, making the trip in less than a fortnight. She brought a considerable quantity of freight for Messrs. FRENCH & BAIRD. Passengers The Costal Steamer Volunteer, Capt. DELANEY, is performing the Northern work this trip, and arrived on Wednesday evening, bringing quite a large mail. She had a good many passengers and a considerable quantity of freight for various ports on leaving St. John's. After the usual detention, she left for the other Ports North, and proceeds as far as Griquet, and is expected back tomorrow or early next day. Capt. DELANEY has the reputation of being an energetic and enterprising Commander, which he thoroughly sustains in charge of this new ship, while the Officers appear to be most attentive and obliging. Passengers: Baie De Verde - Mrs HAYDEN and Miss MOORE. Catalina - Master DRAKE, and Mr. CORNICK. Greenspond - Mr. and Mrs. HADDON, Mrs TREADWELL. Seldom Come By - Mr. DUDER and wife, Master DUDER, Miss DUDER, two servants and Mr. GRIBBLE. Fogo - Mr. CROUCHER. Twillingate - Miss Susan PEYTON. Ten more in Saloon for ports North. Train Derailment The Grand Trunk train jumped off the track near Hamilton, Ontario, and struck an oil tank. A fire was caused by the collision which burned eighteen passengers. Thirty one in all were killed and fourty injured, mostly Michilan Militia men, bound to New York Centennial Celebrations. - Halifax, April 29. Details of the Grand Trunk tragedy, Hamilton, are horrible. Seven cars were burnt, fifteen in the smoking car were charred beyond recognition. - Halifax April 30. Advertisem*nt ""Afternoon Tea." Said Mrs. G. to Mrs. D. (Twas o'er a cup of fine Bobca): ""Our pretty hostess yonder, Has gained in looks surprisingly. She seems as well as well can be! What is the cause I wonder?"" Said Mrs. D. to Mrs G., ""She's changed indeed! But then you see, She put aside objection, And tried that famous remedy, Which did so much for you and me, - PIERCE's Favourite Prescription." For biliousness, sick headache, indigestion, and constipation, there is no remedy equal to Dr. PIERCE's Little Pellets!" Advertisem*nt Advise To Mothers. Are you disturbed at night, and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of cutting teeth? If so, send at once, and get a bottle of Mrs. WINSLOW's Soothing Syrup for Children Teething. Its value is incalculable. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately! Depend upon it mothers, there is no mistake about it! It cures dysentery, and diarrhoea, regulates the stomach and bowels, cures wind colic, softens the gums, reduces inflammation, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. Mrs. WINSLOW's Soothing Syrup For Children Teething, is pleasant to the taste, and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female nurses and physicians in the United States, and is for sale by all Druggists throughout the world. Price 25 cents a bottle.
May 11, 1889
Death - CONDON & DICKs Two well known and highly respected citizens of St. John's, passed away during last night. Viz, Daniel CONDON and George DICKS. Mr. CONDON had been ailing for sometime, and though very little hope of his recovery was entertained by his Physician, his friends did not give up hope till the last hour arrived this morning. Mr. CONDON was still a young man, being only fourty eight years old. He was a native of Aquafort, Southern Shore, but came to St. John's when quite a lad. He entered the employ of the late Mitchell KEARNEY, the well known shipbuilders of the City. The most difficult tasks in ship repairing, raising of ships, &c., were done under the supervision of Mr. CONDON, and nothing seemed to daunt him from attacking the most difficult jobs in which he always came out successful. He invested in vessels, to a large extent, and one time, owned the brigantine, Prince Lee Boo, the steamers Plover, and Hercules. He some time ago, sold out his interest in the two former, but he retained a share in the latter up to the time he died. The deceased was a good citizen and a kind parent, and leaves a widow, two sons and four daughters to mourn their loss. Daily Colonist, April 25. Shipping News The steamer Volunteer, bound for the South, came into port on Sunday evening and several passengers from here left by her, and quite a number from other places North. Lodge Meeting There will be a meeting of the Royal Scarlet Order, Edward 7, Chap. No. 3, on Tuesday next, the 11th inst., when all members are requested to attend the same. - By order of the W.M. Death - BARNEs The Mary Parker arrived from St. John's on Wednesday morning, with freight for the firm of E. DUDER. We learn that the mate of the Mary Parker, whose name was Arthur Barnes, met an untimely death by drowning. As the vessel was leaving St. John's Narrows, he fell overboard. We have not heard any farther particulars. Speaker - House of Assembly The Daily Colonist of the 24th ult., says: - The speaker has resumed his position in the House, and looks comparatively well, after his recent throat attack. In connection with the Hon. Gentleman, it is stated that he will shortly take his position as Chief Clerk of the Court House, and will consequently, retire from active Politics. It is said that Mr. Donald M. BROWNING, who had some intention of standing for the West End, will now instead, contest Baie De Verde District next Fall. Seal Fight An interesting spectacle was witnessed, says the Sydney Herald, by a large number on shore last week. Two seals were seen off in the harbor, engaged in mortal combat. The fight was a long and bitter one, lasting nearly two hours, and the sea was lashed into foam by the combatants. Some parties from the shore, attempted to shoot them, and fired several shots, which put an end to the battle. Advertisem*nt Dainty little globules, Fine and white and sweet, Easy to be swallowed, In their work, complete. No discomfort waking - Inner gripes or aching. What are they? Why PIERCE's Pleasant Purgative Pellets, - The perfection of laxatives. Contain not an atom of mineral poison, are especially appreciated by those whose taste revolts from the coarse, violent pills, which tear their way through the system like steam cars, actually doing harm instead of good. Of Druggists. Dr. PIERCE's Favourite Prescription cures ""female weakness"" and kindred ailments. Married On the 20th ult., at Christ's Church, Tilt Cove, by the Rev. A. PITTMAN, Mr. George H, son of John FURNEAUX, Esq., late Collector of Customs, Rose Blanche, to Mary Jane, (Janie), fourth daughter of Josiah COLBOURNE, Esq., J.P., Twillingate. Death - CANTWELl At Tizzard's Harbor, on the 26th ult., Mr. John CANTWELL, aged 86 years. Death - CONDOn At St. John's on the 25th ult., after a short illness, Daniel CONDON, shipwright, aged 48 years. Deceased was a native of Aquaforte.
May 18, 1889
Shipping News The Ocean Traveller returned from St. John's on Tuesday morning and left the same day for Nipper's Harbor Fish Reports A few fish were caught in the Arm the early part of the week and a few at Crow Head, but on the whole, there has not been much sign so far. Diphtheria Diphtheria is said to be still very prevalent in St. John's, and of a most epidemic type. Many children are being fatally affected, and disease is not confined to the young, as persons of more advanced years have also been visited with the disease. Passengers W. WATERMAN Esq., accompanied by his wife, arrived here per conscript. We welcome them to our shores and trust that their visit will be an enjoyable one. W. LETHBRIDGE, Esq., J.P., who has been in England the past winter, also returned same steamer. Entertainment We learn that a highly interesting Service of Song, illustrated by a superior Magic Lantern, and supplemented by Sacred Anthems, is in the course of preparation, and will be rendered in connection with the visit to Twillingate of Rev. W.T.D. DUNN, of Wesleyville. It is only necessary to say that the twelve selections of songs, &c., are to be performed by a select choir, under the able leadership of Mr. DAVIS, whose reputation as a leader is already established in our town. Particulars will be given later on. The Conscript The Coastal Steamer Conscript, Capt. WALSH, with mails and passengers, arrived between one and two o'clock on Wednesday morning. This was the Conscript's first visit for the season, and we were proud to welcome the Captain and Officers once more, after an interval of a few months. The ship did her work well, while engaged in the mail service the past winter, between St. John's and Halifax, and has made a first rate commencement of this season's work, by making a quick run as far as this, as was ever made by her pre-decessor, when we consider the additional Ports of call that have been made to the Northern Service. We trust that success will follow her to the end. Herring Neck Band of Hope A public Band of Hope Meeting was held in the Methodist Schoolroom, Herring Neck, on Tuesday evening last, 14th inst... Programme: Sankey's Hymn # 199. Prayer. Recitation, ""Jack's Hard Lump"" by D. MILES. Solo, ""The Crowning Day"" L. BUTT. Recitations, ""A Public House"" J. MURCELL, ""The Teetotal Story"" M. MILES. Sankey #179. Recitations, ""Poor Joe"" Lucy WARREN, ""The Little Shoes"" L. ALLEN. Sankey # 292. Recitations, ""Out of the Tavern"" L. FELTHAN, ""Teetotal Car"" Lucy WARREN. Singing, ""Little Mary"" L. and L. ALLEN. Recitations, ""Flowers"" E. CASTLE, ditto, E. KING, ""The Drunkard's House over the Way"" B. TAYLOR. Singing, ""Be Kind to Thy Father"" M. MURCELL and L. WARREN. Reading, ""A Bargain With the Tramp"" L. HICKMAN. Recitations, ""An Apple on the Tree"" E. WARREN, ""Thomas Brown"" D. MILES, ""An Old Topic"" L. ALLEN. Sankey # 303. Address, Rev. W. REX. Chorus, ""Dare to do Right"". Benediction. House of Assembly After a long debate, a division was taken in the House of Assembly at three o' clock this morning, on the Railway resolutions which were carried by twenty - six to six. For the resolution: Hons. THORBURN, WINTER, DONNELLY, GOODRIDGE, PENNY and Messrs. Mc KAY, KNIGHT, GODDEN, CARTY, VEITCH, LeMESSIEUR, MARCH, KEAN, ROLLS, SCOTT, MORRIS, O'MARA, CALLAHAN, SHEA, MORRIS, McGRATH, EMERSON, MORINE, and McNEILY. Against them: Messrs. WATSON, GRIEVE, PETERS, DAWE, BOND, AND MURPHY. Married On the 13th inst., at the Methodist Parsonage, Moreton's Harbor, by the Rev. Jesse HEYFIELD, Miss Charlotte BARNES of Moreton's Harbor to Mr. David LOCKE of Tizzard's Harbor. Death At Burt Bay, [Possibly a misprint and maybe should be ""Burnt Bay"".] on the 2nd May, Mr. James WOOLFREY aged 50 years. Asleep in Jesus."Hear what the voice from Heaven proclaims for all the pious dead, Sweet is the Saviour of their names, and soft their dying bed."" Insurance Fraud It is not infrequent that instances come under observation of fraudulence connected with the loss of shipping, whereby underwriters are swindled out of the value for which vessels have been insured, but one of a more bare faced character has seldom if ever, been brought to our notice, than that of the ""Queen"" which became a wreck at Kettle Cove last Fall. It will be remembered that this schooner went ashore in that locality, on returning to St. John's, from White Bay, with fish, herring, &c. The vessel and cargo were surveyed, condemned, and sold, the former being bought for $160 or $170 by Messrs. FRENCH & BAIRD. She was taken to Tizzard's Harbor for the winter and not long since, repairs were effected on her. When being overhauled, it was found that very little damage indeed, had been sustained, and that the vessel's bottom was in a comparatively good condition. But it was discovered that underneath the cabin floor, was a two inch augur hole, which evidently, had been put there for the purpose of letting in the water, but which was plugged up, when lately found by the carpenters who repaired the schooner, Messrs. Thomas YOUNG and Mark BRETT, who are our authority for the statement we have made regarding the dishonest and most condemnable mode of scuttling vessels and defrauding insurance schemes. There is great blame somewhere for such reprehensible conduct, which is too frequently practised throughout the Colony, and no terms can be too strong in which to denounce this kind of fraud. Homes for Ministers Bonavista District Meeting. Homes for Ministers expected to attend. Minister: Rev. Hy. ABRAHAM, Home: Mr. THOMPSON. Rev. Geo. BULLEN, R.D. HODGE, Esq., J.P. Rev. F.R. DUFFILL, Parsonage. Rev. W.T.D. DUNN, Mr. W.J. SCOTT. Rev. Geo. FRAZER, Mr. Andrew LINDFIELD. Rev. H.C. HATCHER, Mr. Alfred LINDFIELD. Rev. J.B. HEAL, Mr. G.G. WILLIAMS. Rev. Jesse HEYFIELD, Mr. C.D. MAYNE. Rev. H. HOOPER, R.D. HODGE, Esq., J.P. Rev. S. JENNINGS, Mr. Reuben BLACKMORE. Rev. James LUMSDEN, Mr. J.N. PERCY. Rev. A. McAUSLAND, Mr. John DAVIS. Rev. James NURSE, Parsonage. Rev. John E. PETERS, Mr. Andrew ROBERTS. Rev. Wm. REX, Mr. C.D. MAYNE. Rev. A.C. SHINNER, Mr. J.N. PERCY. Rev. A.C. STONEY, Mr. Geo. GILLETT. Rev. W.R. TRATT, Mr. Thomas LINFIELD. Crow Head Day School (Part 1) On Thursday evening last, a very interesting entertainment was given in Crow Head Schoolhouse in connection with the day school of that place.... efforts of the teacher, Miss M. ROBERTS, are not without salutary results... pupils have made considerable advancement under Miss ROBERTS' tuition..... Programme: Singing, ""Saviour Like a Sheppard"". Prayer, Rev. W. HARRIS. Address, Chairman. Opening Address, Frederick ELLIOTT. Recitation, Jessie ELLIOTT. Singing, ""Marching along"", Children. Recitations, ""Little Nan"", Susan VATCHER, ""The Young Orators"". Solo, ""Little Mary"". Recitations, ""A Boy of the Olden Time"", Frederick ROBERTS, ""Little Chatterbox"", Louisa CHIPMAN. Dialogue, ""The Choice"". Singing, ""Rise to Seek the Light"", children. Recitations, ""Keep Nothing From Mother"", Emily ELLIOTT, ""Be Polite"", Mary ELLIOTT, ""W"", Edith MUGFORd Crow Head Day School (Part 2) Singing, ""Lead me to Jesus"". Recitations, ""The New Bonnett"", Janet HAMILTON, ""Going on Learning"", William PRIDE. Singing, ""When the Mists Have Rolled Away"". Address, Rev. Mr. STONEY. Recitation, ""Only Now and Then"", Susan MAY. Dialogue, ""Art Critic"". Recitation, ""Where do you Live?"" Samuel ELLIOTT. Singing, ""The Ship in a Storm"", children. Recitations, Miss Lucy ROBERTS, ""Now I Lay me Down to Sleep"", Lilla ELLIOTT. Solo, ""My Mother's Prayer"", Miss M. ROBERTS. Recitation, ""The Squirrel's Lesson"", Robert PRIOR. Reading, ""The Wife's Gentle Reproof"", Miss H. PRESTON. Recitation, ""At School"", Bessie MILLEY, ""I Can't and I'll Try"", Martin HAMILTON. Singing, ""I Would if I Could"". Recitation, ""Our Boys"", Samuel SHARP. Address, Rev. Mr. HARRIS. Recitation, ""Boys May Whistle"", Samuel ELLIOTT. Singing, ""Love one Another"", Children. Collection. Doxology... The Panning of Seals To all who are interested in the preservation and protection of the seal fishery in the districts of Twillingate, Fogo, and St. Barbe. Certain Lodges of the Order of United Fishermen address this appeal to you, our Brethren… The past Spring has shown us clearly how completely it is possible for our interests to be set at naught and our chances ruined by the intrusion of a fleet of steamers.... and especially by their system of panning seals. ..... We do not wish, in any selfish manner, to prevent Southern men from reaping a portion of the great Spring harvest. But we protest against the unfairness.... We hold it to be a crime for any sealing Captain to slaughter, pan, and leave, thousands of seals, because they are not enough to satisfy him, and so to press on for more..... and, above all, we reprobate seal killing on the LORD'S DAY, whatever the consequence of the loss may be. We remind you... that a General Election is at hand.... that Sunday killing of seals and seal panning be utterly abolished in this Colony for ever..... Yours in good fellowship, Lodges No. 12 and 16, S.U.F. The Seal Fishery (Part 1) By the Patriotic Club: Dear Sir: In former letters we drew attention to the loss sustained by our shoremen, and we pointed out the great evil caused by the wholesale destruction of the young seals¦. Captain DAWE is reported to have stated in the House during the last session, that it would be just as well for steamers to remain in port, if the privilege of panning was prohibited... We can hardly think the gallant Captain was serious in making such an assertion, and we think he must have been taking what is vulgarly called a ""rise"" out of the other members, who perhaps knew no better. ... He is reported as saying "".... When a steamer strikes the seals, if the Captain is compelled to take the seals that are killed, immediately on board, the cargo is ruined, for the seals still retaining their natural heat, will, after eight or ten days in the hold, be reduced to a mass of blubber and oil." It is truly amazing how Captain DAWE could have made such a ridiculous statement..... Every person taking seals in the month of March knows well, how long it will take them to cool off. We have often been ""sculping"" or ""flaying"" seals, and by the time we have got a ""tow"" sculped or scalped, they have frozen The Seal Fishery (Part 2) We admit it is not always cold enough to freeze seals so quickly, but any number can and have been, repeatedly taken on board the same day they were killed, without being transformed into ""blubber or oil"". ... the following extract from Captain KANE's diary of this very year, 1889: ""March 12, Panned 10, 030. took all aboard by 10 pm. March 13, Panned 10,000, took all on board by 10 pm. March 14, Panning and hauling on board. March 15, Panned 10,000. Stowing seals away. March 16, Panned 5000. Stowed 4700. March 17, Being the Sabbath, no work doing, except taking up pans of seals. March 18, Panned and took on board 3000 seals. March 19, Total number stowed 27,000." Here it is acknowledged that 36,000 were panned and only 27,000 stowed on board. What becomes of the 9000? besides those that were killed and panned on Thursday, 14th, by ""a good evening's work." Butchery, Inhumanity, and Greed! This is only one report which as we have stated, is taken from Captain KEAN's diary..... They kill, pan and haul aboard, and yet they leave over one fourth of all that has been slaughtered or butchered. There may, or there may not be, some few of them picked up by shoremen, but Capt. KEAN and the other Captains do not care one straw whether they are or not, so long as they have got their steamer filled up. Let us go back to the 17th of March and note the entry for that day, Sunday. - ""Being the Sabbath, no work doing, except taking up pans of seals." If the foul fiend ever had a jolly good hearty laugh, we think he must then have broken out in a loud roar of laughter, when Capt. KEAN wrote these few lines, ""except taking up pans of seals." - Oh Abraham! Abraham! For Shame, We must stop! (To be Continued).
May 25, 1889
The Seal Fishery Continued All was done in seven days, and now sir, what can be said of Capt. DAWE's assertion that it requires seven or eight days ""cooling down,"" before they can be put on board? Here was a voyage completed, from the day of leaving port till the return loaded, only occupying ten days altogether! It may not be very polite to say so, but we call it nothing but a bare faced, deliberate falsehood, and the man who uttered it is totally unfit to fill the position of a representative in the House of Assembly. It is a saddening thing, to see a man like Capt. DAWE, so swayed by self-interest, stand up in that House, and make statements, which he must have known were absolutely untrue..... We had an intention of referring more pointedly to the desecration of the Sabbath, as practised on the icefields, but our time and space will not now allow..... We have pointed out first the cruelty practised by many in the killing of the immature seals. Second, the unfair act of panning. Third, the loss to the men in not waiting till the seals grow... Fourth, the desecration of the Day of Rest, the one day in seven which all should keep sacred. ... And now, we propose as a remedy... 1st. That no steamer should be allowed to leave port until the 17th day of March. 2nd, That panning of seals should not be allowed under any pretence. 3rd., That a Law be passed strictly enforcing the observation of the Sabbath Day, as a day of rest by all the crew, and 4th., That no seals should be taken on board after the 20th day of April. No second trips to be allowed to any steamers, and we would strongly recommend to the crews that they should insist on having half the voyage, as in sailing vessels. ... Thanking you sincerely, Mr. Editor.... The Patriotic Club of Twillingate. Letter from Fortune Harbor Mr. Editor: Probably rumours have reached nearly every locality in the district, of the indiscriminate slaughter of seals the past month, so much so indeed, that at present they are as scarce as they would be in mid summer, in consequence of total destruction of both old and immature. Some of the panned seals were found at Ward's Harbor, and some were taken from a pan by people from here, and I heard that another pan of 300 seals was found by a vessel from Twillingate...... The general opinion is... if next Spring proves as favorable for the steamers as the present, we may fairly bid adieu to the seal fishery.... I now appeal to the people of the whole district..... We are on the eve of a general election... I cannot find a more appropriate term to apply to actions of steamer's crews, than ""legalised robbery,"" but, the present Spring capped the climax by killing and panning seals within a stone's throw of some of our schooners, the religious scruples of whose masters and crews, prevented them from violating the Sabbath. If that is not robbery, it resembles it very much!..... I remain, yours truly, Richard M. HAMILTON. Queen's Birthday Yesterday being the 24th of May, quite a display of bunting was visible in various parts of the town, in honor of the Queen's Birthday. Her Majesty has now attained her 70th year, and in a short time longer, will have completed the 52nd year of her reign. Fishery Salmon have been very scarce up to now, only a few having been caught around here so far. There has been a poor sign of Codfish in our neighbourhood up to the present. On Thursday morning, a few were jigged by Crow Head men, but in many other places, scarcely any were to be caught at all. It is reported to us that squids have been caught within a short distance from here. It seems most remarkable that this bait fish should be on the grounds so early in the season, nevertheless, it is true! Already Caplin are said to have made their appearance in our waters, some having been caught in traps that were set for Codfish. This seems early in the season for them to come to our shore, but doubtless, the early removal of ice from our waters, and advanced condition of the weather, have operated in their favor, and brought them along sooner than other seasons. It is to be regretted, however, that their appearance is marked by such an absence of Codfish in the water surrounding our shores. Shipping News The Mary Parker returned from St. John's on Thursday morning, making the round trip within a week. The Jewel also arrived from St. John's on Tuesday morning. The steamer Swallow, owned by Messrs OWEN & EARLE, came from Change Islands yesterday. This is the first trip that this little steamer has made here since being the property of its present owners. No doubt this mode of rapid intercourse between the different branch establishments, must prove a great convenience to the trade, and we must congratulate this old and well known firm on their new departure in thus keeping pace with the times. Advertisem*nt For sale, the Three Brothers, a small craft about 15 tons, with all her gear. She is well built and will be sold cheap. For particulars apply to John GUAGE, Durrell's Arm. Advertisem*nt A sale of work will take place in the Fall, for the purpose of defraying the cost of renovating and furnishing the Methodist Parsonage. Contributions of money, plain or fancy articles, will be thankfully received by the following ladies who form the Committee: Mrs. Andrew LINDFIELD, Mrs. W.J. SCOTT, Miss Mary ROBERTS, Miss HUDDER, Miss Louisa LINFIELD, Miss L. LINFIELD, Mrs. R.W. FREEMAN, President. Death At St. John's on the 18th. Inst., on his way home from British Columbia, William LINFIELD, aged 24 years. The remains of the deceased were brought to Twillingate and were interred yesterday in the South Side graveyard. The Funeral Sermon will be preached tomorrow evening in the South Side Church, by the Rev. R.W. FREEMAN, the Service to commence at 6:20. Death At St. John's on the 6th. Inst., William GILL, Esq., aged 82 years. Death At St. John's on the 9th. Inst., Edith Mary, beloved daughter of Robert and Bella MARE, aged 5 years. Death At Loon Bay, on the 10th inst., Mr. John RICE, aged 79 years, a resident of Little Harbor. Dorcas Society (Part 1) The ladies of the Dorcas Society of Twillingate, in submitting their account for the past year, desire to thank those who have so kindly assisted them in many ways by means of liberal donations, voluntary labor, and careful investigation, into the condition and requirements of the most needy, which they feel has been attended with a marked share of success. To all who have felt and manifested a deep sympathy in this good work, none deserves their thanks more than the Government, who, when appealed to, responded nobly and promptly. To the editor of the Twillingate Sun for his kindness on all occasions in publishing their report, and aiding them in many ways, they would beg to convey their sincere thanks. R. STERLING, Secretary. Clothing distributed by Twillingate Dorcas Society for 1889: Mrs. Wm. TIZZARD, 13 articles, $3.60, Mrs. Wm. KING, 6 articles, $2.10, Mrs. Reuben JENKINS, 7 articles, $2.45, Mrs. James BARNES, 8 articles, $3.05, Mrs John ROGERS, 5 articles, $1.27, Mrs. E. SEELEY, 3 articles, $1.20, Mrs. John REED, 5 articles, $1.50, Mrs. Josiah BOURDEN, 7articles, $1.95, Mrs. LEWIS, (Widow), 3 articles, $.95, Mrs G. HILLIARD, 6 articles, $1.90, Mrs. J. HYNES, 6 articles, $1.60, Mrs. Wm VINAM, 6 articles, $1.95, Mrs. Frederick HILLIARD, 4 articles, $1.10, Mary BAGGS, 4 articles, $1.00, Mary TULK, 2 articles, $.65, Mrs. PRIDO (Widow), 1 article, $.90, Mrs. MAY, (Widow), 1 article, $.80, Mrs GLEESON, 8 articles, $3.05, Susan TIZZARD, 2 articles, $.75, Mrs JENKINS, (Widow), 1 article, $.90," Dorcas Society (Part 2) Priscilla ANDREWS, 3 articles, $1.25, Mrs. DOWLING, (Widow), 2 articles, $1.30, Mrs. J. TROKE, 6 articles, $2.10, Mrs. J. VINAM, 3 articles, $1.55, Mrs. W. MOYLE, 5 articles, $1.25, Mrs. E. PECKHAM, 3 articles, $1.00, Mrs. Robert DALLEY, 4 articles, $1.65, Mrs. Reuben SPENCER, 8 articles, $2.55, Mrs. BARNES, (Widow) 1 article, $.60, Mrs. SHEPPARD, (Widow), 2 articles, $1.05, Mrs. HILLIARD, (Widow), 1 article, $.55, Mrs. PRICE, (Widow), 1 article, $.65, Mrs. SIMMS, (Widow), 1 article, $.95, Mrs. J. FROUD, 3 articles, $1.15, Jeffry TIZZARD, 1 article, $.55, Mrs. J. BARNES, 3 articles, $1.30, Rebecca BARNES, (Orphan), 3 articles, $1.25, Mrs BURT, (Widow), 2 articles, $.65, Rebecca SMITH, 2 articles, $.70, Anna MITCHELL, (Orphan), 2 articles, $.70, Henry GREENHAM Sr., 3 articles, $1.80, Mrs FLYNN, (Widow), 1 article, $1.10, Mrs Wm STOCKLEY, 3 articles, $1.75, Mrs. Wm. BURTON, 6 articles, $2.65, Mrs Joseph CHINN, 6 articles, $2.65, Mrs Dinah WEIR, (Widow), 2 articles, $.75, Mrs Robert SAMPSON, 5 articles, $1.40, Mrs VATCHER, (Widow), 5 articles, $1.85, Mrs Jos. FROUD, 7 articles, $1.50, Mrs. Robert HAYDEN, 7 articles, $2.27, Mrs. Jos. STOCKLEY, 8 articles, $2.45, Mrs. SAUNDERS, 2 articles, $1.20, Mrs. Thomas GOSS, 3 articles, $1.80, Mrs. BOURDON, (Widow), 2 articles, $.75, Mrs. J. HANN, 5 articles, $1.25, Mrs [Fred?] JENKINS, 7 articles, $2.15," Dorcas Society (Part 3) Henry GREENHAM, 4 articles, $1.35, Thomas Burg[e?], 1 article, $.72, Mrs. WELLS, (Widow), 2 articles, $1.10, Mrs. COLBOURNE (Saumel) [this is exactly as written, maybe Samuel?], 1 article, $1.05, George WALKER, 2 articles, $1.05, Mrs. Charles GILLARD, 6 articles, $2.35, Mrs. James SHARP, 3 articles, $1.40, George LAMBERT, 6 articles, $2. 80, Mrs Samuel HARNEY, 7 articles, $2.55, Mrs. SCOTT, (Widow), 4 articles, $2.04, Mrs. Wm. YOUNG, 9 articles, $3.75, Mrs. C. WYATT, (Widow), 2 articles, $1.30, Robert BRIDGER Jr. (in reserve), 2 articles, $1.30, Mrs. HULL, (Widow), 1 article, $1.16, Mrs. G. BURT, 5 articles, $2.27, James BROMLEY, 5 articles, $1.95, Mrs. SPENCER Jr., (Widow), 2 articles, $1.55, Mrs. SPENCER Sr., (Widow), 2 articles, $.90, Mrs JEANES, (Widow), 2 articles, $1.00, Robert BRIDGER Sr., 2 articles, $.60, Edward WITFIELD, 2 articles, $.70, Mrs FROUD, (Widow), 3 articles, $1.20, Mrs SERGEANT, 2 articles, $.70, Mrs. T. BLAKE, 10 articles, $2.65, John STUCKLESS, 1 article, $.50, John OXFORD, 3 articles, $1.35, Mrs. HAYDEN, (Widow), 2 articles, $.95, S. WARR, (horse hire, F. Bay), 2 articles, $1.00. Total $123.07. Goods on Hand $12.45. Balance on hand, $7.68. Grand Total $143.20. Eighty four persons received clothing during the winter. Dorcas Society (Part 4) Donations received by the Twillingate Dorcas Society for 1889. Balance on Hand, April7, 1888, $.28. A Friend, $1. Rev. J.C. GEDDES, $2. Judge P. LITTLE, $4. A.O. HAYWARD, $1. G. EMERSON, $1. Donald BROWNING, $1. W.H. HORWOOD, $1. George J. ADAMS, $1. Net proceeds of Concert, $19.82. Total, $32.10. J.B. TOBIN, $10. R.D. HODGE, $4. J. BYRNE, $4. C. MAYNE, $4. Collected by Miss MAYNE, $5. Rev. J.C. GEDDES, $4. A.G. SMITH, St. John's, $2. Wm. BAIRD, $2. Thomas FORD, $2. Richard NEWMAN, $2. Wm. WATERMAN, Jr., $2. A. GREY, $1.50. W.J. SCOTT, $1.50. Rev. R.W. FREEMAN, $1. Rev. W. HARRIS, $1. John DAVIS, $1. A. FINDLATER, $1. J.N. PERCY, $1. Andrew LINFIELD, $1. G. BLANDFORD, $1. W. HITCHco*ck, $1. C.J. LETHBRIDGE, $1. George ROBERTS, $1. William BLACKLER, $1. H.H. HAWKINS, $1. James HODDER $.60, John HODDER, $.60, J. AITKEN, $.50, Wm. HUGHES, $.50, Fred'k LINFIELD, $.50, Mrs. J. NURSE, $.50, H.J. PRESTON, $.40, Wm. WELLS, $.50, A.C. HYNES, $.20, A Friend $.20, Government Grant, $50.00. Total $143.20"
June 1, 1889
The Newfoundland Dispute In the House of Commons to-night Sir JAS. FERGUSON, under foreign secretary, replying to a question on behalf of the Government, said, Her Majesty's Government will support British subjects in the lobster fishery on the French Shore of Newfoundland, provided they do not interfere with French treaty rights. The position of British and French fishery rights in Newfoundland is not free from difficulties. Hitherto, it has been generally prevented from becoming acute by prudence of the Government and the officers concerned, and he hoped a like success would attend their procedings in the future. Coastal Steamer & Sunday Work (Part 1) In the past, there has been a great deal of dissatisfaction as to the movements of the coastal steamer on the Northern route, as a result of not always leaving St. John's on the regular day for sailing. This can hardly be otherwise, when the time for starting is dependent on the arrival of the English mail, an instance of which we have already had this season, when the last trip, the Conscript was detained a day and a half awaiting its arrival, and then left without it; and this may not infrequently happen throughout the season, and especially in the Fall, when it is reasonable to expect that the Allan steamers, will sometimes make longer passages than usual, if encountering rough weather. When the sailing of our Northern steamer is therefore contingent on such a circ*mstance, it will prove very unsatisfactory indeed to local business. It was announced some time ago that Monday was the day that was fixed for sailing this year, and that seemed to give general satisfaction; but subsequently, in deference to the wishes of a few individuals, the Government changed their minds on this matter, and ignoring the wishes of a great majority, decided on Thursday as the day for the Conscript to leave for the North. Coastal Steamer & Sunday Work (Part 2) It is entirely a matter of indifference to us, whether the day for sailing be Monday or Thursday, but there is one feature connected with it which we do, and shall most strongly protest against, and that is the Sunday traffic in our ports, which the arrival of the steamer on the Sacred Day creates. This has been brought before the Government repeatedly by petition and otherwise, and knowing the views of the great majority of our people on this subject, surely they ought to have taken such a serious complaint into consideration, and yielded to the expressed wishes of the people, either by changing the day for sailing, or enforcing the observance of the Lord's Day, in whatever port the steamer may first arrive on that day. It is well known that there are many persons who would like to stamp out the Sabbath and every other Christian institution that is in existence, and we fear that even the Governments of our land have not been exempt from such individuals, but happily they are greatly in the minority, and it is a good thing that it is so. Considering that this mail steamer is subsidized out of the public funds, we think it is only right that the voice of the people should be taken into account, and not be treated with contempt by a perpetuance of such an obnoxious intrusion on the Sabbath, as was the case last Sunday, when the Conscript arrived, while the various denominations were engaged in religious devotions in their respective churches Coastal Steamer & Sunday Work (Part 3) The arrival of of the mail steamer at such a time, (or in fact, any other part of the day,) the discharging of freight and other labor which is caused by it, is indeed an outrage on the observance of the Lord's Day in these quiet, Sabbath observing communities, and a disgrace to the authorities and all who so regulate the movements of the steamer. To a very great extent, this could nearly all be avoided by leaving on Monday, as was the case in the early years of the Plover, when the greatest satisfaction was afforded. If leaving on that day, the steamer would reach her terminus, and be returning to St. John's by the end of the week, and thus, little or no unnecessary Sunday work would have to be performed. Besides, this would give the Captain, officers and crew, one Sunday in St. John's. But by leaving on Thursday, they have no Sunday throughout the season. It looks at first sight, as if this day was fixed on, so that the two Sundays might be taken advantage of in performing the service, but we are not inclined to put such an uncharitable construction on it, as we believe the owners would be willing for the ship to leave, on any day that the Government may decide. So far as we can learn, the change has been made at the desire of two or three persons, who could like to receive their English correspondence so many days earlier, but if the Government are to be swayed by the opinions of a few in a matter of the kind, against the expressed wishes of the vast majority, it is time for a change to be made somewhere. Death The painful information contained in the following paragraph is likely to be read with regret by many of our readers who may have been acquainted with Mrs. EMBREE. Three years having been spent on this circuit and a similar term at Fogo, the gentle and kindly disposition of the deceased, endeared her to many of the people among whom the Rev. J. EMBREE labored with much acceptance, and no doubt the announcement of her death will evoke deep feelings of sorrow from many hearts. She was a sincere and devoted Christian, a faithful and loving wife and mother; and while she may be much missed in the various spheres of Christian work in which she took an active part, while health continued, she will be missed most of all in the bosom of her family, the severence of which link must be a severe trial to the Rev. Mr. EMBREE and family, to whom we tender our sympathy in this painful dispensation of Providence: The sad news of the death of Mrs. EMBREE, wife of the Rev. Mr. EMBREE, pastor of the Methodist church, Albert, and sister of W. B. McKENZIE, of Moncton, was received Tuesday morning. The deceased lady had been in poor health for some time; and with the hope that a change of climate would be beneficial, Mr. EMBREE obtained a transfer from Newfoundland to the New Brunswick conference last year; but the change did not prove as helpful as her friends had hoped - Moncton Transcript, 7th. Death Last week our obituary column contained the death of a young man, WILLIAM LINFIELD, aged 24 years, son of Mr. JOSIAH LINFIELD, who died at St. John's, on the 18th May, on his way from British Columbia. This young man left home about eighteen months ago for that territory, and had been engaged in the fisheries on the Pacific coast, but not being of a very robust constitution, the exposures that must necessarily be endured in the pursuit of such an avocation, mitigated against his health and the disease, consumption, the germs of which may have been previously slumbering within, became perceptible, and when realizing that he could no longer perform his daily duties, he resolved to come home, but sad to relate, before reaching the parental dwelling, he expired, having died at St. John's shortly after landing there from the steamer. His father went to meet him, but before arriving at St. John's his son had passed peacefully to rest in the hope of the Gospel. Although among comparative strangers, everything possible was done for him that could be, and much kindness was manifested on the part of those who took an interest in the welfare of deceased. His body was brought here for interment, and the funeral took place last Friday afternoon, attended by a large number of people. On Sunday evening a funeral sermon was preached in the South Side Church by the Rev. R. W. FREEMAN, when the edifice was filled to its utmost capacity. The text for the occasion was based on Romans 8th c, and 17th v, when a solemn, impressive and edifying discourse was delivered, eleciting rapt attention from the large audience. Mr. LINFIELD and family have our sympathy in this severe trial. A Kind Act Dear Mr. Editor - I assure you it is a very pleasing thing to know that even to-day, there is sympathy in the world. We have had ample proof of it in the case of our late Brother, WILLIAM LINFIELD. Those that attended the funeral service last Sabbath evening on the South Side, to pay the last tribute of respect to one that was much loved by those that knew him best, must have been affected by the remarks made by Rev. R. W. FREEMAN, while speaking of the kindness exhibited by the kind friends of St. John's, and I may say, more especially our old friend, ""Mr. HENRY NORMAN,"" who we understand suspended his business altogether, during the few days our brother was permitted, by kind Providence, to live. We are informed that he not only visited him two or three times a day, but sat by him for hours at a time. From good authority we learn that HENRY NORMAN, with the help of his wife, rendered valuable assistance to our departed brother, which reflects much credit upon him. We believe that Mr. NORMAN does not want any thanks for what he did, neither was it done with any hope of receiving benefit in the future. I believe he did it out of respect to humanity. He did it because he felt it was his duty as well as his privilege to administer to the sick. Such acts of kindness can never be erased from the memory of those that appreciate such kindness, and we are convinced that it is our bounden duty, to render assistance to our fellowman. We are our brother's keeper. No man liveth to himself, and we shall have to give an account at the judgment day, ""how we have dealt with our fellowman." Therefore, let us not lose sight of the words which were quoted by our Saviour, while going about doing good. This is my commandment, ""that ye love one another as I have loved you." It must have been a consolation to the sorrowing friends, to know that one they much loved, was under the care of kind friends during his sickness. We cannot forget kind words as well as kind actions, they seem to draw our affections out more after each other. Kind words can never die, cherished and blest, God knows how deep they lie, Stored in the breast. Yours truly, SYMPATHIZER. Little Bay The great fall in the price of copper, has created much uneasiness at the mining settlements; however at this place, all departments are being worked vigorously. At Little Bay North, things are not very promising, and it is rather doubtful if that mine will continue to be worked this summer. The new find of copper which was worked here last summer, but was closed during the winter, has not yet commenced to be developed. Much of the old refuse ore is being picked over and washed; thus employment has been given to several hands. Various local gentlemen, it is reported, think of entering the arena of politics; among the names mentioned are Messrs. BURGESS, RALDIN and TAVENER. A man, JOHN SNOW, fell dead in Little Bay on Saturday morning. He rowed from Harry's Harbor, the day before, and a few minutes before he died was speaking cheerfully to the man in whose house he was staying. A boy by the name of FURY fell off the wharf, into the water, and was killed by the fall. Mr. QUINBY has gone to England as buyer for the company. Messrs. BENSON and CURTIS have each launched a fine vessel this Spring. The former is preparing for the fishery, the latter has gone to St. John's. A fine lot of codfish were caught in Salt Pond, near Little Bay, about the 20th., and obtained a ready sale. They were very large fish and had resided in the pond all the winter. The building which will contain the Post Office, the Savings' Bank and other offices, is almost completed. It will be a great improvement to the place. Mr. JAMES WHYTE is overseeing Pelley's Island mine for the present. The MIRANDA is expected there this week with a general cargo. A large steamer with coal will be here this week. Not a fish or salmon caught near here yet. Two men, brothers, by the name of CROWLAND, were badly hurt in the mine yesterday, one having his leg broke the other being badly bruised. May 23, 1889. Local & General (Part 1) The schooner Bonny returned from St. John's on Wednesday morning, and left for there again yesterday. Rev. W.T.D. DUNN left Greenspond, daylight this morning and will probably arrive here to-day in steam launch. For Service of Song - See Hand Bills Monday, a treat may be expected. A man named ELI RICE lately living in Vergin Arm, Friday's Bay, who had been sick for a week, was being brought from there to Little Harbour on Thursday, and died in the boat on the way down. He was a married man and about 30 years of age. The coastal steamer Conscript with mails and passengers arrived here before noon on Sunday, and after landing freight and receiving mail for Northern ports, proceeded on her route, going as far as Griquet, and returned en route from St. John's Thursday. The REV. THEO. R. NURSE, who we are pleased to say has somewhat improved in health, took passage by her Local & General (Part 2) Two splendid new craft have come into our harbour the past week, one for the firm of E. DUDER , Esq., built in Burnt Bay, by Mr. JOHN ROBERTS of Wild Cove, and the other built in Fortune Harbour by Mr. JOHN DALTON of Kite Cove, for the firm of Messrs. W. WATERMAN & CO. Each vessel is about eighty tons, and is built with due regard to strength and durability and sea qualities, and would do credit to any country, and bear the inspection of any Lloyd's surveyor to which it would be possible for them to be subject. The English mail, which arrived in St. John's after the Conscript left, was despatched for the North by the steamer Miranda, which passed here Thursday morning, bound to Pelly's Island. The Fleta left here to take the mail from the Miranda, and to convey it to some of the principal ports in the district, and is likely to be back with the mail for here, to-day. The Miranda passed close to our harbor, and we cannot see why she could not have been instructed to land the mail here going along, and then it could have been despatched from this, to other ports in the district; or we fail to understand, why it was not given to the schooner Bonny, which left St. John's Monday evening, and arrived here Wednesday morning; when the mail would have come three or four days sooner, and would have been brought for much less, than it will cost by the plan that was adopted Fishery Notes Very few salmon have been taken this week. On Saturday last a couple of beautiful large ones were caught by the Messrs. FREEMANS of Back Harbor; one of them weighed thirty-two pounds and the other twenty-nine. Fish has been rather scarce the past week in the waters around our shores. On Thursday morning a little was done in some directions a few boats from the Arm securing nearly half a quintal each. From King's Cove, Bonavista Bay, we learn that up to 24th ult., the fishery prospect was very poor, considering that the weather appeared to be so favorable for fish ""striking in,"" and up to date mentioned, little or nothing had been done by the fishermen. In other localities in that direction a similar poor prospect prevailed. The steamer Miranda at present, employed in running between Boston and Kingston, Jamaica, will come off the route the last of June, from which time she will ply between New York, Halifax, St. John's and Pilley's Island - Daily Colonist. Explosion Placentia - An explosion of dynamite occurred yesterday evening on the railway construction, near the Government wharf. EDWARD BAKER, of Salmon Cove, a miner, placed several plugs of dynamite in a tin kettle over a fire, for the purpose of thawing them. The Dynamite exploded, frightfully injuring Baker's Abdomen, legs and arms. DOCTOR McKENDRICK, assisted by DOCTOR GREAR, of the cableship Minia, amputed Baker's right hand and sent him on to the hospital, St. John's, by rail to-day. His recover is considered doubtful. The explosion was due to carelessness and indiscrimate handling of dynamite - Evening Telegram" Death At Beachy Cove, on the 24th ult., EMMA, relict of the late, WILLIAM OSMOND, aged 85 years. The deceased leaves 13 children, 65 grandchildren, 100 great grandchildren.
June 8, 1889
Public Notice The following memorial having been presented to me, I deem it prudent in the interest of all concerned to give it publicity: F. BERTEAU, Stipendiary Magistrate, Twillingate, We, the undersigned, taking into consideration the fearful epidemic now raging in St. John's, think that it behoves us to take every precaution to prevent its outbreak in this locality. First: We recommend that all fish manures, and caplin spread on ground, be well covered with earth, or other soil, within twenty four hours after being first deposited. Second: That all Cess Pools, and accumulations deposited around Houses, Stores, and all other Buildings, be removed, thoroughly cleaned, limed, tarred, or thoroughly covered with Salt, which may be had free, from the different Merchants' establishments. Thirdly: That measures be taken to prevent this disease being brought to this place in Schooners, or Mail Steamer. That the two Policemen be stationed at the Coastal Wharf to prevent persons visiting and leaving the steamer. Passengers booked for this port excepted. F. STAFFORD, M.D., Medical Health Officer, WM. LETHBRIDGE, JOHN W. OWEN, J. B. TOBIN, R. D. HODGE. I hereby give notice that any person or persons, infringing against the laws, relating to the above, shall be prosecuted accordingly. F. BERTEAU, Stipendary Magistrate. Police Office, Twillingate, June 7, 1889. CAPTAIN WALSh Captain Walsh at Little Bay. CAPTAIN WALSH has greatly displeased all his friends, the officials of the mines, and the merchants, by not taking the trouble to bring the Conscript into the wharf. There is plenty of water and a good wharf, and any skilful fisherman can put her in safely. CAPTAIN WALSH has felt the rocks near the wharf but this has been his own fault. None of his predecessors treated the public as he has done. Great is the inconvenience to the many passengers, and much trouble is given in getting the freight off. The last time the steamer was here, the water was perfectly smooth, and it was daylight, therefore, no excuse. We forgive our good friend the Capitain, on condition he does not treat us so again. A Merchant & Traveller, Liittle Bay, June 1, 1889. Mining Prospect at Mortons Harbor (1) A new 'find' of antimony. We are glad to learn that a new ""find"" has been made at Morton's Harbor Antimony Mine, about forty yards from the water side. The surface has only as yet been cleared away for about one hundred feet, and shows a vein of antimony three feet wide, with indications of widening. A shaft has been sunk upwards of half a mile inland, in the bottom of which is a vein seven inches wide, that has been gradually widening as the shaft was deepened, so that when the same distance from the water level is reached, it is probable that the veing will be as wide as the outcrop near the water side. It has every appearance of being one continuous vein, as indications have been found in a straight line several places between the shaft and the outside, and gives every promise of being one of the most valuable mines that has yet been discovered in the colony. For shipping, a better place could hardly be found, the water being deep close to the water side Mining Prospect at Mortons Harbor (2) A wharf of twenty feet is all that would be wanted, and a vessel could lie along side, in all kinds of weather, while the harbor is one of the finest around, and steamers of very large tonnage could visit it in perfect safety. Last week, Capt WHYTE, the energetic Manager of Little Bay Mine, visited Morton's Harbor for the purpose of examining the mine, and we understand that he thinks very favorably of it, indeed, and the probability is, that before many months pass, mining operations will be carried on there, which from the close proximity of the mineral deposits to the water's edge, could be done with less than half the expense that would otherwise be required. Near the water, the mineral is just to the surface, as we have said, the vein running right up through the ground; and to show that such is the case, we might mention, that by merely clearing away a little earth, and with a small hand pick, a quantity of some four or five cwt. was excavated in a few minutes, which proves how near it is to the surface, and that no shaft would require to be sunk beforehand. Mining Prospect at Mortons Harbor (3) Among the mineral ore thus excavated, which we had the pleasure of seeing during the week, were some large pieces, one of which weighed one hundred and forty pounds, and appeared to contain a solid mass of antimony, as well as the smaller pieces which we saw. Antimony is a very valuable mineral, and it will be a great thing for Morton's Harbor and elsewhere if operations should be carried on in a short time. The property is held by Messrs. J. TEMPLETON, GEO. HODDER, W. LETHBRIDGE, and A. O. HAYWARD, St. John's, and we congratulate them on the success that has attended the mineral craze which has actuated them, and trust that it will result in much good to the public, as no doubt it will, when operations commence. Steamer The Conscript went on dock after returning to St. John's last time, and it was thought she would not be ready to come North until to-day or Monday. Broken Cable During the week there has been a defect in the cable crossing Main Tickle, and a battery has been taken on the other side of it, where for a few days messages have been received and despatched. Dam Bursting One of the most terrible castrophies that we have had to chronicle for a long time is reported in the telegraph news to-day, as having recently occurred at Johnstown, Pennyslvania, by the bursting of a dam, when nearly the whole town was devasted, and from ten to fourteen thousand lives lost. The loss of property is immense. Halifax, June 2. A dammed basin above Johnstown, Pennyslvania, two miles wide, five long, and one hundred feet deep, burst; loss of life exceeds 12,000, property, five million dollars. Churches, factories, warehouses and whole streets and villages are swept away. There have been great rains throughout the Northern States; many rivers are flooded and bad landslides and washouts are numerous. Rev. W.T.D. DUNn The Rev. W.T.D. DUNN, arrived here on Saturday evening last, from Greenspond in steam launch Dart, which was bound to the straits of Belle Isle. Mr. DUNN was a former minister of this circuit and we are pleased to welcome him back for a short time. On Sunday evening he preached in the North Side Methodist Church, when he delivered an excellent discourse on the ""Manliness of Christianity"" the text being; ""The Man Christ Jesus"". Marriage On Wednesday evening last, a good many spectators were present in St. Peter's Church, to witness the performance of the Marriage Ceremony, when Mr. S. R. HUDDER was united in the bonds of holy matrimony to Miss LAURA COLBOURNE, daughter of our respected Postmaster, JOSIAH COLBOURNE, ESQ., J.P. Mr. HUDDER has been living in the United States for some years and has had a successful business career, and will be leaving shortly with his bride for his adopted home. Miss COLBOURNE was a young lady who has the respect and esteem of all who knew her. We wish the newly married pair many years of happiness and prosperity. Temperance Meeting A Service of Song entitled ""Which Side Wins,"" bearing on Temperance, was given in the Town Hall on Thursday evening, and was quite an attractive service. It was illustrated by the Rev. W.T.D. DUNN, by means of a superior magic lantern, when about thirty photographic views were exhibited, which were of a very fine kind. The musical part of the performance was conducted by Mr. JOHN DAVIS, with Miss HUDDER as organist, and was given in the first rate style. The service throughout, we learn, was a real treat, and appeared to be much enjoyed by those present. Marriage On June 5th, at St. Peter's Church, by Rev. R. TEMPLE R. D., Mr. SAMUEL R. HUDDER, to LAURA, daughter of JOSIAH COLBOURNE, ESQ., Postmaster; both of Twillingate.
June 15, 1889
PARNELL's Trial (Part 1) Supreme Court Evidence of Dr. HARVEY in PARNELL'S Trial. Friday, June 7th, 3 P.M. Dr. HARVEY (sworn) Examined by Attorney General, - I am a Physician, I know the accused. I was called to visit him on the night of the 30th November, about 11.30. I met Dr. RENDALL and ran to PARNELL'S house. RENDALL followed. I went up stairs to the bed-room. Mrs. PARNELL and her brother were there. The accused was in bed. The brother was asked to leave the room. I asked what was the matter, and his wife said he had taken poison. I asked the accused what he had taken, and he said strychnine. He had taken nothing else except some brandy. I asked Dr. RENDALL to get some Chloroform. Accused was lying on his back, his face livid, breathing quick and pulse quick. Those are symptoms of poisoning. I prepared an emetic. It had no effect at the time. He then had a severe attach of muscular spasm. Dr. RENDALL returned then and I administered choloform by inhalation. A little after I asked Dr. RENDALL to get a stomach pump PARNELL's Trial (Part 2) The emetics acted before RENDALL returned. I put a portion of the vomit in a small bottle. The vomit was of a yellowish hue with oily substances floating on it. Shortly after I asked RENDALL to inject morphine. He had another severe spasmodic attach which was evidence of strychnine poisoning. I remained till 1.30, also RENDELL. Shortly after we left we were summoned again. We went immediately and found he had another attack. I again administered chloroform and continued with him till about 5 o'clock. We had a conversation about the strychnine. I asked him where he got it. He said he had it for some time to give to his dealers to kill fur. He said he had taken enough to kill him. He had it in a solid form in a small bottle and had taken it with water. He said he put the small bottle away and that it would never be found. RENDELL asked him upon whose order he got the strychnine. He said, ""it was before that time,"" meaning I presume, before the passing of the ""Poisons Act." This talk took place on my first visit. We spoke about other matters. PARNELL's Trial (Part 3) I regard this other conversation as a privileged communication to me, on the ground that it was made to me as a professional man, by a man who thought he was dying. I object to state what took place on that account. (Their Lordships ruled that the witness was bound to disclose what took place. Mr. McNEILY, Q.C., objected to the reception of this conversation). The accused was excited while talking, but spoke rationally. He said to me as I was giving him the second injection: You had better let me die; there is no use in saving me. I said, 'Nonsense.' He then said: 'you will never see SILLARS again.' I then asked Mrs. PARNELL if SILLARS stayed in the house. She replied, 'No, he lives on the Freshwater road.' I asked Mrs. PARNELL if SILLARS had gone home. The prisoner replied, 'He has gone to his long home before this.' This was all that ocurred then. Shortly after he vomited I asked him what induced him to take poison. He said, 'SILLARS had driven him to it.' He said SILLARS had robbed him of every cent he had and was driving him on the street to starve; that he was constantly watching him and had told lies to his creditors PARNELL's Trial (Part 4) On my second visit I spoke further with the accused. He was conscious part of the time, and referred to SILLARS as before. His remarks were voluntary. Accused stated he had put £4,000 in the business and that he had been robbed of it, and also of two houses on Barnes' road. I afterwards attended both post mortem examinations. (Witness here corroberated the testimony of Dr. McKENZIE as regards the wounds on the body, &c). Cross Examined by Mr. I. R. McNEELY. - I am PARNELL'S family doctor. He has five or six young children. I don't know the young man who came for me. I understood it was one of the children who was sick, when I was called to go to PARNELL'S. When I arrived, Mrs. PARNELL told me she had given accused mustard and oil. On the second occasion I visited him, accused asked me for something to carry him off. I understood that to mean he wanted something to kill him PARNELL's Trial (Part 5) He said there was no use in his living, he would be a disgrace to his family, and if he died his family would get his life insurance; if he lived, he had no money and no prospects of any kind. I should say he was then in a desperate state of mind. (Here entries from Dr. CROWDY'S report, with regard to PARNELL'S condition while in prison, was read). Possibly the wound on the head of deceased might have been caused by a violent fall against a sharp angle of wood or iron. Accused said that SILLARS had driven CAIRNS out of the country, and that he was trying to drive him away also. I knew SILLARS to be eccentric. This concluded the case for the Crown, Mr. McNEILY, Q.C., stated that the defence did not intend to call any witnesses. The course they intended to pursue was simply to address the Jury, and have the prisoner make a statement. Court then adjourned. Fogo Mails A Man and Boy, and an old punt for the Fogo Mails. Dear Mr. Editor, - A short time ago a mail was sent by the S. S. Portia to Pilleys Island and for which tenders were asked by the P.M.G., St. John's, for the delivery of said mails by steam launch at Little Bay, Tilt Cove, Twillingate and Fogo. Having been specially asked, I tendered for the above but got no further reply. I suppose the launch Mr. LETHBRIDGE has control over must have been under me. So far, so good. What I have to complain of is that the mail was delayed by Mr. LETHBRIDGE from Saturday till Monday at 1 p.m., when it was delivered at the office here, being sent from Twillingate to Fogo in a punt, in charge of one man and a boy. Now I think it was excessively mean to treat Fogo in this manner, when a steamer was being paid for, as well as annoying, to have important letters delayed to suit Mr. LETHBRIDGE'S convenience. It is to be hoped he will have the honesty to refrain from taking a payment, which as far as I can see, he is not entitled to, besides taking advantage of others, who considered the tenders asked for, a bona fide transaction. Yours very truly, ROBERT SCOTT. Main Tickle Cable The Main Tickle cable, which was broken last week, was repaired by Mr. SAUNDERS, who came from St. John's for the purpose, assisted by Mr. A. SIMMONS of Fogo. The line is now in good working condition. Mary Parker The Mary Parker arrived this morning, and we are indebted to Capt. CARTER for late St. John's papers. Cruiser Rose The Revenue cruiser Rose, Capt. STEPHENSON, arrived last evening, bound to Labrador with Mr. BERTONA, collector of customs for that coast. Vessel Robert The first English vessel for this season with salt, was the Robert, which arrived to Messrs. WATERMAN & Co., on Sunday morning last. Conscript Among the passengers per Conscript was Miss J. STIRLING, whom were are pleased to welcome back, after being on a visit to Chicago, and other ports of the States, for about eighteen months. Fish Scarce The Ocean Traveller arrived to Messrs. WATERMAN & Co. on Thursday from White Bay, and reports fish very scarce all along the coast. When at the Horse Islands a few days, there was scarcely a fish under salt. Fish are still very scarce in this locality and all along the shore, from whatever quarter we have heard. At Fogo, the best traps have not more than ten or fifteen quintals. Well up Exploits Bay a little was done this week, some boats getting one and two quintals a day, but bait was scarce. Marriage On Saturday morning last, in Gower Street Church, St. John's, Rev. GEO BOYD united in wedlock, Capt. JAMES JOLIFFE, of barquintine Viola (firm of Messrs. A. GOODRIDGE & Sons) and LIZZIE D. SCOTT, sister of Mr. W. J. SCOTT of this place. The bride, we are informed, was recipient of some nice presents, that of the Hon. A. F. GOODRIDGE being six sovereigns, to be spent at the bride's option. About mid-day they embarked in Viola for Glasgow, and after discharging cargo, they will proceed to England where the vessel is to be reclassed, and the two months which this work will occupy, will be spent by the newly wedded couple in travelling, in Scotland and England, the bride having relatives in both places. We are told that as the vessel left St. John's, some of the vessels dipped their bunting which had been donned in honor of the occasion, and more than one pair of old shoes, as well as a considerble quantity of rice, was pitched after the new addition to the crew. Diphtheria Items from a Southern Corespondent. Diphtheria is still raging in St. John's. Dr. TAIT is now convalescent. Many of the inhabitants are staying with their families at Topsail and adjoining towns Smallpox There are at present four cases of smallpox in Harbour Grace hospital Methodist Conference The Methodist Conference will meet this year at Carbonear on the 26th of June. Forty four ministers are expected to be present Brigantine Kestrel The brigantine Kestrel, capt. J. TAYLOR of Carbonear, belonging to Messrs. MUNN & Co., made the quick run of 20 days to Hamburg. The same vessel recently came across from England in 15 and went home in 12 days. Labrador All the vessels have sailed for Labrador a month earlier than usual. June 4, 1889. Nova Scotian St. John's, June 10th, The Nova Scotian arrived on Thursday morning from England and sailed same night for Halifax. Parnell's Trial Parnell's trial for the murder of ARCHIBALD SILLARS, commenced on Tuesday and was finished on Saturday. Witnesses for both sides were sworn and examined. Dr. HARVEY gave his evidence, showing a great deal of information in the case, after which the prisoner made a confession, but not without breaking down, crying several times. Mr. McNEILY, Q.C., addressed the jury; Chief Justice CARTER presented the charge. The jury retired at six o'clock Saturday evening and returned into Court at a quarter after nine with the verdict: ""Guilty of murder without recommendation to mercy." Sentence has not been pronounced yet. Diphtheria Diphtheria is increasing. The past week there has been an average of from three to four cases daily Fishing Prospects fair for a catch of fish here Methodist Conference ""Homes"" for the ministers of the Newfoundland Conference of the Methodist Church to be held at Carbonear commencing June 26, 1889. John GOODISON. Supt. Circuit. Name: Revd. Geo BOYD, Home: Hon. A. PENNY. Revd. J. PARKINS, Capt. Orestus FOOTE. Revd. G. M. BOND, B.A., Mrs. Robt MADDOCK. Revd. J. E. MANNING, Mr. J. A. ROBINSON. Revd. James DOVE, Mr. Robt SIMPSON. Revd. G. S. MILLIGAN, Hon. John RORKE. Revd. Henry LEWIS, Hon. A. PENNEY. Revd. George PAINE, Messrs. BEMISTER Bros. Revd. Saml SNOWDEN, Mr. Walter TUCKER. Revd. John PRATT, Miss Cecily PENNEY. Revd. James PINco*ck, J. L. McNEIL, Esq. J.P. Revd. Wm. RANDALL, Mr. J. A. ROBINSON. Revd. A. HILL, Hon. John RORKE. Revd. Edgar TAYLOR, Mr. Fred TAYLOR. Revd. S. MATTHEWS, J. L. McNEIL Esq. J.P. Revd. Henry SCOTT, Dr. BOYLE. Revd. James WILSON, Capt. Edgar PENNEY. Revd. G. C. FRAZER, Revd. J. S. PEACH. Revd. J. E. HEAL, Mr. Robert SIMPSON. Revd. J. E. DUFFIL, Hon. John RORKE. Revd. W. T. D. DUNN, Mr. Andrew BLACK. Revd. Geo BULLEN, Capt. J. H. PENNEY. Revd. R. W. FREEMAN, Revd. J. S. PEACH. Revd. Jesse HEYFIELD, Parsonage. Revd. Henry HATCHER, Capt. Edgar PENNEY. Revd. T. W. ATKINSON, Mr. George TUFFIN. Revd. G. F. WILLEY, Dr. BOYLE. Revd. Wm. SWANN, Mr. Andrew BLACK. Revd. W. H. BROWNING, Mr. James RORKE. Revd. Chas LENCH, Mr. James RORKE. Revd. Levi CURTIS, Miss NICHOLL. Revd. J. T. NEWMAN, Mr. Geo TUFFIN. Revd. J. C. SIDNEY, Mrs. Robt MADDOCK. Revd. Jas LUMSDEN, Mr. Robert FORWARD. Revd. Wm. REX, Miss Cicily PENNEY. Revd. H. HOOPER, Mr. John FOOTE. Revd. Hy ABRAHAM, Hon A. PENNEY. Revd. Saml JENNINGS, Capt. Robt JOYCE. Revd. James NURSE, Mr. Joseph UDALL. Revd. W. R. TRATT, Mr. John FOOTE. Revd. G. P. STONEY, Miss NICHOLL. Revd. J.H. JAMES, Captain James PIKE. Revd. G. W. DUTCHER, Parsonage. Revd. Jabez HILL, Capt J. H. PENNEY.
June 22, 1889
Supreme Court (Part 1) Fifth days' Proceedings Mr. McNEILY, Q.C. Addresses the Jury (From the Evening Telegram). Saturday, June 8th, 10:30 a.m. The case for the defence was commenced this morning by calling the following witnesses to character:- CHAS. BOWRING. - I know the prisoner at the Bar. He was in the employment of Bowring Bros. 23 years. He always bore a good character. ROBERT RENDELL. - I knew the prisoner about three years. As far as I know, in my character as trustee of the estate, he did as he was told all through. GOVERNOR McCOWAN, sworn. - I am governor of the Penitentiary. The prisoner has been under my charge since December 8th. I never heard anything aginst him before or since he has been under my charge. Mr. McNEILY, Q.C., proposed that, as the prisoner was not in a state of health, to permit him to make his statement orally, he had put it in writing and would read it to the Jury. The prisoner, accordingly, commenced to read it from the dock. While it was being read a most painful and intense silence prevailed in the Court, but his voice was too broken and inaudible to be heard. Supreme Court (Part 2) He was brought near the Jury, but could scarcely have been heard even by them. During its perusal he broke down and sobbed convulsively. Mr. KENT then asked, as the prisoner appeared to be unable to continue, that somebody might be permitted to read it for him. The court stated it was an indulgence as it was and they had no power to order otherwise. The prisoner's voice was broken with sobs and tears as he went on, and hardly rose above a murmur as he concluded. Straining, eager faces looked out from every part of the Courtroom; some remained as if carved in stone, others stirred restlessly. When he finished, a sigh of relief rose from all present. Mr. McNEILY then adressed the Jury. He said: He approached this case with the profoundest impression of the duty imposed upon him. The Jury had great responsibilities imposed upon them, but they were not so great as his, standing between them and the prisoner. He would implore them, not as jury but as men, to regard not the advocate but to regard the important duties they were called upon to discharge in this case Supreme Court (Part 3) The Crown had a solemn duty to perform: it had to vindicate the majesty of the law, but its duties were limited. It was not bound to distort certain facts, it was not for the Crown to argue against reason and logic. It should conduct its prosecutions with all leniency: it should not ask any jury to strain the consequences resulting from the evidence. The deceased was a merchant of considerable position, and he, like many others who obtained high position here, was a Scotchman. Whether it is due to the genius of the nation or not, they always made their mark, and it is quite in the order of things, that a number of Scotchmen should be upon the Grand Jury which brought in this Bill. There is a strong feeling of clannishness in Scotchmen. It was the intention of the Crown to have a jury, not of the people, but by men whose wealth, and whose assumed superior position, would place them in sympathy with the deceased. But it was found the Crown had no power to do that. He did not impugn the action of the Crown, but he felt he would be recreant to his duty to the prisoner if he did not call his attention to this fact Supreme Court (Part 4) Although no human eye had seen this deed, there were certain circ*mstantial facts which pointed to the prisoner along: this was the contention of the Crown. The Attorney General stated that circ*mstantial evidence was in some cases the best, yet that statement is capable of great modification. There may be many terrible facts woven around a prisoner over which he has no control. Circ*mstantial evidence has woven around men, inextricable webs which were not in accordance with the logic of facts. It is no part of the case of the prisoner, that the death of SILLARS was not due to the prisoner, but it is part of his case that circ*mstances of aggravation made him commit this deed. It would appear from the Crown, that not satisfied with first causing his death, he had followed up these acts with acts of further violence. The evidence will show that the aggravation which the Crown complains of is not apparent in this case. They could readily understand that, in a moment of frenzy, after the first death-dealing blow, the prisoner, in this hand-to-hand and life-to-life contest, was not aware of what he was doing Supreme Court (Part 5) The evidence shows much for their consideration in his favor. There are mis-statements with regard to the aggravation in this case. The Attorney General has stated that he attempted to climb the stairs, and that the blow he there received was the immediate cause of his death. The medical testimony goes to show that the internal hemorrhage was the cause of the death. The shoulder wound was not sufficient to cause death. We may assume that the first wound, passing through the left breast, was really the one that caused death. When they would compare the statement with common sense and reason, they would have no difficulty in believing, that wound was the cause of death. The fact remains, that after receiving this wound, he did have some strength, and did have a violent struggle, and that the other wounds were received in the life-to-life struggle afterwards. If they had regard to the statement of the prisoner, they would easily see, no ferocity had been displayed in this contest. There may be theories in connection with the bottle found in deceased's pocket, but we have no theory. Supreme Court (Part 6) We cannot account for it no more than that a portion of his false teeth were found in his pocket. These are circ*mstances so much outside the scope of the case, that they need not give them any consideration. There is no attempt on the part of Crown to say that the cup and bottle contained strychnine. It was the duty of the Crown to show that the stains on the garments were blood stains. We are not going to deny that there was blood about the place, but we deny the competency of the witnesses who say they were blood stains. The fact that the prisoner had in his possession so many revolvers and cartridges show he must have had some particular fad, some particular amusem*nt. He frequently carried a revolver about him, especially at night. This does away with the assertion that there was any premeditation in this case. Assuming the worst, it was for them to consider that there was not that provocation, and that self-defence which the prisoner asserts. There are many inconsistencies in the evidence for the Crown; but he would not, in a matter of such grave importance, go into them. They would come to the conclusion, from the evidence, that the deceased was a passionate man, and they might assume that he would at some time break out into actual violence Supreme Court (Part 7) It is only reasonable to assume that his relations with PARNELL were anything but satisfactory. Notwithstanding all SILLARS' nagging and petty persecutions, the prisoner bore them without murmuring and with humility. PARNELL must have been subjected from day to day, and night to night, to SILLARS' persecutions. If PARNELL was the man the Crown tried to prove, would he always have put up with SILLARS, having all the time this revolver about him? There is an old maxim, that no one becomes suddenly very base. Did they think PARNELL, a good husband and father, would suddenly throw off the mask and break out a murderer? Could they not imagine that slight acts might, under these continues persecutions, cause the pent up volcano of his wrath to burst? There had been an accumulation of misfortunes heaped upon this unfortunate man. He had sickness in his family; his wife had just been confined. His family had just been visited with the terrible scourge now rife in our city. Were they surprised that he committed this fatal act? PARNELL had been for nights awake, attending his sick child. From early morn till late at night he was engaged in attending to his business Supreme Court (Part 8) He had a salary of £16 per month, while CRAM, his immediate subordinate, had £15, and for this paltry sum, he had to take care of the business. On the night of the crime he went to sleep and did not come down to the shop till nine. (Part of the prisoner's statement read and commented upon). He then went on to say that the importance of this case was impressed upon him and he was sure it was impressed upon them. He would pray them, regarding the solemnities at stake in this case, to overlook any weakness. He did not believe the Attorney General would distort any of the facts of this case. He did not believe the Crown would press harshly upon the prisoner. He felt terribly the solemnity of his position. Feeling this responsibility he could not help feeling the insufficiency of his work; he felt the sense of his weakness. He appealed to them as men, instinct with all the feelings of human beings, and he implored them, for God's sake, not having regard to the mere sentiments which surrounded this occurrence, but bearing the prisoner's position and family in mind, to look upon him with all possible leniency. The Court then adjourned till 3 o'clock. The 'Conscript' Strikes a Rock A very serious accident was near befalling the Conscript on entering Morton' s Harbor on Sunday morning. When a short distance from the mouth of the harbor, it became densely foggy, all of a sudden, making it impossible to see any distance ahead of the ship, and before her real position could be ascertained it was found that she was close to the land of Wild Cove Head. She had been steaming slowly, and for this reason, was not quick in coming around, and did not get in the right course without striking a rock, causing quite a dent in the steamer's bow a short distance under water. This contact of the ship with the rocks occured during breakfast time and caused a heavy shock, which broke a lot of dishes, and made a big consternation among the passengers, which we regret to say resulted seriously to one of them, the subject being Mr. JOSEPH, father of Dr. JOSEPH, the respected medical practitioner of Little Bay mine. He happened to be standing in the stairway just after the Conscript struck, and in the skuffle, it appears that he received a slight push and fell into the lower part of the stairway, his arm and shoulder striking the sharp part of the iron steps, and causing a bone to be broken. Under the circ*mstances, the detention in port was very opportune, as it gave Mr. JOSEPH time to receive medical attention, which was bestowed upon him by Dr. STAFFORD, and when the ship left at night, the broken arm was doing very well. Mr. JOSEPH, with his wife and son, left Sicily on a tour, and arrived at St. John's by the Allan steamer Peruvian, being met there by his son, the doctor, who accompanied him North, to spend a few days in Little Bay before the Conscript returned. They had travelled over two thousand miles since leaving home, without meeting with an accident and we are sorry that his visit to this part of the colony, should have been marred by the misfortune to which we have referred. Diphtheria By late arrivals from St. John's, we learn that there were forty nine new cases of diphtheria in that city last week" Shipping The Bonny arrived from St. John's on Monday and the Flamingo on Thursday. The former has since returned thither. The patience also arrived on Wednesday Cable Broken Telegraph communication is again interrupted, a break having taken place yesterday in the wire between Gambo and Beaver Cove, which is likely to be repaired in a short time. Rev. Mr. ANDREWs The Rev. Mr. ANDREWS from White Bay mission has been spending a few days here of late. He preached in St. Peter's Church last Sunday evening to a large congregation, when, we understand, an excellent discourse was presented to the audience. Rev. Mr. ABRAHAM A reply to an address presented to the Rev. Mr. ABRAHAM and Mrs. ABRAHAM on leaving Little Bay, will be found in the next column. He has concluded his three years' ministry there; during which time he appears to have earned the esteem of the Little Bay friends, as is evident from the presentation of this address, and also of a purse constaining a liberal sum of money to Mrs. ABRAHAM. Passengers The coastal steamer Conscript arrived from the North en route for St. John's on Sunday morning, and remained in port until after midnight. The detention was at the special request of the Bonavista District, who, expecting that the steamer would arrive on Sunday, and the ministers intending to take pasage by her, made that request to the Government or owners, which we are happy to say was acceded to. On arriving as far as this, the Conscript had a large numer of passengers on board, among them being Messrs. R. B HOLDEN, J. LAMB, ROLLINS and MILLEY, Mrs. EATON, Mrs. BLACKLER, Rev. Mr. ABRAHAM, Mrs. ABRAHAM and child, Rev. Mr. and Mrs. HEYFIELD, Revs. HATCHER and JENNINGS, Mr. JOSEPH, Mrs. JOSEPH and son. The following joined them here: Revs. J. NURSE, G. BULLEN, R. W. FREEMAN, J. B. HEAL, F. R. DUFFIL, G. FRAZER, W. T. D. DUNN, H. HOOPER, McAUSLAND, Mr. OWEN, Mr. and Mrs. HUDDER, Mrs. R. NEWMAN, Mr. S. PEACH, and from Herring Neck-Rev. Mr. REX and Mrs. HOOPER. The Fishery In and around this locality fish has been rather scarce all the week, neither have caplin been plentiful except in two or three places. About Cottel's Island and other parts of New Bay more fish is reported, and it is said that good work has been done there of late. Some of our fishermen who have gone there during the week, when the weather would permit, secured a couple of quintals a day. There was no bait there and they had to come here for it, which entailed a good deal of time. It is to be hoped that a similar 'spurt' of fishing will be enjoyed, in many parts of the bay. Several craft that have been to the French Shore and other parts the past few weeks, returned the last day or two, having met with very poor success. Last Day of Parnell's Trial (Part 1) Supplement to 'Sun' Attorney General's Closing Address and chief Justice's Charge, Saturday June 8th. The Court resumed at 3 o'clock. The Attorney General then addessed the Jury as follows: ""It is not necessary for me to say anything more than has been said by my learned friend. We all have responsibilities and duties to perform in this case, and I may say that my learned friend is deserving of the highest praise for the able manner in which he has dealt with it. It only remains for me to review the evidence from the stand point of the Crown, - to put the case before you impartially, not to press anything unduly, and not to strain anything against the unfortunate prisoner at the bar. I shall put no argument before you beyond what the facts of the case will warrant. I will not say that the touching appeal made to you by my learned friend was made to awaken sympathy; but it could not fail to do so. But gentlemen, you are sworn to do your duty, no matter how strong your feelings of sympathy may be, without fear, favor or affection. This case has taken a long time in its investigation; it would not have been so long if we could fhave foreseen the statements, and admissions which have been made. Last Day of Parnell's Trial (Part 2) A large amount of testimony went to show the negative fact, if I may so call it, that no hand but that of the prisoner at the bar could have committed the crime. The case has now been narrowed down to one simple question. It is beyond question that the revolver which inflicted the wounds, was on the person of the accused, and fired by his hand. What preceded the firing, and for what purpose or motive the crime was committed, it will be for you to determine. Whether the killing falls under the category classed as murder, or wheather it was done by accident, will be for you to say from the evidence you have had before you." [The Attorney General here showed, by model, where SILLARS was last seen alive, the position of the two men at the time, &c., &c]."From the position of the wounds on the body, deceased must have been facing the accused at the time of the firing; but it is not the duty of the Crown to prove to you exactly where the shots were fired. With regard to the other marks upon the deceased's body, it appears to me that he had been treated in a ferocious manner. He was followed upstairs when trying to escape, and these wounds inflicted either by the revolver, or after he had fallen, by contact with something hard, such as a man's boot. They were evidently inflicted after the firing, when his antagonist did not know the other wounds were fatal, in order to hasten death Last Day of Parnell's Trial (Part 3) After the statement which has been made by the prisoner, I do not see that the blood-stains on the clothes has any material bearing on the case. There is only one blood mark which you will have to consider, on the boot." [Attorney General here reviewed the evidence relating to the chamber of the revolver, and how it had been fired.] ""We have now to consider the only real and substantial issue and the causes that led up to it; whether it was the result of the pre-conceived intention or bad feeling, or whether it was unexpected, as accused has stated. It would be hardly possible for the prisoner to commit such a deed without some bad feeling of hatred; but gentlemen, you are called upon to find the motive for the crime. The two men were of totally different characters, - one was hasty and irritable at times, but no one was ever seriously affected by his peculairities, and there is no evidence that he ever committed a single act of violence, - the other was apparently quiet and easy going; but it was better for him if he had been more like deceased: blunt, and blurted out what he had to say. There appears gentlemen, to have been preparations for the taking of both lives. All these facts and conclusions which the Crown puts to you are deducible from the evidence Last Day of Parnell's Trial (Part 4) Now, I must ask you to compare the statement of the prisoner with that of Dr. HARVEY. To which will you accord most credit? To the Doctor, he said nothing about a scuffle or sudden quarrel, or that the revolver was fired by accident. This satement was made when the accused believed that he was on the point of death, and did not care for consequences. You must receive the statement which has been read to you with caution; but it conveys on the face of it, clear and unqualified truth, you will be justified in acting on it, and giving the prisoner the benefit of it. If this statement had been made under different circ*mstances, and at another time, it might have carried with it a greater semblance of truth and honesty. On this statement, the learned Counsel for the defence has set up an altogether new theory: that the first shot was fired in self defence; but Mr. PARNELL himself denies this. He says that the shot was fired by accident. I do not think it necessary to comment further on this case; and I will close by repeating what I have already said; that if it be possible for you to accept this statement and believe it, you will give the prisoner the benefit of it. I now leave the issue in your hands, gentlement, feeling assured that you will render a verdict according to the evidence. Chief Justice'sCharge (Part 1) The Chief Justice then charged the Jury. He said that they had reached the fifth day of this serious case. It was for the Jury to say whether the prisoner was guilty or not, of the charge sought to be brought home to him. If they found him guilty, they would have no alternative but to return a verdict accordingly. Up to last afternoon, the evidence had been circ*mstantial, and had to be connected piece by piece, in order to bring home the charge, but last afternoon, owing to Dr. HARVEY'S evidence, there was a change, and the direct evidence then adduced, was followed up to-day by the statement or conditional admission of the prisoner himself. He would not trouble reading the evidence as it must be fresh in their minds. It must be clear that SILLARS and the prisoner were the last two in that basem*nt that night. The others had either gone out or gone to bed. The doors and windows were securely fastened and there was no chance of the entrance of anybody. If the case ended there, they would have a case of circ*mstantial evidence. But there was the important disclosures made, voluntarily to Dr. HARVEY by the accused, in which he stated that he had given SILLARS a dose and that he had gone to his long home Chief Justice'sCharge (Part 2) He spoke of the continual nagging of the latter, and the conversation showed evidence of ill feeling between them. It is strange that he should not then have mentioned any fracas, if there had been one as he says in his statement. As regards the statement, it must not be taken as evidence, and it was for the jury to consider how far that statement was consistent with fair inferences, to be drawn from the evidence. If the statement was received with as much credibility as attached to an oath, there would be mockery of justice. He would not indulge in theories. No human eye saw what was transacted in the basem*nt, but it is alleged that a struggle took place in the office. If a struggle took place there, there would have been blood stains found, but there were not, and the office was not disarranged. There was no scratch or mark on the prisoner to show that a struggle had taken place; and the evidence went to show that SILLARS was not possessed of a violent temper. He was hasty but he soon cooled down. No matter what the consequences might be, if the evidence satisfied the minds of the jury, that guilt had been brought home to the prisoner, they should do their duty. They represented the country and the country expected them to do it. They must not allow any sympathies to influence their decision. Chief Justice'sCharge (Part 3) His Lordship here explained the difference between murder and manslaughter, and generally expounded the law as regards homicide. There was no evidence of the business troubles of the accused, and the only evidence for the defence was evidence to character. He would not refer further to the statement of the accused. They had heard the remarks of counsel upon it, and it would be a waste of time to go over it again. Upon the question of provocation, as to which there is no evidence except the statement, the provocation must be such as to rouse a man to a condition bordering on insanity, and not a man of hasty temper, but a man of well balanced mind. If they thought the prisoner was not guilty of murder, and that there was evidence of the lesser offence, they would so find. All the facts were fresh in their memories and he would not detain them further. The jury then retired. When the jury had retired, Mr. McNEILY, Q.C., rose and took the following exceptions to the charge of his Lordship, the Chief Justice: 1st - That there ought to have been three issues submitted to the jury: (a) - Guilty or not guilty; (b) - If the accused was not guilty of the greater crime, whether he was guilty of manslaughter; (c) - Whether the killing was not done in self-defence; 2nd - That the jury were misdirected as to the importance to be attached to the statement of the prisoner; 3rd - That the evidence was not, as regards the prisoner, fairly put by his Lordship Chief Justice'sCharge (Part 4) A great many of those who had seats in the Court-room during the afternoon, remained to hear the verdict, and when it became known outside that the jury had retired, the small knot of persons which had been about the door all the week, swelled into a big crowd. The jury returned into Court at five minutes to nine o'clock, having been out three hours and twenty minutes. All eyes were turned towards them as they filed into the jury box, and many read the verdict in their grave faces and eyes averted from the prisoner. One could see that they believed themselves, to have a most painful duty to perform, but a determination not to shirk it. The stillest silence fell about the room when the acting Clerk put the usual questions to the jury, and was not broken for some time except by the ""loudly whispered"" ""Guilty"". The prisoner received the verdict without even changing countenance. His face wore the same look and expression that have been on it since the commencement of the trial. When the jury had been discharged he was asked if he had anything to say upon him, and Mr. KENT, Q.C., on his behalf asked for a postponement of the sentence till Monday. After retiring to consult, their Lordships granted the postponement. Mr. KENT was asked to mention the case on Monday. The Court then adjourned. Monday, June 10th When the court met to-day Mr. KENT, Q.C., asked for a postponement of the sentence till the argument on the points raised by Mr. McNEILY, Q.C., had been disposed of. The motion was granted. The argument will be heard to-morrow morning at 10 o'clock. Sentenced to Death (Part 1) The court met this morning at 10.30. Mr. McNEILY, Q.C., stated that he would not press the points raised by him. He also stated that there was little doubt but that the prisoner, PARNELL was insane. Their Lordships retired for a time, while waiting for the prisoner to be brought up for sentence. The courtroom was thronged as soon as it became known that the prisoner would be brought up. He came in, leaning on the arm of the wardens of the penitentiary. He certainly left the impression upon most minds that he was insane. His eyes had a wild look and apparently he did not know where he was. A chair was provided for him in the dock. When he sat down he put his hand in that of the warden and insisted on keeping it there, as if he was afraid of something. It seemed to relieve him somewhat. When asked if he had anything to say why sentenace should not be pronounced upon him he said nothing, not appearing to comprehend what was asked him. Mr. McNEILY, Q.C., informed the Court that the prisoner did not understand what was being said, and the Chief Justice then pronounced the sentence Sentenced to Death (Part 2) This either, the prisoner did not appear to understand. Occasionally during the sentence he spoke to the warden beside him as if asking for an explanation, and once spoke to Governor McCOWEN who was sitting in front of him. Occasionally too, he stared wildly about the Court room and was, happily for himself, unconscious of the terrible sentenace being pronounced upon him. When the Judge had passed the sentence the prisoner was led away. The Chief Justice wore black kid gloves while passing the sentence. The following is the sentence: - WILLIAM PARNELL, - After a prolonged and patient investigation by the Jury you have been found guilty of the heinous crime of the wilful homicide of ARCHIBALD SILLARS, late a respected merchant and worthy citizen of St. John's. You had the advocacy of able counsel and all reasonable facility afforded by the Crown in your defence. I feel constrained to say that the Jury arrived at the only proper conclusion warranted by the evidence Sentenced to Death (Part 3) I shall not recapitulate the circ*mstances so recently developed before the Court, which brought you to this most lamentable condition, nor shall I add anything to harrow your feelings. You are known to be most respectably connected in this Colony, and so far as I believe, have hitherto borne an irreproachable character. To that effect we had the testimoney of trustworthy witnesses. Throughout my lifetime, I have never had a more painful duty to perform, than is now imposed upon me. Brief as the time may be, you will have longer to prepared for Eternity, than was given your unfortunate victim. The sentence of the Court is, that you, WILLIAM PARNELL, be taken from hence to the place from whence you came. from thence to the lawful place of execution, there to be hanged by the neck until you be dead, and afterwards, that your body be buried within the precincts of the prison from which you are taken. And may The Lord Have Mercy on Your Soul. PARNELL'S Statement (Part 1) My friends and counsel have told me, that I should prepare a simple and truthful statement of my connection with the death of ARCHIBALD SILLARS, and this I now do, of my own accord. To understand my position, it will be necessary that I should give a short story of my life, and my connection with the deceased, because unless the true relations between us, at the time of SILLAR'S death, are clearly understood, my own conduct might be unjustly judged, and I might be considered a murderer, when I was only acting in my own defence, upon a sudden quarrel which I did not provoke. How this quarrel came about I shall have to show, and I shall give shortly the history of my life. I was born in the year 1847. My father had been for many years a trusted and respected employee of the firm of Bowring Bros. At the age of fourteen I entered the employ of Bowring Bros. and remained in that employ for twenty years. In 1880, I married and remained after marriage with Bowring Bros. for over three years. I had then two children with a prospect of a third. During my service at Bowrings I had saved some money, as I had always lived economically, and indeed sparingly; had never entered upon expenses like young men generally, and finding myself with a family getting round me, with a limited salary, and no prospect of getting any considerable advancement, I cast about for some opening in business, where I would have a better chance of providing for my family. PARNELL'S Statement (Part 2) It was in the summer of 1883, while in Bowring's employ, and at Topsail recovering from an accident to my ankle, that I met the deceased ARCHIBALD SILLARS. I had previously been speaking at Topsail with Mr. A. MARSHALL, who was then staying there, and who was a friend of both of us, of my desire to go into some business, and my possessing a little capital. At Topsail, Mr. SILLARS was there, and I met him, and after I had spoken to Mr. MARSHALL, he, SILLARS, told me that his health was not good, and he was thinking of retiring from the business of SILLARS & CAIRNS, and he thought that arrangements might be made between us. I told him what I was prepared to put in the business: there were bank shares of my wife, money of my mother's, and bank and Boot & Shoe Company shares of my own, and there was house property in Barnes' Lane, all of which I was willing to put in. The whole was assumed to be worth £4,000, and represented all that I could scrape together. The house and property, which was afterwards assigned to Mr. SILLARS at his request, without valuation upon it, was valued by T. W. SPRY in a note to SILLARS at £2,200, but I could never get SILLARS to allow a valuation upon it, in the books, until 1887, when it was taken in at £1,000 as I think, but cannot be certain PARNELL'S Statement (Part 3) The books will show. We finally, after many meetings and negotiations, arranged for a transfer of the business, and I took it over. I very soon found that the valuation of stock, for which I had to pay, was extravagant. The debts due to the concern, remained the property of SILLARS, and were from time to time, realized by him on the premises. SILLARS, after the transfer, was constantly about the premises, and interfering with clerks and servants, and the details of the business; but as there was still a large balance due by me to him on the valuation, I did not resent his interference, wishing to keep upon peaceable terms with him. This interference of his continued, as I believe, greatly to my loss, because he would frequently rush out from the shop to outport customers and passers who owed him money, and in this way many persons, who would have been customers of mine, were driven away from the shop. Shortly after I went into the business, I have reason to know that he told persons that I only had the business for two years, and would not be in charge of it any longer; this he told to Mrs. CAIRN. Looking at all his conduct in reference to myself and the business, I know now that having got from me all my means, he was determined to ruin me, and get back the business again on his own terms, leaving myself and my family beggars. He was a man who lived two very different sorts of lives to all appearance. PARNELL'S Statement (Part 4) To one set of people who was not in his power, he seemed a blunt man, open and honest. At first I regarded him as such and never dreamed he would do anything to compass my ruin, but I had not been long in connection with him until I found that he had sly and underhand ways. He commenced by, pretending that he was acting liberally with me, as he acted he said with others. He told me amongst other things, that he had invested £1,000 for young CAIRNS, the son of his former partner, and that he was paying for his schooling in England. This I found to be entirely false. In pretending to assist me in the business, he was not only injuring me, but he was also adopting a system of espionage. Before the concern got into difficulties, in the end of 1886, he made himself acquainted with everything going on in the establishment, even to the details of my housekeeping. In 1886 he actually interferred at the Commercial Bank to stop my credit, with the design of bringing me into difficulties. He was a principal creditor and became a Trustee with Mr. A. J. HARVEY and Mr. ROBERT RENDELL. These two did not interfere actively, but SILLARS took the whole management. To outsiders he pretended that he had great sympathy with me, and was doing all in his power to help the estate through its difficulties, to carry out some probable compromise with creditors, and to leave me the balance of the business. PARNELL'S Statement (Part 5) Under the insolvency proceedings, I was allowed a salary of £16 a month, while Mr. CARM was allowed £15 a month. Sickness came upon me; my wife had been recently confined; one of my children took diphtheria, and I had to attend it myself. Every two hours I had to brush its throat, and when he (SILLARS) knew I was anxious to get away for that purpose, he would deliberately try to detain me, although he must have known that it might be a matter of life and death to my poor little darling child. When this child recovered, another took it, and after sleepless nights I had to do the same thing for the other one. Notwithstanding he knew all my troubles, he was constantly grumbling to me about my expenses. He used to say that my wife ought to be able to do the work of the household, that the children were too great an expense, and that they were always eating and stuffing. I have seen him once, when my eldest child came down the shop, and when he thought I was not looking, he pushed the little fellow violently away. The little fellow's eyes filled with tears and he went away, and I said nothing. I bore all these troubles without resentment. I knew that he had power over me, and I submitted humbly, hoping that things would turn out all right in the long run, when I had paid 12s. 6d. in the pound, which I thought the creditors would accept, I would be clear of him. Although I felt very bitterly the humiliation of my position, I never said a cross word to him. For the sake of my wife and little ones I bore it all. PARNELL'S Statement (Part 6) I told from time to time, my persecution to my legal advisor, Mr. ROBERT McNEILY, and Mr. ALEXANDER McNEILY, and following their advice, which I knew was wise, I put up with all these troubles and annoyances which, small as they may seem, were very bitter to me, I had sunk my whole savings, which had gone into his pocket, and I saw what was a reasonable prospect of getting out of his clutches, and having something from the wreck, if I only submitted to him, and bore my load of trouble and persecution. For many years I had been in the habit of using a revolver, and I have had them of different sorts. I used to carry one when living in Barnes' Lane for dogs, and kept up the habit of doing so, and was fond of shooting at a mark, and had attained considerable skill in that respect, though, until the terrible night of the 30th Nov, I never used one upon man or beast. I had the habit of putting a pistol in my pocket at night and never went out at night without one. I had several revolvers, but the one which I usually carried, was one I had bought at Bowring's about the month of August, before going to Ferryland. I had trouble with some bank fishermen there, who were a very rough and dangerous lot. The Colt pistol produced, which I have had for years, was a poor weapon and clumsy to carry. A smaller one, that I had, was a mere toy, and so I bought this one. I had it as usual with me on the night in question. I had fallen asleep that evening after ten, and it was nearly 9 o'clock when I went down to the shop. PARNELL'S Statement (Part 7) I had been awake for several nights attending to my sick child. Intending to go out after the shop was closed I put this pistol in my pocket as was my custom. When I went down to the office after the shop was closed and when the cash was put away SILLARS taunted me with having been asleep when I should have been attending to business. I spoke about being awake with the children and he grumbled out that people who couldn't afford it, had no right to marry and have children. He then began to complain of the busines saying that the expenses of my wife and children were too high, and that at the end of the year there would be very little over the expenses, I said I thought that creditors would get the same dividend as last year, and I said I thought it strange I could not make an arrangement for a compromise like others, on reasonable terms. He said the creditors would not allow it. I said I believed they would, and I would ask them at next meeting. He said he was the chief creditor, and he would not agree to it. I got angry then and told him that he should be the last to object, considering all the old truck he had pawned off on me at treble its value. An angry contest took place during which he said that he would let me know his power and would close up the place at the end of the year. I asked him what was I to do with my wife and family. He said to clear out and starve and be damned; he told me that I was like all Newfoundlanders, a poor lot, and if I had any pluck I would have cleared out long ago. Much more he said in a bitter and jeering way, and went on to abuse my wife, saying she was a useless slouch, fit for nothing but dressing herself. I asked him why he kept her up till two or three o'clock in the morning, while I was in Ferryland, and she was just four weeks over her confinement. PARNELL'S Statement (Part 8) He laughed again in a sneering way, and said that was his business. I then spoke the first word of abuse I ever employed to him. I said he was a damned heartless old reprobate, that he was a scoundrel and a hyprocrite who had robbed and swindled me. He was standing on the Western side of the office and I was on the other side. He flew into a violent temper and foamed at the mouth and seized the coal shovel, he rushed towards me holding it over me and swearing and threatening. I told him if he touched me I would kill him. I took out the pistol not intending then to use it, but only meaning to intimidate him and prevent assault. I told him if he touched me I would kill him. The revolver was one of those selfco*cking ones, and as he rushed towards me with the shovel in his hand the mere action of my muscles pressed the trigger and I must have shot him in the breast. The whole scene is in some confusion in my brain for I was unwell at the time and had been suffering, not only from business troubles, but I had a violent headache, with a terrible sense of oppression on the brain, which made me feel as if I could only be relieved by the bursting of my head. I knew that after I got him he rushed forward; having dropped the shovel, he grasped at the revolver, and there was a strugggle between us which was continued, I don't know how long; but I know that we both clinched and got outside. Other barrels of the the revolver must have been discharged. During that struggle I must have been in a mad frenzy. PARNELL'S Statement (Part 9) I only remember it now as a struggle of life and life between us, and first sensible remembrance, when I recovered from my temporary madness, was that he was dead on the floor before me. Then only I thought of the horror of my situation, and in the agony of my feelings, recognizing only the fact that I had killed a human being, I thought of some poison that I had in the desk for dealers furring. I took out the bottle, which was a long one, nothing like that produced for which I cannot account. I put the strychnine in a cup, which was under the desk, and put some water in it, and I went upstairs intending to die. Passing the stove in the show room in which there was a bright fire, I threw the bottle into it. The wound in the hand, may be accounted for by the explosion of the revolver, in the close struggle between us, when he rushed upon me after the first shot. I took no steps whatever to hide myself, or conceal my connection with the death of ARCHIBALD SILLARS. So far as my poor scattered senses help me in my memory of the terrible scene, this is a true statement of the circ*mstances. I make this statement in the presence of God, before whom I stand, and I make it with all the solemnity of a dying declaration. I know that I am standing on the brink of the grave, from which the verdict of this jury only can deliver me. With all this responsibility upon me, I say before God and this Court, that whatever of justification of my acts is in this statement is true, and I leave the rest to my kind, wise counsel. May God direct you gentlement to do me justice.
June 29, 1889
Boot & Shoe FactoryWe are told that the total number of boot and shoes sold last year by the Boot & Shoe Factory, St. John’s was 150,000 pairs, which number it is thought will be exceeded this year.DiphtheriaWe regret to learn that diphtheria is still very prevalent in St. John’s though it is said to be of a somewhat milder type than formerly. It appears, however, to be more generally visiting adults, and some elderly persons have been severely attacked by the malady.Methodist ConferenceThe annual Methodist Conference met at Carbonear on Wednesday last. A special dispatch from there informs us that the Rev. Thomas S. JAMES has been elected President; Rev. William SWAN, Secretary; Rev. James NURSE, Journal Secretary; Revs. John W. VICKERS and Jabez HILL assistant secretaries.PassengersThe coastal steamer Conscript arrived at three o’clock on Sunday morning. She went as far as Griquet and returned going to St. John’s on Wednesday afternoon, making the trip North of this forty-eight hours than the previous time. The following were passengers:- For St. John’s- Dr. HOWLEY, Messers, BYNON, BOWEN, RICE, LANGMEAD, MAYNORD and Mrs. MALCOM. From here:- Rev. Mr. ANDREWS, Rev. Mr. HODGKINSON and son, Mr. CADWELL. The following landed here:- Mr. and Mrs. FURNEAU, Constable BURT, Messrs. BURKE, JACKMAN, and BURT. For Fogo:- Mrs. BURT, Mrs. ROLFE, and Miss LISCOMBE.The FisheryA little has been done with fish in this neighborhood the past week. Some boats at Crow Head on Thursday got nearly a quintal, and at the Arm there has been a better sign than formerly. Caplin have been scarce in places where fish were to be caught and the delay in procuring it has lessened the quantity of fish taken. About New Bay and Leading Tickles the fishing up to date has been fair. On the Cape Shore the prospects are not very bright. From North West Arm and other parts of Green Bay similar reports reach us. Caplin landed here about the 20th inst. but rather scarce. Salmon have also been scarce. Around the Cape there was a better prospect of fish at one or two place when the Conscript came along. A report from Ming Bight says: On Monday the 24th Inst., there was a good sign of fish. Boats caught two and three quintal each in the afternoon. Caplin landed at Coachman’s Cove on Monday for the fist time this season. French bankers are interfering with our fishermen by hauling caplin in their traps. Captains of French bankers say that traps prevent caplin from landing. Seven or eight French vessels are now in Ming’s Bight waiting for a supply of bait, which will take, we are informed, nothing less than sixteen hundred barrels each.Mail CommunicationWe are pleased to learn that a mail courier has been appointed for North West Arm, and other places in Green Bay. This agreement will connect with the coastal steamer at Nippers Harbor, so that soon after the arrival of the Conscript there, letters and papers will be dispatched for these places. This will give them regular communication which is a great improvement, and will prove of much benefit. We are sorry that the person employed should be so poorly paid, for any one acquainted with the round he has to make must know that the amount is in sufficient. We are glad, however, that this service has been established, and hope that reasonable compensation will also be given to the one who, at times, will doubtless have to endure considerable hardship in reaching the various settlements. A correspondent writing on the subject says: We North West Armers, hail with delight the appointment of a man to bring us our letters and papers, and cannot but feel thankful to our members for remembering us and our neighbors in Jackson’s Cove and Three Arms, &c. We are very sorry the bringer of that mail is so poorly paid. We think that instead of getting the sum of two dollars, he ought to get at least three dollars, and then be poorly paid. We sincerely hope that the persons who were the means of launching so praise worthy a matter will make another move to satisfy the bringer of the mail whoever he may be.Hon. M. MonroePresentation.- On Tuesday, the employees of the hon. M. MONROE presented him with a full-length portrait of himself, painted by Mr. HATCH, in his best style- in oil colours. The occasion on which it was presented was Mr. MONROE’s birthday, and the painting was accompanied with a beautifully ornamented card, bearing the names of all the employees, requesting his acceptance of the gift, with the best wishes of the donors for may happy returns of the day. The presentation was an agreeable surprise to Mr. MONROE, who knew nothing of what was coming, and who must have been highly gratified by such a spontaneous expression of good will and kindly feeling from those in his employment. Such manifestations of friendly relations and kindly understanding between employer and employed are very pleasant and always to be welcomed. They speak volumes for both parties. - MercuryDeathAt Little Bay, on the 17th instant, of bronchitis and pneumonia, Alfred, infant son of Sergeant WELLS, aged one year; he was born on the 17th of June 1888 and died on the 17th of June this year.DeathOn Tuesday, June 4th, at Smithtown, Kings County. N.B., after much suffering, Catherine, relict of the late Rev. T. BOONE, of Plymouth, Eng. Aged 74 years.Ship NewsEntered. June 24 - Lord Devon, PARTRIDGE, St. John’s, salt - E.DUDER. June 26 - Arthur, HARGRAVE, Cadiz, salt - OWEN & EARLEBankersDuring the past few days several of our banking fleet have returned to port from the Banks, namely, the Frolic, BARNES, master, 180 qtls.; Emma Moody, MOODY, master, 230 qtls.; Mary, FOWLOW, master, 400 qtls.; the Arctic, WHITE, master, with a small fare; Elizabeth, GOSSE, master, 100 qtls. Beside those the Twillingate bankers Iris and Gaspereau, commanded respectively by WHITE and CHURCHILL, have returned here from the Banks, the first named vessel with 150 and the other with about 80 quintals. - Trinity Record. June 15Schooner LostLoss of a Trinity Schooner.- The schooner Coral, JOHN GOVER, master, left here on Thursday, the 6th inst., for Labrador. Very foggy weather prevailed, and about one o’clock on Saturday morning, when about 9 miles off Bird Island Cove, she ran into an iceberg, sinking in ten minutes, so that the crew, comprising seven persons, had only time to escape in their boats and saved nothing. Shortly afterwards they fell in with a Harbor Grace schooner, commanded by Capt. Richard HAYDEN, who took the shipwrecked crew on board his vessel and brought them into Bird Island Cove. There was an expensive outfit on board the Coral, all of which was lost. The vessel was insured in the Trinity Mutual Insurance Club. Mr. GOVER desires to publicly thank Capt. HAYDEN for his kindness to himself and crew.Twillingate to Bonavista (1)A few remarks on our trip to Twillingate and back may perhaps interest your reader; at any rate it will help to fill up, and prove a little light reading amongst the heavy parliamentary debates which still occupy your columns. We left this place about 3 a.m. on the 11th inst. King’s Cove was first port of call, celebrated for its riot over the public wharf in the Spring, but more especially and honorably for its Roman Catholic Chapel which, being on a commanding site and of beautiful architecture, readily attracts the eye and elicits admiration from all travellers. In the old grave yard close by, the old Parish Priest, after many years of toil in Trinity and Bonavista Bays, was laid to rest. A handsome stone slab raised a few feet above the ground on a wall of the same kind of stone marks the spot, but we were sorry to see that it was falling into a state of disrepair, and that the fence around the ground was down in several places. Surely the good people of King’s Cove have more respect for the good old man than to let his grave become a ruin for lack of attention. Salvage was touched at en route and the steamer “lay to,” under the shadow of its high perpendicular cliff; which those who see will not forget readily from its peculiar appearance.Twillingate to Bonavista (2)Away then for Greenspond, past islands to right and left, Little Denier with its fine light house, and the beautiful bold and rocky scenery thereabouts. We past Puffin Island, with is old stone light house, to an anchorage in Greenspond harbor, and then ashore to inspect the sights, &c. The name itself is suggestive, Green, because green trees and grass are abut the scarcest things there, and pond because fresh water is perhaps the next scarcest. Following this incongruity comes our Methodist property with its Church, without a spire and its Central Hall with one. The latter building is the result of Rev. F. R. DUFFILL’S foresight and energy, and is spacious, handsome and easy of access, being right on the public road on a site purchased from Mr. F. WHITE, at a nominal price. Other public buildings worthy of note are the Episcopal Church and hall, and the Orange Lodge, a peculiar low building which prompts every passenger to ask “what building is that?” Off again for Fogo, passing Cabot Island, with its light house, the Wadhams with a light house too and a very large fleet of fishing boats on the ground, trying to obtain the where-it-all to square the merchant’s account and provide food for the winter.Twillingate to Bonavista (3)Arrived at Fogo we lay alongside the wharf of Messrs. HODGE to land freight, and there our steamer took the liberty of reclining in the soft, muddy bottom when the tide fell, compelling us to await the rising which was six hours away; some of us went on shore for a few hours social intercourse at a friend’s, before we turned in for the night. The narrow entrance to the harbor where the “Somerside” came to grief a few years ago, was of course the object of remark for all strangers, and on shore perhaps the most striking building is the schoolhouse, erected to the memory of Rev. Mr. MEEK, which is quite ornate in design and construction. Fogo boasts a Post-master who keeps the steamer or rather the mail for two hours, i.e. he will not deliver the Northern mail to the steamer until two hours after he receives the Southern, and vice versa; for that reason he is not popular with the travelling public. Herring Neck was soon reached; this is a beautiful spot, islands and arms of the sea producing a most fascinating loveliness. Here we received intelligence that we would be quarantined at Twillingate, only passengers for the port being allowed to land. This spread dismay amongst those who were not bound there, as a public wharf to land us, gave all a chance to go ashore and have a walk on terra firma. However we reached Twillingate in good time and those who had travelled a little and “knew a thing or two” simply walked ashore without any questioning, while those who asked permission had to stay on board for a little while longer.Twillingate to Bonavista (4)Here were landed the ministers who had come from the various southern ports for their District Meeting. You have already [can’t read] their doings at District by special correspondent. All were pleased with their stay at the Notre Dame Bay M.....[text too faint to read] is much in Twillingate to be admired, its public wharf, and fine streets, its bridge and canal, its court-house (whose cells by the way we found empty, swept and clean, and withal comfortable enough for any occupant – long may Twillingate gaol want a prisoner) and fine drives around Back Harbor, Wild Cove, and the Light-house on one side, and the Arm with its coves and settlements on the other, are all objects which we sure on fuller acquaintance would prove more interesting; but then we had only a limited time to take-stock of all these things and yet they impressed themselves upon our memories. The dwelling houses, business premises and Churches are also deserving of remark. Twillingate is dear to us Methodists, for resting in the South Side cemetery are the remains of Rev. Wm. MARSHALL, our pioneer minister in those parts, who, after a life of faithful service, lay himself down to die far away from his old home and friends, yet “safe in the arms of Jesus,” and by and bye when the great archangel’s trump shall sound, he and his spiritual children all round the bay who are asleep in Jesus, and who will yet sleep in Him ere that day arrives, will be raised in glory, and after the pomp and majesty of the judgement day, go home to be ‘forever with the Lord.”Twillingate to Bonavista (5)Sunday was a high day in Twillingate. Sermons at 7 a.m., 11 a.m., and 6:30 p.m., in both our churches, and also Sunday School meetings in each at 3 p.m. The Conscript arrived at 11 a.m., but at the request of the District she was allowed to remain until midnight; accordingly at a few minutes past twelve we steamed away with pleasant recollections of our visit to your town. Our homeward trip is remarkable, because we made the run from Fogo to Greenspond in five hours, and forty minutes being quickest trip on record, running twelve knots by the log. Shortly after we left King’s Cove we were mustered in the saloon to spend an hour or two in singing. We had good singing, good hymns, good tunes; we fancy those on board will not soon forget it. We were therefore very sorry when we arrived at Bonavista and had to go ashore, the only time in our lives when we were sorry our sea voyage was over. We cannot close without paying a tribute to the Conscript; her speed, her comfort and handsome accommodation make her a pleasant boat to travel by, whilst her officers, particularly those of the saloon, whom passengers are more qualified to judge, do all in their power to make their patrons comfortable, thus getting for their ship, their employees and themselves a good name amongst the travelling public. What do the agents think of putting a piano, or, - if that be too large to fit in the saloon nicely - a cabinet organ, in the saloon of the Conscript and Volunteer? Such a gift would have been highly appreciated on the Conscript last trip. J.C.P. Bonavista, June 19

Contributed by George White (2002)
May 4, 1889 to May 25, 1889 Transcribed by George White (2002)
June 1, 1889 to June 22, 1889 Transcribed by Georgina Hussey (2002)
June 29, 1889 Transcribed by Glenda Quinn (2003)

Page Revised by Craig Peterman (March 2003)

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