The Record from Hackensack, New Jersey (2024)

C-2 THE SUNDAY RECORD, JULY 2, 2000 feu 111 Contact us at ft CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED ANNOUNCEMENTS 7-10 FINANCIAL 38-42 Business Opportunities to Business to Business wjj RESIDENTIAL REAL ESTATE fO FOR RENT 74-80 Unfurnished to Wanted to Rent TO PLACE A CLASSIFIED AD IN THE RECORD Monday to Friday 8:00 a.m. 7:00 p.m. Fax: 201-646-4251 Personals to Lost. Found, or Stolen 3 El E3 EE AUTOMOTIVE 10A-17 ANIMALS 46-50 Pets to Wanted PetsLivestock RESIDENTIAL REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 81-89B Antique to Wanted Automotive TO CAHCEL YOUR CLASSIFIED AD Residential to Real Estate Traded Bergen PassaicMorris Ridgewood Hudson Rockland Manhattan 201-488-3100 973-628-8062 201-444-0800 201-867-0999 914-356-8150 212-279-8484 I EMPLOYMENT MERCHANDISE ftl 33C-36 VI 50A-66 Wanted to Rummage SalesBazaars to Stuations Wanted Wanted to Buy F' INSTRUCTION If! ROOM AND BOARD 1 37C-37P Ml 66A-73 CALL 201-968-4600 ANYTIME Please leave your full name, the type of ad you are canceling, and the phone number you used when you placed the ad. (If the phone number you included in your ad is different from your billing place number, please leave both.) Your ad will be canceled out of the next available publication, based on deadlines.

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Ads can be canceled at any time, but fees are non-refundable. Sorry, no Bargain Box ads accepted by telephone. Subject to change without notice. Massage Relaxation QtJ Massage Relaxation 9J Massage Relaxation 9J 1 Massage Relaxation 9J Telsphortl Massage Relaxation 9J if nwn mi ft Massage Relaxation 9J Massage Relaxation 9J UKRAINIAN THERAPY '973-256-6400 MASSAGE Convenient location Paramus) The body treatment for the massage connoisseur at the Fountain Spa formerly OUTCALL MASSAGE Best Rate Fast Service 7 Davs, All CC's 80O379-8226 Personals "ONLY THE known as Lady Fingers. Established for passed 16 years.

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Swedish, Jacuzzi Saunas MASSAGE or Spiritual Healing TheraputicProfl. l-2hours Cert. CC. Call Karel 201-488-8070 All cx 2 mile GWB, loam-1 Ipm ASIAN MASSAGE 201-372-1890 ORIENTAL ESCORT 'To Know Us IsTo Love Us" 201-400-5838 TIRED' STRESSED OUT? Let our staff relax your BODY, MIND SPIRIT Call 201-816-9011 7 DAYS, B.I.N. 0 Distractions.

100 Attraction ALWAYS YOURS ESCORTS 201-507-5460 lHourJ60 Two Masseuses l5AW.Erie. Rutherford RUSSIAN THERAPY 201 503 0725-CCOKd ASIAN DELIGHT BEST -NO 201 227 0735 CCOK 0 Interruptions, 247 BELLA ESCORTS 1-80O-951-9582 VOLVOS VOLVO 240 SEDANS 90 244 Was Stw6509 90 244WM SIW69C0 VOLVO 245 WAGONS 91 2i5A3lue SlH'763' 91 3 SIW6769 93 245 WW SM7656 93 245Awne mm mmmmtmtiniwnrrif)nmmrrminimmmmmfifnvmM iw imams a imsimimmtmmmimamm laiiir i i -nr th iMMMWraMMiaMaJttif rinWTiwafiraKwiiwinwiMiia VOLVO 740 760 SEDANS 2000 Buick Century Custom 39 744 GLE Maroon SIM 6083 90 744THI SIM 7259 2000 Buick Regal LS Jasfw Green, V-6, auto, AC, 1SB Luxury mink convenience net. arret saver, PS, PB, V'INY1 177131, MSRP $23,562 VOLVO 940 960 SEDANS Light SanJnft, V-6, auto, AC, TW, PB, PS, Power cruise. AMFM stereo lSBPta-. VINY1 316957, MSRP $20,945 944TG'3v S1W7322 95 951 Black SM6709 BUY FOR 35964 Wr.

S1M7222 Now Thru July 3rd! 97 964 Gray S1M7325 97 965 9i3Cfcaerry. LEASE FOR $319 Per Mo.36 Mos. BUY FOR 279 $18,101" VOLVO S90 2C89 isoio r.cio is cue Per Mo.36 Mos. I -A-Vl JL JL 7398 St" 6859 98 Air Conditioning AMFM Stereo Cassette pual Air Bags VOLVO V90 Roof Rack Ctuise Control ntrol Cbrh Interbr Intermittent Wipers 97r90Svei St" 7586 '98 V90 Nav Si. SW73I9 96 V90 Coral fled Si 7363 Tinted Glass Tilt Wheel VOLVO 850 SEDANS WAGONS Theft Deterrent System Pwr Windows Locks 96 855 GU Navy Bus St7646 97 855ASi.

SW7476 tPwr Steering wear uetogger. 854 GLT Amethyst Sim 741 1 97 855 T-5 Navy Blue Sm7487 Pwr Trunk 1 11 Pwr Mirrors I VOLVO S70 SSO VN -r ABS Brakes THto MONPAY i Pushbutton V6 Engine Corm 6r Cflfafcrot wltn or AA Radlals 99 570 GLTA Emra 7312 S8.S St 7314 S8029Su SM7536 99S70GLTSr. SM7364 99S70aTSBlnran Stk' 7365 99S70ASB9iGnn SM7441 SM744C It', If. Join (or Lanjfmnttjv hrt doo and wda. Ltd Slip Differential I'M Spd Auto Trans wOD wo Wit totem tor Be krx.

Closed July 4th VOLVO 00 MSRP $27,675. VIN Y4317605. Stk 187. C70 CVKt S'7547 -5s iutw tf. VOLVO V70 IHn5ECURITY'': B-1 Hi I jeSASECURITYt DEPOSIT? 1 I St 758C BB for SIU72SC per mo.

39 mos. S794 Due At Lease Signing. in for Sl736j 8 V7C Sitver HWiWQStm 98rjWXCSardsW MVOASwer 99VjXCA'AOS4vr 2000 Buick Park Avenue 2000 Buick LeSabre Lilit Bnuxe Mist, V-6, nutn, AC, ISC I Wiiiinn ri-lnvcr niiirwul nil A vFik, VLNYL'2W2. SM7443 Lthr Mi.t. V-6, AC, PS, PR, AMFM '1NY4233634, MSRP 533,395 A ti 'torn BUY FOR 1 yi'iH LEASE FOR II 333 BUY FOR POWfgrMfV LIMITED WARRANTY ON ALL NEW 2000 ISUZUSI LEASE FOR 399 Per Mo.36 Mos.

1,000 Down 21,889 Per Mo.36 Mos. M.000 Dow 94 Dodge Dakota 17 Ton Sweeplin 8 Foot 3 S-Sp Manual. Blue. Grey Oo. AC.

AM-FM-STS-CASS Power Loct Bed Lrer, ClaJenger Ted Cresl 24 12S St6'94 1 i 0ra 13 2Xi Ye tc 36 -s YC: Ys 11 'icn $1323 jS222Seejs 7 sa's $rG -is At QC At 120CC -y. Zc risr a rd fes. j-a Less 'esc cr T'i 52 r-yg xss a terser rf i. eiies jg: L'i sa a. 12U til EXiiiLtt Visit Our Wecsite At: WWW. Go farther. 406 Grand Ave. At Rte. 4, Englevvood 20111.0700 lf qualified. IncentJvizsd APR rates (0) NOT applicable to advertised sale prices.

See dealer personnel for details. ILease is closed end SO if qua! cap cost red. 1st mo pyrrrt, $435 tank fee if quat sec dep due at reep. Incep TtLTtl P.rr&lease 1,661.512,156 Rodeo LS1 12.000 mt'yr allow w.15c,'rr thereafter. Purch opt at lease end (515.493, Rodeo LS) to a2 qua! buyers.

Prices rel ai costs to be paid by a consumer exc for reg taxes Lessee resconsiWe for excess war tear fict responsibie for Toourao'ncal errors. aPiwSL RES! I ink I.

The Record from Hackensack, New Jersey (2024)
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Author: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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Author information

Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

Birthday: 2001-07-17

Address: Suite 794 53887 Geri Spring, West Cristentown, KY 54855

Phone: +5934435460663

Job: Central Hospitality Director

Hobby: Yoga, Electronics, Rafting, Lockpicking, Inline skating, Puzzles, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.