The Giants Injuries And Losses Are Mounting l 95.7 The Game Live Stream - Raw Chili (2024)

The Giants Injuries And Losses Are Mounting l 95.7 The Game Live Stream

[Music] [Music] [Applause] n [Music] [Music] [Applause] n [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] he [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and hits it high hits it deep towards the ocean gone Dodgers take the lead and a mammoth home run from sh oh baby I’m hurting I am I’m hurting right now it’s Joe shasi bont’s out today we got spon filling in and speedon normally I like to pass the rock right away to you but today I want you to sit and listen to read you’re hurting right now man you’re hurting I want to shout out the exfinity text line um it’s just Joe Davis by the way Spectrum sports right there la oh you know what uh loveby love I’m I’m missing some of my reads bud so when you get a chance could you send them over to me I don’t know where I put them I don’t know where they’re at but I want to start here cuz I’m going to read you something from the Los Angeles Times and today is about you Giants fans today’s about you and this is from the LA times 11 months ago the Dodgers and the giants look like two franchises headed in somewhat different directions then in June a surging Giants team came to Dodger Stadium in 2023 swept a three-game series in a dominant fashion jumped their inivision rivals in the National League West marking a clear low water mark for the Dodger slow start in 2023 and one year later oh my God they are seemingly headed in opposite directions again only now it’s the Dodgers who are cruising with a huge division lead the Giants are struggling to gain Traction in the danger of suffering yet another wasted year in the shadow of their Southern California counterparts and I’ll finish it here the Dodgers blow out the Giants outslug the Giants and significantly showcased their star power with sh’s 12th home run of the year and just to Twist the knife had an even more vocal presence in a split crowd of 33,000 going back to last year the Dodgers have won six straight games against the Giants they’ve clinched four straight Series in a one-sided rivalry and not even two months into the year are 10 games clear of the San Francisco Giants this is the low water Mark it’s not good it’s not good you’re close Jo Good morning Joe sorry for reading and wasting and not throwing it’s happy hump day bud it’s all right you know what we’re going to get through this all right they’re closer right now though the San Francisco Giants they’re closer to the Colorado Rockies than they are the Los Angeles Dodgers and that’s just the reality right now and the Rockies by the way are kind of hot they wanton six in AOW so they’re all of a sudden don’t look now but the Rockies could surge past you eventually like that’s the reality right now and it’s sobering now how much is that the lack of talent around you because of injuries stuff like that I saw Jorge Solair yesterday just when it when it rains it pores poor guy the guy’s taking batting practice Joe shasi and I see this coming across my timeline it just foul right off the top of the head he’s all shaking up I thought oh oh it’s fine it’s fine but no he Delayed Reaction didn’t feel good so it’s just like H can they catch a break here now the news that jung-ho LE Jung H Lee I I saw yesterday in the Susan sler article San Francisco Chronicle covers the team a Dodger outfielder said his arm looks like spaghetti his shoulder the separated shoulder looks like spaghetti and not spaghetti and meatballs not the good stuff that makes you feel good that made me queasy hearing something and seeing something like that poor guy I feel bad for him he was a a bright spot I mean and and I say a bright spot on this team is is Batten 250 I mean which is crazy to say but it’s night and day when you watch this series Joe of just the talent discrepancy the fan interaction whether it’s you know and I just go back on the basic level we came in yesterday and it was a different feeling it was like you know what the Dodgers are the Dodgers but last night was at least fun to watch yesterday was a reality check that’s not fun that’s not fun for anyone well they’re outclass yes on every level and and it would be one thing if it’s like hey it’s just not our window and our Windows coming up and our time’s going they’ve won the division 11 out of 12 Years say that again they’ve won the division 11 out of 12 years that’s called dominance okay they have twice as many playoff victories since 2010 and you won three World Series in that time this is you won three World Series since 2010 and they have twice as many playoff victories the last World Series was was 10 years ago so it it’s Joe it’s it’s starting to get to the point where that I think those three World Series finally a decade later a lot of people are like okay that was great it evaporated yes and like the good the good faith from those is is gone 100% Shout Out YouTube twitch and Twitter brought to you by first noral credit you can upgrade your savings dividend open a first NorCal first class money market today uh the Xfinity mobile text line I’ll be reading those texts today and shout out to our friends at flowing water plumbing and drain if you’re going to call into the roast you better bring it cuz if you don’t you will be flushed brought to you by flowing water Plumbing in drain that’s no we’re going to talk did you hear that that that flush real quick that’s the giant season circling down the drain well look I don’t want to scream and yell today I want to have like a real conversation with Giants fans we used to be in lock step as a community with this team like one in one holding hands every step of the way this this this team meant something to this community and when the Dodgers came to town there was a uniting no matter where they were in the standings a uniting of people like we’re going to go out there and and we’re going to root on our team and there were guys that you could pull for and I just feel like the business model the baseball model the connection the human element the emotional connection everything is broken right now it’s just broken and when I look at what the Dodgers have done do I want the Giants to be exactly like the Dodgers no I don’t no do are there elements that they do well of course but like I know you’re not going to be able to replicate some of the financial things that they can replicate but show me you got a puncher’s chance yeah Joe they they’ve lost all five games this year okay they’ve lost six in a row overall we’re 45 games into the year and they’re 10 games out of first place and it feels like they’re not even on the same Planet as this team we look this is what we look like we look like Southern Baptist State against Alabama my dad always would call him turkey Tech University whenever these the teams would play each other that’s a great yeah Southern Baptist State’s a good one Our Lady of the poor exactly right like that’s what they look like no it’s it’s true I kind of liken it to the Dodgers if we’re just going to go football because the NFL schedule releases today too and don’t worry we’ll be moderating everything Niners already got a win this morning if you woke up folks they’re not traveling to Europe next year so no International games for the San Francisco 49ers we’re going to monitor the NFL stuff all day trust me we’re not just going to sit here and and and and go crazy about the but like the reality is I do want to hear from Giants fans yes cuz pedon like you’ve been here you’ve seen it like as the A’s fervor has completely dropped and I watched Money Ball yesterday and I want to get into that because I think there’s some there’s some correlation to what’s going on now and how the Giants tried to replicate something and there’s just a lot that can get into it but like we are going to monitor the NFL but what the hell happened to my Giants well what happened to them I just I look at the Giants and they’re never going to be the Dodgers and I look at I look at the Dodgers and listen they got Betts they got Freeman they got Otani but it’s the other things that they do just so well it’s the the constant drafting like this kid yesterday Stone fifth round pick in 2020 fifth round pick in0 and I’m listening to Fem and and I love Kye and KRW I love them but they’re like well you know the co year really ruined the development this guy was drafted in the middle of Co it was Dave flaming by the way 8:30 here on 957 the game are giants inside like how are the Giants the only ones struggling with development because of Co I don’t know keep going no no no but to your point like it’s one thing to just land on the Stars if you can do that that’s great then you’re the Padre’s and stuff like that with years ago like remember when they’re getting the Upton Brothers they’re bringing everyone Craig Kimbrell uh James Shields all that sort of stuff stuff that’s fine but it’s the Gavin luxes it’s the Stones it’s the it’s the whe whether it was Seager we had Jerry har Jun on yesterday Seager who won a World Series last year with the Rangers who won a World Series a couple years ago Bellinger who’s all of a sudden looking good now with the Cubs they’re developing guys that are also going elsewhere and succeeding that’s what I want from the Giants right now and I know this team that I’m about to mention has kind of had a couple down years but for the most part for my whole life they’ve been relevant it’s the St Louis Cardinals one of the most well-run teams in sports and I get it right now they’re kind of in a l period which you know what they’ve had a 20year run so I think they’re allowed to have a little down period they have one of the best winning records in sports but that’s a team I look at and like why can’t the Giants be a team like that that go out and get the big names like they’re in St Louis Missouri for God’s sakes and God love you if you’re listening from St Louis can opener CER guy great it’s not what I would call a free agent destination no but they would get free agents constantly they would make Acquisitions And Trades I know goldi has not had a good year but he’s been pretty good for them for the most part Nolan arado might be a Hall of Fame kind of a guy he’s been pretty good for them um so I just I look at a team like that and say why can’t the Giants be like them and then it just goes back to far hany all all arrows point right now and I don’t want the conversation again Joe to just boil down to far Faron far far you know what this is a long ass season it’s May 15th and we can’t be doing that all the time but it’s just when I watch this the free agents are one thing it’s the development that really stands out the infrastructure Walker buer again like another guy Joe I I’m watching Money Ball and we’re going to go out to the lines 888 957 9570 I see you Nick and San Jose we’re going to get to you in one second I I watch Moneyball yesterday I had the little guy my wife wasn’t feeling good the the the allergies are just crushing the family this this the last couple days I’m wearing I slept in my eye conts last night and it was my eyes are we’re both down bad today it’s not feeling great well I watched Mone this a flu game and and look I know that the book is a little different from the movie and that there’s a lot of Liberties that have been taken but like they’re talking about Scott hadberg and and the platooning and you know trying to find Value in the margins what they omit to explain to you in Money Ball is that the scouts also found Hudson Moulder and zitto that the scouts also found tahada and Chavez okay yeah they lost Giambi they found Giambi okay like like we could talk about like finding value in the margins s Angelo the core of that team again Miguel tahar who won an MVP with Baltimore okay Eric Chavez who was the last big deal the A’s have given out exactly in years okay the big three Hudson Moulder and zitto go back and look at their early track record they were called The Big Three for a reason and there were other guys there like I the A’s were finding Talent all over Mark Ellis was on that team there’s a lot of guys right and yeah you could Patchwork your David Justice here and there the problem Giants is that they got no of the core of what made that a team so good so you want a money ball every position it’s like no you’re missing the big point the big Point wasn’t the money balling the big point was you found tahada you found gon you found the big three where’s our big three so like all that Moneyball crap that everyone wants to shove in my face about finding guys with Ops and on base percentage that’s all fine and dandy where’s the All Star yeah where where are the all stars like right now I’m looking at this Giants team who potentially could be an Allstar Lamont Wade maybe okay a great example but but do we all expect this to keep up that’s the thing Lamont Wade has got you know depreciation in the second half written all over him let’s go out to start of pitching right because I think Logan web’s like an Allstar caliber okay but you got to get the guy some run support correct he’s going to be five and 21 all right let’s go out to Nick and San Jose it’s just again I what has happened to the Giants where where are we at here Nick what’s up buddy hey guys I want to say I feel especially you Shas I can hear in your voice the pain and I wear my emotions on my sleeve and you guys know I how much I love the bay are and the Warriors and please don’t get mad at me here I gotta explain myself I’m actually I’m actually a Dodger fan and let me tell you why and then I’ll tell you what I my observation with the with giants so I’m 49 years old I’ve come into Age 3 four years old it’s the iconic Yankees versus The Dodgers I’m Italian uh we had Lort and all that stuff my favorite player was surprisingly Steve sacks and at the time the Giants were so bad this was after mccovy and you had Johnny L Master blah blah so now let’s fast forward I’m in seventh and eighth grade you bring up people like Will Clark he h a home run against Golan Ryan you got Robbie Thompson you guys are amazing dude and I love these guys even though I’m a doctor fan these guys are exciting you night I’m watching with my buddy and we’re laughing we’re laughing that your beautiful Park and it’s beautiful like Baltimore is the the Dodgers are running you guys out of town Dodger Dodger Dodger and I gotta tell you man I felt sorry for you guys you had sabes know you had sa you had bie he won a title with the Rangers let me say this in year one in year one Nick Year One guys SC and let me tell you right now there’s no reason you can’t get people the Bay Area is beautiful these guys live in laan anyways exact and you got you you you need you need to get Buster posie to manage his team next year or take a more visible role dude I mean this team is so bad and even if you get everyone healthy Robbie Ray of the world you’re a 77 win team you’re boring it’s horrible it is horrible so bad Nick I love you pal I’m I’m hugging you through the phone even though he’s a dodg but like this is where we’re like and I and I’ll be 100% candid here I’m a lover of sports so when things get one-sided right Red Sox Yankees one-sided for so long like the the the Rivalry loses its luster are Joe I’m a Raider fan there’s no rivalry with the Kansas City Chiefs say it’s Kansas City Chiefs and no rivalry in their own division they’ve dominated it for the last decade Seahawks right when the Seahawks were running it up on the Niners like 17 and one or what whatever the record was it was absolutely crazy it’s like this is not a rivalry this is one-sided like you got to get a couple victories on your side otherwise it’s not a rivalry like part of what made Detroit the Pistons versus the Bulls is like hey Pistons got the better of of Michael early on then he got the better of them later you know like that’s what makes a rivalry and right now I’m looking at one team that’s an absolute Juggernaut and I’m looking at the other team and I don’t I just don’t know what like what are they trying to accomplish you know look we watched Matos yesterday in center field and he’s struggling he’s taking poor routes not communicating you’re the center fielder you got to take you know command on one of those plays early in the game on the Freddy Freeman Fly ball but like this is why they signed Jung juli yeah was because they they kind of knew that like MOS probably isn’t a center fielder and now that guy’s on the shelf for the year you know and then Jorge Solair to your point earlier you want to talk about being snake bitten I mean I’ve been throwing BP to kids for like 20 seen something like that never in my life seing a guy get into the cage hit one up off the pole of the top of the cage come back and smack him in the face you know what I said to myself you got to wear a helmet now every time I I like all these guys should be wearing helmets like I’m dead he’s he’s lucky to fracture his eye I know or whatever it is the socket socket orbital socket we’re down so bad we’re down so bad the guy that I didn’t even think should be in the rotation is now going to be out with like a forearm strain Keat win who was pitching pretty well you know until recently and now I’m like oh my God we’re out three fifths of the rotation right now like Sam Sam this is the team you and I grew up loving gar fries and baseball guys it’s heartbreaking to watch it really is and by the way Kei win he he said it was just a cramp so cross fingers that that’s all it is but it’s just one those things it’s just like can we just go like just one hour without someone getting hurt but that’s where it’s at it’s just Bailey’s back on the I with the concussion thing I kind I kind of told you guys that’s conning and then the the Jung Huli I I hate to say I kind of told you guys I had heard it was a lot worse than than initially when they say structural damage is never yeah it’s never horrible I mean when I hear structural damage I think of a quarterback separating their shoulder and having like ligament damage reconstructive surgery yes huge and then you’re out Blake Snell even though he’s on a rehab assignment Keaton wind’s hurt right now like everything is going wrong for the Giants and everything’s going right for the Dodgers they’re 8-2 in their last 10 they have a plus 84 run differential I know it’s not the end all be all ju suppose that with what the Giants are doing who have a minus 49 which is third worst in the National League you’re just in front of the Colorado Rockies who again have won six straight now in your own Division and the Miami Marlins who are minus 89 and you’re just ahead of the St Louis Cardinals who are- 45 again all those teams last in their division so you are just above the worst teams in the National League and that’s where the Giants are right now and the Dodgers listen they’re one of the best we knew they were going to be one of the best if not the best in the National League you got the Braves you got the Phillies but man it’s it’s um it’s sobering to watch if you are a Giants fan but I don’t think they expected anything you know different heading into the season I know you expected to be at least more competitive but when you you play the Dodgers and I love FP who joined you guys earlier in the week FB St Tel doing a hell of a job our Giants insid one of our hosts here at 957 the game former major leager saying he was optimistic about this series and that’s just kind of all you have to like optimism faith faith things like that like that’s fine if it was 2014 15 16 it’s decade later now I’m done with the optimism well and you’ve been a joke outside of one fluke year and and and like we’re going to get into it more I just want I want to hear from Giants fans like you you just what what’s going on like honest to God what is going on with this team like it this is unacceptable this is absolutely unacceptable and we got Dave femon at 8:30 and and we’re going to talk to a guy about catching cuz Blake Sable I mean he’s got the one knee down down with a runner at second yesterday backhanding balls giving up free 90 ft and Blake Sable God bless him he has he has no business being a catcher at the big league level I I I just Joe you’re hurt you’re hurting right now Pi someone picked my guy up 888 957 9570 again the ner hey NFL schedule release okay ners are a good team we’re going to talk some NFL today Joe because you know what you’re hurting and I want to smile on your face there’s some great texts that have been coming in xinity Mobile and we’re going to get to it all and that’s what’s coming up on the game it’s brought to you by Alam County Probation Department dodg doger dodg [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] n [Music] n n [Music] [Music] [Applause] n [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] out you’re a 77 WI keep you’re boring it’s horrible it is horrible now back to the morning roast with Bon and shasy good morning Bon out shasy in spadoni in filling in we got Kenny that’s right you like me call Kenny uh he’s working for the microphone Jersey Ken Jersey oh Jersey Ken Jersey guy I that’s what they call me out in uh on the weekends and uh sometimes with uh does Dan you that that’s yeah that’s exactly who calls you that hi I’m Dan devot and I’m smiling like I’m on TV while I’m doing radio I love Dan he’s a great smile he’s a good guy yes he does and you know who else does is Willard and dibs and they’re going to be live from the Dwight Clark Legacy series on Thursday tomorrow starting at 2 p.m an incredible assortment of 49er guests will join the show Brock pie Steve Young Dre Greenlaw Ricky peaw Alex Smith Jeff Garcia and more wow I mean perie St wow if you want to go to the event you can buy tickets at Dwight Clark tickets are $87 in honor of 87 and 100% of the proceeds go to the Golden Heart Foundation I mean that’s that’s awesome hey by the way Steve Young great interview yesterday oh Willard dibs and we’re going to react to that because there is not one voice for quarterbacks right now maybe outside of Troy Aman that I respect more when it comes to quarterback play than Steve Young yeah I’m I’m with you on that one uh Giants lose to the Dodgers last night they’ve lost every game this year to the Dodgers and it just feels to me as a lifelong Giants fan my grandfather was here when the Giants came here in 1958 it’s crazy all right my dad got taken to games at Candlestick by my grandpa all the way over seal Stadium uh my dad took me to Candlestick I’ve taken my son now to Levis we are a lifelong Giants fan family and the see how far the Gap is between the Dodgers and the Giants it makes me sad and the part that makes me sad more than anything is that it feels like to me Giants front office ownership whatever all in one bucket they’re delusional about what the product currently is they need to bottom out they need to flip the script and figure out that whatever they’re doing from a drafting a development a farm system an organizational philosophy it is not working you are farther away six years later than you were the day Farhan came and that’s the reality they have to look themselves in the mirror with Yep they’re closer to being again the Colorado Rockies than they are the Los Angeles Dodgers that’s just the reality right now and we have some stats right here we were talking about the hitting just to you know compare and contrast just how much better the Dodgers are than the Giants and listen your eyes say everything but when you start going through the numbers it really is kind of so ring so the batting average against and we’re just going to go the team pitching cuz he touched the hitting we already know that the Juggernaut that his offense but the Giants I think we were thinking about the Giants pitching staff being pretty good this year solid they’ve been very disappointing as of late relative to what my expectations okay that’s fine maybe they’ve been solid maybe that’s the word they’ve been they’ve been solid we would think right well the the Dodgers pitching staff right now is ranked second in all of baseball when it comes to batting average against so just what the teams the opposing teams are hitting against you opposing teams right now are hitting two 1 against the Dodgers the league Leader by the way Seattle manners who have a filthy staff teams are just B 210 against them MTI second in Major League Baseball for the Dodgers wow Giants are all the way down at 29 opponents are hitting 263 that’s their average against that would be one of the best batting averages on the team are you kidding and then the the Rockies are last at 279 then play at corfield so like like like just that’s something that is just crazy9 in pitching 29th in uh opponent’s batting average wow that’s it’s crazy to me right and then you just go to if you want to go to ra Dodgers number three with uh 316 Giants 26 the 464 like these are just some of the numbers I’m putting out there because I know the hitting is not going to touch so at the very least can you you know pitch at their level play defense can you play defense well I think the hitting goes into like they had two errors again last night and it could have been more you know like Luis matz takes a horrific route in late the game was over it was eighth inning but it was was a microcosm of my frustration with him in center field he’s not a center fielder takes horrible routes you don’t remember this guy but there was a guy by the name of Todd Lyndon okay Todd Lindon played left field for the Giants in the minor leagues do you remember Todd Lindon Sam lman Sam name that I kind of know maybe switch hitter I believe he was supposed to be the the next big bat at one point he might still be in the miners he’s been around for that long drafted by the Giants in the first round of 2001 Major League Baseball okay Todd Lindon L he he was like in my memory as a Giants fan he was first of like many Outfield Dan orm Lance negro all of those guys Williamson Jared Parker all of them career negative 1.8 War Todd Lyon walked so those guys could also not walk yeah so Todd Lyndon was Notorious when he would get called up he’d take the worst route ever go left right forward cut back and then make a diving catch and you’re like wow what a catch like yeah he he he took a U-turn to get there like what are we doing made it a lot harder than it had to be what are we doing which feels like the Giants motto we’re making a lot harder than it has to be right now and and it’s just that’s what nothing like it means oh my I mean like last nobody likes it is what it should be called last night you’re sitting here and you know you’re picking your guy out of out of no Keat wi Came From No Where did he come from where did Keat wi come from well how did they acquire him I’m watching him pitch and he’s he’s been decent this year and I’m contrasting that with well he was drafted the fifth round by the Giants in 2018 okay well the fifth round 2020 draft Pi that’s a Sabian Evans draft yeah well the fifth round 2020 draft pick Gavin Stone it was like a three er he’s been awesome he’s gone seven innings in in four of his last five starts six in the other one seen Bobby Miller in the past great yeah and and one of the things that I’ve noticed in is specifically in this particular series whether it’s Yamamoto Gavin Stone both guys are cruising 60 pitches through five cruising and you contrast that with the Giants guys are getting 100 pitches before they get to the fourth inning well it’s funny you mentioned that you watching Moneyball yesterday the whole point of that is grinding out at bats like that the whole A’s and Moneyball philosophy was and now I know baseball has shifted but there still should be this element and it’s nice to see a guy like Lamont Wade getting all of those walks because at least he’s getting on base you have to set up something and that’s what I appreciate they’re just the approach right now and if we want to blame Pat Burl you want to blame B not the hitting coach is false exactly have you ever seen Pat Burl take a bat the guy was up there to swing exactly all right so on and off the field so there just has to be a level of patience guys are pressing because they know that they’re struggling right now Matt Chapman specifically it’s just hard to watch these guys because they just look like they’re outclass they’re pressing constantly and when your top guys at the top of the order are feeling it that has a trickle down effect to me Joe shasi it goes all the way down to the next guy next guy feels more pressure and then the pressure ramps up and ramps up ramps up then you’re getting to your eight n hitter and it’s just like we’re expecting these guys to just go out there and and now God bless Ramos who actually got an RBI yesterday he’s been a bright spot here so like I just can I ask you philosophy should be to get on base but they’re not doing that they’re not even trying to do that they’re trying to swing for the fences and that’s just a bigger conversation about philosophy in baseball right now which is just annoying to me but yes so like the front-facing people who lead their organizations let’s say for for the Niners it’s Kyle Shanahan right when Kyle Shanahan is but I don’t sleep on John Lynch John Lynch represents the the place wall but yes when I think of 49ers Kyle sh who’s running things right when Kyle Shanahan isn’t the team isn’t performing he looks like a pres and I don’t want to use this analogy lightly but he looks like a president in the middle of a wartime you know situation the guy looks like he wears it I could feel I could tell just by the look on his face this guy’s maniacally obsessed with winning and the losing hurts his soul when Bob Meers used to get up into a Podium or do an interview the losing hurt his soul he was maniacally obsessed with winning and I get that same feeling from Steve Kerr too like when Steve Kerr was going through bad years it it it hurt him you get well those guys and the owner you see him Courtside seething at any loss it doesn’t matter if it’s against the Lakers the Celtics or the Toronto Raptors he is seething with every single loss when I watch Farhan take interviews when I watch this guy and and I watch Greg Johnson and the people that are running the Giants I don’t see the same pain on their face that I do with the fans gosh darn it I get it some people deal with grief differently but every now and then show me it matters to you like this isn’t just some math equation show me that this team that I love that my family loves that this fan base does love show me you care about winning as much as we do because we’re spending our hard-earned money to support you and all you do is get mad when Dodger fans take over but you don’t even show me that you care as much as I do so why should I be otally invested if you’re not showing it you know it’s it’s an interesting time right now in Bay Area baseball Joe shasi because we have one team that’s on their way out in the Oakland A’s and we already know about John fiser and that whole debauchery all that just the sliminess from him Dave caval the whole thing has just been a bleep show if you will but now all the eyes and we’re kind of just we’ve already isolated that in most of our minds all the eyes right now are fixated on Johnson on Farhan on the San Francisco Giants right now because the we know what they’re doing they’re they’re trying to lose baseball games and they’re still you know they’re struggling as of late but they still have some players where you’re like oh wow like they’re pretty good oh wow they’re leaning into these players and stuff like that Mason Miller EST Ruiz Shay Langer stuff like that so I look at a team that is actively trying to lose here in the Bay Area and I shift over to the Giants who have a great ballpark they have a great brand say what you about Bob Melvin he is respected among Major League Baseball for what he has done in Oakland and in Arizona the years past and stuff like that he is a respected face of that franchise he should be the face probably cuz I do see him getting upset you you’re talking about Farhan not showing any emotion and Char I see it on Bob Melvin and I think that should because we crushed I feel like Bob the last couple days for just Bullpen decision stuff like that and that that may be true but I know he cares about winning and losing like he’s a month into the season Joe Shas and he’s ready to feel like blow a gasket and I feel like that is emblematic of a lot of the fan base right now which is a good thing but also like I don’t I don’t have the answer to what what this team needs right now and I don’t think Bob Melvin does because each and every day he’s losing another player and he’s forced to go to a young guy that’s not ready to play yet I’ve got some answers and we’ve got some people on hold 88 957 957 I see you math and Dublin John and Brent Wood we’re going to get to all of you that’s what’s coming up on the game it’s brought to you by Fremont banking full service banking no compromises [Music] [Music] for [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Applause] [Music] n [Music] [Applause] n [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] with Bon and shasi what do you need in life well water I need a hug oh okay I need a hug this morning more phys Joe shasy morning roast uh Joe speedon filling in two cups of Joe no this is not Fox one sports at 4:30 in the morning Bray Quin Lavar Arington Jonas but uh we got filling in for for Bon he’s not feeling so hot and this segment is sponsored by Golden State Lumber serving the Bay Area for three generations when you succeed we succeed visit goldenstate we’re going to talk to Dave Fleming at 8:30 and if you’re a Niner fan out there you’re exhausted by just the Giants talk we will get into the ners I promise you in about 20 minutes so go nowhere we’re going to talk Niners Steve Young said something you just you almost have to hear it and I’m not sure where I fall down on it so we’ll get to that in a second I’m I’m looking right now at these Giants Dodgers situations and we’re going to go out to the lines 888 957 9570 it feels like to me I’m 41 years old I’m 41 years old you look you look great Joe by the way 41 this feels like the biggest the Gap has ever been between the Giants and Dodgers in my adult life it’s certainly my adult life maybe my whole life yeah sh is kind of putting the exclamation point on that right now with what what he’s done and Mookie Betts and Freddy Freeman the Giants just don’t have anyone close to those guys so I would agree with that that’s not a hot take no all right I I mean they’ve lost all five games this year to the Dodgers there’s a 17-run differential in those five games the Dodgers this year have scored 236 runs the Giants 165 the Dodgers have allowed 152 runs the Giants have allowed 214 Betts and Otani alone have 19 home runs and 17 stolen bases the Giants as a team have 38 and 14 stolen bases I mean like this is even like this is crazy they’re Ops as a team is 792 they’re batting 263 to your point the Giants are under 240 with an under 672 Ops I mean we’re getting dominated on and off the field they have zero Talent let’s go to Matthew and Dublin Matthew step right up no waiting what do you got on the San Francisco Giants up Matt hey uh thanks for accepting my call love the show um my thing is is that you know I’ve been a lifelong Giants fan um my wife is a lifetime a fan so we watch baseball every night instead TV show and the thing is is that watching I would not have on my bingo card after the whole offseason that we had with all the signings to say that it’s been more exciting and fun to watch the Oakland A’s than the San Francisco Giants for a team that’s trying to lose games you know you see guys out there but they’re hitting bombs they’re like fourth or fifth in home runs they got more RBI eyes Miller’s electric to watch when he comes up to pitch and they when they go against good teams in the last few weeks they split the series with the Yankees they win the series versus the Baltimore Orioles it it’s just crazy I I never would have thought this season I would say and collectively it’s been more fun to watch the A’s than the Giants I agree with you that’s crazy I texted you the other day what game was I watching Astros verse the A’s and I said couple days ago I enjoy the A’s lineup with Brett Rooker more than I do the Giants 55 home runs for the Oakland Athletics right now it’s fourth in all of baseball 55 only the Yankees Dodgers and Orioles who are all pretty damn good teams we would call World Series contenders are in front of them so they hit the long ball they can’t pitch worth a damn half the time unless it’s Mason Miller attic and the Giants that’s the thing so it’s like I did tweet this out yesterday you can follow me at spon Joe we’re actually live on Twitter Joe shasy as you know um I said if you combined the A and Giants together I do think you have a World Series team which is might sound ridiculous cuz they’re both like almost last in their divisions but that’s how much I feel about certain pieces on both of those teams that I think can work the problem is that they just they don’t have a collection of all of them on one team right now and I’m and I’m watching the Dodgers who just have a collection a plethora of talent now for the Dodgers we always know what it is it’s Bullpen can their starters do what they do in the regular season in the playoffs we all know Clayton Kershaw’s Legacy there Walker Bueller coming back so we’ll see but sticking on to the Giants and to the CER point a team that is actively trying to not have fans come to attendance and actively not spending at all how much do they even spend like 30 plus million dollars and and they’re more exciting than you when you’re spending how much hundreds of millions it it’s pretty ridiculous when you when you boil it down like that Joe shasi when you’re spending quadrupling uh the spending of another team and you’re not even better than that team at the very least entertaining I’m down so bad that I’m not even mad that Dodger fans are in our Stadium because we’re down that bad you don’t even care I don’t that’s even worse and you know I love baseball I want to read youex every no no no you don’t love baseball you live baseball you come in every morning talking about your little league team about your Broncos team like you’re talking about it and you’re talking about gloves talking about everything you’re decked out in Giants GE from head to toe still I do love baseball you breathe baseball do and you don’t even care that Dodgers fans are taking over place don’t care cuz I’m so down bad when it comes to the GI that’s crazy all right here’s a a text from my buddy Dylan who goes to so many games shout out Dylan Smith one of the best golfers and golf coaches that I I follow him on Instagram I follow his tips all the time stff like that because we had him on uh a few months ago he’s very good yes all right just wanted to say shasi great takes this morning I can feel I can really feel that you truly care about the Giants a lot and have great perspective from being from the area like I am I feel the same way it’s really hard right now to root for a team with our owner and GM’s perspective while I’m paying $18 for a crappy beer watching the worst offense and the worst rotation in baseball right now and I just think a lot of people feel that way and I I saw some things come across the timeline yesterday regarding Mark Willard saying like you know we we we’ve lost kind of like our our Edge as a fan base because no nobody’s going out there and getting mad about the Dodger fans taking over how can you get mad I get mad over things I care about yeah I don’t care much about this roster and this team to even muster up a fight against Dodger fans emotional fight you know regarding them taking over the stadium it’s kind of like when the warriors were really bad right and the Lakers would just take over the stadiums all the time like they were big games in a sense but you knew Kobe and Co were going to come in and Pal Gasol or whether it was Sha and Kobe they were just going to come and dominate like and then you’d have the occasional games right and I know basketball’s a little different cuz it’s one game here and it’s not a series and stuff like that but you have your you know your who was it um who’s my guy Antoine Jameson and Kobe going back and forth like yes you’d have like occasionally stuff like that but at the end of the day you understand that the Lakers fans are taking over that Arena it’s the same way with the Dodgers now it just is what it is and and the only thing you can do to change it is to win games and be exciting again and that’s when fans will come back you know what’s something I I think we haven’t touched on enough as a media now I’m part of the media so like I I I can’t kind of thumb my nose at them and and point my finger hash New Media like Draymond just why do any have the guts to say it on the day you fired Gabe kapler okay three days before the you know playoffs Bruce POI was taking the Texas Rangers in his first year not only to the playoffs he won the World Series in his first year while you were firing the guy that you had to replace him with he took out the defending champs Houston Astros to do it Bruce bochi won the World Series with the Texas Rangers in year one which is crazy because theam while you were firing Gabe kapler in their first World Series in San Francisco so brother Gabe kapler is eating hummus the night that the Rangers clinched the World Series I’ll never remember that I’ll never forget like he’s on Instagram like L like right around at the final out he posts some Instagram story he’s like eating hummus at some little like bar in Oregon and then meanwhile Bruce Boi is celebrating on the field and I’m like at least Gabe’s having a good night it is kind of that’s where we’re at it’s kind of crazy too because obviously the the Texas Rangers being the ones that lost to the San Francisco Giants in Bruce’s first World Series so he goes to that team when it all the Rangers obviously were knocking on that doorstep with Ron Washington and back toback Seasons God they were so so close against that Cardinal team David freeze Nelson Cruz the rest is history but man it it is a little sobering too to watch Bruce Boi who was just here with the Rangers in the Bay Area when they took on the Oakland Athletics too all right and how did you real quick how did you feel about that whole did you think it was time because when I talked to a lot of Giants fans about Bruce bochi half of them or 75% say yeah it was time to move on was it well here’s the thing here’s the thing I did think Boi was slightly losing the fast ball and needed a little time away to kind of revamp himself like I do I and I look time it ran its course you selected a guy that everyone was outraged that you picked that you had to defend him in the opening introductory press conference for like an hour yeah Gabe kapler look in his daughter history who you replace the legend with matters you replaced Tom Brady with Cam Newton and then eventually M Jones and then belich got fired and Bailey zappy yeah you know who you replace the legend with matters whoever is going to replace Steve cerr at some point it’s it’s we’re going to judge everything like it you don’t want to be the guy that replaces the guy but like you you can’t on the introductory press conference be defending why you’re picking that person to run your organization so like for example I use the bellich as an example he’s out of there b bich che’s out of here well you go you know what the Patriots are smart for at least now the guy they picked has some Equity with the fan base former player like he’s been with the staff for a while it might not work but like come on the Gabe kapler thing had a Tom Sula vibe to it where almost immediately the fan base rejected it you you had to understand you weren’t just replacing a good manager all right you were replacing the greatest manager in San Francisco Giants history and what happened on the very first game Joe he he took he took Johnny quo out yeah and and took out Brandon Crawford about yeah took out Brandon Crawford late in the game and and the fan base revolted look this is how bad the roster is I’m just going to read you names and you tell me you stop on a name that you think should be here in two years okay okay I I’ll get to the staff in a second Blake Sable Jackson REITs Tom Murphy Patrick Bailey yes okay one Nick Ahmed Matt Chapman uh uh maybe with his option he might be sticking around here do you want him no but he might be here because of his player options we got one guy in Bailey Tyro Shada yeah exactly Tyler Fitzgerald Wilmer Flores now we just got called up so he’s part of the the depth chart here Marco Luciano I don’t even know Casey Schmidt I exactly David VR he’s in the minors but David VR I’ll put in there Lamont Way Jr no he’s too old Brett wisley no this is your current roster Michael conforto no Jung Huli yes I do want to see J well he’s also has like what a five years five years okay Luis Matos Wade meckler Elliot Ramos like R I like Ramos yes okay can we also acknowledge who else acknowledge there’s no way in hell R almost like he could be the next Ronald not at all no who saying that no I’m just I’m just saying like sh I remember thanks K I’ve been putting the uh I’ve been remembering just when Pablo sandal arrived in 2008 and just how much that changed things just having a guy like him in the lineup Pablo hit 25 home runs his rookie year and drove in 90 runs talking about when he arrived in 08 like at the end of 08 he arrived in August it changed everything you look at Ramos when he arrives I like Ramos I want to see more Ramos he’s not hitting this team in the same way no no and that’s fine look maybe he’s a platoon guy maybe he’s a starter for a couple years I don’t know like I don’t know I’m going to keep going Austin Slater Mike isky and then your DH Jorge sler so Austin Slater’s been here how many years so maybe he will be another so of your current everyday like depth chart there are one and a half guys you want to keep in two two years not even three or four two years I think the conversation is a little different thankfully with your your rotation though bad yeah we are so he was brought here far Hanid and and the whole restructuring of The Scouting and the farm was brought here to build this thing up they haven’t traded away any prospects and this is what you have you have one and a half guys you want to keep for two years no let’s okay we’ll go to the rotation right now let’s go let’s go right down the list I’m going to go Bullpen AA you saw him last night no TR Tristan backck Mason black maybe you know Alex Cobb Camilo Duval yes I’m keeping doval okay all right Kyle Harrison yes all right all right I’ll give you that one Jordan hick right now yes it’s looking like a bargain all right sea jelly Luke Jackson sure J I would keep jelly if I had to choose jelly and Jackson if I had to choose between the two I would take jelly that said probably no on either that said probably no on either thank you it’s like you got to eat your your celery that’s what you’re telling right now I’m keeping Walker cuz I think he’s had a pretty good season I’m keeping doval and that’s basically all I’m happy now all right neither the do anything for Logan web you’re keeping like even Blake Snell I’ll tell you this right now every Giants fan if there’s a deal available at the deadline I am flipping BL Snell in a heartbeat you have a guy who’s under team control for another year who can go to a contender and you’re giving him a highend starter who doesn’t fit your timeline you’ll fit a A desperate team will look at the name coming off a Sai Young year if he’s healthy and he has a couple good starts absolutely I could look at a team like the Yankees something like that adding to their rotation yep you’re listening to 95 57 the game kgmz FM in HD1 San Francisco and odyssey sports station always live on the free Odyssey app don’t forget that you can also watch us every day on YouTube twitch and Twitter streams powered by first NorCal Credit Union upgrade your savings dividend open a first NorCal first class money market today look we are going to transition into football but I want to make this point very clear The Vibes I get from right now when it comes to ownership management front office coaching staff roster team development this is the 2016 GI uh 49ers we are in the exact same spot Chip Kelly equals equals Bob Melvin in the sense that I’m not even mad at you it’s just it’s the problem is so much bigger than you when the ners although that offense was pretty putrid it was horrific Jeremy Curley was your leading blae gabber replacing cap too oh like I remember after Tom when you blew out Harbaugh and and you blew out balky and everything after the Tom sua Chip Kelly thing it was like we need complete organizational restructuring and that’s the way I feel about the Giants you were down on the ownership then too with Jed York you were down on fans weren’t going to a brand new stadium no that’s a yeah think about how the Niners travel now it was empty think about how the Niners travel now now imagine what every single media member did during the tenure of Tom Sula and chip K they would post a photo after halftime of how empty the stands were yep that’s the way I feel currently about the San Francisco Giants they need their Kyle Shanahan at the top of the organization in the worst way so what is that going to look like that’s that’s the thing right now because if if farhan’s done after this year do you keep Melvin do you rip after this year I want him nowhere near the TR not going to do that I want him nowhere near the I don’t think they’re going to fire I don’t think they have the balls to do it first agree with they don’t have the they don’t have the guts to do something like that cuz that would be Innovative and what if they’ve shown you the last handful of years [ __ ] shasi they’re fine with the status quo they’re fine with with Farhan Zid being in their face right now he doesn’t Tony and Oakland like that’s just I’m I’m asking I I really don’t know what the end game is here for the San Francisco Giants because I just from what they’ve shown us Joe shasi it’s just been status quo and business as usual but but are you truly are you expecting them to fire them this fire faran this year yes at like in the season you know why you know why because I do believe their bottom line is taking a massive hit I do I think baseball more than even the other sports the ingate attendance and you know having eyeballs and all that it really does matter it’s not like the NFL NFL it’s almost irrelevant you the the Oakland Raiders were ran as poor as a team could be ran and they were wildly profitable because the NFL as a whole prints money on theele I don’t believe the exact same thing is happening in baseball and so I truly believe that the Giants brand is as down bad as it’s been in decades and they need someone so bad they need to get rid of the stench of the last six years so bad they have to do something well they just need a player that you can like glob on to at the very least too like I you go on to the brand whenever think of branding I think of Jersey sales I think of all that sort of stuff Sam you go to the clubhouse all the time Joe you what jerseys do they have up in there Will Clark they had Barry Bonds well they were all Retros all Retros but they had uh yky I saw in there Logan web and look like Logan Webb I put Logan web stuff that’s what we do in Oakland that’s why we have Ricky Henderson because we can’t have Matt Olson anymore Matt Chapman or Marcus Simeon so we have Ricky Henderson we have Mark Maguire we have Jose Cano we have Raley fingers like that’s Oakland stuff that’s not what the Giants are about if you were a 12-year-old kid and I said to you you could have one T-shirt jersey there’s like six and like just whatever you want just a baseball no there are like six on the Dodgers that you could potentially want you kid me Yamamoto Kershaw you could go mukie Betts Freeman Otani Will Smith the Giants haven’t had a guy like that since Buster posie left them and here’s the other thing about the Buster posie thing this is the hard reality everybody posy and I was one of them I’m I don’t I don’t think I want posie anywhere near my team in terms of like picking players I want someone who knower wants to do that doesn’t he have like two kids are like two or three years old he just have like twins they are like so I don’t why would he want to do that I don’t know I I just I know they move back here in the bay right so they do live here now Sam so like theoretically it could work but they need someone new something fresh something which they thought they were getting in farh Han ziy like that’s the the disappointing in all this you thought you were getting that n that young uh newer fresher perspective with the Farhan working with the Dodgers working with the A’s this is new mindset taking over for saan this is totally different totally out a left field wow they’re going to be you know like the Braves they’re going to be like you know even with the A’s when they were good they’re going to have this money that they could go tap into and it’s just it’s got you know the most exciting part of last night game was the end no not watching Brock py throw out his opening pitch it wasn’t even that great of a pitch get in there love he’s he’s sorry I didn’t mean to take that shot that was a good point though by the way the the sweatshirt he was wearing I did like that sweatshirt and did you guys see the the the video of him like walking up the aisle the Dodger fan asked for a picture and he walked right by him that’s why we’re resetting the quarterback Mark with Brock pie right there what was I had a nugget I want to add by I’m sorry I ruined that no get in there what you’re good bud we’re going to get into the ners it’s just guys gals people out there I love baseball I love love baseball I love my Giants and I’m having a hard time mustering up the appropriate emotion to Showcase how disappointed I am for How Far We’ve Fallen it’s I don’t expect you to be the Yankees I don’t expect you to be the Dodgers but even the Red Sox eventually rose up and went toe-to-toe with the Yankees in their own way can you be the freaking Mariners who have been trash my entire life and they’re 23 and 20 can you just be that they have a good pitching staff they have some bats you’ve fallen behind the Padres and the Arizona Diamondbacks how that’s and you’re going to about you’re about to fall behind the Colorado Rockies or red hot and are coming into Oracle Park and I’m just saying don’t sleep on that matchup for all the optimism we had in this Dodgers series where’s that I guess the Colorado Rockies it’s tough hey I’m excited to talk about a team that is actually bringing a we just talked Brock py brought a smile to everyone’s face let’s get into that Brock pie and the 49ers we are we’re going to get into that uh there’s some sound that Steve Young said yesterday Hall of Famer that you just absolutely have to hear and I have a specific question for Niner fans because people were losing their minds about Steve Young saying Super Bowl window might have passed them if I told you the future of the 49ers rested in Kyle Shanahan’s drafting ability how would you react to that how would you react to that that’s what’s coming up on the game it’s brought to you by Alam County Probation Department boom I’m actually excited about the Giants [Music] [Music] m [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] n [Music] [Applause] n what up what up this is big pump from South City you are now listening to the morning R with my boys Bon and sasy on 957 the game here we go hey could you tell me a bedtime story Big Pun you want baby uh morning roast shasy speedon in for Bonte he’s not feeling so hot he’s on the men I don’t know if you know this but I think Bon’s body is synonymous with the Giants lineup right now like it’s one of those ET things you know where his body feels good if Elliots feels good Bonte right now he has a life force connected with the San Francisco Giants and he’s down bad I like Brock birie I like the Giants I’m excited about the Giants I’m actually excited next Thursday what are you doing what am I doing next Thursday it’s the 23rd it’s the day before the Friday a Memorial Day Weekend nothing A lot of people are probably taking Friday off it’s the rumor so you could join us Thursday as we broadcast live from the Copper Skillet Courtyard in Martinez oh I’ll be here then in the studio I’m the only one see this is the part yeah see I don’t get to go on these nice trips taking it behind the camera the producer sometimes and the hosts always go they’re like spon are you going to be there someone’s got to keep this ship afloat come on man well it’s the copper Skillet’s going to open special 6:00 a.m. oo so if you want to wake up up with the roast wake and bake wake and eat wake and do whatever you got to do baking cookies is what you’re talking about no weed legal but special open time 6:00 a.m. so come out early and if you want to have us at your location let’s say you’re a restaurant somewhere here in the Bay Area and you want to have us out at your location we want to go to you we want to help small businesses right now as best we can email us at the morning roast at 957 the game I’ll say it one more time if you want to have the morning roast come into your restaurant all right we will come and have breakfast with everyone cuz trust me we like food and food likes us email us the morning roast 957 theeg now I’m looking at this place right now the Copper Skillet in the courtyard hold on hold on I’m pulling up the menu right now CU I’m not letting you get off this real quick because I love talking about food I’m just looking at some of the stuff they got Joe asking they got breakfast served all day here you want your linguisa and eggs oh I love linguisa sausage oh it’s delicious you want your ribeye steak you want your burger steak and eggs you your chicken fried steak dude they can say steak for five more lines here and I’m getting every single one of those steak is the strong you can eat it for breakfast lunch and dinner and I’m doing that 10 times a week every sun I don’t know do unlimited possibilities Skillet scramble Tony special come on what other place would you want to be is there a pretty special in there not yet I think the owner called and said he was a Raider fan if I’m not mistaken so that’s okay it’s all right we’ll allow it I’m not mad at that by way a very interesting guest list that’s developing for that show next Thursday I don’t want to give anything away because nothing’s set in stone uh but there will be some uh yeah very interesting appearances hopefully uh at the Copper skill next week wow that’s a tease right there that’s a week long tease from Sam L God by the way I’m seeing one of their omelets in scrambles and we’re talking about the Copper Skillet here cuz you guys can be live next year plain $13 is that just a plain omelet just eggs just make in a nice egg form I’m nothing wrong I don’t think I’ve ever seen I just I’ve never seen it on a menu a plain omelet a kids Special now I don’t know if anybody was listening or in their car yesterday um we’re going to shelf a little giants talk for about an hour and we’re going to have Dave Fleming on at 8:30 I want to get into the football the NFL there was an announcement already this morning if you’re just you know waking up you’re you’re driving around they’re going to have Christmas games oh yeah in the NFL on Netflix and the Christmas games are on a Wednesday Joe Christmas on a Wednesday this year they’re going to have Wednesday two games on Christmas I believe and they’re going to be on Netflix and that’s fascinating and right when I heard that Joe that was a big Fu to the NBA because huh we’re not doing flipping screens or anything we’re not going to be on CBS or fox or NBC no chance you got to pull up your app on your television or on your phone if you want to do that it’s fine wherever you have a screen I know you’re trying to spend time with your family but really it’s NFL over well you have it in the background for you it’s friends well I’m trying to pretend here hey that was my Christmas gift last year not for ner fans but that first game on the Slate it was momes and Co hosting the Raiders oh my god there was the last loss they’ had by the way that was the greatest Christmas gift I could have gotten but Netflix is going to be streaming all day long your Christmas games and again that’s just taking eyeballs away from the NBA and that’s Roger Goodell that’s Jerry Jones as Jed York and all the owners saying no no no no we dominate every single holiday we’re a part of so let’s let’s now look at this this way and we’re going to get into the specific things Steve Young said with Willard and dibs cuz he said two fascinating things that I want to talk to the audience about but if you’re an NFL fan they’re on Fox NBC CBS espn/abc because they’re owned by the same Disney Corporation Amazon Prime mhm Netflix Netflix and Apple Apple does the red zone and certain things if you play for it and peaco*ck is an NBC affiliate so that’s well they’ll also be on peaco*ck exactly they’re on everything the NFL is printing money and now they’re getting all of the streaming apps to pay for all of this and they they’re going to own every holiday did you mention NFL Network already too uh yeah but they’re I heard they’re phasing the NFL Network down a little because of all the streaming things and it it at one point it made sense cuz they could buy some of these games like these overseas games but now why have those games there when they can sell it to someone else and make you know 10x I don’t mind waking up at 6:00 in the morning on a Sunday and watching whatever Jaguars team plays in London no International games this year for the 49ers which is huge by the way those have been released so if I’m a local team you always go it’s like ah International games now some of you like to travel like that’s probably a fun one to go to like they’re going to have it in Germany again this year Munich and it’s poor German fans I don’t know what they did to deserve that but they’re going to have the the Daniel Jones LED New York Giants on here’s football Welcome to our 32nd best quarterback there you really quick though as we’re talk about the international games schedule was released this morning so obviously opening week uh that Friday night we got the Packers at and Eagles in South pal can I need some NFL music right now as the bed as steon beds you got NFL prime time I I need I need to feel the NFL you we don’t just talk the NFL you have to feel the NFL in the morning bang that bad boy out about that Brazil one real quick as we got that oh I’m all for it that one works too I that first fourway into South America yeah no that’s good well there’s only one football down there and it is football they are like the gods of soccer joen of you know the women of World Cup web page I don’t know if you remember that back in the day Brazil dominated oh yeah and then who was that like Mrs Czech Republic or whatever too and Fuego shout World Cup couple years yeah can’t wait give me give me the the overseas yeah all right so so yeah so s Paulo you got Packers Eagles that’s going to be week one on that Friday night then uh we’re going to Mario London where on October marry old or is it Jolly is it Mary or jolly it’s Jolly Old London I don’t know uh I don’t know it’s British I don’t care but the Jets will be playing the Vikings on October 6th that’s going to be a 6:30 start that’ll be at Tottenham hot spur Stadium oh tante might be there not Tottenham Sam it’s Tottenham Tottenham Tottenham all right look at British lingo anyway uh the very next week uh Tottenham hot Spurs Stadium will play host to the Jaguars and the Bears and mind that Trev Lawrence and Caleb Williams yep and then the week after that it will be the Patriots storming into London to take on the Jaguars at Wembley Stadium what week that will be the week of October 20th so I think that’s week seven get that pat back weeks for the Jaguars again in London so three straight weeks in London two of those weeks will include the Jaguars they got a road game the first week a home game the second week quote unquote Home Road and then on November 10th that is obviously the aformentioned Giants Panthers game at all Lions Arena which is home of FC Bay Bayern Munich yeah top the team that shows how much I pay attention to European soccer oh you’re good well well so thank you Sam the the fact that the Niners aren’t playing in any of those is a good thing for them no baked in excuses of travel no baked in excuses of of anything they got going and we’re monitoring kind of the the schedule release Niners play the Jets week one we know that for a fact if you didn’t you know find out over the last couple of days they’re playing the Jets Monday night at Levis week one it’s going to be awesome are you going to be there I probably will be there okay you’re thinking about maybe maybe I’ll sell those ones you know makes a good K little cash on the side I don’t hard see people like now with the babysitter situation your boy might need to uh cut back we’re interviewing babysitters right now because uh the one we’ve had for baby Nora she’s going to an internship for college which is great Jade wrote a letter of recommendations like that just sucks that she has to move on so we’re doing the interview process right now I like the one yesterday well we got a couple more stacked in the week some prospects if you does the leader of the home like yes she liked solid first interview yesterday we’ll see how things go it’s kind of like the Lakers doing like JJ reck and stuff like that I don’t know if I want JJ reic maybe I go for you know a more H seasoned vet if you will and I’m not going to go rookie here oh yeah well because we went with the rookie last time Miss Olivia who’s very sweet this was her first time like having a full-time uh man and stuff like that and she was great I Frank vogle this time yeah yeah but buen holers are even snatched up Frank vogle Champion by the way Frank vogle who Bonte wants on the warrior staff speaking of Champions yesterday Willard and dibs did a brilliant interview with Steve Young And if you’ve missed it and you want to check it out out check it out on YouTube you can go on the Odyssey app just just search wherever you find 49 content look for the Willard and dibs interview with Steve Young Steve is so he’s just a beautiful football mind and speaks so well too he essentially said that last year was the 49ers best chance to win a Super Bowl listen to what he says right here and think about whether you agree or disagree with the Hall of Famer Steve Young the most pressure was last year right because last year the the Rams are down the whole division’s down seaha are down the Cardinals are way down you know in the playoffs you play a packer team that’s been middling the whole time you got a up and start Lions Squad you’re like that’s how we get to the Super Bowl and then you play a down year Chiefs team like of all the times that you’re set up to do it that was it but since the Ravens at Christmas I mean we just weren’t the same and you know we held Patrick Mahomes to 19 points you going have told me Patrick Mahomes won’t score three touchdowns we’re not going to win that game like you know you’re not going to walk over the backers we’re not going to walk over the lions like things were Haywire from Christmas on and that’s why last year was the time with the best roster in football to go get it done and the fact is it didn’t happen that happens it happened to me I get that but now next year I think the ramps will be better I think the the you know Marvin haris will make the cards better the Seahawks will be better the Lions will be the Packers will be better like it’s going to get better and uh and we’re not we’re probably not I don’t know if we’re get better but hopefully we can stay the same and start and still beat the Reagan file with this amazing roster we have and the way that we Innovative deploy the guys and on offense then yeah great but I just what what just happened was a big miss it was just was it was it was too bad all right do you agree with what Steve Young said there God I love him do you feel the 49ers have a better or worse chance to win the Super Bowl this year’s last year that’s what I want to know because I I’m 100% with him this Chiefs are only going to get better period now I know the Rashid rice situation we’re Hollywood Brown they just drafted Xavier worthy it feels like they knew something was happening there so I think they’ll be and they have Travis Kelce like come on and their defense will be a year older and and more they were young this year as young on the offensive line guys like Carl lus who is still young so put the Chiefs to the side because they’re the Juggernaut I hate I honestly I think I hate Pat Mahomes and the Chiefs right now more than the Dodgers I didn’t think that was even possible that’s a conversation we can have as well right now because it is it is hate week and I know the A’s and Astros aren’t at that same level as those teams but I’m an ace fan and I hate the freaking Astros they’re by the way pop for cheating again yesterday they pitcher Blanco yeah substance on the glove I mean that’s unfortunate to see that yeah you really hate to see something like that happen but talking about hate week I mean Patrick Mahomes and I know there’s still a lot of Raider fans that live in the area everyone hates the Chiefs now the Niners were not included in that prior to these Super Bowls now they included and obviously and there was the Joe Montana Factor like Joe Montana left the Niners he I know it was they had Steve Young Wai in the wings we’re listen Steve Young right now but like we don’t like them Marcus Allen another Raider he went over there if Mahomes wins one more he ties Joe Montana yes I I don’t I don’t think he’s not even 30 I mean like think about all of the things that he’s going to do I hate he might already be the greatest qu he might be the greatest quarterback ever I agree with that he we’re already there Cincinnati Bengals to his Joe Montana we’ve lost twice to him right so and he’s been to four the way I look at it and I just I I I agree with Steve Young like you have to win when your window opens up in sports now can you knock on the door and knock on the door and knock on the door and eventually plow through sure but it becomes so much harder I’m trying to think I’m honestly I’m trying to think of a coach and maybe this has happened I think we were looking at this after the Super Bowl happened cuz we were talking about all the the future and stuff like that has a coach ever lost two Super Bowls a head coach and won one to start their dynastic run correct well just dynastic run I don’t even know if a head coach has lost his first two I believe Tom lost two Super Bowls but not first two exactly but not his first two okay exactly so that’s where I’m kind of getting at it is so hard to get to that mountain top I think we as fans we we take it for granted sometimes especially here in the bay because we’ve seen so much winning Joe shasi that the regular season almost became an afterthought like with the Warriors specifically it became an afterthought with Kevin Durant like it’s just we took that for granted and we’re seeing now lately just how difficult the regular season can be when it’s on an even playing field and I do think the NFC real quick the NFC is going to be on more of an even playing next year we’ll since 2000 Chiefs Patriots Niners most playoff wins and we’re the only one that doesn’t have a Super Bowl the drop off after the ners in terms of playoff wins it’s wild and all these other teams have a Super Bowl except the ners that is pretty crazy because it’s insane I thought the Steelers would be on that list but they haven’t won a playoff game in Forever it’s 2016 yeah it’s it’s been forever and so look could they still be in the mix six of course they’re going to be in the mix of course they’re going to be in it Green Bay is going to be better yes and and the games will be harder Detroit’s going to be better I have to believe it the Bears like they could have a CJ Stroud Houston Texans situation I don’t know about Seattle I just don’t believe in Gino Smith enough so I I I don’t know Sam how they’re high on Sam H there too so we’ll see I like Mike McDonald though coming in the Rams will be better the I think the defense in Seattle will be better I agree the Rams will be better even though they lost Aaron Donald as long as I’ve got Kyle and as long as I’ve got Brock and I’m relatively healthy you’re going to be in the mix no one is saying you’re falling off no one is saying that but in terms of best chances to win you lost in overtime in the Super Bowl you held Patrick momes to one regulation in regulation one touchdown I know and it was because of a muff pun I know like you dominated I that’s again I’m not Steve wols is gone it is what it is and and stuff that doesn’t always boil down to one game but for one game God that defense was so good Joe they were they were just doing a master class and there was that they had an opportunity on fourth and one in overtime if you stop him and Bosa just misread Patrick Mahomes option running for the first down Sports it’s just it’s crazy it comes down to one play sometimes and the Chiefs who else would you rather have right now than Patrick Mahomes if Mahomes doesn’t get that first one against the ners think of what the like what happens after that Andy Reid still got that Super Bowl thing hanging over him they lose to Tampa Bay like I’m just saying like things happen in sports right you have to capitalize on your opportunities when I look back at Patrick Willis and Justin Smith and Frank Gore not getting that ring it’s just it’s just it became heavier and heavier and heavier and heavier on their backs when we’re putting this into the equation of Steve Young saying that you know this was their opportunity is there any chance that they regress this year Joe shasi to you outside of injuries happening there is there is there is but I actually Brock pie you know regress a little bit because he’s has such high expectations there’s a whole a whole season of film on him and I don’t think listen he’s I think he’s a really good quarterback I think he’s a top 10 quarterback in the NFL right now he’s very good he was an MVP candidate last year but there’s going to be bumps and bruises with the with this sort of stuff you know not every Tom Brady year was amazing not every Drew Brees Year Aaron Rogers pton Manning year was amazing they had some down years so I’m just looking at this next season I do believe the window is still open but it’s slightly you know you know you know have that window where it cranks open it’s a little shut right now A little it’s it’s closing in there’s just a little sliver of air creeping through right now because the rest of the nfc’s gotten better Don schula lost his first two Super Bowls as a coach two different teams Colts in Super Bowl 3 dolphins in Super Bowl six before winning back to back that’s one okay a great example that’s a great example it’s a great example one of the greatest coaches in the history of the sport absolutely had a perfect Seas he was coached to the Dolphins for 30 years longevity just unbelievable Ken also a dolphins fan young enough he could coach that long absolutely he could no one is saying that they’re that they’re done and no one’s saying that they can’t win an improbable one but in terms of best chance it’s hard to argue with last year being their best chance the Rams will get better I believe I believe Detroit will be better Green Bay you could still beat those teams like like for example the favor would you still say they are the favorites in the NFC yes I think I’m taking them but I want to see Philly yes but I want to see Philly now I’m still taking them over Philly because I think the ners have earned that they were in the Super Bowl and they didn’t get worse well I I definitely I think their offense is is stagnant I think it’s right where it was last year if not slightly better CU they added some offens you don’t think that’s no know I’m saying like so I’m I’m saying at minimum it’s right where it was last year defense to me is where they’ve slipped and we can break that down let’s go out to Oreo cookie in Oakland 888 957 9570 Steve Young said last year was the 49ers best chance to win the Super Bowl he didn’t mean that they’re done and that they’re finished he didn’t say that that the whole Super Bowl windows open just saying that last year was their best chance and they didn’t get it done and it’s going to get harder doesn’t mean you can’t do it it’s just going to get a lot harder let’s go to Oreo cookie and Oakland Oreo cookie and Oakland what what do you got on this one hey you guys definitely man nothing is going to be easy um but I think that are defense is going to suffer because we did not address our defensive line how we always did we always Oro you’re goingon to have to call back bro you’re sounding like a robot right now it’s all good we also have some more NFL breaking news oh my goodness speaking of Daniel Jones who we referenced [Music] earlier Hard Knocks the New York Giants oh that’s actually going to be interesting why why because they’re a dumpster fire I love watching that because Brian D he’s a he’s a dead man walking out there oh Malik neighbors he doesn’t want to be there are you kidding me is Tommy DeVito still in the Giants no him I don’t think so our guy Jersey Ken should know I mean isn’t yito straight up New York New Jersey is he still on hold on let me looking now uh no yeah he’s still present yeah he’s still on the team yeah technically there you go he’s like their third quarterback or whatever I just that that team get some Italian stuff in there look that’s thank you as long as you got Brock healthy as long as you got Kyle Shanahan and and relative Health you’re always going to be in the mix that’s that’s how I believe you’re going to be in the mix as long as Brock’s his guy and they’re on the same page you’re going to be in the mix but the rest of the league is going to get better we saw this with the Warriors everybody they won the championship in 2022 and then we’re like they’re going to be even better in 2023 and we found out a lot of things happened internally and externally the league got better Denver Rose to prominence similar to the way Detroit looks right now and the Warriors Got older the ners are older real quick yeah people all just piling on Denver when they’re down 02 they’re probably going to win the finals they’re probably going to win the whole thing again like come on I mean yic goes for 40 yesterday I mean I just hate to say that I was right but I said nuggets and seven in the series when they down 02 it’s going to be nuggets and everybody saying that Andy Reid lost his first two Super Bowls I don’t believe that he lost one L Super Bowl with the Eagles and then won his second one in appearance with the Chiefs correct correct he never went to two super bowls with the Eagles he lost a second one after winning the first Super Bowl he went he started his career one and two wi Super Bowls yep yep by the way looking at the uh Futures right now I’m on Draft Kings Joe shasi the Super Bowl champion odds right now for 2025 Kansas City’s number one who’s number two the ners right there plus 600 Chiefs plus 550 so it’s not that far up it’s not that bad the Ravens are plus 900 so there’s a gap right there the Vegas thinks it’s pretty tight between the Niners and Chiefs still I mean we all we all do but there there is like football’s such a violent sport when I look at Detroit the reason why I think they can get better is because Sam laor was a rookie last year jir Gibbs was a rookie last year all of their guys have not hit their Prime outside of golf Ben Johnson staying there by the way is massive for them the offensive coordinator Aiden Hutchinson that was their first playoff run MH the Niners have been with this core on a playoff run for at minimum of three straight years and they just added to the secondary Teran Arnold out of Alabama the first round pick they traded back up in that first round to go grab him I think that’s a great addition because their secondary we saw it in that NFC Championship leaking oil of course but but that that’s why I believe they can get better now now do the ners have a couple of younger guys yeah but Warner’s getting up there in age and linebacker is like running back a position you could fall off the cliff Tre greenlaw’s already hurt we don’t know what he’ll be like when he comes back KES are tricky soft tissue is very tough Trent it’s old this as old as you could be did not have a great Super Bowl if we’re just going to keep it a bu and I thought got worked a little by Aiden Hutchinson in the first half yes um and then I look at like Nick Bosa is still in his prime I think Nick Bosa can have a better year this year than last year you were hey you were going in on Nick a little bit a couple days ago you expect a lot from him this absolutely this year absolutely he’s still a great player but like I demand more of my all-time great when you win when you set the bar high with Defensive Player of the Year that’s the standard you have and last year was not that it wasn’t close no it was still really good because he just has that much talent god-given ability and he was still one of the best but he wasn’t in that upper upper echelon did Debo have a great year last year oh I thought it was spotty by his standards it was okay yeah yeah iuk had a phenomenal year that’s what overshadowed it I was just amazing when you look at auk’s efficiency and you look at his numbers it’s hard for me to say he could get better that’s as good as you that might be the height of production but I don’t see him falling off the cliff just by the product of the offense too Joe like it’s so hard like it’s so hard with those limited targets when it’s getting spread around that when you’re a run first team now you’re adding I don’t know what Ricky piol is going to be like is he going to be feeding into those targets well is K going to get more looks is Debo in a contract year you know is he going to be demanding the ball more so I I look at Brock py can he get better yeah possibly absolutely I I I’ll I’ll leave that open I think he can get better Synergy full off season more weapons little better pass protection yeah as wild as that sounds I do believe py can get even better right in terms of his familiarity with the offense and just playing in the league and understanding things Brady and Rogers and Breeze the great quarterbacks are better five years in 10 years in so I expect him to get better the offensive line they were really good last year mckivitz down on my guy no no I’m saying they were really good last year I have a hard time saying they could be even better but they could but I look at the defense and that’s where I worry about them being better right that defense I do worry about also the running back mcaffry had 400 touches last year I just don’t know how many more years he’s got it in his prime I’m not doubting him I’m just saying like we see this with running backs sometimes boom you’re done it just happens I hope it doesn’t happen with him so I don’t know with him that’s that’s a question mark and to me defense is a question mark he’s going to be 28 Chris mcaffrey in the next month that is the age for running backs where you start get a little nervous now is he going to be an outlier like a Derrick Henry like we have seen with Steph Curry LeBron James we’ll see he’s an all-time great he’s going to be a Hall of Famer and sometimes those guys you know can play a little bit longer than most but again wear and tear is so damn scary and soft tissue injuries frighten me for a guy like Christian mcaffry we’re talking about Super Bowl Windows closing right now Joe shasi and has it closed for the 49ers Steve Young thought it last year was their chance and I I kind of feel like the same way I I feel like it’s going to be very difficult ult to go back to back we just saw the Kansas City Chiefs do it in wins but man I I just how can you not feel like they squander their opportunity last year well are we just going to expect them to go back it just doesn’t happen like that doesn’t it feel like they’re in a similar Zone to where pton Manning was yeah in the middle of his career like I feel very similar about like Kyle Shanahan has a almost pton Manning like feel to him currently no one question to the mind no no one questions how great he is within the sport no one questions the regular season really but the biggest moments exactly the biggest of the big and and and Payton had some good playoff games he did but what do we remember him for kind of coming up a little short in the playoffs yes he wasn’t the greatest playoff quarterback or or big game quarterback there was honestly the lasting image I have of him it’s not beating the Bears it’s not being a shell of himself and beating um the Carolina Panthers at Levi Stadium in Super Bowl 50 it’s the ball snapped over his head against the Seahawks in the Super Bowl and that that that that just dumbfounded look on his face like oh there goes my chances of winning a ring right now what what year age did pton Manning win the Super bowl hold on it was 2006 against the Bears I want to say he was seven years in hold on hold hold on 06 yes he was going to he what was he 22 when he came out 21 say he was 28 years old he was 30 years old wow 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 7 8 9 ninth year okay so I okay I thought he came in when did he come in 98 okay so I thought you okay wow and the reason why I put pton Manning in there is I consider pton to be the perfect blend of artist and science he also had a big rival and there was another team in that that conference in the New England Patriots that have did so much winning I don’t think there’s a team like that I know the Eagles have gone to the Super Bowl I don’t think there’s a team like that that you are scared of though like you would be scared if you were the Colts with the Patriots if you’re the ners right now it’s it’s the momes factor except you’re the exactly you have wait get Super Bowl and you’re just hoping that maybe a Herbert knocks him off this year or Lamar Jackson or something like that exactly and so he’ll take your chances against any of those teams if I’m the ners it’s just Patrick Mahomes is the Boogeyman right now but I do believe that Payton Manning as a quarterback and Kyle Shanahan as a head coach there are a lot of similarities there are no one questions the the Brilliance in terms of regular season dominance of how to set things up there are specific situations and this is this is when you know you’re good at your craft all the regular season stuff almost feels irrelevant and then we go right to can you win the big one Durant found himself in this exact same Zone after facing the Warriors in that Conference Finals he felt the same exact heat can you win the big one we know you’re great during the regular season can you win the big one Tatum and brown right now in Boston right no one cares about the East finals no but I don’t know do you think Tatum and brown are viewed the way a Shanah Hanah pton Manning and a Durant were viewed like everyone says he’s an elite player Elite coach I do think they are the two young guys right now that have already gotten 2 a finals and they are expected they’ve been the best team in basketball regular season wise the last couple seasons and what this happened they come up short they got upset against the Miami Heat it’s been kind of a ma a major disappointment and they are synonymous with winning in that sport they are the Dallas Cowboys they are the New England Patriots they’re the Boston Celtics Joe it’s them and the Lakers that have the most titles in that Sport and they’re expected now that LeBron’s fading out now that Stephen Curry’s fading out now that Kevin Durant who’s going to be that next one to take it well Jamal Murray and joic did it last year the East is down they’re expected almost kind of like the the NFC is down that the ners are expected to get through there or at least fans expect that I think the same way with the Boston Celtics if they get to the finals you know what you better win it because you had an Easy Pass there no offense can do your Nicks but that’s just but that’s just the reality like that’s the expectation set in Boston right now for them and if they lose they’re looking like man we’ve been to two finals now and we haven’t won one do we tear it down do we start trading people do we decide do we move off Brown do we move off tum they have these massive contracts so that’s for the 49ers it’s different because football is different and you have a Young quarterback to be you know excited about but if they don’t meet expectations this year I am curious to see what that Brock pretty contract looks like I am very curious to see what happens with KY Shan and this team and this offense going forward because their window right now this is the last year for it I’m I’m confident in saying this is the last year of the Super Bowl window as we know for the 49ers well we’ll get into how they can sustain it because Steve Young had some thoughts yes with Willard and dibs about once you give Brock pie the contract there are some specific things that you have to do as an organization to remain Elite and and stay competitive I just I keep going back to manahan in the regular season Dusty Baker was a guy everywhere he went he immediately flipped the script and that team went from loser to winner but then he would get into the playoffs and he would find the most horrific ways to lose a series horrific and I had joked that he was the mar Marty Schottenheimer of baseball well Kyle Shanahan and Dusty have very similar track records now Dusty traveled more around the league than than than Kyle Shan did in their in their sports but do you view Dusty different now that he finally won one at the end I think for Dusty we always knew he was a great manager but it just solidified what we already like in the Bay Area thought and then nationally I think it did believe nationally did cemented him and what he was able to do to extinguish not all of it but most of the hate of the Houston Astros because they put a face in Dusty that everyone respects they needed that is what the Astros needed was a respect Factor back because they lost all of it with the whole cheating scandal AJ hinch moved on all the uh lack of suspensions but you still have bregman you still had Altuve there they needed someone to be that face and Dusty was perfect for that he was and I just I look at Shanahan and I feel like there are more people that root against Shanahan than that root for why is that I does he rub he rubs people the wrong way doesn’t he I think because he is so wellth thought of around the league and and rightfully so like just look at all the Innovation from the Shanahan coaching stre going back to his dad and maybe there is something to that his father being in there and winning at the highest level well I think there is an element of people do but I do believe people because of nepotism are are quick to criticize and that might not be the defining reason why but I do believe that that subconsciously is part of it which is unfair because I think he’s earned it you just go back I mean he’s been in Cleveland eared Cleveland clearly earned it Cleveland Texans the Falcons and now with the um and he started in the but the Buccaneers and John guden way back when but now come on I mean two Super Bowls what he’s been able to do with this organization that was a dumpster fire when he arrived here like he has been amazing for this franchise that being said this is a market of Champions We view this Market in the the San Francisco Bay Area Market as a championship Market see but this is where I get frustrated so on Fourth and two in the overtime in the Super Bowl Bosa gets a stop on momes and everything we say about Shanahan is different how unfair is that the margins are so thin the nature of the Beast I didn’t write the Playbook Joe Shas I’m just here to read it but you get what I’m saying like to me I find that to be so absurd like it’s one thing we can argue about Farhan not being good enough it’s it’s evidence like the evidence is overwhelmingly they’re not good enough but like Shanah Han’s a loser because he loses at the end in the final game to maybe the greatest quarterback ever I mean just it is I find that to be such a difficult evaluation for me to I just iica it’s America Joe shasi we have the Olympics coming up here that that is our mindset we want to win at the highest level why do you think we’re sending uh Lebron James Stephen Curry uh Jason Tatum Anthony Edwards to Paris the world’s gotten better and we need to check them because we’re supposed to be the best of the best of the best but people are like oh you’re a loser Shanahan you you you blew you failed in the Super Bowl failing is going 6 and 11 failing is what the Giants have done five of the six years of farhan’s tenure failing is whatever you want to say the Chris Cohan era was of the Golden State Warriors shanan is the farthest thing from a failure and I I I it pisses me off when I hear people say he’s a loser it speaks to what he has established in the culture that he has set and the standard that he has set that saying that because you know what true but Joe shasy he has set such a high standard with his team and with that level of play that they expect to win at the highest level and when you don’t I’m sorry it is a failure it is a failure now with the 49ers that is the standard they have set that is the teams like the Bengals that is the teams like the bills that are teams like the Chiefs when they don’t win the Eagles it’s a failure of a season I’m sorry but that’s that’s a good thing that like I know we’re trying to like we’re trying to say it’s a bad it’s a good thing that that’s standard right now I’m not here to say he’s a loser I think that’s a different conversation I’m not saying Kyle Shannon’s a loser the the team failed their ultimate goal I do believe he’s got pyton was more lovable but I do believe like Durant in the way we view Durant Durant’s mean Durant’s arrogant he’s salty he’s angry I do believe there’s a misnomer about Kyle Shanahan he’s arrogant when you win though it changes what do we say about Kobe once he started winning oh it’s different he just expect more of his team he’s showing up early he’s grinding get that’s just that’s just the championship mindset you see how I see how people perceive Shanahan I get a lot of Durant Vibes where they just don’t like him and I find it I find it kind of weird it’s body language I guess but it’s just the way he speaks to the media maybe people don’t it rubs but even then like it’s just I don’t what do you want from your head coach to speak to the media like do you want him to Seaford was miserable and people long for George cord to come back and I’m like and I love George cord but like come on be different and I I get it this guy and we’re up against it know the injury reports coming up in just 10 seconds Shawn McVey won the title but I do think the way he speaks and he has that smile on his face kiss ass but people like that so it’s so it is different I know you’re right you’re 100% right all right let’s go injury report it’s time for the injury report that really hurt brought to you by boxer and Gerson Northern California’s Premier workers compensation laer helping Injured Workers get their lives back for over 40 years can the Giants go one day without an injury starting pitcher Keaton wi had to exit the game in the fifth inning cuz he had forearm tightness and after the game wi insisted it’s just a cramp it’s not something to worry about but that said he will undergo an MRI today and that came the same day as the Giants announced Jung Huli has structural damage in his shoulder Patrick Bailey was placed back on concussion iel and hor hir had to cut his first live BP batting practice session short because he fouled a ball off the top of the cage that ricocheted back and hit him in the head I mean it’s just I when it rains it pours unbelievable the injury report was brought to you by boxer and Gerson Northern California’s Premier workers compensation law firm helping Injured Workers get their lives back for over 40 years what’s coming up I have a quote from Steve Young that he believes is the secret sauce to the Niners sustaining the winning Excellence even after you break off Brock pie a contract and that’s what’s coming up on the game brought to you by Fremont Bank full service banking no compromises [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh no oh baby Joe shasi in Bon’s out spon’s in start your Wednesday your hump day with an oh no I mean the Giants just lost again to the Dodgers and we’ll get into that in 20 minutes I promise with Dave Fleming I still have more Giants thoughts I just I’m just it’s hard for me to muster up crazy emotion about the Giants because we feel so outclassed by the Dodgers and it just feels like to me in my life I’m 41 this is the farthest the two teams have been apart the Gap is so wide we’ll get get into that in a little bit but I want to continue talking about the 49ers but before we do that I do want to say something one of my little mantras moving forward is to spread positivity about the city of San Francisco because I think there’s enough outlets and people who dedicate pictures videos posts thoughts on why San Francisco sucks I hate it and the greater barrier for that matter when people people when I tell people I’m from Oakland they like shudder at the thought sometimes it drives me crazy so will defend it till I’m blue in the not that I’m naive to the problems cuz there are plenty of problems I choose to Spotlight the positivity last night my little Bronco team they were in last place all year all year you play sports to build character to learn memories I mean create memories and F like form bonds with your buddies but to also feel good about yourself as a kid right yeah confidence like very few of them go on to play high school even fewer go on to play college and none go on to play the pros no but if you can learn to love baseball at a young age maybe you’ll be a baseball fan for life if you can learn to love basketball as a kid maybe you’ll love basketball for life and you’ll become like us you know addicted to it but also when the chips are up against it and you have to work your butt off to get a hit or something like that you know it teaches you perseverance So Yesterday our little Bronco team they had been dude they lost so many games games this year and it was like oh we were missing the big hit you know and again this isn’t about winning and losing I was watching these kids in The Dugout yesterday at Kimble Park and they’re all pulling for each other and I want to shout out one kid in particular Drew little Drew has had great at bats for weeks and nothing to show for and the Giants unlike some of the other sports you know basketball you can have a bad game and still score a bucket you know and and kids do go a long time without scoring at different youth levels I’m not denying it but like in baseball you could hit five or six rockets and never get out of the batter’s box you know you can get struck out you know and the back get taken out of your hand because the strike zone kind of oscillates a little this kid Drew had such a monster game yesterday I almost wanted to cry I was so happy for him he has worked his butt off his dad telling me he hits in the backyard every single night wow this kid could have given up at every single turn right because he he was hitting the ball hard he was having good at bats and he had nothing to show for it he got a huge hit in in in early in the game which kind of drove in a run and then with the game on the line later on comes with a huge hit that drives in a run and I was watching this group of 12-year olds and 11year olds pull for each other in The Dugout and I was like dude this is what sports is about the camaraderie the cheering um seeing San Francisco families and kids pull together and play ball and and we won the game and that’s awesome and believe me like I’m so happy for these guys cuz they could to quit so many times this year and to go from last place to the championship game crazily improbable I’m so happy for him but to me the bigger thing is keep chipping away yeah like that’s the life lesson keep chipping away keep chipping away keep chipping away and I wanted to start our morning by shouting out Young Drew and I wanted to give people some positivity because the Giants have lost five in a row this year to the Dodgers and they’ve been outscored by 17 runs in those five losses I thought you were going to go back real quick joose so what I’m saying is that the Giants are just a couple hits away from going on a run here no that’s not what he’s said no they need more Young Drews in their front office who are in the backyard swinging away swinging away swing correct but that’s a great analogy if you’re going to use that to what the 49ers faced as well early on in Kyle Shanahan’s tenure how many of those close ones score losses did Kyle Shanahan have early on Joe it felt like every single loss was just a coin flip here or there to start his and there was that lasting picture right Joe at the end of that season where it’s Kyle Shanahan sitting by that bucket of balls or that laundry basket just sitting on his butt hands over his knees holding a football bags under his eyes just sunburned to death just looking exhausted that’s what it was like early on but you know what you take those lumps you take those licks and it makes you stronger iron sharpens iron right AB so you just keep doing that keep doing that and then the wind started coming you got Jimmy Garoppolo then he gets hurt that’s another setback but then you come back back and then you go to a Super Bowl come up short but you know what that’s okay and then you have more adversity then there’s a freaking pandemic that happens right and then you draft Trey Lance oh we got Trey Lance it’s all we we traded up we got him that doesn’t work out talk about more adversity you lose two starting quarterbacks just two seasons ago and then you get this Mr Irrelevant guy Brock pie who the hell is that I don’t know oh all of a sudden he just goes on one of the greatest runs we’ve ever seen from the last pick of the NFL draft where did that come from just shattering record books in the playoffs then he breaks his arm or his elbow it’s like oh great all right well will you bring in Sam darnold now we have Trey Lance his money maker by the way his money maker elow exactly we don’t know what he’s going to be like we talked about that all off season and then what does he do he has an MVP caliber season and you go to the Super Bowl and you’re a play away from winning it like so that’s what you’re talking about when it comes to facing adversity I just went through all of it with Kyle Shanahan and this 49ers team they have faced it time in and time out they’re dealing with a lot right now losing to Patrick Mahomes again for Kyle Shanahan that’s got to hurt it’s got to sting but can they do it one more time in this window Joe shasi I think they can even if I don’t think this is their best chance this year as compared to last year but I think it goes back to the quarterback Brock pie Steve Young said that they’re going to pay Brock py and everyone knows that they’re gonna they’re gonna pay him it’s it’s ner fans just get ready for it question is how much right they’re gonna pay him but the key for the 49ers is the same question I think a lot of people have a br Brock py in general so I want you to hear this Steve Young cut and then I’m going to read you what ESPN just published this morning a dad gra Dan Graziano article and they’re almost the same conversation and I want to hear from Niner fans so listen to what Steve Young said on Willard and dibs yesterday about Brock pie and surviving his contract the teams that are successful trans positioning into this kind of multi-generations the last 15 years or even the last 10 years have figured out a way to replace superstars with rookie contracts that get into the system really quick and they they’re great uh they can tutor people quickly right they get ingested into the system very fast that’s where they’re going to be able to sustain Brock py making $50 million a year because they’re going to have a bunch of rookies that you don’t know today so they’re going to hopefully be the guys that can take you to a Super Bowl on a rookie in the first four years of their rookie contract that are not the names that see today if you think the names that you see today plus Brock py being paid are going to go to the Super Bowl in a couple years you’re that’s impossible so you know that’s impossible so just get ready for a new name a number for a first or second round draft Co even a third or fourth that’s possible that are going to be on a rookie contract that can take you the distance because of the coaching staff because of how they develop and how JN runs the runs the program and how Jet owns it I mean they got a great thing going and I think that they can turn it over and keep great talent coming in Joe Montana won his first Super Bowl throwing to Freddy Solomon and Dwight Clark he won his final one throwing to Jerry Rice John Taylor and Brent Jones the weapons changed dramatically from year one in the Super Bowl to the to the final fourth Super Bowl think about who Brady was throwing to early in his career thinking about that Troy Brown you know Branch right and checking down to Kevin Faulk and then he transitions to Wes Welker and Randy Moss even though they don’t win it gron Edelman groon Hernandez and then at the end winning with Antonio Brown Godwin I know Godwin Evans stack that I think we’re going to look back at that that Bucks team being like Oh my God it was loaded it was perfect so I look at the Niner situation and I think the question that everybody has is Brock the kind of quarterback where you replace one of the weapons iuk Debo and you could still keep it humming and so to me it’s twofold do you think Brock is an elevator of the talent around him and do you trust the ners to find the right Replacements down the line for a KD for a CMC for an iuk for a Debo and as I say that that’s literally one of the questions that ESPN is asking out loud they had one question for every organization in particular about the quarterback that’s their one thing and their question was how much would losing Brandon auk or Debo Samuel impact Brock pie so if you believe in Brock pie and if you believe in Kyle Shanahan and you believe in the organization’s ability to find talent I think you think that they can keep huming and be competitive and that’s where I am I’m in that camp how many people out there agree with me I believe in Kyle Shanahan right now I believe in Brock pie right now let’s see what happens I know that’s not you’re in wait and see mode I’m in wait and see for this season mode because I think there’s going to be a lot uh of not going to say adversity but it’s going to be a lot more difficult this season than years’s past I think we can agree because I do think the NFC is just better okay I just think I think last year it was just such a Down Season I was looking at it like you know what the eagles they were just in the Super Bowl they’re going to have a hangover and they did I know they were really good for the first 10 weeks or whatever it was but they got their asses kicked at Lincoln Financial Field against the 49ers they snatched their souls Deo Samuel specifically snatched Philadelphia’s Souls collectively and they were never the same they got their asses kicked by Baker Mayfield and Co Todd Bulls in that opening uh playoff game out in Tampa Bay so I look at the Eagles though they added saquon they’ve extended AJ Brown they’ve extended Devonte Smith they’ve got Jaylen Herz there Jason Kel’s a massive loss for that team huge huge loss massive but we’ll see the young guys are getting a little bit you know more season now you look at Jordan Davis you look at their first round pick last year I can’t what was his name from from Georgia I’m think I’m blanking on his name first round Georgia should have been rookie Defensive Rookie of the Year help me out someone Jaylen Carter Jaylen Carter thank you he’s think of the other kid that they drafted the year prior who hasn’t been as good Jaylen Carter is the good one yes so they’re going to be better so I look at the Eagles okay they’re there I look at the Lions who were in the NFC Championship the team that you know what was maybe a Dan Campbell decisional Way some may think of making it to the Super Bowl they got better they extended their guy and their quarterback Jared gof we know about that so I look at those two teams and they’re the biggest threats still and I think if you’re going in the last season people were high on the Lions I don’t think anyone had the Lions being in the NFC championship and if you did God bless you so they’re there and then you got the Packers who I think are going to be better but let’s see it with Jordan love let’s see it with Caleb Williams now going into Chicago and having all that Talent around him some saying it’s the most cushiest spot that a rookie is a quarterback I should say has ever gone to yeah I would say that would be the Niner situation for Brock py but keep going no that’s a great point but I think he was thrust into starting week one maybe I should say um and then you got you know you got your teams that I don’t trust the Cowboys I’m sorry I just they didn’t do anything they had an elite defense last year and Brock shredded them they did and then they got Diggs coming back that was a loss so they got him coming back I guess but they didn’t add anything in the running back room Dak Prescott I think he’s going to be gone after this season so your your whole opinion is more more about the rest of the league than it is the ners it is but I say that because I do think the Rams also new Division I was getting to them because that’s the one for me they the Niners haven’t been threatened Joe shasi in their own division they really haven’t been the Seahawks we don’t think much of them because their quarterback never lost an NFC West game say that again Brock’s never lost in N when he started he hasn’t they have not lost correct Brock himself as the starter has never lost NFC there you go because they lost to the Rams last year it’s just whatever cuz he didn’t play exactly he didn’t play Carson Wentz versus Sam what a what a game no so like but but say that it is what it is so I say that to say it’s going to be a lot harder this year for them and I want to wait and see what it looks like with Brock pie and Kyle Shanahan coming off another Super Bowl hangover we just saw it with the Eagles Hell we saw it with the Niners the year after that it was hard to get back it’s it’s just not easy unless you have Patrick Mahomes I don’t expect it from anyone this year so what does that adversity look like this season for Kyle Shanahan and Brock py and how they move through that see I think more people would be like I I hear you on the rest of the league and that’s an element and there it’s undeniable you do not stay the same you either are getting better or getting worse period that’s every team every sport doesn’t matter what it is every business in America I feel like Brock can get a little better and I think we’re underrating his ability to understand the Playbook to such a degree that as long as guys are running the appropriate routes cuz cuz this is a very timing based offense I think they can make it work with a lot of different parts now you need good parts you can’t go out there with Dante Pettis and expect to put up Brandon auk numbers right you just can’t but I actually think Dante Pettis wouldn’t be bad with Brock P because I believe in Brock py that much with in this offense I think that he understands it now them drafting guys as impactful as Debo has been or as impactful as Brandon iuk has been they get credit for finding those guys it’s just hard to find really good players I mean in the NFL 30% hit rate in first round is a good hit rate yeah so it’s just in general difficult to find people and it’s difficult to reload and Ken great producer in Bard op today Ken k he’s he’s got that kenergy if you will shout out Barbie um he was just getting my ear about the strength of schedule for the 49ers and they’re right in the middle of the pack right now so they have a 505 um the teams are going against the opponent’s winning percentage this year as a collective for the 49ers their opponent’s winning percentage is collectively a 505 so kind of just average right slightly slightly above 500 type of teams but I put not a lot of stock into that because you know what we were talking about on the phone call last night and we’re going to be doing this because a lot of tomorrow is going to be reacting to the schedule that gets released tonight around the NFL there’s going to be teams that you just weren’t expecting to be good that are going to be you know what really good and there’s in teams that you were expecting to be good that are going to be really bad because of I don’t know maybe Aaron Rogers goes down in the first four plays of the season and the Jets are going to be dumpster fire all year long did anyone have the Texans having the season they had last year I thought highly of demo I thought highly of CJ even I thought oh maybe they’re going to be like I don’t know 7 and 10 a couple years away they were amazing last year they were in Fuego that first half against the Ravens I was thinking like oh my God is Lamar going to be a choke artist again or the are the Ravens are the the Texans about to go to the title game against the Chiefs and host the Kansas City Chiefs like that’d be nuts so we don’t know anything about this when it comes to the schedules when it comes to opponent winning percentage I don’t put a lot of stock into that um but I will say I just think the NFC as a collective we were looking at the end of last year Joe about the AFC the AFC was looking a little down compared to the NFC at the end of last year in a crazy way because of teams like the Lions teams like the 49ers and the Bengals got hurt the Bal exactly Joe Burrow’s injury is massive where were we with the bills like H right the Dolphins everyone thought and then yeah a lot of injures don’t believe In Tua so I think a lot of people dismiss the Dolphins and everyone’s waiting for the Chiefs to just lose they just didn’t yeah I had the Chiefs wining the Super Bowl going into the playoffs I was exactly because I just I you can’t like he’s in The Brady Zone Mahomes is yes the Super Bowl is his until he’s been eliminated give me Patrick Mahomes and even without Travis Kelce just give him an awesome defense I still think they’re winning the Super Bowl I just have that much respect for them well I still believe that the division is a year away I I Arizona’s very young not the Rams really losing Aaron Donald I I have to see that changes your defense they drafted whoever they dropped I got Florida state in the first round I like but like it that that that changes your identity on defense I want to see it I want to see Stafford stay healthy I was say Naka and looks great on paper yes and in Seattle I just don’t believe in Gino Smith they wanted Brock bers bad by the way the Rams they were not expecting the Raiders to take him do you think those who are not all in on per is it py based is it Shanahan based is it they’re diminishing the ability of pie to succeed with weapons not named Brandon iuk and Debo and KD is that more tilted toward a lack of faith in Shanahan or a lack of faith in the quarterback being any good because I feel like that’s such he’s good the question is how good to me to me that’s a great question I I don’t have the answer yet because I haven’t seen it but I think fans apprehend would be we just the sample size with Brock pie that’s just really it for me cuz he’s only played a one full season 30 starts okay is that enough for you to say he’s the he’s the guy forever it’s almost two years oh okay no I’m just saying I’m just saying I’m trying to play the devil’s Colin Kaepernick was great until he wasn’t right like that’s just what I’m doing here but I’ve seen I’ve seen some things Joe Flaco was great until he wasn’t I’ve seen some things from the pocket that I never saw from Kaepernick um from Brock py I’ve seen him execute plays from the cuz to me sustainability as a quarterback is you have to be excellent from the pocket did you when you saw Colin Kaepernick did you think he was the franchise quarterback for the next 10 years I believ Ron jorski and Chris mortson I thought he was going to the Hall of Fame oh you went Jaws I truly believe Colin Kaepernick could be the greatest quarterback ever what I saw against Aaron Rogers at the height of his powers at Candlestick in the final playoff game against it’s one of the greatest individual games I’ve seen a player ever have in my life he ran for almost 200 yards and threw for 250 he was unbelievable I I know there’s been revisionist history on KH Kaepernick he was spectacular yes he went on the road and beat Tom Brady in New England he went into New Orleans and beat CH that game away too they had a huge lead he he won at home against Aaron Rogers and hung 45 on a really good Green Bay team he went into Lambo the following year and won he went into Carolina they were the top dogs and and won there he went into Atlanta and was down 17 nothing and and won in NFC like he was he was spectacular but they also had a great team around him so do Brock py that’s why I’m getting out here so that’s I’m just saying like I saw the flashes and I saw the vision with Colin Kaepernick so I’m just now I think Brock’s game is a little more translatable because of his accuracy because he wasn’t a freak athlete athlete with his legs now I think he’s a little bit underrated with his legs I think he is slippery in the pocket I think he has just enough functional mobility in that pocket that he can move around um so yes I guess the fan apprehension how I would take it would be just to show me more of Brock pie cuz I believe in Kyle shanan he’s done with two different quarterbacks how could you not like you did with Jimmy Garoppolo they were a quarter away from winning it there and now he’s on with Brock hell if they had some other quarterback that they believed in and and they get like this is crazy to say and this was a conversation last year and Bonte and I were having it Joe and we can laugh at it now but I truly thought that if Sam darnold was given the opportunity for a lot of games that even he could have had a run with him I I thought that and then you saw him play right and then I saw the body of work from Brock and then I saw darnold play again and I I retract that opinion but that’s how highly we think of Kyle Shanahan and that’s how poorly I think of Sam Dar so there you go right right like yeah no doubt about it see see to me I think one of the big misnomers is like Brock sucks Brock’s the man and there’s no in between I think the majority of people think Brock is very good the question is not is he good or is he bad the question now is how good is he exactly and then the elevating the talent is just it’s very hard but that’s kind of what you expect from Super Bowl like I’m looking at Super Bowl champions and yes you mentioned the Antonio Brown Rob gronowski and yes outside of Travis Kelce though last year with Patrick Mahomes it wasn’t you know all that you know great like was Tyreek Hillen All Pro already was he do we like we knew Tyreek was good that season that they beat the 49ers in the Super Bowl but we didn’t know it was going be like that for like he’s a Hall of Famer he’s a hall of we didn’t know that at that point we didn’t we thought maybe he was a no thought maybe he was a gadget guy maybe Kelsey because of the numbers but not grank love right we thought oh maybe he’s he could be you know Shannon sharp type something like that watching back that Niner 2019 Super Bowl knowing what I know now about Jimmy had they won that won of the greatest victories for a head coach in the history of the game I think of like Joe Gibbs winning it with three different quarterbacks who I think get slept on a lot with that like how ridiculous was going to be the MVP of that super they pulled that out yeah that’s crazy it would have been like I don’t think he was the but like a hosler type of guy right like Willams yes absolutely yes like that’s CRA all right I know I you but you and Bonte do this when you guys just watch games to watch like you can go back and just watch that Super Bowl right now and it makes me angry but you watch it I know exactly what’s going to happen I know I do it El I do that I did game six San Francisco Giants angels I thought you talking about game six Warriors Lakers last year one of the hardest things to watch yeah it’s just so hard all right I want to talk to Dave Fleming speaking of giants as I bring them up rally um I’m down bad this morning and I and I wantan to I want I want I want to have some therapy with Dave’s Gonna Keep It Real too I know you know people lot of the think oh well he works for the T Dave keeps it real and he will try to Shadow His you know disgust at the plate at times but also be a realist when it comes to you know what the product on the field just isn’t good right now it’s not and I want to ask Dave about the uh PGA Championship this week Joe shasi Valhalla call shk that’s what’s coming up on the game and it’s brought to you by miniki Car Care Centers [Music] [Applause] n [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] no Bon’s out spon’s in shas’s here you know I’m down bad are you yeah even though my little Bronco flame team is going to the championship and we just had a great just a phenomenal season in baseball um I love baseball love it I can tell wearing your jacket right there all my giant stuff yes we’re going to have Dave Fleming on here in a minute but I I love baseball so much and I love the Giants and that’s that was like one of my first loves right and going to games with my dad I think about my dad all the time when it comes to baseball my boy my brother’s boys my brother and how we all Bond over the Giants and baseball and what the team and the means to not just me and my friends but the community but even the the good times and the bad right like some of my favorite conversations with my father like I’m sure it was with yours uh Joe is like crapping all over the team like what the hell’s going on here what the hell’s going on there getting these texts and stuff like that like I told you the story like over this past weekend I was talking to my dad and it felt like he was just holding in all this Giants Anger from the past month my dad’s a huge Giants fan and he just unloaded all of his takes on me as I’m just trying to eat my little guacamole and chips right there I like all right Dad tell me how you really feel but like I just don’t know how as a Giants fan if you care about the team which I know we do like that’s the thing I know Giants fans care I do I know they care you’re getting blown out by your rival you feel completely outclassed and I just I have the feeling that I’m watching the biggest disparity between the two organizations in my life man and I could be wrong maybe maybe it was like the mid 80s it was this bad but bets and Freeman and Shi and Yamamoto and Kershaw and Muny and and the list goes on and we’re a month and a half into the season they’re 10 games ahead of you they’ve won all five games six in a row overall they’re taking over our Stadium they have all the players we have a bunch of Journeymen everyone’s hurt we we feel very lifeless I I’m it feels Rock Bottom even though I know it could get worse I need Dave Fleming to tell me the sky is not falling that everything’s going to be okay and that you know what this is just a little blip on the p Pathway to Greatness can Dave tell me that can he well we’re we’re trying to get a hold of him right now and so we’re working on that Willard and dibs is going to be live oh from the Dwight Clark Legacy series on Thursday that’s tomorrow that is starting at 2 pm listen to this guest lineup for tomorrow Brock pie Steve Young Dre Greenlaw Ricky peaw Alex Smith Jeff Garcia and many more wow and if you want to go to the event you can buy tickets at Dwight clarka once again if you want tickets Dwight clarka tickets are $87 in honor of number 87 and 100% of the proceeds go to the Golden Heart fund I just 888 957 [Music] 9570 have you ever felt farther away from what you deem to be your Ral than where the Giants are currently when you contrast that to the Dodgers feels like that I mean I’m trying to think back in Bay Area if we’re comparing this giant season to other ones in the past I mean the Warriors they don’t have a rival they don’t have a rival but I’m just saying like when they’ I’m just going lowest point how about that because this do right now I know record-wise it won’t show that cuz they’re 19 and 25 they’re six they can go on a little bit blip here and be close to 500 but really when you lose to the Dodgers in the fashion that they just did it does feel like the lowest point right now with farh Han zii when it comes to just fan base and the the Q meter for him the Q rating um I go back to when the Warriors had all those injuries right Klay Thompson had a major injury you know you had you just drafted James wisman um you got you know Steph Curry was hurt Kevin Durant left like that was the lowest point right back in 2020 for the for the Warriors recent memory a recent memory right and then what happened then they they went different circ*mstances you saw have one of the greatest players in the game’s history on your team and Stephen Curry I go back to the 49ers and you alluded to it earlier Tom Sula Chip Kelly Trent balky um you know winning with class that whole thing with Jed York it was just it was a mess yeah the pictures of the stands stuff like that the field they couldn’t get the turf right at Levi Stadium they had left San Francisco it was a mess if this is the lowest point for the San Francisco Giants rip the Band-Aid off clean house start a new and just embrace the suck for a little bit in hopes that you can be better going forward but that’s see that’s where we’re at right now and I just think that they’re they think that they’re competitive and what they’re doing with these bandaids is is oh we’re we’re staying relevant in the in the eyes of the of the consumer we have rejected this way of building a team this audience does not want the type of product that you’re selling to me I understand that and I understand that this analogy is going to you know people are going to scoff at it because they don’t care as much as other places but the San Jose Sharks were really bad the last few seasons they finally got rewarded they got the number one pick in this upcoming NHL draft and it’s going to be the top prospect mlin celebrini obviously his dad is the uh Head Sports Medicine director for the Golden State Warriors that’s a huge deal for them that is a deal and that is a move that is going to change the foundation of that franchise potentially now is there a Bryce Harper in the next coming years I don’t know I’m not that tapped into high school sports college I know Paul SK is the talk of everything right now because he is that Dynamic but that’s you know pitcher that’s going to pitch every once every five days or whatever like that baseball so hard is what I’m trying to say that I wish it was easy like in the NFL where I can get a Caleb Williams jasi and everything can change I can get a Nick Bosa type uh or I can get I can get a Chad holgren type or an Anthony Edwards see I just right now I I I get the Vibes it’s hard to that’s why it’s also so hard is what I’m trying to say for Baseball fans because it’s a crapshoot in the draft too yeah baseball more so than any other i g never see this guy play for us yeah I just I I keep and we got Dave fling all right fantastic it’s just I get the vibe right now that it it has a very 2015 2016 Tom Sula Chip Kelly vibe to where the Giants are at currently the audience has rejected the product and we’re asleep and we want change and that’s just the feeling I have I seen what my rival’s doing to me right now it it usurps everything that the Seahawks did to the Niners during that long run and that long drought it is it’s not even close the the the the Giants feel so many levels below the Dodgers it sucks Dave how you doing buddy I you know I love I love this team U and I’m sorry I don’t mean to put you in any bad spots I I love this I know you love this team it means so much to this community I’m having a really hard time with where the Giants are at right now and it’s because I’m contrasting them to clearly the class of baseball but it’s your rival and I I can’t remember the last time in my life the Giants felt so far away from the Dodgers on so many levels and I know they’re hurt I understand a lot of those things but man like whoever you think the best giant is right now I don’t even know where they are on the pecking order of the Dodgers list of best players it’s just it’s tough I don’t even have a question I’m just throwing it to I’m sorry my throwing a dead fish in your lap falling the sky’s not falling is it Dave I’m I’m happy for you to keep talking if you if you need to just keep talking I’m a good listener I I really am I can you can just keep going well Dave Dave Dave Jung Huli was like one of the few guys I was really excited and you could see why they wanted to sign a center fielder Matos you know the young guy just he doesn’t take great routes in center field and then I’m watching in pregame Solair takes one off the head in BP like how does that even happen we feel cursed yeah you should I mean it’s been a bad week that’s for sure and I do apologize if I have to sort of use my golf voice I’m on the sixth hole at I’ve got like I’ve got like eight players sort of around me so you know thing it’s a cool place to be but uh if I don’t sound as spirited as you do that’s probably the reason I’m prac kissing my golf voice for tomorrow um but uh yeah no I hear you and look I mean who are the most important players on the Giants for not just now but going forward you know Logan web for sure and Logan’s fine even though he hasn’t been quite web ask the last few starts he’s fine it happens uh Kyle Harrison very positive so far you know not perfect but but agreed I would say I would say very positive um and then I think Lee and Bailey and you know Lee now is probably if he’s not out for the year he’s out for a long time maybe out for the year and Bailey it’s scary like uh you got to get this figured out you can’t let this linger and derail what has a chance to be a very special career I mean you guys have been watching closely and you know that when he’s in there it’s a different team like it just every every everything is different about this team when Patrick Bailey is behind the plate and when he’s not you really notice and so that’s a bummer like on top of the sluggish start and whatever else having the two guys on the position player side who you sort of figure are the Cornerstone guys the most important guys for now and for the next many years be hurt and out sucks I mean it does and like you know I look I I could sell water to a whale if I really wanted to trust me I believe me I’ve I’ve I’ve dressed things up I’m a married man I know how to lie without lying if that makes sense I can’t like I’m sitting here and like 2021 is like the crowning achievement of the Farhan era and I I’m I’m having a hard time finding something else to hang my hat on on what this organization has done well in the last six years can can you sell me on something that they’ve done well in the last six years that’s noteworthy yeah I think they very clearly have an excellent ability to identify and help develop pitching I think I think that’s from whether you take the short timers like gsman and rhon or the young guys like Kyle Harrison Logan Webb Camilo DelVal Ryan Walker or the guys who are in the minor leagues who have made great progress who haven’t always been considered big-time Prospect now look the Giants pitching number numbers right now overall don’t look good and if I were Farhan or anybody in that organ I’d be pissed about that right now they’re way better than they’re showing on the pitching side and whether that’s sloppiness lack of concentration just purely lack of execution uh whatever you want to come up with the reason for that I would be ticked off if I were them about the way the pitching has showed so far this year because it’s better than they’ve showed but I think that is a clear strength of this group and I think it’s going to be you know we’re going to see more of those young guys uh up in the big leagues whether Reggie Crawford’s going to be here pretty soon wizen Honda’s going to be a good big leager like those guys have nice Futures with this team that is a strength but I hear what you’re saying like you you’re six and you want that Gap to be narrowed and I do agree with you you watched last night there are lots of reasons why uh it’s been a bad week for the Giants overall but it’s hard not to feel like the Gap is really really wide talking to Dave Fleming here aka Mr Rogers Live from the Vol Hall Golf Course uh for the PGA Championship and Dave no it’s great to hear your voice because I do think I I associate you with a calming presence yes within the Giants organization like when I hear your voice when you’re calling a game it relaxes me it makes me feel like I’m a part of the game Bob Melvin he is the leader of that team he is the manager of that team how do you feel he has been handling this first kind of major crisis of the Season as Giants manager um hard thing to evaluate I mean I think it’s always hard especially when you’re getting to know somebody and their leadership style like we are like you know we’re we we don’t know Bob we’ve known Bob for a long time we know him personally but as a manager up close we don’t know him and so we’re still trying to figure that out I don’t think he’s I I don’t think he’s the reason that whatever’s happening now is happening I don’t uh I think Bob has the right mix of calm and hey this is a long season and I’ve been through this for 40 years in this game and I know the es and the flows he knows he he realizes that but he also I would think that my first impression of Bob has been that he’s edgier than I thought he was he’s a super competitive guy and takes it more personally than I thought he did like hiab is he’s he’s an edgy competitor and I don’t think I ever totally knew that about him and I say that as a compliment I think that’s a really good thing um so I’m still you know personally trying to get to know him but I wouldn’t I wouldn’t point to him as like you know have there been some moments with the bullpen like with every manager I yes but I there’s so many things that happen that whether we can’t say him on the air because a guy has gone into the office before the game and said they can’t pitch me uh you know there are things that happen behind the scenes that the manager can’t ever talk about that make him look bad and he’s often just gota bite the bullet on a lot of that stuff and so I I I think Bob’s fine and he’s a good leader for this franchise and he cares deeply about the Giants he really wants this to work but he right now understands the issues that are going on with this team and he’s getting a little crankier by the day that they’re not fixing at least the stuff that they can control yeah Dave let me let me get some optimism out here like just I have been refreshed to see young guys playing and and they’re going to make mistakes like Casey SCH hasn’t had a lot of great at bats it was great to see him have that that walkoff the other day but defensively like you could see the guy’s spectacular with that arm and his range even going to his left or his right Ramos has been a jolt misplayed a ball in left field yesterday on the show hey okay that happens like he’s a young player Tyler FZ Shield has shown some strengths gets picked off the other day you know pinched running that happens like I I get it Matos couple of poor routes not communicating in center field but I’m seeing him hit that three-run home run on on the breaking ball against Yamamoto like that was encouraging to me I want to see these young guys I I want to see them bite the bullet and if they have to bottom out a little then so be it do you think that will be their organizational philosophy or are they gonna when these older guys start getting healthier are they going to you know send these young guys down what what what’s your feel on that it’s two or I mean I think it’s too early to decide that the season is over and you’re just going to play the young guys so I I I don’t think when conforto is healthy he’s going back in the lineup when ahed is healthy he’s going back in the lineup now that might that could change you know amed’s one where he might not get everyday playing time like he was if Casey shows that his ADV bats are getting better I mean I think Schmidt you you Circle him I think it’s a good point Casey’s got special defensive ability more and more I’m becoming convinced he can be a big league shortstop as opposed to just a third baseman which to me really changes sort of the long-term Outlook of Casey the the bar if you can be a good short stop the bar offensively is lowered and so I still think got a lot of upside offensively he’s got a lot of natural ability uh Casey’s an interesting one to watch Elliot Ramos is an interesting one like some of these guys it takes a little longer and if Ramos has figured it out he’s got physical ability like he has Giants are desperate for come some of the power and explosion that he has and it doesn’t mean home run power necessarily but just sort of the fast twitch athlete stuff that Ramos brings so I you know those two guys I think have the best chance of all of them you maybe Blake Sable too I mean Blake look for all I say about bayy and bayy such a high bar but Blake has gotten so much better that I I think you can dream about sable being your long-term backup catcher second catcher you you know swing guy maybe even a third catcher because he can play left field and do some other things like I don’t want to dismiss BL Sable because I think he’s given good at bats these days I I like Blake um so that’s kind of a long way of saying it’s too early for them to say we’re turning it over to the kids it’s a development year there’s too much baseball to be played with the extra playoff spots they’re not out of it but here’s the thing that the Dodgers are here they’re going on this road trip then they come back and the Phillies and the Yankees are coming to town and if they can’t get their act together and play better there the decision is going to be made for them by either the end of this month or the middle of June if they can’t play better then they’re in trouble so I I I think that’s their philosophy and if it gets to that point then they will turn it over to some of these young guys and just see what they have they don’t that’s not their Preference they still think they can make the playoffs Blake Snell scheduled to have one more Rehab start before rejoining this rotation how much of a boost is it going to be for this Giants team to get Snell back obviously struggled when he was up here but the staff itself has been struggling right now whether it’s Logan Webb at times whether it’s Kyle Harrison at times Keat win yesterday he had the cramps hopefully it’s just a cramp he’s going get Mr on that forearm today but how much of a boost is Blake Snell going to be with this rotation when he comes back Dave big time Big Time I mean what’s the what have they done won one game in that spot you know since the beginning of the year like I don’t know what the exact record is one and seven or something like that when that turn comes around uh you know they need him bad like and I didn’t me to know part of that is some of the other depth where you know Tristan Beck and Alex Cobb not being ready by now that you know I think that’s thrown things off a little bit that shouldn’t be an excuse but I do think I thought they were deeper than this and I didn’t anticipate that spot being so problematic without him so yeah they need him back and they need him they don’t need him perfect yet they need him close to what they know he can bring and it was encouraging the other day just watching him and everybody said even in the bullpen a couple days before that it looked like Blake Snell it was crisp it was firm it was decisive it looked healthy so my hopes are high that when we do see him on the next road trip hopefully then it’s going to look like Blake snow you know Dave I I want to ask you one baseball question on the way out the door Dave Fleming with us uh Giants broadcaster the best at Valhalla right now ready for the PGA Championship um this is a baseball question it my head explodes when I see Camilo Duval come in to tie ball games in the ninth inning I like my closer coming in with a lead that’s just me I I repetition and routine are so important for these guys it just it frustrates me the other night and I I know there’s things we don’t know but he comes in it’s the bottom of the order it’s the ninth inning of a tie ball game and eight pitches and then he doesn’t go back out there for the 10 now I know they had the righty Lefty thing going on cuz you’re facing multiple lefties and but like I just I will not accept that and I wanted to know what the reasoning was on why dval a came out of the game in the 10th inning and like why they continue to do this they’ve done this for multiple years I know baseball people do why do we keep throwing the closer into a tie ball game in the ninth inning well when you’re at home that you know you’re never once it’s tied going to the ninth at home you’re never going to have a safe situation I know you know that I know you know that but these closers are motivated by save situations they are so you get more of a green light from the players themselves more buyin from them in that scenario where they know they’re never going to have a save chance uh that’s part of it uh that shouldn’t be the ultimate motivator but you know for a lot of these guys it is they look at that statline they look at the save number that’s what motivates him so you acknowledge that and say okay uh we’re going to try to do our best to make this guy feel as good as he can about how he’s doing and that that might be a small part of it so I think that’s one I think though my counter would be in the scenario that you just laid out the other night like when it’s the bottom of the order now look the bottom of the order has hurt the Giants in these two games yeah so it’s not like you know Bob Melvin part of it maybe he’s watching that going well why are we keep letting Gavin Lux beat us over and over again um Tiki Hernandez you know right that’s very very frustrating like to me that’s the worst part about these two games otani’s going to get you Betts is going to get you Freddy Freeman’s G to get you they’re good don’t let the other guys and the Giants are better than that and that would really make me frustrated if I were in that clubhous that that’s been a part of the story of these two games so the scenario where I would kind of agree with you and say is the one that played out the other night like do we have somebody that can go get 789 and save camoo if we need him for the big boys because yeah you know one reason why the Giants have been really good in Extra Innings over the last couple years with the new rules is camoo like he is he is the dream of the guy you have in a strikeout scenario or a ground ball scenario and that’s he’s a big Advantage when you get to Extra Innings and they didn’t have that Advantage the other night and it cost them it did totally especially when you start with the inherited runner on second base you need a strikeout popup in that situation so anyway I don’t mean I don’t mean to interrupt you but I’ll tell you the other thing that frustrated me I I haven’t talked to Taylor Rogers I don’t know that he was necessarily doing this but it it looked like he was kind of pitching around Freddy Freeman and and I think with when you get your own automatic Runner the thing that beats you in those games is the multiple run inning yes like the the one run inning doesn’t usually beat you or you should you should feel confident that that we’re not going to let that beat us and that makes me mad like don’t don’t set up the possibility of a bigger inning by being cute there when you’re the home team now there are scenarios where you have to be it’s do or die but that’s not one of them and that I just think you have to have a mindset of being on the attack big time when you when you’re going to get your own extra runner at second you you can’t let a big inning happen because then you that’s how you lose this G 100% Dave just next week we’ll talk about Golf and Rory at Valhalla 10 years later and all that tiger with the goatee skot sheffler all that have a great week I’ll be listening to you I miss you pal and I know we’re both hurting with these Giants right now thanks for coming on here thanks Dave I I was just walking with zotus and he was he was he was crying on my shoulder like oh my God what’s going on so even people out here are thinking about him well you’re the best buddy have a great weekend we’ll talk to you next week all right great yep Dave Fleming Giants broadcaster gonna be on ESPN for the PGA Championship all weekend Will’s alluris by the way for those of you don’t know reference Bay Area guy big Giants fan Tiger Woods La guy I’m assuming is a Dodger fan yeah uh look we had people on hold I want to Rack rerack everybody on there Will going go to you in a second 888 957 9570 just just for me yesterday was really deflating did you hear that talk about edginess the Bob Melvin he was talking about Dave Fleming a little edgy right there you could feel it look like Dave to be careful with what he says golf voice though too Joe he was still getting a little if you don’t think Dave Fleming wants to win oh you kidding me I I don’t like Dave is as competitive as they come as a broadcaster as as competitive you can be and he sees things for how they really are now I understand you have to be you have to play the political angle and say certain things a certain way I love Dave but he gives you the real he gives you the real Giants fans I feel like this morning the Giants have and are the farthest they’ve been away from the Dodgers in my entire life let’s go to Will and Marin will what do you got on the Giants right now what’s up will hey buddy Willie he gone flush him he go oh flush it flush him do it come on get it up there no no no no Will’s flushed down the drain he’s back in the sewers he’s hanging out the alligator a good call he’ll come back calling his what was his other name what was Burling game yeah Milton and Burling game I’m not mad at that Milton Bradley I’m not mad at that um they can find pitching that was the thing I asked when it came to what in six years years if I took 2021 off the board and and let’s call it like it wasn’t some fluky thing it was an outlier thing that’s a different word and I and I I distinctly have different opinions on that like having an outlier year is like a career year a bunch of all the great things happened it’s not luck like you get credit for those things but like they hit more pinch hit home runs that year than any team in history I almost expected it at that point in the season 2 it’s like oh they’re going to get a home run here oh they’re going didn’t play in 2020 he looked completely different at everything that Gabe kapler touched turned to gold one all the moves it was just like unbelievable what we’ve learned from Dave papler last two years Joe maybe it wasn’t his greatest for no and and I felt like the organization didn’t strike on that and they tried to recreate that it’s very difficult to recreate and I I’m just looking at what they’ve built and what they’ve built is a team with not one legitimate everyday player who’s under 25 years old years I just thought we’d be farther along and that’s I never thought we would be mie Betts Freddy Freeman sh Otani to lead off a game that’s not what I thought but like you can’t be the Cincinnati Reds yeah can’t be Ellie Deli Cruz you can’t be the Pittsburgh Pirates O’Neal Cruz O’Neal Cruz yeah right yeah you can’t give me one guy one everyday player it’s the everyday part for me and that’s why Jung hul Le not one Jung hul Lee I was looking at like that rookie right that you can be excited about and now he’s got structural damage like that’s the frustrating part in all this too and listen we’re acting like the sky’s falling here it does feel like it’s falling it it does feel like that cuz it’s the body of work of six years because we’re going up against the Dodgers though so maybe maybe I’ll take this approach and it’s it’s a hump day I’m feeling good I’m feeling good I’m not going to let the Giants bring me down completely and maybe I could try to bring the Giants Up For You Joe shasi all right so you might take another L to the Dodgers and you might you might get swept okay you might get swept which sucks which means you get swept in the first two series against your rival and right now they’re R different IAL is 17 you know what that’s the Dodgers they’re going to do that to a lot of teams this year that’s fine yeah but that’s the gold standard I understand that but this season right now it’s about riding the ship so far we’re we’re in May I’m not waving the White Flag just yet so you know what take care of business against the Rockies who are hot right now they’ve won six in a row that’s not going to be easy then you got the Pirates okay going on the road to Pirates and then as Dave Fleming alluded to it’s going to get a little tough all right it’s going to get a little tough you got the Mets coming to town Mets are kind of they’re okay Joe then you got the Phillies and then you got the Yankees then you got the Dbacks before you get to more divisional rounds but I’m just looking at next six games can you go four- two can you go five and one so what so they could be in the mix of a wild card and then not sell at the deadline when that’s not like we can all see where this so you want them to start just yes okay yes acknowledge who you are acknowledge who you are you’re a team that has very very few everyday prospects conforto will not be here next year trade him at the deadline for whatever for anything Lamont Wade Jr is already 30 something years old move him he’s got something value May 15 move Blake Snell move Blake Snell at the deadline he is a left-handed Elite player at the top of a rotation that every contending team in baseball is going to be coveting move these guys move Mike yky bottom out the fact that every year you make an excuse on why you can’t bottom out and every year you get a worse draft pick and a worse opportunity to reload the farm they need to acknowledge where they’re at they’re closer to the bottom than they are to even the middle of the pack they need organizational restructuring and it starts with acknowledging the reality of you being light years away from your own Rivals your Lighty years away from even replicating the Corbin Carol Arizona Diamondbacks who caught lightning in a bottle last year let’s go out to Steven Santa two and a half back of the third wild card is all I’m going to say this guy’s not Fallen yet you have the third worst run differential 45 days in in all of baseball hey you know what it’s a tough month get healthy we’ll see Ste I want sorry before we go to Steve I just want to speak on that last wild card spot and how close the Giants are this is kind of like my issue with the expanded playoffs is that it’s Fool’s Gold it’s fo’s yeah you could say oh we’re only two and a half out of a playoff spot you know my thing is be three games out by the 21st blah blah blah but right now when I look at two and a half games out that’s basically like it convinces teams who are in the giant situation to chase this like farce of a playoff run that we know they’re not qualified to go for like the Giants are not a team that should be in playoff contention this is not a playoff team but the fact that they are technically kind of in it just shows how much of a farce that that expanded playoff really is it’s been a little over a month they’ve had a lot of injuries been six years okay I’m talking about this season forget forget about the past season this year they need to go to the playoffs that’s what’s at stake for far H hanai his job essentially he feels like is at stake if they don’t make the playoffs this year they don’t have one player that another team would covet as an everyday player not one who who on the Giants right now is starting on the Dodgers everyday player not one not one Lamont Wade might be able to start but not as a leadoff guy and not at first base Freddy Freeman’s there that’s fine he could be a DH or something okay let’s go to the Padres what guy on the Giants is starting on the Padres okay let’s go to the Arizona diamondb I listen I like Lan waade a lot I think he starts on a lot of teams that’s just font facing for there Jung hul Lee might have been an eighth or ninth guy when he was healthy that sucks that he’s out there but I think I’m still sticking with Lee I think I’m just going to our division like okay maybe Lee okay maybe and and again rookie yes play a month like okay the reality is the reality they have not one player who would start on the three teams you’re looking up at in your own division yeah it’s brutal all right let’s go out to stepen Santa roses I’m not here to argue that I’m just saying I don’t think the team’s going to lie down and just say to Sam’s point that you know what they feel like they are still a playoff team in that clubhous that’s fine you used to think that but the team doesn’t think that and then they’re going to keep trying to win and they’re not going to just tank which I know would probably be the best thing for them they’re just not built like that the Arizona Diamondbacks lost a thousand games to the Giants in 2021 they’re the Ariz now light better they’re the Arizona Diamondbacks that’s what they do they did what you should be doing which is tanking Giants find see themselves as a brand though that I think they they’re not the Yankees they’re not they need a re they’re not the Yankees they’re not the Red Sox who have actually been they’ve had some down years too um but they’re not those teams they they’re more like the Arizona Diamondbacks and need to tank that’s what they need to do they knew they do let’s go to Stephen San Ro Steve my apologies for trying to go out to the lines on you uh spon no no you’re good 888 957 9570 I’m down bad with the Giants what’s up Steve uh same here hey first off I want to say I’m real sorry to hear about your dad thanks Steve he you know I I don’t get to call much and I heard that and it kind of fled me I met him in 1980 and I’ve seen him up at Northwood all the time great guy thank you Steve means a lot the Giants the Giants are what they are you know they can’t get free agents for whatever reason everyone wants to blame the front office they just don’t want to come here they have to develop their own stars and even if you know all my life the Giants their biggest stars are guys they developed on their own you know and we just don’t seem to be getting young players through our system that are at that level of the Dodgers the Phillies Atlanta that’s that’s really the whole Major League the national league is those four teams Philly Atlanta the Dodgers and uh I can’t think of there one other team but that’s it the rest of them are also rants Milwaukee yeah the rest of them are also Rants and the extended playoff it’s just the kind of a marketing ploy to keep people going to games but those are the teams right now that are on top and the Giants don’t have anybody right now that’ll compete with them and don’t see these young players they’re bringing up they’re horrible I mean you seen it last night that guy in center field so bad you playing little league ball I mean the guy’s horrible they can’t hit they got nobody that’s a threat at the plate nobody that maybe Comfort though when when he’s playing they get hurt too much you know I think a lot of baseball does that too with these players they baby them they don’t you know they get a hang nail they put them on the DL it’s like come on you know you got nothing play what you got and and you know the Giants fans are just going to have to welcome in the better teams and be nice to their fans they show up spend money Steve you sound like an old school baseball fan and for the last 10 years it’s been an insufferable amount of analytics and data and we’re smarter than you when the irony is you know what’s let the Giants down they have a lack of an eye for talent which is old school scouting base that’s what’s holding them back everyone can see it right Steve they they can’t identify talent I agree you know when’s the last time we got a Will Clark in our system Buster posie is the last good draft choice we ever had the rest of them I mean the last 10 years nothing we keep hearing about Joey Bart you know God bless him you know they talked him up for so long and he just couldn’t do it I know you know and he was like our biggest you know number one draft pick this guy’s a a camp miss you know I mean that happens in a lot with a baseball a lot you all these can’t miss guys look at H Tolson and he’s a local guy they made it so much of him they’re thinking about sending him away I know I know the Petaluma kid I’ll take him in a heartbeat Steve great call thank you for calling in yeah tolon 707 Petaluma Little League Allstar he was just a stud I think ASU him him and Hunter Bishop I believe were on the same and they got yeah they got a plethora of number one picks because Detroit talking about a God awful team for a while they were really bad um and they got what Riley green over there too he’s supposed to be the new guy but yeah tolson’s kind of underachieving at the big league level that happens you know Jackson holiday everyone was talking about him to start off the season well I know I’m just saying so it’s it’s a process I I would agree there but this process for the giants has been turned into just a grind it’s just not even a process anymore you never trust the process yeah that’s not happening anymore Sam hany is not walking through that door I was talking with the boss oh they did get Joel and be from that I was talking with the boss yesterday we were sitting down and he’s like Giants fans have rejected the whole way they build a team and I gave him an analogy and he liked it I said when I opened up my now we were a failed store okay I had my little Deli my dad had a saying like hey I really like tuna I love tuna but people who come in here to buy sandwiches don’t order tuna sandwiches so we’re not going to put tuna on the menu you know why cuz it’s not going to sell it’s not going to sell conforto even Jorge cair you know yky Chapman Nick Ahmed Tyro Estrada Lamont Wade tuna they’re the tuna of the deli yeah some people might like them I love tuna sandwiches but the overwhelming majority of your audience in your consumer base has rejected the tuna sandwich you know Whole Foods they put like cranberries in their tuna it’s disgusting it’s the grossest thing I’ve ever tasted in my life I got a tuna wrap there sorry if we have any sponsor of the Whole Foods don’t just hit that off the menu I like everything else they got but get to your point yeah I would like the gabag goul I would like the salami I would like the pursuit I’d love all of it with some mozzarella and some oil and vinegar on top Joey on a Sourdough roll I know all right you’re listening to 957 the game km1 San Francisco and odyssey sports station always live on the free Odyssey app don’t forget you can watch us every day on YouTube twitch Twitter and streams uh powered by first NorCal Credit Union upgrade your savings dividend today open a first NorCal class money market today and tomorrow Willard and dibs 2:00 remember ners lots of guests but also Thursday next week we’re going to be live from the Copper Skillet Courtyard in Martinez we’re going to be there at 6:00 a.m. be out there the Copper Skillet Courtyard in Martinez if you want to come out there have us at your location email us if you want us to come to your restaurant at the morning roast at 957thegame daycom and what’s coming up we’re going to talk to a catching specialist Dave said something about Blake Sable that just disagree with but we’re going to talk about it and that’s what’s coming up on the game and it’s brought to you by O’Reilly Auto Parts [Music] n [Music] [Applause] n [Music] [Applause] [Music] he [Music] [Music] a [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now back to the morning roast with bont and shasy we back Joe pedon alongside Joe shasi you’ll be with us shortly Bon Hill at home hope you’re feeling better Bonte it’s all right he’s grinding right now he’s grinding like the Giants are grinding they’re trying man and that’s all I can say about him they’re trying but that’s not good enough against the Los Angeles Dodgers you can’t just try gotta be Yoda do or do not there is no try 102 the final yesterday as the Dodgers look to complete the sweep today against the Giants who again have not beaten La once this season sh Otani just with a blast we haven’t even talked about that home run it it just sounds different Joe shasi when it comes off a certain guy’s back like it sounds different when it’s a Mike Trout when it’s a Bryce Harper when it’s a Mookie Betts a Barry Bonds it just sounds different off sh otani’s bat yeah he’s one of the greatest players the game’s ever seen ever yeah all right we’re gonna spend a couple of minutes here I have something that I want to get off my chest all right so again I am open to new ideas there were many ways to field ground balls for many many many years and then Ron Washington has come in the last couple years sticking it going through with the glove there’s there’s this whole methodology on how you field a ground ball nowadays which is counterintuitive to what was taught for almost 50 years so wait so wash is the new kind of think well no he’s one of many guys who are ushering in various ways of how to do infield training for example and one of the things that I’ve noticed throughout baseball is the one knee down for catchers and how they field the ball uh or I guess receive a pitch from the pitcher and what I’ve known with Blake Sable is that there are times when there’s Runners on and he goes one knee down and he’s backhanding the ball off his shinard almost and not sliding his feet and putting the glove out opening it up toward the pitcher if you will I’m trying to describe it I can do it but I can’t describe it and the balls just ricocheting all over the place we’re giving free 90 feet all over so somewhere yesterday I did a rant about one knee down and how like I understand trying to progress the game forward to get the low strike because that’s what kind of the methodology is behind it but there there’s a lot of stuff I don’t understand and so somebody on Twitter who is a catching expert hit us up and was like hey I would like to explain to you you know the whole one knee down for a catcher methodology so we spent a couple of quick minutes here and this is going to be our our catching expert Brett Thomas catching Academy in San Ramone um he’s got a full catching Academy service instructional Organization for youth baseball players play to Cal Brett how you doing um I’m trying to explain the one knee down thing what am I missing because you obviously have more expertise in this particular field than I do well thanks guys I appreciate you having me on um you know the the one knee down obviously as you said and I think uh maybe a little misconception on the idea that it’s the low strike um it’s really just uh catching strikes in general and um you know with the advancement of pitch tracker you know biggest key being umpires are actually graded now um there’s a lot more to receiving the ball basically in in in a shadow area we call it around the strike zone um and with that being that we don’t have the ability for uh Greg Maddox to just have Eddie Perez sit out off the plate and just catch it however he wants and get strikes uh umpires are are graded and have to be more in the strike zone and better at it and we’ve seen a massive progression in uh you know the amount of percent of strikes called right um since pitch tracker came in in 2008 so with that comes a lot more velocity um we’re seeing actually seeing more breaking balls thrown than fast balls and the knee down is giving guys a little bit more of a connection to the ground uh to be able to create a path with their glove uh to create some leverage against these pitches whatever they may be I know that the fastball down is obviously very important but um we got sweeping sliders that we’ve got to create a path to work against um now guys are pitching up in the zone less to chase but more we’re throwing the ball at the top of the Zone um another pitch that we got to handle and obviously we know now those are at 98 plus miles an hour at a lot of times um so that connection to the ground has given them a lot of Leverage in terms of how they can utilize their glove to receive and the piece that came with Runners on base was when uh Tanner Swanson the catching coach for the Yankees was kind of the pioneer of this and he would be looking at his uh organizational statistics and he was at the twins at the time and uh he saw that guys were doing okay from a blocking and throwing perspective but when Runners got on base they receiving massively declined um so essentially we’re defending the runner on base and not really defending the guy in the box so not to uh again because it’s not a prioritized deal um it’s something where he said how do we get guys to stay effective blocking and throwing um and increase their uh receiving ability and the reality is is I know that we see certain sample sizes and um it can be frustrating the catcher is always on TV um so that’s you know something that we see everything they do um but uh you know 2022 we saw the lowest number of pass balls and wild pitches in in 10 years um it went down again last year wow um and there is you could make it argument for uh pitchcombe a little bit to that number declining but I think for sure we can look at that and say that overall it’s probably relatively the same um but we’re starting to see the receiving metrics get better um you know as we do that you know obviously guys are figuring out how to throw um from those positions um same idea there statistics are showing us that the average pop time is continuing to decline it’s declined every year for the last eight years more so in the last two or three years the average pop time’s now below two which you know below two used to be you know an industry standard of elite um so it’s just bringing in more athletic guys to play the position but the biggest key right now is that everybody’s pushing the envelope you know we had Jose trino on our podcast and he just talked about how it’s like every single off season they’re just pushing it and pushing it and pushing it um and they have to continue to adapt whether it is pitch tracker and the umpires um you know now you continue to move into uh the pickoff rules the pitch clock that they’ve got to now go okay now we can’t just look at throwing as a secondary or third thing um it is really important now with the number of stolen bases going up so um I know that we see a lot of the you know hey the guy was on third or on second um you know but they are in a position that they feel is absolutely best and again you know these don’t execute all the time yeah so Brett you’re you’re a wealth of knowledge and I I I want to work with you off to the side here one last question before we get because we got a lot of people waiting on hold here when you see Patrick Bailey have the concussion issue that he did you you’ve seen the Mike maeni thing I mean you’re you’re from the bay obviously you you you’ve been around catching and whatnot and you see everyone wearing the hockey helmets nowadays in your mind what is the safer helmet for ricochets when it comes to foul balls is it the old school skull with the big padded you know face mask that you would have from the 80s and 90s or is it this more modernized hockey helmet because it I I see the youth ones and it doesn’t seem to be a lot of padding on there but I guess the way the ball might deflect off the mask you you don’t take a direct blow which one do you believe to be I guess less painful when it comes to these concussions um I think you know actually one of my students you know four or five years back did a a report on this uh for his his senior project in high school and and they did find that the two-piece mask was safer at the time um just being that the The Mask itself flips off um and they were talking about how the hockey mask um as it hits um you know is basically kind of rattling the brain a little bit um because it’s it’s staying there but um I can tell you that uh you know knowing uh you know that the people at Allstar um who are a great partner of ours they are constantly working they’ve got a lab and they’re constantly working um Force has added Springs into their um masks to try to help um so you know I think today I wouldn’t be able to answer that you know 100% because I know they’re still working to try to advance all that stuff but I you know truthfully it makes a lot of sense to me that if the mask is flying off uh you’re definitely getting a little bit less of that shake yeah yeah Brett thank you for coming on just want to do a couple minutes on that I want to hear from you again all right I I’ll I’ll reach out to you offline cuz the one KNE down thing you’re seeing Blake Sable everyone’s doing it and then the concussion thing with Bailey is just it’s it sucks I’m surprised there’s not more concussions absolutely we need to get you in the shop I’ll get you down on I need catching in here oh bro I used to catch high school that was music to his ears right I’m ready except I’m not wearing the allstar equipment I’m gonna probably rock some Rawlings not gonna lie whatever you want yeah I like that I like that all right Brett good stuff catching academy uh in San Ramone hit him up Brett Thompson uh Thomas excuse me um played it Cal guys a wealth of knowledge look bayley’s injury is a big one that’s the one guy if you were looking at the Giants this morning you wake up they’re getting crushed by the Dodgers and like there’s one guy that they have on their entire roster who feels salvageable as an everyday player it’s bayy and he’s hurt now with the concussion and that affects the pitching staff like I look at the catcher like I look at a center in the NFL when you have a really good one you kind of take them for granted and when you don’t have a really good one in there it’s very noticeable is there is there like look at the coincidence if you will veritek pada Molina posy like there’s connective tissue there I’d go jav Lopez as well all of the great teams Jahim last year very good for the rang Jonah Heim very good for the catchers all the best teams usually have really great T catchers Johnny Bench The Big Red Machine right Thurman Munson in the 70s just just go through the history of the game right obviously Yogi bar is one of the all-time greats um but FY in peace he’s a great example show me a great team that won for a long period of time and I’m sure I’m going to show you a catcher behind there who’s Elite and it’s just a thankless position too you’re squatting there the whole time you get you got balls bouncing off your chest off your face all this sort of stuff it hurts you’re sore all this sort of stuff yeah go do it again right oh then go do it again and then you’re pitching for this guy you’re catching for that guy there is so much to and again I say taken for granted like Buster POS he’s not taken for GR like we love Buster posie in the Bay Area he was the face of this organization for a very long time and he was synonymous with winning with class and being a part of those rotations that dominated there was a trust Factor there again I go back to trust when there’s a Setter in the quarterback exchange whether there’s trust whether it’s a wide receiver being on the same page the trust aspect between a pitching staff and their catcher is everything so when bayy is out it is noticeable when a guy like Blake Sable who is not great defensively for as much as we say much as we crushed Joey part uh Bart I should say for not living up to the bat I thought he was pretty good defensively like I think like I think we pitches in college yes well I I I think in general like we could talk a lot about posy and most of the conversations revolved around his offense mhm the offense was always the gravy and and the meat and potatoes was always the defense I think playing the same era as yachty kind of overshadowed it a little bit yachty is just unbelievable defensively he’s throwing guys out left and right but Buster was just as good so like like and I I just just disagree with uh with Dave like Blake Sable is a backup catcher like okay maybe offensively not defens he’s terrible defensively yeah he he he he’s terrible and that’s noticeable in games like 390 ft every time you’re you’re already behind the eightball when it comes to offensive production anyways the last thing you need is is getting down even more because of your defense and we saw that yesterday Jo in the center field whether it’s the catcher whether it’s just spot him runs early in the game I mean whether it’s Tyler Fitzgerald like on the Bas pass like you just you are not in a position to be lacking fundamentals right now and that’s the thing again and I we brought up Bob Melvin and that’s a thing that I think is a tangible thing when it comes to fundamentals I expect that from my coaching staff teaching it to these guys like the fundamentals you got to be working on it’s bigger than Bob no it is bigger than Bob but you know what like I’m sorry like that’s something like Ron Washington you brought up the name worked with Marcus Simeon day in and day out when he was over in Oakland into a was horrible he was awful I felt bad more scud missiles they they they track these things when we were at the flagship station Marcus simeon’s dad would call in and ask us not to be so hard on him like his own father because he was so awful defensively and look at him now he’s a World Series champion and he is consistent as hell as a shortstop so I’m just talking about coaching in that aspect having that right staff with you goes a very long way so you get blown out by the Dodgers last night and I’m just I feel like I’ve been ko’ed like in in UFC somebody just slept me it is all over yeah like I’m just laying on the on on the mat and it’s just is that copyrighted there’s nothing there’s just nothing salvageable on this current roster I’m tell everyday P yeah there’s some nice pitches like I I really like Harrison I love Logan Webb you know I love Camilo Duval but that’s not enough and and right now the overall team ER is horrible the overall everyday player status is horrible and they’ve got a bunch of guys that I don’t have any emotional connection to and I’m watching not just good players play for the Dodgers generational players Freddy Freeman would be the best player on the Giants since Buster posie he’s the third person you think about when you think about the dod their top three hitters are Hall of Famers yeah all three of them are going to the f is a generational player Shani might be the greatest player to play the sport ever oh just and we’re talkinging about the offense right now he hasn’t even pitched the ball this year he’s going to do that next year by the way but but like it’s not just the Dodgers too like yes I’m that’s my rival they kicked my butt I look down at San Diego and it’s like they’re having so much fun they are so much fun they’re like an average team in the standings but they’re still having fun at the games but there’s something to talk about yeah Machado and tatis there’s always something musr there’s something I look at Arizona they’ve got Corbin Carroll and they’ve got a lot of other young players coming through you know Merill Kelly and and and uh Zach Gallen they’ve got players and it’s just like the Giants have nothing let’s go out they do have play like they have web they have Harrison I do think Jordan Hicks has been a positive so I don’t want it to be totally Doom and Gloom but for the everyday players that’s what really connects with people yes Timmy was great every so- and so days is Timmy day right that was great I need I need a buster posy in there to years Joey if I told you six years after Farhan got hired that they would go through multiple managers and you would have two and a half pitchers and half a catcher yeah that’s not good it’s not good we’re not far we’re not far long enough no let’s we’re just not there all right let’s go to SF Bay drummer in Houston what do you got step right up no wedding I’m pretty down sad right now when it comes to my Giants of the season I mean hey what’s up guys what’s up Joe what’s up Joe man but um not much but um you know at the beginning of the season I was told you know or we were told as fans like you know it was going to be an improvement so I asked my dad my dad Mr I was like man you know the doctor’s going to be in town on your birthday you know today shout out to Mr D and I was like you know you want to go to the game he’s like nah man I don’t want to see that but um but um but yeah man like what I would like the Giants to do like just going forward for this year man just get Chapman and and snail like really healthy and and productive and just trade him man I’m with you shasy we we got to bottom out man like it’s it’s just it’s just too much horrible bad play we need a sense of direction and we need a new GM that’s going to have a plan and like develop these young guys and like stop getting fooled for these free agents that we have to overpay for we need to get homegrown stars and then complement the Homegrown stars with free agency and good job in theuh a chair shasy I’m proud of you and um don’t miss that break doggy that’s a new one I like that cut that don’t miss that break the most exciting part of your game can’t be when Brock P’s throwing out an opening pitch no the most exciting part of the game is where the opposing player hits a home run and that’s sh Otani like that that was what brought the ballpark to EXC even Giants fans were probably like oh my God like I think it was a bunch of Giants fans that were on The Concourse too like oh my God I just got a showon like home rum like was a bunch of like group of guys like like fra Ros and something like that they having a great time that was the opposing player hitting it that usually it would be disgust Joe sh you throw the ball back you throw the ball back and I’m not by the way I’m not doing that show here where Mike Trout or whoever my favorite when they throw a different ball back yeah exactly whoever did that at the I think it was the Phillies game or the Dodgers it was so good um and yeah by the way like the kids that throw back and stuff like that that always cracks me up but it can’t be the opposing players hitting home runs is more exciting than your own that’s some like that’s like Oakland A stuff the last couple years we keep bringing up that team because they’re right across the bay but again I’m going to say this and I’m going to hammer it in that’s a team that’s trying to lose doesn’t have a home has three different names and they’re more exciting than you are they’re more exciting and they’re trying to lose I feel like Nick and San Jose Brent Rooker would be the best player on this team Brent Rooker gonna pick him out that on the street right now and by the way I couldn’t pick up anyone out on the street except for Matt Chapman maybe cuz that mustache I love you chapping I have a horrible mustache too so I’m right there with you like come on like that’s the guy I’m picking out on the street here’s the question that I have for you if I see mookie bets walking down I see Freddy Freeman I see shotani they stick out yeah of course here’s the question I have gi fans really tall except for Mook 888 957 9570 it’s a very simple question to end the show is this rock bottom right now Jung hul Le out for the year no I’m talking about like this next three months that you’re gonna endure Jung Huli out for the rest of the year that’s what it’s probably gonna be all right Kyle Harrison still young nowhere near his prime Logan Webb getting basically reenacting the Matt K career where he gets zero run support and we expect him to win one- nothing every game and get his own home run by the way when he does that and even though he doesn’t fat anymore because of the DH you have not one everyday player who’s young who people like you have to trade these Pieces away you need a new front office this this feels like Rock Bottom this to me feels very reminiscent of 2015 2016 San Francisco 49ers they need their Kyle Shanahan can I answer this one first sure um no I’m going discreate with you shasi I don’t think this is Rock Bottom because I think there’s always ways for this to get worse um I don’t know how that’s kind of the fun of it um loose use of the word fun there but no I mean anything else could happen the rest of this year more guys could get hurt more guys could fall off a cliff I mean what if it’s July and the Giants getting blown out 10 nothing every night and Chapman Snell and Solair are absolutely untradeable assets then you’re stuck with them again and it’s just keep getting worse throughout the rest of season so does this feel like rock bom absolutely but no there’s there’s probably always ways that it can get even worse here you have been at the Forefront of just try to be competitive and try to be competitive and try to be competitive process of elimination has the Giants fan completely dismissed the 70 to 85 win team that has a bunch of Journeymen trying to be competitive have we not have we or have we not dismissed that team I think get to the part where yeah fans don’t want to lose with old guys who are not a part of the future I would rather been the fear I would rather lose with guys like Ramos M trying there’s no nobility in coming in with a 77 win team with $170 million payroll no that’s called bad business that is that’s called bad team building and it’s what gets baseball Executives fired exactly well we’ll see we’ll see if that happens this year again I very skeptical to see if Faron actually why cuz he’s done this the last two years and hasn’t gotten fired like he was coming off the okay give him the one year where he came off the amazing season they were average I think most one year was the worst thing that ever happened it was cuz it cuz it reset expectations where it’s like oh you know what we saw what Farhan be and then we had a whole off season last year what was it Oh Aaron judge he’s going to come here oh my God he was never coming here was biggest load of crap we were ever served with some peanuts and a cherry on top and then actually no there was an even bigger load of crap this past off season when do you thought you were getting sh Otani or Yamamoto please it’s a joke but they’re not coming here but I free agency was the only Avenue because you failed to identify draft and develop your own players and this is the part that I have a hard time swallowing how does a team with the resources that the San Francisco Giants have how are they behind the eightball on a team with zero Revenue like the Oakland A’s when it comes to drafting developing and finding Talent well that’s Billy Bean he’s still there but again we gave Farhan zidi the credit that should have been attributed to David Force who’s the GM there now to Billy Bean to Andrew fredman who’s the president of baseball Ops down in Los Angeles came from Tampa we thought we were getting bits of pieces in that if I’m a Giants fan we thought we were getting that aspect coupled with the payroll so yes it’s money ball on steroids what is what is there to be proud of of Giants fans like what like like Joe oh the ballpark the uniforms no no I’m serious like that’s that’s why I’m coming if I’m a fan still because the ballpark and the atmosphere and the feel Goods of of of like hey this is what my ritualistically and there is something to that because that’s amazing because you could I had a great time opening day you could be cuz if you didn’t you’d be the A’s right now if you didn’t have that ballpark you’d be the Oakland Athletics and it would be 6,000 people every day I don’t even know if there would be that many that but that’s but that’s Candlestick right that’s what we’re that’s what it would have been like so you at least at least you have that to look forward to I just I just they’ve got they’ve got to they got to switch something up here they just have to I can’t I cannot no I feel bad for you right now they they’ve they’ve ripped the Joy from you I I feel more joy from you when you talk about your Bronco team yeah because you know why because I I I watch hope and when I see Michael conforto you know what I say to myself okay he has a great year it doesn’t matter he’s leaving he’s not here he will not be Michael conforto will not be a giant next year Mike yky should not be a giant next year not because he’s not a decent player it’s because we’re going nowhere with them is it possible they could have a fire sale I would trade every I would start I would jump the line you can even get anything you can yes you get anything yes you can get some things guess yeah you’ll have to eat some salary but SP you kind of made a point that you know the last two years they’ve been putting up with this from Farhan you guys remember we had John Shay on yesterday um and he mentioned you know that ownership might be losing patience or he thinks that motorship is finally starting to lose patience with Farhan which for me personally that’s the first time I’ve heard someone who’s you know connected with you know barria baseball coming out and publicly saying that people above Farhan ziy are starting to higher of his presence so could I don’t know if they would actually fire him in season but you talk about they need changes this could be the year if things do not turn around regardless of who’s on the field this this could be the last few months of far Han if you’re looking for a positive for the Giants that might be it sorry not to cut you out there Samy know it’s a great Point again garlic fries and baseball guys if you want more of this back and forth with Joe shasi Sam lman hey garlic fries and baseball guys got locked and loaded find it wherever you find your podcast guys are doing a hell of a job it it is kind of poetic that it is against the Dodgers though because Farhan was there right but and this was the no no no no no no he was there Joe shasi and this is what a lot of Giants fans thought they were going to get is what they’re looking at with the Dodgers not to the same level you’re never going to get three MVPs it’s like the Browns acquiring Romeo Corell and thinking they were going to get belich and Brady it’s like give me a break no but they also he also had success prior to that again in Oakland so you thought you were getting some of that that it’s just you have to rip the Band-Aid off at some point and if this is the Year this is the year but I do think if we’re going desirability factor and we we like to talk about here in the Bay Area it’s com who wants to coach the Warriors like this is a tough job like Steve Kerr I don’t wish this on anyone oh Kyle Shanahan the expectations there I mean he’s got a great offensive players I would love to coach there but this job right now with the San Francisco Giants is this the least attractive job outside of maybe the Colorado Rockies and sports no you have a war chest of money like it’s not like they don’t spend money they have a war chest have money too they spend but they can’t really get anyone to come there the Giants can’t get any GI have been top 12 in payroll for the last however many years they always spend money okay not wisely no I know but like they annotate pitchers ballpark so on on some level you will be able to acquire pitchers not necessarily hitters but you can do that you think this is a still attractive job right now in Major League Baseball absolutely if someone was going to take over the Baltimore Orioles cuz that’s when they changed a lot of their things was 2018 if Baltimore was a desirable location how can the the the Giants with all of their success over the years this is the most appreciated Big Brand in sports yeah I’m trying to think of another the New York Giants and the s school Giants are almost in the exact same spot yeah Jets I would throw in there yeah but they have Aaron Rogers so they’re kind of like he whatever but here’s the difference like you know we’ve done a lot of bashing at Jed York and I’ve probably been at the front of the line I’ll give Jed this I do think Jed wants to win a Super Super Bowl maniacally oh I know he does I I do now does he sometimes celebrate before they cross the the Finish Line sure and that’s fine he’s put his money where his mouth is he’s gotten out of the way he’s done 99% of the things I need right as an owner and he hasn’t meddled that’s another thing too he hasn’t done like a Jerry Jones or an Al Davis and he’s not telling people this is what we need to do to win the Giants came out and they’re like we need to do Money Ball to win why you won without money ball we we literally why well that’s the thing in this to because when you were winning you saw what what Money Ball was across the bay and the a were really good but the Money Ball never won anything well that’s what I’m trying to say it was really good until what until the first round of the playoffs and you’re going up against Justin Verlander and I need Tim Lin to come and I don’t have him EXA I love Sunny gray he was great and then he was gone and I love Josh Donaldson he was great and then he was gone how’s money Ball’s business model been for Oakland Ace fans in terms of connecting the fans to the product just look at it right now there’s a lot of factors into but that was part of it are the Padre’s playing Money Ball cuz I’ve never seen more Padre fans in my life yeah how about the or the a really quick I mean if the A’s were able to hold on to all those Moneyball players think we’re having a bit of a different story theone it hurt the fans so much to see the jerseys that I I can’t wear a Chapman or an Olson Jersey because they’re going to leave I’m not going to buy a Josh Donaldson Jersey because he’s gonna leave I’m not going to buy a sunny gray Jersey because he’s going to leave and that’s what happens to each and every one of those players at least the Giants they’re extending Logan web right you’d hope that well well when the time comes if Patrick py is that guy you extend him and stuff like that so I don’t know it comparing it to the A’s is difficult but how can you not though when this is the product you’re getting and the A’s are still better than you well the thing I fear the most is the A’s leaving this particular market and the Giants going well we could still be very profitable yeah we don’t have to necessarily feel the winner but we could be very profitable by just fake competing which is what I feel like they’re doing now cuz where else are we as baseball fans going to go to exactly no I I big fearing that too especially with Mission rock across the bay if that ever starts bringing in money for them like that’s just another Cash Cow and they don’t need to worry about baseball money as much because they got that real estate money sinking in that’s why I think the greatest thing that would have actually been good for the Giants and people may think this is crazy but I think if Joe lob ever did get his hands on the Oakland Athletics I think he would force the Giants to look at themselves in the mirror because Joe Leake would run that thing like a first class organization and he knows winning is like and I think that would have forced Charles Johnson and Co to you know what look at themselves and be like huh you know maybe we aren’t doing things the right way yeah you know I want to ask you one last question dist you or something no no they got in my ear I was like what huh uh no you’re good not used to driving no you’re doing a great job Jed York if Jed York ran the Giants what would he do with Farhan oh he’d be gone yeah NFL is justor we don’t put up NFL we they just don’t put up with that kind York not real race banners for 107 win Seasons winning with class what about Joe lob yeah you’re gone yeah far been fired five different times now Joe lob is only known I’m interested to see the post uh Steph Curry years of Joe lob and whatever Steve Curry if he ends up going what that’s going to look like because he’s only known success pretty much okay what about what about what about uh VC up in Sacramento what would he have done uh he’s very yeah he doesn’t like losing exactly and I don’t even put him on the same level as those other two guys but he wants to win agreed and he deserves credit for that what about Balmer down in La yeah he’s he’s feeling it now he’s got a new building and stuff like that this is not something he would want he would probably let them go I’m just going California here would San Diego stick with their with their current trajectory well they got rid of Bob Melvin real quick didn’t they 100% what about we know the Dodgers wouldn’t what about the Lakers what about Genie bus oh they just fired Darin ham after two years he’s gone uh Frank vogle was a year moov from a championship he gone right like they don’t put up with losing down in Los Angeles why are we has gotten a Long Leash I think this is going to be his last year if they’re one and done then why are we putting up with it that’s my point why are we putting up with it because of the Goodwill of those three World Series Joe sh but he had nothing to do with them no and and the guy that you forced out on day one Bruce Boi literally is the reigning World Series champion I think they’ve been lucky not lucky maybe that’s the wrong word but the fact that the ners have been so damn good and the Warriors have been so damn good has really it should highlight just how bad the Giants have but in actuality it’s just made us forget about the GI fall out we just don’t even care it’s like I’d rather talk about the Warriors off season or or Brock pie throwing the first pitch that makes me think about some Fast Five it’s time for the Xfinity Fast Five your last chance to get in on the morning roast brought to you by xinity supercharge your home with supersonic Wi-Fi unbeatable Internet only from Xfinity it’s time for the xinity Fast 5 where we give you our final thoughts in the show brought to you by our next Generation 10g Network only from Xfinity the future starts now you talking about them falling out of relevance reminds me of the draft and why there’s only one player I care about in this NBA draft it’s bronnie oo the only guy I know well that’s why it’s exciting where’s Brony going to go why because LeBron James still does numbers and Bon was in the chat and Bonte if you’re listening you’re sick of LeBron you want all the highlights to on Anthony Edwards why are we talking about LeBron Courtside and not the actual game because LeBron sells because Steph Curry sells because the NBA is going to have a very hard time selling any other try selling Nicole yic if LeBron and Steph weren’t in this try that as your face I love I love joic you can’t sell him no he’s not a like Jamal Murray he’s a great player you’re not selling him Anthony Edwards scraping the surface he could sell that mhm that’s why I think if I’m Adam Silver I want Anthony Edwards to be Advanced into the finals going up against Jaylen Brown Jason Tatum cuz that’s more compelling than if the Denver Nuggets running back no offense to Denver EUR Market doesn’t even care about you and you’re winning titles they’re rather focused on Bo Knicks and what he’s going to look like with Shawn Payton like so that’s why we’re caring about LeBron James and where bron James goes to Jersey Ken Sam lman yeah uh since we’re on the topic of basketball I want to talk about the Knicks for a second because I’m sick of hearing from the national media about how how many minutes these guys are playing and if it’s affecting them and if they’re tired if you’re watching clearly and been paying attention all year they’ve been playing 40 plus minutes every single time Josh Hart 48 minutes he’s he’s built for this okay we’ve had injuries yeah I get that OG’s a little banged up right now but listen tibs has prepared us all year for this so we’re good to go I love Tom Tibido and you know what Ken I don’t know if you’re listening when I went on that Soliloquy the other day I think it was Monday Fast Five Tom Tibido gets every ounce of you as a basketball player and I love that that is missing in this game and he has the Knicks on the brink of the Eastern Conference Finals loveby love you guys want some positive Giants content cuz I got a little bit of positive Giants content from you uh really quick shasy when you guys have your little league practices we players they they throw back and forth before every before every practice to warm up right mhm you know most they probably do with the same guys every day the same guys are throwing with each other well major league baseball players they really aren’t that different so last weekend I talked to a bunch of different guys on the Giants to find out who their throwing buddies are who they like to throw to how these throwing Partnerships come together and got some fun answers out of it what does Mike shreky like to do to mess with Michael conforto who are the guys who are scrambling the flying throwing buddies who is Shawn Jelly’s dream throwing buddy from all of baseball I got all that it’s on the 957 Game Twitter page it’s on the 957 game website I’ll tweet the link out again find out who all the giant throwing buddies are it’s a it’s a fun time you know who’s my fun game who’s who’s your throwing buddy in life and oh my best friend Keenan okay there you go my dad ke dog my brother so like every time they come over to the house we throw the ball it’s just I we we used to see these two old guys in the neighborhood they play catch they’re in like their 80s and me and my brother have this thing like that’s going to be us I a big catch guy of the football though I always have the fo football around I don’t have a glove as much anymore as now that I’m older but always got the Nerf football you got any kind of foot pig skin in there joei and that’s the Xfinity Fast 5 presented by the 5G Network Xfinity the fast mobile check them out right now I’m making that up I don’t think that’s the read uh spon great work future Starts Now the future Starts Now future Starts Now with steiny and goo steiny and goo I wonder what they’re going to talk about Anthony Edward scoring 18 points Ant-Man I think goo in the chat yesterday said nuggets had raid for it Carl for yeah no he did not he said they had raid they had raid you know bugs yeah it’s really good it’s all right I give him a three uh thank you Jersey Ken really honestly thank you my pleasure he great awesome and Shout out my allergies oh they’re kicking my you sound great man you sound7 the game squatting there the whole time you got balls bouncing off your chest off your face all this sort of stuff [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] n [Music] [Applause] n n [Music] [Applause] [Music] he [Music] [Music] a [Music] n [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well sometimes there are games that mean more than other games and that game last night between the Giants and the Dodgers was an all-timer but not one of the good all-r man Giants lose 10 to two to their rival Dodgers and they looked terrible yeah they looked like bad new abely terrible and it starting to feel like the signs are pointing in the direction down with this team right now and last night’s game the Dodgers fans goo took it over oh man and it was a it was men against boys it seemed like out there last night it was it was not encouraging yeah not at all and my question is I listen to Shas and speedon and the fans toy they did a great job but where’s the fix because I cannot come in here and lie to you or any other giant fan and say what’s not transpired the last two days is not ugly and bad and yet you’re injured you’re six under you got over a 100 games left but something is off something is a Miss man I I don’t know and I know everybody keeps telling me I I’ll just tell I’ll put the right on the table early I don’t think Farhan can survive this injuries are not this is six years of of you trying to tell us or sell us we got Nuggets on the farm and and just wait hold on it’ll get better and now you got your prize center fielder who knows when he’s coming back the game batting practice your guy who’s on the I takes one off the Noggin with no helmet and the video goes viral and it’s just like damn it what hide the black cats but then Otani gets up and hits a ball to a part of the ballpark sty that I only have seen Barry Lamar bonds and Sammy Sosa right-hander with the Oppo power hit a ball to where I’m like good God a just flexing and now the Dodgers are doing what is it stny the the Richard Simmons thing when they get a hit but they put up 10 runs and I’m like hide your kids I can’t front so I’m asking you Evans pedon the fans call us and get it out but as crazy as this is going to sound partner steiny I gotta say The Season’s not you got too much time for it to be done you are not the Dodgers but what if I told you you got bigger fish to fry than trying to be them right now cuz you’re 10 back and they just I love M to I got to get this out I love Matos I’ve been clamoring for him he can’t play center at third and King stany what was that you texted thread uhoh like you know it it’s it’s so much coming it’s an avalanche shout out Colorado who’s coming to town but good God God I I don’t know what to do and what the fix is man well I’m I’ll uh relate a story that Evan told me this morning uh oh and I’ll do it rather than than him he’s doing some work right now yeah gotta so he was at a bar last night in the uh I better be careful you want to do this Evan n he’s not he’s not listening now here he is I’m going to I’m going to have Evan tell the story because this is this is unbelievable of the 10 to two gang last this is Rob low show today about last night this is something that would have it would have never happen I wonder where he’s going go go ahead EV maybe even a year ago says that the Little Shamrock in the Inner Sunset it’s old classic SF Bar really nice spot great place to watch a game great place to hang out there’s darts in the back people of all kinds come through there and I was with a friend and we’re sitting at the left side of the bar there’s like five televisions and on the left side of the bar there the Giants game on so I pop in say hey we’ll watch a few Innings you know something else I think it was hockey and basketball was going on and a couple of guys walk in and they sit down right next to us and they see the score it’s like 6 to1 7 to1 at that point and they ask to change the game they asked to change the channel of the Giants Dodgers and while I didn’t feel too passionately about at the time I was walking away as we’re walking out of the bar thinking like someone really just asked to turn the Giants off based on how that game went at an SF Bar and they would have rather watched I don’t know hockey or basketball and the other part of it too was no one objected no one in the bar said what are you doing why are you turning it off the bartender didn’t think twice about it just changed the channel and I thought wow that’s about as damning as I think anything yeah that I mean the the idea that the Giants aren’t resonating at all even with some of their fans well it was a blowout guys it was it was nasty who wants to watch that well there no no doubt no doubt but I mean well anybody was there anybody there that was at the game last night and stayed for all nine innings or did you leave early I’d love to hear what the experience was like at uh at Oracle Park 888- 957 9570 and you know baseball obviously is a long season they’re off to a a poor start there’s six games under 500 10 back of the div the dod that’s not important okay that’s that’s that’s what is that Pie in the Sky all right as as they say and um but there’s a very realistic part of this and it’s they are decimated with injury right now in the last 10 days they’ve had eight players eight players go on the injured list and now the Dodgers come into town and you’re running four four guys out there that maybe are young or shouldn’t even be in the big leagues what what do you expect to happen and well you got swept in La sty when you’re whole and healthy yeah it was early it was early but do do you give Farhan or Melvin a break because I mean this is virtually unprecedented and they’re they’re going to get guys back they’re going to get guys back but will it make a difference I I don’t know last night I I think and I I’m going steal this from you goo yeah Guru before the show said he thinks this is the low point of the Farhan zi tenure oh my oh man they’re 19 and 25 and I got news for you I think I I think I think you’re right this is the low point but I think it can go lower oh man how how cuz that’s what’s scary well Melvin’s goingon to have decisions to make when guys get healthy and I have a feeling I know the decisions that he’s going to make and I have another feeling that the fans might not be crazy about it and that is he’s going to go with the with the veterans he you know when Amed comes back he’s going to play shortstop Solair comes back he’s dhing Bailey obviously is’s going to going to be the catcher now I don’t think there I’ve been clamoring for it I got to be careful here stany I don’t think there’ll be an uproar when you’re watching Casey Schmidt struggle with the plate like no nobody they and Ramos has look good but now I’m finding out the guy that you know I’ve hitch my wagon to my toast can’t judge the ball and center field so if you’re telling me that’s going to keep him off the field or out out some games or what not I’ve seen enough so I don’t know what to say but you know Casey Smith you know sty two for four last night so I got to slow my role but he was bad no 76 coming into the game so I are they really hard decisions or are the youngsters going to take the bull by the horn and make it tough but I just keep thinking about our own Mark Willard who was like goo soon as these guys come back that if that that they paid high dollar for they’re going to get back in the lineup and maybe that’s the right way to do it but I never saw this manifested in the fashion that is happening you mentioned eight guys in 10 days and there may be another with Keaton W who had some forarm tight forearm tightness so hopefully you know he’s not on the iil but I was just hearing shasy and the Venom and the hurt that he had about don’t even try to trick yourself to be a wild card team sty I’m I’m sorry you got to do that because there’s so much time left in the season you can’t just go NBA tank and get Giannis this is a big ger fix and I just think Farhan went got the spark plugs the new rotors and right now early on everything is just like Matt Chapman’s not hurt how’s he looking you know so snail’s coming back but the last two days have been if I’m a giant fan sty embarrassing the judger fans are taking over your Park but I want to say this about that aren’t they The Beatles right now aren’t they the warriors with Durant so aren’t they not to make it good point to tell giant fans don’t feel bad but you’re hurt you’re decimated and otani’s hitting the balls to Fremont you know like it’s just all bad timing right now well the the interesting thing is to me is you would say if you looked at farhan’s tenure here you would say that there might there might have been more optimism heading into this year than than in past years because of Blake Snell and Matt Chapman and Jung hul Lee I agree with that and and it’s gone this way though early steiny we’re not at 50 gam yet but I I’m a firm believer in in signs and I think there are signs I think there are signs that this could be a long year for the for the uh San Francisco Giants but you know Bob Melvin last night was talking about listen we’re just banged up we got we got a lot of young guys playing we got to we got to hang in there and start clawing and winning some games and then we’ll get guys back and maybe we’ll turn it around I mean that’s that’s all you can do right now is play yeah I’m with you it’s it’s it’s all you can do is play and the bad news you’re going to laugh you got another game tonight with the Dodgers yeah 888 957 9570 is the number and was was last night’s game I’ll ask I’ll ask fans was last night’s game as bad as it looked if if you’re a Giants fan are you pretty much at your Wits End right now because you’re right goo it’s it’s early and Evan was at a local where they wanted the game changed and I kind of I’m I’m just saying and I mean it guys I kind of understand it because it was so one-sided you know get this crap off the TV uh 650 steiny if you were to discuss the world cricket championship it would be more interesting than the Giants what has happened what has happened here well I what has happened what what what happened to the sellouts what happened to what happened to this city that used to wear orange and black all the time well they’re upset I mean if if you’re upset I mean what what kind of Giants fan are you really do you look at this team and say we’ve been decimated by injuries I’m not making a judgment on it or do you look at this team and say I don’t really care about the injuries they’re not good anyway and even if you’re wrong you can say they weren’t going to be any good anyway they weren’t playing well before the guys got now that’s interesting sty because let’s put the r on the table brought to you by Atco I think fans got a dose of what this team was not doing healthy when everybody was healthy and now that bleeds into okay now we’re at the plateau to where we’re injured but I think fans are still holding on to what they weren’t doing with the bats collectively steiny and that’s why here I need some medicine I’m a giant fan we’re not that good take this tablet take two we’re injured and they’re spitting that back out like nope we got a glimpse of Ting games and we weren’t hitting the ball and I guess sty and I’m a guy you played my call two days ago early calling Pennsylvania like shasy the shasy of the world they don’t want to hear it and Bon of the world bones of the world they were skeptical coming in about this year about this regime I want to know if you’re so fed up why couldn’t Farhan get ran during the year because I’m hearing a lot of people well you don’t do that goo well if it if if if you’re right and and this can get worse what the hell do you got to lose then I I don’t know if it doesn’t get better I mean I I don’t know they’re dancing on the bases the Dodgers yeah yeah they are uh the 925 fair weather fans are the worst will was calling them out yesterday vanwagon fans but where’s the wagon well this is this is like to me this is what it’s all about this is you and the Pirates okay like that’s a decade worth of it hey the bottom line is this team won three championships in 10 12 and 14 they did and they’ve struggled they’ve struggled since and you hired a guy who was supposed to be the smartest man in the room and the Giants Farm was supposed to be one of the most DET you know exciting farms in the game where’s it at now we got guys that can’t even judge the ball and Evan was kind enough to say you know goo third and King Center Field ain’t the easy but I’m like damn e you got to be able to judge the ball you’ve played here before and then for Melvin to say cuz now I’m looking at Melvin just from this you could be like dude that’s the last thing on the list but to me I’m not going to put Y in Center what you cuz he’s so great and right but if you know your ass is hanging out in center field how good move your ass to Center steiny for a night if you know your youngsters having problems and struggling to like M uh M shouldn’t be in Centerfield again dnie if he will be he will be mevin said he will be and that’s one of the things that I thought was interesting who who said the other day it is what it is oh Willard was talking about it is what it is and whenever you say it is what it is it’s bad oh there’s no doubt and Bob Melvin was asked about playing Yas in center field and he said Yas plays rightfield as well as anyone that’s okay Bob but what about Center they’re going to give m a shot and he said it is he’s going to play a lot in Center it is what it is all right it it is what it is so get ready for triples huh on on routine fly balls no I’m asking I don’t know about routine well I mean he’s running after those I I I like the kid but damn I I yeah I mean this is this always uh this always pequs my interest when a team struggles like the Giants and the hardcore fan do they like if you how do I want to put this if you check out does that automatically make you a casual or a fair weather fan if you’re looking at this or do you look at this team and say no I am a hardcore fan and this is unacceptable this is unacceptable and I’m not going to leave participate in it anymore maybe I’ll keep my eye on the game at home but I’m not going to the stadium you can do what you want Matt Diamond you know that as a grown ass man or woman but to me a diard fan it can be mad as hell but you do not leave especially uh mid the season hadn’t got to 50 games left that that’s the one antidote I would tell giant fans is you know you just said it earlier Norm said it son it always can get worse can it really because the Giants can you can’t get more injured steiny guys are going to come back and you hope that you could like right now you got to take got got Google baby steps and to me baby steps is you know what let’s get healthy and try to do what Arizona did last year and shocked the world now you everything’s different every season’s different but stany a diard giant fan to me out of the Diehard Playbook you can be mad as hell and call and let loose and with triple 8957 9570 but you cannot leave the party you you come on so we’re not 50 games in but Farhan is a different story to me you you might not team you might not be leaving the party but you’re telling the host where’s my jacket oh where where the coats valet where are the coats but you can’t get in the car so when Willard said he’s tired of the bandwagons he was talking about it I think how many Dodger fans were at the stadium but if you’re putting this product out and the giants look impotent on offense cuz that’s what they do steiny how is that going to attract people to the yard and to the Giants credit I believe Evan told me last week at this time sty they were like 11th in attendance that that’s not that’s that’s not going to stay there if this continues well I agree with that but what if it gets better you got snail coming back I’m just trying to come on man like you are not the Dodgers and that’s evident right uh 53 steiny that makes you a fair weather bandwagon fan hardcore is through thick and thin it’s why we’re so mad we die hard when things go bad okay but you still watch and show up steiny well I don’t think as many people are showing up you know I I not not at the games and that’s that’s going to be a problem if as the summer continues it just seems like everything they do just let me ask you coyote CLS up in the face remember remember back before the season started we were talking about the Giants being exciting and are they more exciting than the Warriors and I said you know right now I’d rather go to a Giants game than a Warrior game that was before the giant season started I can’t believe I said that oh yeah can’t believe I said that CU I sure didn’t man St but that’s we went into this year thinking that they made some splashes in free agency remember I said oh I’ll definitely go see Blake Snell pitch we all did well not I’m not watching him pitch till I’m not going to the yard till he gets a till he till he has a quality start so 888 957 9570 is the number 33,000 last night in attendance it’s should be a sellout against the Dodgers should be a sellout but uh 888 957 9570 is the number it’s a simple question how you feeling Giants fans and and I have a feeling I have a feeling there’s less Madness or anger than there is resignation that’s the part that makes this brutal H how do you fight your way out of this I’m not just talking about this season I’m talking about next year and the year after if you fire far anxiety you got to start over steiny you got to start over and I think fans would take that rather than what they’re doing now or what they deem as Elmer’s glue and Gorilla Glue and duct tape going to spin when you know you really didn’t want to spin but you’re doing it cuz you’re under pressure and nobody’s accepting your your passes to come put on your uniform but he went got some people to do that and early on it didn’t it hasn’t worked but boy man 925 it’s because the Giants have no no stars in capital letters no one has gone to the park to see Bailey or Schmidt they had stars when they were winning the World Series not only did they have stars they were yours they had homegrown stars and that that’s the other thing that’s going on right here um that was a long time ago steiny I’m worried I’m worried that uh some of these players we’ve been hearing about aren’t as good as we thought they were going to be because that’s they’re still not up here now I know Luciano got called up but I mean was the last of them that’s the r on the table too man I mean I and what did you just say when they get healthy these guys probably are going to go back to sack yes so so now if I’m a fan and I’m like I like what I see I want I want more you’re not going to get that component up what do what do you want more of uh wins okay but how with who with what to win spent like I’m not ready to say the the moves that Farhan made this off season except Jung hul Lee would you know I mean boy that’s like a courtroom verdict in regard to when he gets his second you know second opinion what’s going on there but let’s just say he’s lost Dy what do you want what do you want I I don’t know I you want to do you want to watch young kids lose no and I kind of don’t okay and here’s why I’m not I’m not I’m not convinced their young guys okay you know I’ll bring this up real quick you know we talk about the Warriors the four young guys pensi Moody and kaminga kaminga is probably going to be pretty good but if you really look at those four guys like H how good are they how many are starters how many are stars how many are this how many that how many are the other thing the the the Giants young guys like we don’t know anything about them except most of them when they got up here haven’t performed and others haven’t been brought up at all but over the years we were Hur we were told that they there was some excitement about them I know I know all right what’ you think of that game last night my my guy Evans said that’s the kind of game that you watch and you just stop watching the Giants Dam I I I don’t think I don’t think it’s that extreme and I I think if we if we take a step back I’ll play Devil’s Advocate and say you know what they they just they’ve been decimated by injury they’ve been decimated by injury and we cannot make a judgment on this team right now is is that that to me seems fair but then I could say the I’m pessimistic the we had 20 games when everybody was healthy and we got swept in Philly four games like you know what I mean but still there’s a lot of time left for it to get worse or better yeah or better uh 888 957 9570 is the number Giants fans what do you think of that game last night and where do you go where where do you go from here what I mean I get it all you can do is play with the healthy players and try to win but if you think this thing’s long term I mean what I’d call the Stein I mean the other thing is I don’t know if getting a new GM in here is going to are they going to be able to sign bigname free agents if they if they get a different GM in here I don’t know the Epstein’s busy yeah no I I was just about to say what he’s doing but yeah all right 888 957 957 is the number that segment was brought to you by Scandinavian Designs Furniture don’t miss major Memorial Day savings at scand [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah nah [Music] [Applause] n [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it deep towards the ocean gone oh Dodgers take the lead and a mammoth home run from sh Otani now back to steiny and Guru on 957 the game all right sh Otani with a bomb last night to that was a bomb yeah it was I it was the longest home run at uh at Oracle in the past two years since uh I couldn’t believe his name Austin Slayer yeah exactly exactly shout out Austin Slater boy Let’s uh let’s let Tony and San Jose jump in here and then I then I got to play something for you that’s that’s interesting Tony what’s going on man steiny thanks for having me on the call I uh gota completely disagree with your assertion on how we Define a fair weather fan okay I think there’s more than just black and white for me at least uh I can be a fair weather fan and love my Giants and support them as my family has done for the past couple of days however three generations of men chose to do that last night father son Grandfather at home yelling at the TV screen and frustration I think the component that’s being missed here is the financial impact that comes along with going to a game it’s not that the tickets are too expensive because people can’t afford to go it’s been proven already I think the problem is when you try and put a premium price tag on a product that is far less than premium so you’re selling an A5 wagu Berger but you’re giving me a Big Mac and that is where I think each household has to make decisions on what is important and what they can afford but it I don’t think that is how um a fan is defined because I can only speak in the case of my household we are rabid fans um but we just choose because of the product right to do so in a way that’s more ficially responsible I got you I got you and his prerogative well and that’s that’s a fair that’s a fair point remember when Joe lob years back I think it was at the Sloan analytics uh conference he made a statement that that the real fans of the season ticket holders or something to that effect and there was a big backlash about it and I mean how many of you are are are watching the games at home but disgusted I too am a true Giants fan from the 65 ogu uh I’ll never stop watching but I refuse to pay money for a ticket to a team that the front office is not making their best effort and I mean Bobby Brown said it’s down that My Prerogative and and I get the last two callers in that text but at the end of the day Farhan did do something he did something and I just think it’s If This Were a boxing match we’re in the third round or second round and I know a lot of giant fans are skeptical they don’t like Farhan they don’t like the job he’s done but what if I were to tell you steiny in 3 months now the Giants would be in the second wild card or first wild card that’s how I dream and fan yeah but that’s not the way you can that’s not the way you can proceed as an organization like you can hope that as a fan but you can’t do that as a general manager or a manager like you can’t say well hopefully we’ll we’ll turn it around like you’ve got to look for Solutions and I don’t know that there are any well and I got three of them MOS uh Schmid and now Luciano coming up my question Ramos my question to you is do you think in a crazy world Farhan somewhere being looked at by his boss we’re giving you a pass cuz you’re hurt or do you think hell no if this thing gets work head’s got a roll starting with yours cuz that’s what it’s about I mean I don’t know how he would survive uh 75 win season I I just don’t um but but here’s the thing and I want I want to know this from Giants fans if if we’re past the point of not caring but past the point that that that’s going to get you interested because there’s two things that can happen here and let’s take a listen to uh to Dave Fleming first this this is interesting yeah it’s too early for them to say we’re turning it over to the kids it’s a development year there’s too much baseball to be played with the extra playoff spots they’re not out of it but here’s the thing that the Dodgers are here they’re going on this road trip then they come back and the Phillies and the Yankees are coming to town and if they can’t get their act together and play better the decision is going to be made for them by either the end of this month or the middle of June if they can’t play better then they’re in trouble so I think that’s their philosophy and if it gets to that point then they will turn it over to some of these young guys and just see what they have they don’t that’s not their reference they still think they can make the playoffs how do you feel about that Giants fans I mean would my my question to Giants fans would be would you rather see you know the big boys come back and and give them a month Chapman salair Snell conforto when they get when they get healthy they’re going back into the lineup or would you really rather see the young guys see I I’m I’m I’m worried maybe the young guys aren’t what we thought they were and that’s why they W spent the money well that’s why they’re not up here yet all right because here’s one thing worse than these guys not getting called up it’s them getting called up and they stink or they’re not very good or there’s no room for growth there you know that’s what that’s what we got to find out this year if they’re not going to have uh a good year but when you hear playoffs what what do you think still on the table but I’m with Dave like these guys are going to get the uh I don’t want to call I’ll call it a scholarship you’re going to get but if this thing doesn’t improve and I’m looking at Matt Chapman steiny if you’re not liking the world on fire maybe they change course of Direction and and and we see Casey schmith the rest of the year I I don’t know but SCH Smith’s got to continue to get you know to stay hot at the plate he got two hits last night but let me read this to you cuz hit me in the cardiac muscle stting from the 925 they finally signed a a player and they signed four players you can’t just sign success where are the Homegrown guys now we get to see the Homegrown guys but Willard uh other people have said steiny or they think when these guys get healthy the Solair of the World when they come back it’s like okay kid go back to sack it it’s it’s on us now but what if the the guys that you signed and who you have in place yes what you currently wore before the injuries it’s still not good enough then I think you owe it but if I’m Farhan I’m like okay my job’s on the line I don’t want to leave it in the hands of Ramos or you know I’d rather have it in Chapman’s hand the guys that I brought in here so it’ll be a fine line of which direction they go yeah and and I I’m with Dave Fleming I mean there’s no doubt that when these guys get healthy they’re going to they’re going to play and then some of the young guys aren’t going to be around that that’s obvious but how much time do you give him and you know this is a great point from the 650 and I and I I thought this too a little bit in the off season but this guy says it perfectly the problem is Farhan is trying to change up after six years and start being a a big money team but his impression on the league and damage to the Giants image is uh is done he’s got to go and someone has to lead this organization uh out of the I guess out of the doldrums I’ll I feel that but that’s true I mean did did they ask Farhan zy to do something that he was uncomfortable doing well if you look at his track record sty he this off season was something he hadn’t done right and we were told the youngsters were were good enough they’ll be ready in seasoned and I’m just watching the Dodgers thinking about how can giant fans not be jealous of of your rival and where they’re at right now what they’ve been this past decade and I know people going to say it was a Bubble World Series but you haven’t been you know 2016 and 2021 408 I’d much rather see the young players and Farhan fired change direction the problem is if you fire Farhan a lot of the young guys are his so will the new GM think as highly of the young guys as Farhan appar did so then what do you do then I mean well at that point I think the the the horse is out the barn there’s you know what I mean it’s you’ve looked yourself in the mirror and you said you know what I’m not that cute you know the farm is not as rich as we thought it was going to be this is going to be interesting and and what I do hate that I’ll tap into for giant fans right now is stany we did good we it’s again short sample size but we did see this lineup with salair and and Jung hul Lee collectively not blaming anybody not produce now it was short it was a little sample size sty but let’s not act like we’ve never you know not seen the lineup healthy well we haven’t seen it enough and I think that’s the obvious statement I mean my my thing is I don’t think you really want to see the kids I don’t think fans really want to see the kids Giants fans want this team to get healthy and be more competitive and is that within the realm of possibility and I keep going to shasy I’m going to keep bringing him up he’s our guy he said he doesn’t want that he said look yourself in the like know you’re not good enough with the what you did with the off move the the offseason moves like don’t trick yourself well I don’t buy into that if you could get a wild card rad a dice anything can happen the only way they’re getting a wild card is if the young guys don’t play and the and the big boys well I’m not ready to say you’re wrong there cuz that was obvious they left spring training Farhan and Melvin he took this job thinking I got veterans and we’re going to go make it happen we’re not you know Matos Ramos we love you but we’re not going to be led by an infusion of Youth and because of the injuries right now is there but sty we’re not at the 50 game mark but can it get any lower than last night or the night before yeah I don’t know your place was your cathedral was invaded 888- 957 9570 is the number if you’re a Giants fan where are you with this team right now and what do you want to see happen you want to see them play it out wait to get healthy I mean the the bottom line is they are going to get healthy relatively soon you would hope I mean Snell’s going to pitch next week if everything goes right Solair is going to play this weekend we’ll see about uh Solair supposed to play this weekend he has resumed any baseball conto is a little bit of a different story and uh but but and Matt Chapman just has to be better at the plate but now that’s that’s scary yeah but I I don’t the thing that I don’t see is you you can’t quote qu unquote go young not not for a little while I don’t think let’s go to uh let’s go to Nick Nick in Crockett what’s up how you guys doing today doing well all right uh so I was at the game last night I had some pretty good seats I was sitting um Row one seat one that looking directly into the Giants Dugout damn and um company tickets you know so yeah yeah uh there was a pretty funny thing that uh I saw on the third Baseline when Otani was on third base there was a Heckler um shouting out at him he’s like Otani you know if you’re a degenerate Gambler tap your helmet and without a beat he tapped his helmet and the whole third Baseline everyone started laughing and cheering so I thought that was pretty funny that was probably one of the best parts of the whole game in my opinion did he really tap his helmet you can if it was if if if you can watch the recording I’m no no lie that was probably the funniest thing I’ve seen in a long time um I will say watching the ninth inning was yeah it was it was very hard to watch double after Double after triple um it I if I didn’t have those seats I probably would have left in the seventh inning to be real honest with you but I stuck it out but uh it was a hard game to watch I thought they were doing okay the first three Innings or so there but once Otani hit that home run the sound of the ball coming off the bat instantly knew that was that was out of there um was pretty uh pretty awesome to see him play to be honest I’m pretty big fan of him but yeah he’s pretty he’s pretty amazing right now thanks Nick appreciate the call yeah and if you want to wow Tony he got off Tony I’m just I’ll say this and he you know what that that Homer was that was almost like a curry three dagger that energizes the Warriors because wi had nothing after that yeah wi just got he he seemed to lose his confidence after the Otani home run yeah you look at WIS ER sty in the fives so I’m just saying this you got one more game with the Dodgers obviously you want to try and win and not get swept but the Dark Cloud that I feel like is over the team right now the Rockies are playing ball they’ve won six in a row that’s your next opponent but two days ago you were like oh we get we’re good we got the Rockies now all of a sudden they’re feeling good about themselves so like you said it can get worse if they don’t get up off the you just can’t get embarrassed man and last night was embarrassing yeah it it wasn’t good it wasn’t good last night and here here’s a question for for Giants fans if you’re if you’ve been around for a while about before Curry got here the Warriors stunk and they had an ad campaign oh boy it’s a great time time out and they were so bad the Warriors back then that the way they marketed the team was the other team stars come see Shaquille O’Neal you know on the Lakers come see you know you get to see Kevin Garnett when he comes in here I mean is that where we’re at with the Giants are we are we at the point where the Giants like we were with the Warriors when they missed the playoffs 12 straight years well if you’re going to compare them to the dod I get they won 107 games two years ago but that doesn’t mean anything now that was a platoon type of thing like how far are they from the playoffs right now I mean we may be looking are we looking at a warrior run here and not the dynasty run the one before it I don’t know well it’s got I’ll say this you ask me it’s got the ingredients of if you do move on for Farhan what’s that next guy going to do and how long is it going to take cuz we’re in year six now but again I just keep going to the conversation I heard this morning on the roast stany currently looking at the Giants you are not the Dodgers and you’re not going to be them anytime soon but that doesn’t mean you can’t qualify for the tournament so to me on this day on this hump day Wednesday that’s the goal is to get to the playoffs so I can’t I can look you in the face right now and sty and say I still think they can make the playoffs and you know what I really mean that that’s great and that’s great that you feel that way and you thought the warriors were going to make a run too and they didn’t even make the play why you have to bring that up well because it doesn’t I it’s how I feel you’re right right but it and I I feel like they won’t but it doesn’t matter if I feel like they won’t and you feel like they will like it’s going to happen the way it’s going to happen but I I mean the like playoffs I mean you got to start playing better I’ll give you a three I mean you got to start playing better but you got to get healthy to do that well healthier if if you do if you do need to get healthy then your young guys aren’t good enough to keep you in it and what are they going to do with the break I know it’s about last night shout out Rob ly but I’m curious to see Farhan you got to be in desperation mode you made all those moves let’s just say Le done for the year hopefully he’s not but if he is what’s he going to do to attack him looking at it like if we can get to the wild card I that can save my job we can see the Giants being active but listening to flim he’s like man if this thing keeps up OG’s got to sit that sit their ass down I’m paraphrasing I mean then then you’re just having spring TR you know it’s a there’s no Stakes guys are playing for their careers their next contract with other teams but the fact that Matt Chapman can’t even bat 220 and he’s got a player option man I don’t want to say he pimped you but he he’s got all the leverage and the in a in a situation to where you might want to say byebye but you can’t I got I gotta come I gotta come with this from the 925 what have the Giants done so far that makes you believe they can even play better than this right now like what what do you hang your hat on if if you’re the Giants the the only thing you can hang your hat hat on is getting healthy well damn I mean 415 what do you think it’s going to be like when the Cubs come to town I assume you mean the Cubs fans Who come out and they’re playing Better Baseball 888- 957 9570 is the number and where where you at Giants fans with with this team right now what what do you want them to do I mean my my feeling is you just got to let them play and get healthy and and hope some guys start to do what they’ve done cair starts hitting home runs Chapman gets back to who he was at the beginning of last year you know can Blake Snell catch a little lightning in a bottle I mean look bad early you still have Logan web you still have Blake Snell you got Harrison I mean you gotta you got a good staff Hicks and I forgot Hicks but you need a star an everyday star and that’s why when you brought up the 10 Chapman right now it’s Chapman then that’s a sty that’s not good enough well he’s just off to a bad start just what if what if he were he’s just off to he is he’s off what if I told you the Matt Chapman in the Oakland a uniform that guy’s done well Farhan doesn’t think so but the numbers are saying so early yeah he’s well he looks like you can just throw it past him but here’s the thing when when the Giants signed Snell and Chapman it was late in the free agency period oh my gosh and what did we say Evan even said it these guys are going to get off these two guys are probably going to get off to slow starts Snell because he always does and he’s he’s been hurt and Chapman who didn’t do much in the off season because he was coming off injury so everybody said not everybody but there was there was a perception out there that those guys weren’t going to start fast and they haven’t so why is everybody surprised you know what I mean yeah I’m just looking at Matt Chapman 210 five homers 19 rbi’s and maybe a r hopefully you know if you want to be positive maybe he’ll get back on the horse and get hot but I mean he had what 15 17 home runs last year in Toronto you know at a corner position in the infield that to me that’s not good enough but listen bigger than last night they need a star Matt they’re tell me are star no I I get you on that 31 years old and I feel like he’s played his b best baseball and he can prove me wrong but you know what I mean but and when you won 107 real quick here you still had Buster posie and where he was at in his career so was still being led by Steph you know but now you you don’t have anything who you going to see everyday player first off if you got a star does it really change things that’s the first thing I I don’t think people what people would say they’re born well all it takes is want ADV bat for me in a lineup to where I’m like okay that’s appointment TV right but I’m saying like I I disagree with you that the Giants had Stars I mean they had stars but let’s say Superstars they didn’t have Superstars when they won three World Series they didn’t well you got two Hall of well well not no posie is not a sure Fire Hall of Famer they that that team did not have anybody like Otani or judge they didn’t yeah I was thinking of Posey’s MVP year but I think he should be in the Hall of Fame and he’s going but so you think cord’s no can’t even sniff the hall no please but also like they’re they’re Local Heroes but they’re not Stars they weren’t Stars around the league but it worked that’s right and the fans came out so I I still believe you if you win it doesn’t matter who’s on the team they’ll come out and see you if you’re winning baseball games but my question is yeah I mean would a star make I like I don’t think a star makes that much difference right now if what’s the if you’re trying to win Hell Yeah Stars you need a star or Stars well what are you going to do the rest of the year yeah Giants fans what what what are we going to do here 888 957 95 5 70 uh the lineup is like a bagel you got nothing in the middle I like that yeah that’s not bad and you got yeah look at and you got a game tonight we that that you you got to take one right well and that’s the thing they win tonight and then we forget about this game or do we because the one thing about this series and I thought it was already there before stani you’re not the Dodgers and and and you’d be fools trying to be but this is just an indictment of maybe how far away from them you are all right 888 957 9570 is the number Giants get absolutely Wallop last night was that the low point of the far Han zi era and do you think it’s going to get lower or do you think this team’s got some got some juice left when they get healthy and they can make some noise 888 957 9570 that segment was brought to you by Pacific Coast termite Americans pay about5 billion [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Applause] [Music] n n [Music] [Applause] n [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] n [Music] I can’t see it I want them to send a message now back to steiny and Guru on 957 the game myself sometime what message you want the Giants to send what message you want the Giants to send to the Dodgers tonight we’re not going to roll over this is our home not yours but giant fans got to show up but you’re right they’re bitter and Dodger fan is in love and that’s why we’re hearing a lot of the Dodger fans and they’re winning the game but whatever they’re that dancing Richard Simmons does that the calan I it I want to fight like you can’t do that they’re clowning they’re good hey uh I want to tell you about something we got going on here at the station it’s Willard and dibs live from the Dwight Clark Legacy series on Thursday that starts at 2 o’clock and we’ve got an incredible assortment of 49er guests we’re talking Brock pie Steve Young Dr Greenlaw Ricky piol Alex Smith Jeff Garcia many many more if you want to go to the event if you want to go you can buy tickets at Dwight clarka wow tickets are $87 for Dwight Clark’s number and I believe there’s a $49 ticket too but tickets are $87 and 100% of the proceeds goes to the Golden Heart fund so that’s tomorrow yeah they I got to believe they Willard and dibs be in tuxedos why that a r like is no chance you think so I think Willer told me he may not be goo the uh coming up at 12:30 we’ve got Jesse Rogers and uh he’s an ESPN Major League Baseball writer he’s based in Chicago and he had a story in today’s on on ESPN today oh boy brace yourself Baseball fans what do we got he says load management is coming to baseball oh no yeah load management is coming to baseball I thought that’s what they were already doing when they when the Giants have already done that with with platooning wow that’s interesting uh Frisco native I was thinking of going to see the Yankees the Giants are becoming the prea curry Warriors where you go to see the stars of the other team the my whole life with the Warriors damn near I mean and why I would adopt a team come playoff time and you’re smiling but that was real who you rooting for you know Seattle man I we’re not there yet but this is bad last night was embarrassing and like I said that the caller sty that ninth inning it just seemed like it was going on forever and they just pounding the ball but you’re you’re hurt you’re in the hospital you’re in the baseball hospital right now right you got the The Mummy stuff on your face they can’t see your hair your arms in a sling your legs up propped up in the air they they got to get healthy they got time but everybody has different agendas on how they fan and stany I’ll say this if you’re out on Farhan then you want this you want the shasy thing you want the plug pulled cuz he and people like him believe this is not good enough already this is just a Band-Aid on something bigger Pierce Evans on the YouTube chat Giants will be fine what’s that mean it means they’re going through their rough patch early it’s it’s okay the every team goes through a rough patch they like what if I said you can’t expect to win these games against the Dodgers with that lineup that they threw out there last night be the Dodgers I thre something you early you didn’t like it you said it was too early they got swept in LA and they were whole well that’s I mean that’s the bigger issue I mean even if they’re Health look they’re not the Dodgers right they’re just not the Dodgers have a machine get that yeah they do I mean I think that’s what people are most concerned about is that even when the Giants get healthy they’re not going to be very good well we played sound of the great Dave Fleming before the season started stunning and he was like you know up the ante he wanted giant fans to quit thinking just about the wild card go for the go Gusto and and right now you’re 10 games out on May May 15th you know behind the Dodgers and there’s extenuating circ*mstances but it’s all I guess on how you look at it but I for Evan to say he was at a venue a bar and they people were clamoring to change the game and the and then when you watch the game I’m hearing beat LA and like how soon can you just forget that stany forget the players because they got to they get paid to do but the fans that’s sustain I think there’s also a larger reason why people have been in and out on them do you guys know how many days of the calendar year the Giants have been above 500 this season I’m going to say two I’m going to say zero I’m I went two right in the middle one that’s a wow they were two and one wow and that’s the only time they’ve been 500 this season wow and before the injury bug hit steiny people weren’t happy with what they saw but the one constant was it’s early but now that thing’s getting we’re almost into June you know and just to answer you wow Evan gets the one day just to answer you about you know Dave Fleming thought this team could go toe-to-toe and Joe lob thought the Warriors could win a title I’ll never forget it I mean I’ll never forget that I hate you for bringing that up sport hates you but I mean you you brought that up as as like it was a fact but it was a feeling yeah it’s a feeling right it’s a Feeling you had a feeling about the Giants now the feeling’s changed I mean if it hasn’t for you because you think it’s it’s time that’s or Sly it it is but 88895 957 9570 that’s a phone or text how you feeling about your Giants right now I mean you got to be you got to be despondent well let me ask you and Evan to put yourself in Farhan shoes okay even with the injuries and everything that’s going on and what your scoreboard reads would you be telling your significant other or your children or your friends or family that you think your days are numbered because that to me if if if you’re going to on one hand tell me Brian Sabian his model was the fans and what they thought mattered not that they ran it but it mattered they took it into account I’m telling you there’s still time for the Giants but I understand Farhan should be out of here like there’s no way he survives whatever this is well you make the playoffs that’s how you survive right right you’re hoping for that see you there is a way yeah no I believe this giant I know baseball I the Arizona diam backs line one stani they get healthy I feel like Hicks uh snail uh web uh you got uh Ray coming back that you can make the you can make the playoffs hey Giants fans I’m wondering if that would be good enough Guru I don’t even think it doesn’t sound like you’re even convincing yourself like I don’t I’m not sure you believe it no that Carro is there of making the playoffs now whether they do it or not like they’re not a sorry ass team on paper it looks it looks like you got something but who are you better than well right now you’re better than the Rockies in your division now are you playing better than them no we’ll find out but man yeah I the idea of of even talking about the Wild Card this early is ludicrous even if they were 25 and 19 it would be ludicrous because it’s so early in the season maybe that’s maybe that’s the way we have to look at it if if the Giants were 25 and 19 right now obviously you’d feel better about the Giants but I don’t think anybody would be saying well this is a this is a championship team you’d still be going for the wild card in the division with the with the Dodgers yeah and again I keep going back to this injury on Sunday that happened to jungho Le Dy you’re going to need a center fielder and if you’re telling me you don’t want to move y I’m going Melvin here at a right field then it’s already apparent to everybody that’s watching the young Ramos is excuse me uh Matos is having a problem in Center are you going to change or address that and if you’re not then we’re going to see Austin Slater keep his job and probably be your everyday center field steiny because defense does matter and that’s why it was perplexing to hear Melvin talk about he kind of didn’t address the rat on the table nobody asked you how good Yas is in right but if Yas is is is is is uh Roberto Clemente in right field but your center fielder center fielder can’t judge the plight of the ball then that’s going to casau you yeah I think I think like that’s got to be addressed and maybe Austin Slater is going to be he’s somewhere smiling like goo I could play center you know I’m I’m struggling to play I’m the defense I’m so I mean he said he didn’t want to put Matos in right field because it’s it’s the most difficult of the Outfield positions in that ballpark and if he’s if he’s not a great Fielder Melvin’s afraid to put him in in right field I guess because because he’s not good enough I mean that’s that’s what I’m seeing even from a guy like who hasn’t played much in Luciano he must not be good enough he’s not good enough to beat out Nick Amed but he was a guy I remember hearing about five years ago oh no doubt as he was gonna he was going to come up in this organization and and and make some hay and I I’m still on that Stuck on Stupid sty I was telling you Willard and dibs during the crossover before the season started was Luciano gonna be the everyday shortstop no and like goo get out of the pass but obviously they know something Farhan Melvin the scouts you would think to where they felt like they had to go get ahed rather than let the youngster take over after Crawford so uh Bobby Evans was on K&B uh 957 Willard and dibs 957 the game Bobby Evans and he was asked how much uh how much he and Brian Sabian worried about the fans and the entertainment Factor we worked very closely with the business side of the organization led by you know Larry himself Larry was always attuned to what what he felt the fans needed you know Peter was very attuned to that even Bill Nukem you know very attuned to what what was needed and they they collaborated with us you know they knew what our options were you know what our thresholds were what our what our concerns were from an offensive standpoint or a pitching standpoint but also they wanted to make sure that there was a team that would you know would put in the seats or put people in the seats and and so that collaboration I think is what made it great it’s not that Brian and I knew what was going to entertain fans but I think that we we trusted the business side to know what that looked like and and I think that’s a real important part of this and you got to you got to work together wow man I met him in Michael Urban’s funeral um and he’s great just a good guy St and maybe that’s what this regime is missing man the Bobby Evans the sabians and maybe you sold your soul um Jetson and those guys and we saw what what happened with the manager move whatever went down there I’ve been around but you know what’s sad about this could you guess the Giants payroll this year oh it’s it’s 221 M yeah what is the uh what what ranking is that I got I think I think it’s the top it’s probably top 10 I’m pretty sure so you’re spending like you’re the Dodgers but you’re getting results like not quite yeah but what about the A’s who I think are a more exciting team than you right now well right now right now yeah I I don’t know about that giant still ENT way more home run entertaining or better entertaining to me I think it has to do with expectations which is tied to what you’re talking about with the money is that the Giants spent so much money this off season that there is an inherent expectation of being better or different and so far they’re not whereas the A’s don’t spend any money they’re coming off the worst season in franchise hist history and so the fact that they’re even competitive shocks you and they’ve hit more home runs as a team if you’re into that the A’s they have yeah I mean the Giants don’t have any Boppers at all wow 888- 957 9570 is the number poppers Giants get drilled last night they got embarrassed 10 to two that’s yeah that was embarrassing I mean the ninth inning was like you know what let’s just get three outs and get out of here no doubt I mean that was that’s just it’s six extra base hits it felt like you’re just only four yeah only four uh 925 none of the prospects have proven anything uh you’re just trying to convince yourself that these guys are good but they just haven’t been at all I that’s that’s what I’m worried about 925 I’m worried about the reason that the Giants are going to go back to these these veteran healthy players is be that’s to me the biggest reason not not cuz they think they can make a run but what if internally they know these guys aren’t ready yet but they’re up here because they have to be up here well then you’re then you’re then you’re in trouble no doubt which we’re watching and 10 to twos happen when you’re in trouble like that so again that’s why I keep trying to go and I’m trying to stay on the last two nights but stany I do wonder if faran behind closed doors might be he he like I got the injury pass or card I can use if we don’t reach the postseason I I don’t think he’s going he he you know what I mean no doubt how can you and and I I’ve never I’m being real with you partner I really need to know if Jung Huli is going to be out for the year they need to know cuz that’s going to be up below man the table setter the guy that can man center field you lose that and now we got guys coming up that I’ve been clamoring for and I didn’t know they don’t know how to judge the ball in this park in center field and I’m not saying it’s easy but come on now then him and Ramos letting the ball drop that was that was on uh I oh boy yeah you know you’re going to see me on a 31st softball I know how to judge the ball and call guys off but just watching that like make those airs against the Reds not the Dodgers it’s a flyball the out some call it call a damn ball both y’all just called up it looks bad it looked bad steiny that was embarrassing do that against the Pirates not the Dodgers you may as well do it against the Dodgers cuz you’re not going to beat them anyway you may as well use up all your erors against the Dodgers on third I’m just like what is going on right now 216 I use this phrase once in a while Bob Melvin he knows see he know he knows I can tell he knows I don’t think he can play that he knows this your first year on the job bud we’re a month and a half in and it ain’t going well and I don’t know what I can do to critique you but putting one more floores in the five hall four hall what’s he supposed to do I mean that that’s the part that I think’s funny well what was it is what it is mean you said something off air or did you say it on air when you use that phrase goo yeah it’s all bad it is what it is they’re going to stay with Matos in center field they they they just have to uh he knows I see he a finishing that he knows I think Bob Melvin knows this might not be a good team oh man and the question is you know does it I don’t believe he knows Donnie I believe he he’s been in it too long we get health that’s right he’s been in it too long so he if he knows he knows speaking of knowing he was asked I thought a pretty interesting question last night after the game which was if he felt like it was a fair fight fair fight right now look we we’ve we concentrated on ourselves and you know last night it was basically the same roster so and and you know we were ahead a couple times in that game and couldn’t finish it out so I don’t think we look it it that way you know obviously there’s there’s a lot of turnover at this point in time and we don’t have our our you know main guys out there but we just got to keep fighting and and not let it crater a little bit we got to we got to hang in there and win some games and and start get some guys back there you go yeah it’s all you can do right and and that’s what I was going to use on you and every day you’re not going to play your home games aren’t going to be against the Dodgers right so it won’t be embarrassment or debacle you know and as their fans just get Loosey Goosey like we’ve seen the last two nights he here’s what I always want to gauge and I want I want you to think about it first yeah is it is it Farhan Z’s fault that so jungho Lee and Snell have gotten hurt no I mean is it his fault I mean he went out and signed a guy who had 36 homers last year he got hurt he got off to a slow start now he’s hurt I thought about it so Blake Snell no I mean I could say you know Farhan no it doesn’t look good right now but he had the best off season he’s ever had but what about the last five if you allowed me to bring that or present that to the to the to the jury talking about the whole things Donnie well that’s when I would cite the 107 win year okay well what about this to that then what about him basically doing a 180 it’s about the farm I’m the smartest guy in the room we’re going to replenish the farm and then that doesn’t work fans don’t really know if it’s working or not and then you go to Nordstrom shopping when we thought that was not the way you were going and that’s why and it’s okay desperate people do desperate things but that’s the biggest turnoff for me is he’s gone against he’s almost failed at what he was he was told that he was go he told us he was going to do and now you’re just trying to be the Dodgers which again I commended you for going to get snail Solair Jung hul Lee and Chapman and you’re right it’s not his fault but isn’t that an indictment sty that maybe this cars headed down the wrong road well if you do if you believe in signs or not I mean I kind to do but I don’t really altogether believe in them until they’re until the Giants have a bad year you know what I mean like I can say right now boy the signs are pointing downward but like I just said to you that doesn’t doesn’t mean anything they can turn this around but what I am saying is you know if we get to August then we’ll all say boy you could see this coming I mean you could see this coming and you played the uh sound of the great Bobby Evans I think this organization misses Evans Larry bear steiny we know he’s still kind of in the background but you know what I mean I do wonder if Farhan surviving basically told giant fans that they got an owner that don’t care you mean he that he hasn’t been fired already the fact that he survived the kler Fiasco you got an extension you know what I’m you parlayed so there is no Joe Lup or Darth Vader to pay you you’re not paying the price you got rewarded and I do wonder if we’re up here clamoring for is it going to be the old Jerry Jones thing where he’ll never fire a guy a coach because he do want to admit that he messed up like we don’t even know the Giant’s owner and we’re up here saying he’s on the HDE seat is he I don’t know that’s a good I mean that’s a fair question that’s a fair question because we don’t know about that relationship at all my question to Giants fans is where are you on this do you let me ask you this Giants fans what kind kind of fan are you are you the kind of fan that thinks like Guru that things are going to get better they’re going to get healthy they’re going to start being more competitive they’re going to claw their way toward 500 and hopefully over 500 and then they’re going to compete for the wild card or do you think this is the first quarter of a season that is absolutely positively going in the tank 888 957 95 70 is the number where do you think this Giants team goes from here are they it’s simple it’s like I ask my kids when they say they’re sick I say well do you feel like you’re getting better or you’re getting worse and if they say better I say well great then then you’ll should be over this in a couple days yeah I’m asking Giants fans at 888 957 9570 what do you think is this thing going to get better are are people panicking too soon I don’t know I’m asking science fans at 8888 957 9570 is the number what’s coming up next on the game is presented by Fremont Bank fullservice banking no compromises that segment also brought to you by Safeway tune in to you don’t know [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] n [Music] n [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] on 957 the game Evan with a one liner he’s got a few we’re talking about Bobby Evans the and he goes how about Bobby Meyers and I said what do you mean he goes he got out just in time well we don’t know that yet he was fired yeah what who Bobby Evan oh yeah oh not our guy he was fired a couple months before they hired Farhan so we’re talking about the Giants and that that Calamity last night at Oracle Park I’mma go embarrassment same thing yeah there’s we can use a lot of adjectives web going tonight there you go and with the Dodgers are probably going with an opener a Bo there you go here we go start this is start of something big summer coming for the giants look at you cheer them up steiny you’re the man for the job 888- 957 9570 is the number uh seriously Giants fans you think this thing’s going to get better this year or you think it’s going to be worse where’s the positivity we haven’t heard it fan I listen morning where is the I’m asking where is the posi and our guy Willard even he’s a little down sty I know I go Willard it a 50 games but it’s bigger than the 50 THS up man what do you mean they’re hurt no they want I think fans want change not four quarters they want change fans don’t fans want winning and Evans they they care what the fans thought well I’m sure Farhan does to he just doesn’t articulate it well well but that’s one of the things that seems to be plaguing this organization and that is there’s no connection to the fans and last night the Dodgers had a lot of fans at that Stadium two nights in a row and and you know we’re used to honest to goodness we’re used to Giants and 49er fans like infiltrating other stadiums ner fans I got they do it better than anybody right now I believe like the Giants they’re they do great in San Diego with their fans and even in Colorado a little bit so 888- 957 957 Z is the number we’re talking Giants baseball after was it the low Point guru’s calling it The Low point of the far Han Z 10 can I quickly tell you why sure if this where the Rockies or Pirates doing it to you you’d feel like you know what we’re hurt and and we’ll get better but sty just tell me if I’m off here the fact that it was the your rival and they and they are driving the limousine of baseball teams throwing money at their problems yamam Otani that that that’s why these last two days feel different to me well and and your arch nemesis what if the problem is you know these things tend to feed on themselves the Giants have made the playoffs one time in the last seven years now that come on man once since 2016 once this is not wow this is not who no I this is not who you think it is anymore H Will Clark be like hiring Magic Johnson Patrick Yan uh let’s go to why you take a shot at Pat because everybody thought he was going to be the answer Caro and Alam what’s up Caro hello hello gentlemen hello gentlemen uh listen fellas I’m gonna get I’m gonna put the rat on the table I think people got people gotta go Paran zy I’m with Guru he should have never stayed and I’m gonna say something uh Bob Melvin that was a Band-Aid that higher I’m sorry last time I checked he hasn’t won a championship and I’m going to say this the owner needs to open up the checkbook and get Buster posy as the manager that guy’s a champion uh everybody’s got to go thank you appreciate it now I believe he believes that I kind of believe it too and we don’t know if Buster wants to manage but why not go if you’re if you’re owner that cared or gave a damn dude sty one and seven they’ve made the playoffs one time in the well they made it in 2016 17 no 18 No 19 no wow 20 no no 21 yes yeah 22 no 23 no that’s heavy is it going to be one and eight but why do you laugh or scoff at Will Clark who’s still a baseball guy they need some he in the organization he might he might not want to manage but you don’t think he wants to get in somebody’s face that’s another Band-Aid he didn’t like kapler nobody did none of the old heads likeed just a style I but what’s kapler saying now where’s he at Miami eating shakes and lifting weights like y’all thought it was me seriously I don’t I don’t know if the real CER is Farhan I don’t know is this is this true from the 650 Giants fans just want Farhan to be gone I believe why am I laughing I believe that well you left out the play on words I know okay the Giants fans just want Farhan to be far gone that’s a sorry 65 put the first that’s a I I actually I don’t think that’s true I mean then talk to me or you’re ignoring the text and the YouTube chat and the calls I think that’s it you can’t fire a midseason Kenya well that’s a different story here’s one for our listeners when the last when’s the last general manager who was fired in the middle of a season I mean I can’t think I’m I can’t think of anybody in in any sport coaches usually get the axe yeah so I I don’t know I this is who’s that who we got K came up with some K comes up with the Mets what what year well I can tell you within the last uh I want to say four years they’ve had five different GMS all right Le like You’re gonna laugh but that’s what I like if it ain’t working you got to go if it ain’t working you got to go but to sit here and let a guy survive managing kapler that stinks and reeks like I like that I know it’s like oh we don’t have any stability but they’re they they’re trying somebody cares boy yeah also a a few of those decisions within the Mets organization were made because there was some legalities involved so off the field or out of the office issues involved gotta you got any dirt on far well it feels it feels like no I don’t know dirt is a strong word but it just feels like St they want him out not never go full Jeff on the YouTube chat is like Guru tell snny we want him out like I believe that’s a lot of this H I mean really Warrior fans wanted toan out I even know he had a different role obviously but you know when it’s there that when that relationship sh is toxic that was 14 years and I know he was he was the owner this is six for Dr J the Giants fans really just want Farhan fired and you want to start this thing all over right now I believe that is my answer from what I’m hearing now I you’d fire him right now somebody said uh we got a Super Chat oh be buy Victor $1.99 do a poll if giant fans want Farhan gone I can do a poll right here on the air well you can but we won’t keep the results I have a feeling I believe that’s 9 only the only people are going to call in are the ones who want them fired if you know what I mean 88877 we’re the ones that’s saying you know what relax guys or even forget the last two days just give them a chance it’s been six years well here’s the thing has it has it been 6 years or has or has it been six month uh 6 weeks and what I mean by that is okay yes he’s been here six years they’ve made the playoffs once but I think a lot of yikes a lot of this assessment is dare I say emotional because we’re coming off one of the worst losses in a long long time for example goo let’s just say the Giants had won the first game or won the second game they won a game you think we’d be talking about him today like we’re talking about I’m being so real with you and I am every day yeah I do believe so this is this is not new this is not new and what I’ll throw back at you stany is when you what was symbolic about the Giants firing a coach or whenever a club fires a coach what does that symbolize to you that the team’s underachieving and the era under that said coach has been a failure that I don’t know how that does not apply to Farhan especially now when we were told these young hot shots and Sack were going to be ready and now and I’m not saying they’re not sty but obviously they don’t feel the powers to be don’t feel like they are because they wouldn’t have went and spent on the credit card the way they did in the off season so now you’re telling me the farm system that everybody was touting was going to be hot shot just wait a little bit everybody the dinner will be ready now that feels like we’ve been lied to so how does Farhan get more lives than Gabe kapler the guy that you picked I see that it all goes is Connect Four I don’t know if Farhan should have been fired or not wow I I mean kapler had to go what’s the difference kapler had to go kapler I get the sense kapler was not well-liked I get the sense Farhan can at least tries to work with people in in in that building but just the from the baseball standpoint though Farhan thought he could do the job and he couldn’t isn’t that a demerit for anybody in farhan’s position hey hey steiny you you you you you control who your next host is and you pick a host and your show’s terrible that that does fall you you have some responsibility I I mean you’re not you’re not telling any lies I mean I hear you come on uhoh we got it from the infinity mobile Tex line the Chargers oh but that’s football though that the Chargers fired their coach in GM in the middle of the Season midseason yeah towards the end after they they gave up like 70 points to the Raiders yeah I thought talking about Major League Baseball though yeah that’s what oh okay just just baseball yeah I mean I think there’s examples of like hockey teams that have fired their GMS midseason uh that happens in soccer sometimes too but Major League Baseball I really can’t remember the last front office person that was relieved of their duties mid season all right and I’ll say this to that EV he’s gonna make a trade managers yes but GM’s no Okay evan I again I know it’s about the now no last night and the night and the night before if you’re Farhan and let’s just say you’re in this you’re five under at the deadline how do you approach that if you’re Farhan cuz only you know how in how much trouble you’re really in or maybe you’re not you don’t do any to me right now I would I’d be doing everything spending who can we get cuz I know my next on the line but at the trading deadline I don’t know who’d take your prospects for one but if if you want me to be honest you’re not going to like it if they’re about 500 at the deadline number one based on how they’ve started that’s that’s okay because I mean you’re playing better than you are right now because you’re playing 500 baseball secondly I don’t think he does anything I seriously think he just stands Pat maybe adds a reliever or two tries to kind of trim the hedges wow and then see if the team can make a run just like he did last year last year they were in a decent position everyone wanted a piece or two and they kind of just what their biggest acquisition was oh my gosh forgetting the outfit Mariners no yeah it was uh when didn’t work out what’s my come on yeah AJ lickstein after he was that was a good pull by you yeah yeah but I think this year’s different s he’s a stratomatic he’s uh he’s under some pressure man well this is from the 925 we’re get a lot of feedback here and if you want to jump in 888 957 9570 I’ve asked a lot of questions of the Giants you think they’re going to get better or do you think going to get worse from this point on I I agree with Evan if they’re 500 at the trading deadline they’re going to be knocking on the door probably and what are the fans going to want oh my you know I don’t know what they want they’re going to want faran to make a move an acquisition or acquisition of who whoever like a star or young players whatever you need go get her done but you’re not even in a position to sell right now like if you wanted to go the other the other way let’s say this thing doesn’t turn around you’re the deadine and guys like that what piece on this team is another postseason Contender going to want number one number two be willing to pay for yeah yeah all right so here I keep I I know this wasn’t exercise and we love the guy he’s one of ours Tiny Joe shasy is one of the biggest giant fans I know he’s wants the C he wants the machine pulled what would you say to guys and gals like him what is the what does it mean start over there’s nothing it’s over so fire far yes right now right now don’t even try to make the playoffs go young they are going young they got beat 10-1 Yesterday by the dodg you forgot I mean that’s kind of what that’s kind of the way I feel I feel that way too if you look think about him look at the lineup last night oh it was the top five guys are the veterans and the bottom four guys were all young guys and like I’m out yeah you’re out one two three 415 Guru is right we want Farhan gone I have no desire to watch a team I love anymore send him packing and then there’s everyone slow down well damn that sounded like go ahead get it there are 30 teams 18 don’t make the playoffs each year not every team fires the GM and staff when times are tough react at the allstar break all right well we do know this they’ll be healthier we assume you were wrong about something by the way oh give it to me what I said if the Giants had won last night don’t talk about that you think we’d be talking about the Giants today and you said I do steiny no chance no chance the reason we’re talking about the Giants right now is because of debacle is because they just suffered one of their most humiliating losses in since since their title days right and it was against your rival and it was in your ballpark in front of Dodger fans and Giants fans got to look at the chasm between the Giants and the Dodgers right now and it’s demoralizing it’s demoralizing I can see why giant fans are desponding I mean goodness gracious what’s going to happen tonight Logan web on the mound the the Dodgers are going to probably start an opener but the worst part about it is if they get swept is it really that m is it that much worse like you’re it’s so dis it’s so bad and toxic right now stani if they lose tonight that’s just one more to the Dodgers yeah but you got to stop you got stop losing well no doubt I mean you got to stop there another word I wanted to use uh 415 to quote priest the fish Rock from the head up ownership ownership has a stench we don’t even know who they are how can you own a team and nobody know you this fish is stinking from the head up hey Brock pie was there last night yeah and it’s so bad Harrison botched the pitch it was a pass ballitch e won and who somebody tweeted oh Sam Lan tweet of the year and you want to give this guy 50 who haris no birdie but it’s a baseball it’s not a football loving but it was funny I showed him warming up he was he was warming up in the in the parking lot before the game but he throws it you been throw that thing AR strength looked improved why is it so hard EV to throw a baseball and normally it’s the brothers that can’t throw it I got guns all in my strap my waistband but I can’t throw a baseball 5 feet come on but Brock 90 that was the best thing of the night and he stayed had his whole lineman in the suite they were up in the S I saw that saw I saw the no they kind of I think it was the seventh they went well they were drinking free beer let’s go tonight no Evan you got a date I you know what keep saying I gotta St Derek jeta we can’t get tickets to Giants Dodgers on this day of a game come on that’s why we make calls we’re in the business well there were some available seats last night that’s a problem where she go I want to see Otani actually might go tonight dude otani’s bomb I will never forget I don’t remember Slater hit one there what day was that I I can’t remember Barry hit one and Sosa went Oppo but so did so did Slater stny that ball almost went to the water heav no that was like Derby territory I was telling goo I’ve always seen Ryan Howard hit a ball that out there that’s a great call oh Ryan the off season is not enough time for a GM to put together a proper plan that’s from Mac in the YouTube chat so what was the difference when they hired Farhan and got rid of of the old regime you had a you had a time you you you answer those questions what do you mean like all right farun this is the plan this is when we’ll do this implement this and that and this is when it should be ready and this is what so obviously that’s failed but to say that’s why you can’t fire them I mean you do it every time you hit the reset Pierce Evans got to give Evan props he was fantastic on the Santa Clara versus LMU game thanks Pierce thanks man’ by the way yeah well there I think there is another glaring part of this series speaking about Farhan because he came from the Los Angeles Dodgers like the Giants plucked him particularly to try and Implement something along the lines of the Dodgers right now he wasn’t the president of baseball operations but he understands the inner workings the secrets yeah and what has like how far do you think the Giants are from the Dodgers now compared to where he was hired two football fields when before I thought it was 40 yards I feel like they’re about the same like there’s not much ground that’s been made up outside of the One season you don’t even have a star player in the farm well who who was the star in 17 I thought it was Matos or uh well the star on the team you mean yeah I can’t remember who their who their home run leader was in 2017 that was Boi’s last year I believe wow so yeah 888 957 9570 is the number another thing I want to ask is do you really want Farhan being the GM at this year’s trading deadline like what the the of what do you do if things listen if they can start stringing together some wins the point is moot but if things continue down this path you shot my my question to Giants fans is what would you do what would you actually do if you’re looking at a team with veterans who are struggling and young players who might not be ready you shop them to get new young players Donnie you shop a c for prospects A team out there that thinks they need some power or bat guys like that fit the bill if you’re going that route that’s what you got to do Matt Chapman as well you got to pull the cord not yet come on you can’t pull the cord I didn’t say yet we said the deadline uh it was Brandon Belt with 18 steiny that from D thank you uh Josh Ram steiny they are not stringing together any wins teams need to rebuild over the next three or four years this needs to rebuild get ready for get ready Giants Nation well that is one thing I was actually thinking about on the way in well one they’re 19 and 25 they’s six games under I I can’t Envision this team right now going on a six-game winning streak well yeah you shouldn’t because they’re not whole yeah butany just real quick just for the sake of positivity MH so in what if I told you in 6 weeks you’re start you’re you’re going to a rotation of or in two months uh web Harrison Hicks Ray and Cobb where snail yeah I said Snail first oh did you yeah so those are five give give me the five again please snail yeah Harrison web Hicks cabaray if you want to go six that’s like that ain’t no chop liver but it’s two months that’s the it’s two months too long to wait and and maybe you’re not that in two months but that’s why the math is still if I’m a giant fan I would just get up in front of the audience and get the microphone everybody calm down the math is still there now what’s GNA happen you want you want Farhan to come out and say the math is still there no we’re going to get into that on the other side uh but Giants fans damn 888 957 9570 uh where where you at with this team right now is it is it as uh is it as dire as it seems and at 12:30 Jesse Rogers he’s an ESPN Major League Baseball writer he’s based in Chicago and it’s funny he talks about load management coming to Major League Baseball and what I’m going to ask him is maybe load managing would have prevented the Giants from having this many injuries so early in the season I’m just going to ask him that what’s coming up next on the game is presented by Fremont Bank full service banking no compromises that segment was brought to you by Safeway head to Safeway this week for these great digital deals loose earn cagefree eggs 18c count large grade AA 297 each limit one pork sirloin chops bone in only $1.97 per pound member price [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] if he starts drawing had a ref sit his down put him on the bench oh it’s the guru steiny guru steiny guru steiny show let’s go skinny Bob where’s he at call us skinny Bob down in El Rio Monte Rio Granada I thought right Granada give us a call I bet he’s collecting golf ball you should have checked up on him on as your TR as you went to the coast remember you drove down the coast a couple weeks ago we drove up the coast he’s down the coast gotcha I think I think where he lives is south of San Francisco okay I was going north MH uh steiny in 2017 posie was the star not belt okay well belt had 18 yeah I just asked who had the most homers I think is Otani the best player in baseball yes it’s not even close this is crazy man well who another guy in the yeah I like tall guys M yeah M who just went from rightfield throwing guys out I’ll go play Short Stops wherever you need me coach God pretty incredible pretty incredible uh Jesse Rogers joining us at 12:30 uh ESPN baseball writer get a national perspective well the johs are already using their load management right well that it’s interesting because he talks about load management and how the NBA is at the Forefront and baseball is slowly but surely moving in that direction uh in terms of gauging how how fresh a player is in other words he said they you know teams are now tracking how much a player runs during a game uh whether he made a diving stop or not because that takes more energy and you know we talk about this with the Warriors a lot because they you know at practice or they they monitor all that stuff too and they kind of know when a guy’s going hard and when a guy doesn’t have it and that’s when they maybe ease up on a guy and give him a little rest and what what Rogers is saying is we we may see that in baseball as a way of protecting players from injury and I thought well maybe the the Giants you know they’re not they haven’t implemented it yet because they I ideally would have been able to avoid some of these injuries yeah right now it’s the Red Cross Giants right now eight players on the DL or on the injured list rather and uh in the last 10 days and let’s hope Jung so what are we doing yeah no give faran a break right now give him a break if you want to do that I get it give him two weeks give him give him a month give him a month that’s what Dave Fleming said it’s too early for them to say we’re turning it over to the kids it’s a development year there’s too much baseball to be played with the extra playoff spots they’re not out of it but here’s the thing that the Dodgers are here they’re going on this road trip then they come back and the Phillies and the Yankees are coming to town and if they can’t get their act together and play better the decision is going to be made for them by either the end of this month or the middle of June if they can’t play better then they’re in trouble so I think that’s their philosophy and if it gets to that point then they will turn it over to some of these young guys and just see what they have they don’t that’s not their Preference they still think they can make the playoffs I love fim but tell me if I’m wrong sty on the guru computer I I felt like if the decision if it doesn’t get better and the decision is made and we see the youngsters this then does become another lost year cuz it’ll be man mostly by the youngsters and you’re just letting them grow and play well that’s not a wasted year I don’t think that’s I think what people are clamoring for play the we they I think the sentiment Giants fans can tell me if I’m right or not Giants fans I I think are thinking you know if we’re not if we’re not going anywhere you got to play the young kids and see what we got and then maybe by the end of this year if if you go that route then you’ll know who’s an everyday player and and who’s not yeah exactly so and what if you got a few who’s not answers well see that that to me is is the problem you need to replenish the farm system some but if not a lot there’s risk involved to the second way to do that too and the risk is you play the youngsters and you realize or find but and you realize and find out they’re they’re not good enough they’re they’re not a good enough core to carry this team into the future well real quick got to find that out don’t we know that if in year six of Farhan none of these guys have been called up to to to like just be given the job don’t we kind of already know that isn’t the joke maybe on the fans isn’t faran telling us I’ve been here six years and stany I thought we’d be in year two or three of Ramos and and Matos and the lucianos of the world I’m just saying didn’t it feel like they were close and now you’re saying let them play to see if they’re good enough and the guy that controls the lever of them getting a job or even being on the on the roster Donnie I feel like he’s telling us they’re not good enough yeah and he’s also telling us they signed some bigname free agents in the off season and he’s going to give them every chance to succeed but if they’re not succeeding a month from now then why wouldn’t you play the youngsters I mean you you have to almost at that point don’t you and just to just to see what you got and and and so you’re saying 50 or 60 games of baseball and well what are they now 19 and 25 knowing that you have no chance to make the wild card at all that’s 44 games I’m giving him I’m giving him 70 maybe well what if I told you okay no fire in a Farhan End season what if I told you he can’t afford to do that like he’s got to go down with the ship that he created in regard to I brought in these ogs we got to ride it out and if we don’t make it we don’t make it but I cannot when these guys get healthy have them overtaken the OG’s by the youngster sty I mean that would be the the way to go I would think uh Dave Fleming was on with the uh morning guys and you know Bob Melvin not a great start for Bob Melvin let’s see what Fleming says about this is interesting I don’t think he’s the reason that whatever’s happening now is happening I don’t I think Bob has the right mix of calm and hey this is a long season and I’ve been through this for 40 years in this game and I know the es and the flows he knows he he realizes that but he also I would think that my first impression of Bob has been that he’s edgier than I thought he was he’s a super competitive guy and takes it more personally than I thought he did like hi Bob is he’s an edgy competitor and I don’t think I never totally knew that about him and I say that as a compliment I think that’s a really good thing yeah so he ain’t happy I mean he might have to be edgy with this team and you know what the more I’m thinking about it like he broke down why Yas is in right field it’s almost like I’m damned if I do goo I’m damned if I don’t but as far as uh M to sty he’s got the swag at the plate he’s got the swag but dude how are you going to find an everyday position if you can’t just right now you wear a giant uniform if you can’t man center field they they colossal mistakes I I don’t know what to tell you they’re they’re banged up Ben’s in Clovis hey Ben how you doing man good how you guys doing hey well yeah kaminka sucks we got to get rid of them and I saw Evan and Castro kissing a man and holding his head okay Ben thanks appreciate the call uh this from uh Bob Melvin morali Bob Melvin and farany were not on the same page and we’re not giving enough attention to that well well my question is tell me help me who wants the you know who morali what’s the disconnect is what I is what I would ask do you think one of those guys wants to go in One Direction and one of the guys wants to go in another Direction I find it hard to believe that V wants to play the young guys and Farhan who signed the ogs why would he want them not out front and center I mean oh my goodness I think morelli’s wrong we love you I mean I I think that yeah I I don’t know oh my gosh I don’t know yeah first piece of business for the Giants bigger than tonight’s game tell me what you think they need to find out if they need a center fielder for the rest of the season sty if that injury is so de it is he’s going to be out months okay I mean I think that’s assumed I read uh Andy bagger structural damage is assumed I I I read uh Andrew baggerly he’s saying don’t you know don’t expect wow man the best best case scenario think about that the best case scenario is that he would return sometime this season and the best thing about it all is it’s not his throwing shoulder right I I mean I guess but if he’s if he can’t play you go just you finally get somebody that says yes and he’s getting acclimated to the park and about to get to the other parks and he’s your lead off and he goes up trying to get a ball to save a Homer from web there’s a black cloud we just hope there’s no water in it that means rain yeah they they usually do I mean black dark clouds usually do have rain that’s why they’re dark and the puffy white ones you know they don’t they don’t have rain goo you’re just you you’re no I just I’m I’m conflicted and I know if somebody’s out there listening I I I love myself from this van well I love myself all the time but stany I wanted farh Hong gone before they played one baseball game I didn’t like how it looked when when the Fall Guy shout out Lee Majors was a kapler that’s neither here nor there but Farhan whon he went shopping fast in a hurry came back with some bags and and tags and right now I can look you all in the face and say in the microphone we have not seen collectively all that he’s brought or this team whole and healthy not even 30 games so I I I got to stay try to stay patient right that’s the only way you’re going to get through this yeah it’s a long season it’s baseball well the division’s going the you’re division’s gone you’re not going to beat the Dodge you’re not going to finish in first place in the NL West I mean that [ __ ] is sailed all right I mean you’re going for a wild card Arizona didn’t got to the World Series exactly why don’t people like that comp when I bring it out like it ain’t just bigger than just the Giants it’s baseball in general who had Arizona hold on go ahead hey Evan can you do me a favor yeah can you check Arizona’s record after 44 games last year I I like that I think they’re going to be 12 under that’s just steiny 44s early I guarantee you that they were better than 19 and 25 and they were also a lot younger than the Giants are you’ll win that part but yeah as far as the math well I can’t wait I’m going to be right they must have gotten off to a great start I think you they came out of nowhere they were uh excuse me they’re actually the reciprocal of the Giants they’re they were 25 and 19 thank you I think the example that Guru is was looking for is the 2019 Nationals that team started like 19 and3 that’s right and then ran the table and won World Series stto yeah oh they had him Turner we got guys like that don’t we yeah strawberg yeah did no I’m just trying to it ain’t over of course it’s not I mean but I do like what uh fim said about Melvin and he played the game he’s a gamer like this ain’t fun for him you know I but the boss did bring up how McCrae you know flip a sprad throw some phones like maybe that’s coming to sty does work it works with your kids too no it does you got sometimes you got to let him know I can go by so when when when Hal McCrae threw the phone it’s the greatest thing I’ve ever seen did the Royals go on a seven game winning streak no thank you but you knew where he stood though you knew he was dude a reporter was bleeding study I mean he got hit with the man that’s incred I want to yeah he was hot um talk to me about the pitching Dave Fleming the Giants pitching numbers right now overall don’t look good and if I were Farhan or anybody in that organ I’d be pissed about that right now they’re way better than they’re showing on the pitching side and whether that’s sloppiness lack of concentration just purely lack of execution uh whatever you want to come up with the reason for that I would be ticked off if I were them about the with the way the pitching has showed so far this year because it’s better than they’ve showed but I think that is a clear strength of this group and I think it’s going to be you know we’re going to see more of those young guys uh up in the big leagues whether Reggie Crawford’s going to be here pretty soon wizen hun is going to be a good big leager like those guys have nice Futures with this team that is a strength so there’s uh Dave Fleming talking about some young pitchers yeah and I’d ask you and Evan Evan do you think is he calling out the catchers like or is he who should they be mad at the actual pitchers themselves or the catchers CU I know they got youth behind the plate you know there is no Buster posy but when you hear that and him say they should be you know upset at who is my and I’m just asking and who the pitchers yeah I mean if you’re the third worst ER in your league you’re not pitching very well it means you’re not getting consistent starts it means your Bullpen not been good which we saw two nights ago it just means you’re not getting guys out with enough consistency it doesn’t matter really who the bats have been I mean they’ve been torn up by Philadelphia he’s got a really good lineup the Dodgers obviously but even against teams that have not been necessarily uh prolific offensively they haven’t been good enough along with how poultry their offense is but I don’t know how many people believe that the offense was supposed to be the strength of this team the pitching staff is where I think a lot of your talent lies some of it’s injured right now but I don’t think that’s an excuse and I think that’s what Fleming is uh trying to call out I mean you you got to wait you got to wait on Snell you gotta wait on Robbie Ray you gotta wait on Solair You Gotta Wait onto yeah hopefully it’s not too late who else do you have to wait on Patrick Bailey and hopefully Lu hopefully not Keaton win yeah yeah he went out of last night’s game with uh some elbow issues but he said it wasn’t might be a forearm tightness yeah forearm tightness do you ever have that Evan you being a college pitcher uh yes if it’s on the top of your forearm you’re fine if it’s the bottom of your forearm you’re in trouble bottom of your forearm wow man like because that’s that’s the tendon that connect your U but if you’re the top top of the Forum which it sounds like it was it was an issue he dealt with in spring training too he feels like it could be something he gets over soon let’s go to uh we got Ray in uh San Rafel what’s up uh what’s up Ray how you doing man what’s up gentlemen Hey listen I think it’s just I hope all is well I listen I think it’s too early to hit the panic button all right yeah what button would yeah what button would you hit I hear you I mean like you know let’s just you know I I I’m not a baseball manager obviously but like listen you know let’s give it some time you know well who are who we’re still finding our identity you know we we just what did we expect we just played the Dodgers you know we’re not supposed to be like hitting with them yeah Ray you know what you know what let me tell you something Ray Ray was listening and he heard all your worry and he just wanted to remind you it’s baseball and we got it’s going to be a long summer that’s what I’ve been preaching he might have watched the game last night it wasn’t me worrying like last night was embarrassing exactly and the lineup they fielded was not not quality at all but let’s talk let’s stop there if you’re saying steiny we got to see what the kids have then we shouldn’t be saying that right one more time we shouldn’t like that you said the the lineup wasn’t quality like but the fact that we know there are about three guys in there that probably wouldn’t be we know wouldn’t be in there if not for these injuries like isn’t that a shot at the youngsters for you to say it didn’t quality like because one of the biggest caveat one of the biggest questions that hover this hover over this team is how good are they and I don’t think Farhan wanted to find out this early and that’s why he did he chose what he did in the off season the way he went well I just think that any team in any sport when they have this many injuries the only thing that that’s a positive is if your young guys step in you can’t expect your young guys to step in and and go on a winning streak but it’s like it’s exactly like a backup quarterback you know he’s got to play three or four games you know can he go can he go two and two give us a chance yeah can he go two and two in those games and keep us in it until our big our big boys come back that’s clearly what uh what Bob Melvin is is not only hoping for but it looks like that’s going to be the strategy right now again they they they’re hoping cair plays this weekend they think Snell’s going to pitch early next week so those are two important guys who are coming back Patrick Bailey and it went back on the injured list played one game and felt some that’s scary that is scary and it’s more scary because their backups aren’t very good well maybe he could hit you know you got the DH I was thinking that you know but it’s it’s bigger than that it’s not I’m going to ask you a real question do you believe in karma I don’t know thank you EV depends well let me tell you your partner does okay and I’ve been around a few blocks I don’t think they did Boi right I don’t think they did right by bochi and this is where I’m going bochi takes the year off comes back wins a World Series and as a giant fan base we didn’t make much of it but everybody knew that was a r on the table like damn you know you know a guy that great and has brought you three chips I don’t like the way it ended but he obviously still loves the game goes and wins the World Series then you get the predecessor to um Buster posing and Joey Bart he ends up being a bust and then you get Farhan zedi after a great regime which was Bo Boi like family the guy just seems like he he can’t win steiny it’s like it’s almost time there’s just this Cloud that’s over this team and the more I watch him I’m wondering even if you had Kevin Mitchell in the Outfield he would look like mto’s trying to track down the ball like I don’t know sty I just live my life like that to where that’s why I think where whatever you think about Farhan there’s no way he can get hot or this team could get hot and and go on a run to where he can supersede the stench that he’s created and the losing unless you’re going to give him 12 years or 13 well you got to give him you got to give him at least 12 more days and you got to give him at least all right you got another month or two I would think and you brought something up that I think is right on the money and that is do we know how much management cares that wow do we really know how much management cares they might simply not be interested in firing wow far hany or moving on from Far Han zi they they might not care enough that the Giants are looking at their eighth season after their last playoff appearance and they’ve only gone to the postseason once now that would be worse than any loss on the field if come to find out you’re right cuz then sty there’s no accountability what if what if I said doesn’t it look like I’m right oh yeah and that’s why I brought it up I mean the only thing the only thing that would rebut that would be well then why did they go spend all that money this off season and why do they have uh one of the highest payrolls in Major League Baseball so I think if you talk to Giants ownership they’d say what are you talking about we’re we’re spending we’re trying and we’re going to let Farhan play this out and we’ll see where it goes from here and if a decision needs to be made on farany we’ll make it probably at the end of the year and then we’ll move on whether we do or not I mean there’s there’s I mean the the interesting thing is there’s nothing you can do right now except try to beat the Dodgers tonight and win the series against the Rockies and we’ll all feel better on Monday all right coming up on the other side we got Jesse roggers he’s an ESPN Major League Baseball writer he’s based in Chicago we’re going to get a national perspective are the Giants even on anybody’s radar right now uh in terms of the media be interesting I always love to hear what people outside the Bay Area think of the Bay Area teams Jesse Rogers on the other side on 957 the game now that spring is here Golden State Lumber and building materials can help you get one [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Applause] n [Music] [Music] [Applause] yeah n [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] now back to steiny and Guru on 957 the game all righty let’s get right into it uh our next guest is Jesse Rogers he’s an ESPN Major League Baseball writer based in Chicago and he he had a very interesting story today on load management it’s coming to base all uh thanks for joining us Jesse appreciate it anytime good to talk to you guys hey before we get into before we get into your story I I just I love to get a national perspective on our teams so when I say San Francisco Giants what comes to your mind I don’t know if I could this comes across on the radio but if I just go eh does that kind of work for you I mean you know I there are things I like about the Giants but I for the last few years really since that great year of what was it 21 right after the yeah I mean since then it’s just kind of been eh I mean you’re in the wrong division to be eh right um San Diego has had all sorts of problems with payrolling things and moving Juan stto and you know but and AJ PR gets a lot of crit criticism but they’re kind of in the race for a wild card spot I mean the giant should be at least that good right should be uh at least that that that 500ish which you’ve been in the past but not right now so it’s just kind of like e they don’t really do a lot for me they don’t move the the meter so to speak uh for me um if I was hosting a talk show out there it’d be like H can we talk about the Warriors so you know what I mean they’re just kind of like and I know they’ve had all sorts of problems trying to get free agents there and all this you know reputation stuff we could talk about um but um that that’s kind of my feeling like yeah they’re okay you know I kind of like they’re pitching but just nothing special about theam in my opinion yeah Jesse we’re taking a lot of calls and especially after the last two nights when you see your rival come in here and they’re clowning around on the base pass and beating you 10 to two is a lot of your a does how much of that is Farhan cuz we’re in year six Jesse and you know I think of Theo Epstein and some of the great jobs he’s done in you know different places building the team I mean we’re in year six how much a falls on faran yeah I think a lot and I and I’m going to say this with the caveat that I am far from the inner workings of the Giants right we have some ESPN reporters out west that do a great job some arms length away sometimes that can be good sometimes that can be bad like a different perspective but again there there’s been this reputation with San Francisco that goes deeper than than we are going to talk about probably but it’s real um so the attracting free agents and and and and stuff like that has been a little bit more difficult than in the past but I’ll say it this way I don’t think Farhan and their management team have sort of maximized what’s in front of them yes there’s some there’s some speed bumps but you can do better than what you’re doing even knowing about the speed bumps and there’s just again a deeper conversation to be had I I I think he’s he’s been rattled a little bit by what’s gone on offering a lot of money and getting turned down maybe being used who knows by a few agents I don’t know but I don’t think he’s responded in the best way possible um you got to make the best of a situation that might not be perfect there’s a lot of teams that aren’t the Dodgers right you know and they and and you got and you have to make the best of it so that’s kind of how I look at it he hasn’t made the best of a kind of a rougher situation this is in San Francisco 2010 and I’ll just give you this story agents would tell me just as recently as the winter meetings back then when a player and agent talked they’d be the first thing they’d say stay in the offseason did San Francisco call you know did did the Giants call did Bo did Bo Bruce Boi call and now it’s the complete opposite no one’s asking if San Francisco called so the reputation hasn’t been great but I don’t think Farhan is sort of adjusted to the whole situation that’s the best way I can I can say and again I’m arms length away no no I got you but I I want to ask you about you said you know some of these things are real can I assume you’re talking about the the perception of the city of San Francisco uh taxes the ballpark are are is that what we’re basically talking about I I think a little bit of everything look the ballpark’s always going to have a bad reputation for hitters but it has a good one for pitchers so you know those things should even out over time I mean you have some good hitters when you’re winning championships right that’s that’s kind of a Mainstay a lot of things have always been there except the reputation of the city has changed and that that is real and that could all be perception I love San Francisco that all can be perception but when I hear agents telling me that they’re not making it up they’re not making it up that you know everybody wanted to go to San Francisco at one point and and now they don’t as much but that could be a combination of how the teams being run as well as the reputation and perception of the city Jesse I’m curious about the Inception of your piece in regard to load management we we saw the NBA try to fight you know a big fight in in in uh Implement penalties for teams that arrest in Stars can you just share with us when you saw this becoming a thing and now how you think it’s here yeah so I I I I I want people to read the story and I knew this would happen and it’s okay because the words load management automatically go to your mind days off these guys are going to be sitting more and more in baseball like they do in basketball but we’re not there yet and I’m hoping we won’t be because of of of the way these teams can adjust workload before and after games as much as telling guys to take a day off or guys taking advantage of the numbers that say they’re fatigued and and wanting days off I mean the good thing in talking to at least the star players they don’t want days off you know Alex bregman lives in the red zone is what asata told me now the red zone is that fatigue Zone and he likes it um this is a rhythm sport probably more than any other sport out there I don’t think if LeBron takes a day off he’s going to lose his jump shot like you might in baseball taking two or three days off and lose your swing so this isn’t about it’s coming Where Stars take days off all over the place it’s more about backing off workloads before and after games and you know we’ve been trending in this direction for a while I I know managers that don’t want players to show up at noon for 7:00 game but we’re we’re not quite there so there is evidence through Tech technology through tracking players movements whether a player is fatigued or not and yes of course they know their body better than anyone but you know how players are athletes sometimes they don’t realize that they’re they’re they’re they’re moving a little bit slower or their bat speed is slowed down or whatever the case may be sometimes they need a little empirical evidence now a guy like Dansby Swanson waved it off I don’t need that I know my body but even he has changed his his routine because of the daily schedule that’s unique to the Chicago Cubs been playing at Wrigley Field so I think the data like every all the data in baseball backs up what your body is already telling you but this gives the strength and conditioning coaches as well as the players and the manager information to put to use not necessarily for days off having said all that I covered a manager and Joe Madden who proposed his star players to go home for a week like it’s the All-Star break and of course he said that would not be socially acceptable but there is something to six seven eight month seasons and having one week off that makes a lot of sense it’s just not acceptable and I don’t think we’ll ever be there we’re talking to Jesse Rogers ESPN Major League Baseball writer he’s based in Chicago so let me ask you this do you think uh this is a good thing or a bad thing for baseball I think it’s a great thing for baseball as long as it keeps players on the field and healthy and and maybe there does need to be a day an extra day off here or there for even a star because this is also about preventing injuries I mean right they track they track these things and and can show a player that’s in that red zone being you know fatigued you know there’s an injury around the corner uh to his hamstring or something that you know they can they can figure all that stuff out so um I think that that yeah I think this is definitely helpful and I don’t think it’s going to lead to to multiple days off for for Star players um I think it’s just going to lead to better train season training especially before games Jesse I got to ask you a question you know I’m one of those guys I can root for the home team but I give credit where credit is due and when I see something that I deem a unicorn I’m not going to front I got I got to just say you know this guy or gal is excellent so sh Otani right now is on Pace if you look at his numbers just to be the MVP I watched him the other night run down uh the first base line and I don’t know why I was late to the party I was like oh my God the dude runs like a thorough but I thought to myself why would the Dodgers ever allow him to get back on the pitcher mound when you talk about load management would you even take that risk in his career look it’s we’re not talking life and death here I mean you have a unique talent a unicorn you’re going to let him you’re going to let him continue if he can do it yes I mean if he has if he has to sit out an extra game here or there um that that I think that might be worth the risk where versus War but as he gets older yeah I think they’ll have to adjust some things but he has proven now in his in his Peak years here that he can handle it so I I let’s not get overboard here and take away a guy’s ability to pitch or hit or anything like that I think it’s more about how do we make sure he can do both as long as he can and that is again in between the starts in between the games the workload in the off season um so yeah I I I think I think that’s the stuff you got to watch not not in game but there might be a point where you know as he gets older he’s only able to do one or the other and and you deal with it accordingly Jesse good stuff really appreciate it thanks for coming on and uh really great information sure thinging my pleasure and just like you know the deeper conversation about the giants has to be had but I I I think there there’s something in the in the water there I think you guys would agree with that just isn’t working the way people thought yeah I think yeah I think most Giants fans would agree with you thank you so much yes man you got it guys take care wow steiny I’m staggered and I’m staggered because it’s what we talked about but to hear a guy in the midwest basically talk about what I’m in denial about might there be something to it yes but the first initial reaction and I shared it to the people on the on the uh YouTube chat and I’ll share it with you and Evan and The Listener sty is I’m I really mean what I’m about to say is it hasn’t impacted the Warriors or you could say goo they they haven’t needed freea you like if that thing is as real as he and I’m I’m missing the boat like then it’s going to impact the NBA here in San Francisco well it might it might if the Warriors don’t have a lot of success yes I mean man I mean that’s his when faran Z said there are challenges and you know he mentioned the perception of the city and then posie did also you’re you’re a little skeptical maybe they’re just kind of making excuses but when you hear a guy from Chicago say well there’s no doubt that there’s that people wanted to come to San Francisco in 2010 and now they don’t I mean that’s sobering I mean that that’s really sobering now one here’s the one thing I want to I do want to stress though CU four guys said yes every every not every but some teams do have challenges for example like the the Toronto some guys just won’t they don’t want to play in Canada I got there’s double the taxes and they just don’t want to totally get and that’s a challenge that Toronto’s got to got to overcome and Philadelphia you know some guys don’t want to play in Philadelphia because they don’t think the fans are fair um so the fact that the fact that this is a challenge isn’t unique to the Giants but but it sounds like it’s not going anywhere anytime soon and what about the four signings though those were leftover SN wasn’t dead but young let’s be honest we were they were they were leftovers they were you went after you’ve gone after Bryce Harper you’ve gone after Aaron judge you’ve gone after Otani you going with the Yankees they say but they said yes but I hear what saying so but we don’t really know how to quantify if if if it’s real Steph Curry’s here can’t quantify well he was here before before 2010 I just really wish like if that were maybe that’s why Faron didn’t get fir but I just I’ll never think and I don’t want to go CNN on you guys Donny I’ll never think San Francisco has any more problems than any other Metropolitan City I’m sorry and we’re talking about La you know the Metroplex and D come on man but there’s a difference I think if you’re the Dodgers let’s say let’s say the reputation of Los Angeles the city and San Francisco are the same okay because you you know look I I’m looking at a text now 510 Los Angeles is as bad or worse and I agree okay but they’ve won they’re a juggernaut and that and and a free agent can Overlook that if the Giants are just me well then all things being equal they’re not coming they’re not coming and the bottom line is if if this is a big challenge to sign free agents then you’ve got to develop your farm system you’ve got to be Oklahoma City in the NBA he’s had six years to do it I know and that’s why I think people are either past the point of of no return or they’re just they’re just disinterested in the in the uh in the Giants right now that was weird I was not ready for it man I mean this is this is Harsh he felt that this is harsh but it’s true 650 Steph Curry didn’t want to be drafted here well he didn’t I remember know I remember pops was uh want to go to New York I got you I got you you imagine curry in New York oh my God he would be no bigger than he is here though you know what I’m saying he can’t you’re you’re you’re absolutely out of your mind he’ probably be on the Empire State Building but you know what God I love where I’m from and I love San Francisco I just what I appreciate about how he said his thoughts is there was no agenda and he just said what he feels and I guess sty I’m not talking to real enough to the people that don’t live here about what it is is there any more homeless problems here than any other big city we go to I or La no well when these things come up I think I think it’s almost you almost have to go individual by individual and why they didn’t come here W because it could be a myriad of reasons and I think judge used us used the Giants like Aaron judge did not want to come to San Francisco because of the perception of the city I don’t believe okay and I’m with you he never wanted to leave the Pinstripes exactly why would you but we excited well it’s it’s okay to get excited but will went to his H town and did his show you look at uh you know you look at they went after Bryce Harper they didn’t get Bryce Harper why I don’t know maybe it had something to do with the city maybe it had something to do with triples alley maybe it had something to do with taxes maybe it had something to do with the fact that the Giants don’t move the needle right now now or you don’t have a closer maybe fans are pissed steiny you don’t understand no I I get it I get it I’m not buying that man I’m just that the city is I am that’s a that’s a I’m not saying it’s I’m not using it as an excuse but it is a challenge but it’s heavy if you are giving it some Merit and then I wonder now the owner that’s faceless if he feels that way maybe that’s why he’s still deployed Farhan I come on man well and then you know what and I’m just sharing with you you know then how do we put the data when it changed and when it didn’t become a he said 2010 yeah he did but um you he said 2010 but we didn’t need them then because we were the team was winning I mean the team was going to win they won two they won two World Series after 10 uh the guy who says fans are pissed I like I think I think the biggest thing right now going on with the Giants and their struggles is they’re not an attractive team to join they’re they’re just not right now they haven’t won they had one outlier season and I think but even if you’re go ahead I I just think players understand it was an outlier season so when did free agency and I’m asking you you guys can come at me when did free agency turn into the you got to be popping for me to come that that’s the real bandwagon I thought a free agent looks at the Giants or storyed franchise you know what that doesn’t mean anything that doesn’t mean anything storied franchise you know how many storied franchises there are now 15 the Dodgers are stor the Yankees are story that’s two the Red Sox are stor the Phillies are are put them on the list but what about the Giants i’ put the Atlanta Braves there now all we six like there’s a whole there’s 24 more teams left that’s right and the Giants aren’t among them they’re not among the they’re not among the places people want to play the Cubs are St franchise that’s seven this is one of the most beautiful parks in baseball so what who cares got a short porch and right field if you’re a lefty I’m just going Bryce like that’s got to be you got to be able to sell that it’s not a short porch it was a short porch for bonds that’s it Norm I tell you why but yeah oh a lotion but we love you Barry I I’m just not there I can’t believe that this is the Bay Area man the fourth largest market you got to sell it and if you can’t sell it stny give your leads to somebody that can and I’ve seen it happen boss these leads are no good give them to Daryl but hold on how many free agents did Brian Sabian sign free agents how many it was different then why cuz they they had a farm system well they don’t have a farm system now so it’s like you know the Giants have actually been operating under this we we really aren’t a big name free agent destination long before Farhan got here and even when the city was uh didn’t have the reputation it has now why didn’t guys come 15 years ago okay but before I give you that answer all the more reason for giant fan to be mad as hell because the vegetable garden has not been watered right or correctly yeah I know I know I know and that’s why they’re they feel like they’re at Ground Zero now oh man what a man 650 and they have players like Alex Wood and Shawn manah leaving disgruntled well I think that had more to do with the way they were used by kapler but I I you know I mean I that hit me wow I’ll ask I’ll ask you again goo yeah why would you want to play for the San Francisco Giants right now as a free agent I’m being real yeah because baseball is a sport that you can go worst to First I.E the Arizona Diamondbacks made the World Series just just don’t even rebuttal the Giants got a beautiful ballpark they play on the west coast San Francisco is San Francisco the rich history of Willie Mays and Barry Bonds I would the same reason Chapman now I get you the Samaritan what you oh Chapman needed a job of course he’s going to go hook up with b and snail but like like what snail signed off on here sty and he’s no bum he won this now there I got P he wanted to be a Yankee but he said it okay he but he said it he wanted to plan his flag here so that should be then why why wouldn’t you have signed a longer term deal my point is they got him in the giant uniform my my point is the Giants not Albuquerque it’s real dude it’s it’s absolutely we don’t know what what what is what it is I just told you what it is it’s it can be the city it can be the ballpark it can be taxes it could be the wife doesn’t want to come but that’s everywhere that’s right that’s right but the Giants they just they don’t have the right mouthpiece no they don’t they haven’t won they haven’t won they had not not anymore like sh Otani wasn’t going to come here because the Giants won the World Series in 2014 that’s that’s preposterous you know I get that but I know but I’m just I’m just saying what what do the Giants have that’s attractive for a hitter I mean I’m with I’m with Jesse Rogers I mean I don’t why I let ready I’m not saying he’s wrong that just hit me why did the Giants win the World Series three times because of pitching it goes cuz of pitching well they had a philosophy too though St yeah in this ballpark they used the ball the the previous obviously used the ballpark to their advantage and this team has just been a team that’s it’s a nice Stadium but they just play there well I’ll tell you this are just are historic the day this is what I thought about real quick the day Steph Curry is no longer a warrior and you’re going to have to rely on on pitches and getting free agents to to put on a warrior uniform that’s when I’ll really be honed in on well goo I got are they gonna have I don’t believe like Joe lob’s gonna get somebody they have another problem the the the the Warriors may have another problem attracting free agents because nobody’s going to want to follow Steph Curry here like I think that that like that’s going to be a challenge that they have to overcome stny I think it’s an honor to do that okay when’s it been done in the past only for the Lakers and the Celtics all right 888 957 9570 is the number get in here Giants fans you heard Jesse Rogers wasn’t pretty and uh this next segment is brought to you by Scandinavian Designs Furniture don’t miss major Memorial Day savings at scan [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] e [Music] [Applause] n [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] they just look snake bit right now I thought the Giants I have to go back and look at my predictions but I thought they were right on the cusp of a playoff team if not in the playoffs uh I loved what they did I I think Chapman still has it if you look at the hard hit rate or that uh swing velocity that came out now I mean obviously John Carlos Stan is number one by a by a wide measure but he’s in that next group with uh judge and all the other big stars and he if you look at the hard hit rate he’s up there on that too so I think Chapman’s just hitting bad luck they’ve had a lot of bad luck I mean now back to steiny and Guru on 957 the game that was John hayon uh works for MLB Network and the New York Post and he’s also our our Odyssey MLB Insider he had a lot of bad luck yeah I have a question for you yeah why’ Kevin Durant come to the Warriors to win exactly that’s why free agents aren’t coming to the Giants why would Otani come to the Giants he was Kevin Durant even better he wanted he went to the Dodgers just like Durant went to the Warriors it’s the exact same thing that’s a touchdown I’ll give you that but is every free agent in that not everyone but like they’re there are different reasons why like I wouldn’t say no free agents going to come here because obviously a couple did but you know Danny forson came to the Warriors too when they cincin when they gave him when they overpaid him yeah I mean that’s the other thing you know the Giants are going to have to overpay for somebody and give guys options that might not deserve it but Evan came in here sty and I’m stuck I I this is I’m having a good time and I hope the listeners are but he asked if Otani had signed with the Giants and they were still this had the same record they do would you feel different and I almost jumped through the roof like hell yeah I would feel different wouldn’t you if the Giants one you checked off your closed to free agent two you know your city and all that scuttlebutt about your city or where you’re at is not attractive and three you could see Suzy and her family packing up the car coming to see Otani you know over the weekend or during the week how’s that working out for the Angels well it didn’t exactly so you might be able to get what you want there and if the team’s not much better then I do think it’s a colossal mistake because now you’re tied up in I mean hotani is not going to be the problem if he’s here obviously but he went to LA to win uh Kyle’s in Chico what’s up Kyle how you doing man hey man can you hear me yes sir hey I just wanted to talk about uh Farhan a little bit and I know everyone’s kind of like up and down and there’s all kinds of stuff but there’s an old video I don’t know how old it is maybe a decade ago or something but um can you still hear me sorry I was on Bluetooth I gotta okay cool okay cool awesome um love the your guys show um he’s got like all these equations and stuff he’s made up himself and and that’s fine that’s kind of cool but um I think you know we all got our own opinions the real issue is all that stuff like he’s got second at bats right like what what’s a second at bat average right he came up with that and it’s for it’s for guys that are an O2 count and they always swing at either F you know a four seam a two seam a change up whatever it is okay the problem is is when you get rid of I think it was up to eight Scouts under Sabian that doesn’t work anymore because what are we filled with veterans that’s fine free agents you know okay I’m not against any of that and we that doesn’t work when he has no analysis for high school he has no analysis for college it’s like we bring these guys up and we go you know oh no forget the pharmacist it’s just that’s the problem it’s like oh you know I guess Buster posie sucked I guess Brandon Crawford sucked I guess Madison Bumgarner sucked I guess Tim linum like right there’s point where it’s like dude no like you need if you don’t have scouting your bloodline is cut you’re done it goes with the NFL it goes with the Warriors it goes with it goes with everybody across the country so when you have this heavy of analytics and it’s not always wrong because it helps you but like when you think you’re better than the game you’re not better than the game you’re going to lose and it’s a miracle that we’re 500 like like it’s it’s like it’s actually pretty smart but it’s like dude it it’s not getting it done though you got to gotta get these guys all right gotcha Kyle good stuff well you were gonna tell Kyle there he said around 500 they’re not 500 no yeah they’re six games under yeah and now I was Kyle question interes it’s an interesting point the two that these youngsters are getting in Sacramento your Scouts and everything well maybe they’re not picking the right guys boy well I tell you not develop the lineup hasn’t come out uh yet on my end for tonight for the Giants but those guys are going to be in Ramos uh well they have to they have to be in they don’t have any choice right now because they’re so they’re so banged up so man I mean the reality of the situation is it’s not good right now and the only way it gets better is if they start to win and and that could start tonight the beautiful thing about baseball steiny yeah it could and you got Colorado coming to town who’s hot but could you imagine if that I won’t even do that today if they came and got busy with you the Rockies well like I said it could get worse why why why do you think it can’t get wor like I we do this a lot like how come you think the Warriors and the giants like it’s not within the real possibility they could get worse well the Warriors the Giants don’t have a Steph nor a Draymond Green and they don’t have a Steve Kerr okay well no no I can’t do that to Melvin but well he’s not a champ but you know what I mean like that’s why I was so shocked still haven’t gotten over it the Giants Evan tried to throw something in my face and it worked but he was like goo you want Farhan fired I said yeah but I’m saying that because I know it’s not going to happen in season I thought he should have been fired last year when kapler was let go I thought that was like stabbing kapler and back but I get it but I did give Farhan all the credit in the world for doing what he did with the four uh closing the Jung Ho Lee deal uh get Solair Chapman and snail like that was a big deal that is still raw and new and unfortunately guys are hurt so I get it sty I got both hands up of it’s early and that’s why a playoff birth for this team come it has to be the goal well of course it’s the goal okay of course it’s the goal but are they realistically and that wow they control it yeah we don’t know if they’re any good or not that’s the problem and I think a lot of people have unfortunately come to the conclusion they’re not very good and they’re kind of tuning them out so the only thing that can happen now is get the get the guys who are hurt back in back in the lineup and see what they can what they can do and that’s all you can do right now partner yeah [Music] exactly trouble I got of just want to wrest radio wrestle you not not bad cuz I love you I miss you over the San Francisco like that’s a yeah it I would love to just like not even do a podcast but go to a town hall meeting on the subject why we’re doing it right here yeah but but what we’ll never have enough time we have a 4our show well got 49 minutes now who’s counting but you know what I mean man I just there’s no analytics that can say if there’s something to it and I get what you laid out but stany I am a just me if I were a free agent I am not not coming to a city because Michael Jordan or Steph Curry were there prior well why Chicago has never signed a free agent since Jordan so tell that to Chicago because nobody wanted to follow Michael Jordan and I and I don’t know if the Warriors are going to have that problem or not but I do know if the Warriors continue to miss the playoffs they’re going to be less of a destination and then maybe the city does come into it and makes it even harder for the Golden State Warriors to attract Talent or a free agent like I it’s I’m it’s not just the condition of the city that may be part of it but I listen get ready get the drop ready I covered the NBA for 20 years there you go do you know how many guys got traded to the Warriors and a month later said damn taxes are unbelievable and this come on this was a thing Sur I Ian I can go down the list mookie block trying to think I mean there were there were a lot of guys who you know the the cost of living in the taxes well otani’s paying taxes I’m just using him in LA’s you know what I mean I judge is paying taxes in New York I mean Bryce Harper might not have come here because he didn’t like the stadium all so again then build this team around pitching plain and simple that’s why the Giants won in the past I mean if you can’t get the Big Boppers to come here because of the stadium then I think you gota well you got one in town down he’s not Barry Bonds but Solair guy is a perennial 30 home run hitter if not more so you know that hadn’t happened yet he’s hit some but I mean man I’m just telling you this thing is headed to you need somebody even if the city or whatever City you live in or whatever sector of the world you got to get somebody with a mouthpiece that can close and sell the good of where you’re you’re local and that’s the difference some people can do it some can’t but right now Farhan went and closed four deals even though it was in the fourth quarter under two minutes Donnie and right now injuries I believe are 90% of why they’re where they’re at and under 500 the question is how soon can you get healthy and then we’ll see it play out I want to know why you why it’s hard for you to see the Warriors and the Giants getting worse I think the Warriors are staring worse in the face exactly and that’s after that’s after Steph right okay well it’s with staff too like they haven’t made the playoff three or five years I’m not ready for it I I’m really not and I’ll just I’ll sum it up let me be late to the party no but let me give you this I’m putting all my faith in Joe Lake up he’s never been here the brink of a dynasty if even if it’s over but the brink in the bridge of not falling off after being on top for a decade and the talk of the NBA the Joey light years thing to me he’s not doing it for me he’s doing it for himself in his franchise but that’s going to finally be tested like and we’re going to watch starting in any day and it’s already started I’m sure behind closed doors but the Giants are on the bottom you can’t fall from the floor and I think right now unfortunately they don’t got a raw raw guy with the mouthpiece and for the last time I thought I retired it you were gone I was at the Bayer Sports Hall of Fame ceremony last week sty last Monday and I just watched him just be him and I’m like if he was selling chocolate I don’t think he would be at the top of the leaderboard you know like there’s just something was off and I could be totally wrong but I’m here for it sty I got my popcorn and I’m not saying Farhan can’t be a part of it the reason the the Giants haven’t gotten the big boys maybe okay can’t close now that’s okay but there are other factors too yeah and I’m not saying they’re not uh Allison on the hey YouTube chat I was at the game last night and it was awful sitting amongst all the Dodger fans wasn’t fun in any kind of way including the food wow so crappy wow man she said the aw Donnie awful well they were last night yeah they were last night that’s for sure that’s for sure the question is now where do where do they go from here no doubt you got web on the bump right your best pitcher yes all right absolutely um Bobby Evans was on with the Willard and dibs I believe yesterday and uh he talked specifically about uh how you worry about the farm system and and where you go to build one you got to believe in your guys you’ve got to believe in your staff your coaches the scouts the managers let the managers manage let the coaches coach you know have a clear philosophy but also Empower your people to to do their best work make sure the players know that you believe in them make sure that the the staff knows you believe in them and give opportunity ultimately as a as a major league club it’s your job to Steward we’re it’s our job to Steward the careers of these players and coaches and we got to make sure in order in stewarding them you we’re going to get the most out of them which is creating an atmosphere an environment where you know they feel like they can get better and you know our job is to make sure that they have the best coaches the best medical staff the best conditioning staff the best technology the best analytics the best position to succeed best facilities possible and when you provide those tools and you believe in them you’re gonna get results all right that was Bobby Evans so my my question is this precise to the point and I’ll ask you and and Evan this so faron’s been here uh this is seventh year or sixth year 201 18 19 20 21 22 23 it’s his seventh year Evan mhm what’s the Giants philosophy it’s a great question I couldn’t tell you honestly that we’re smarter than you H that’s really what he we’re smarter than you do you think he think right now I don’t think people like that will never back off that so yes I think he’s embarrassed and I think that’s why he did what he did in regard to spending the Nordstrom card in the in the uh in the offseason Evan still thinking about their philosophy well at first I mean I love it leaning into Modern Baseball not just the analytic part of things but being openminded developing from within those are all things I think they believe philosophically so I think that is their philosophy is grooming or growing from within but you can’t really say it’s their philosophy because they haven’t done it you can just go down the list of Draft picks they’ve made the trades that they’ve made like there is I want to say the Giants have been over the last five years if you look at the number of Trades that they’ve made they’ve made one of the most or they’re in the top you know 10 but you can’t name a certain player from a trade that has borne fruit so I think philosophically they are a mod they are built like a modern BAS base team that is supposed to be successful but the actual execution of it all has been less than lackluster yeah I I thought that’s I thought that’s what their game plan was their game plan was to build the farm system and then ideally in three or four years man you have a bunch of guys who are ready to play in the major leagues and then you start to win and then if you need a big boy you you you’re a getting Goose pumps here and you put it out like that I mean and that’s what we were told we we got to stop thinking that the Giants are some kind of special franchise that all things being equal somebody’s going to lean to the Giants those days are passed yeah that’s going by the wayside I feel like now it’s if the GI if the Giants are in on it with any other team they’re at the disadvantage they’re at a disadvantage right now boy uh on the bubble says ownership is to blame they are okay with this well and there’s something to that well there is but they did try to address it in the off season it just hasn’t worked so far you know what I mean yeah so there’s there’s that I do know oh please 530 bull sign Demar D rozan I was gonna say d way it was late it was goodness Demar D Roan I’m talking about a shack I’m talking about uh Kevin Durant I’m talking about donic down the line those kind of guys we’ll see I mean you’re we’re gonna find out about Joe lob too it’s it’s and there’s no I’ll tell you what about Lake up no matter what happens yes he’s already won if he just keeps it real and stay true and stays true to who he’s being what okay you can go you can go sign Matt steitz and bring him in if he doesn’t work out you know what that was activity you closed the deal fans had hope the player didn’t do his part it didn’t work out there’s a difference when there’s effort and and and you try that and that’s what I just don’t feel like’s going on here with the Giants man well I feel like they tried in the offseason oh no and that’s why I’m still telling anybody and I and I’ll stand by St both hands on my holster uh you got over a hundred games but you changed your philosophy cuz you’re desperate and that’s what it signals to me and you know what and that’s why I don’t want the Warriors to sign or to trade for a guy like Kevin Durant because that’s over that’s the way I feel would you tell Steph that though because if I’m Steph oh my God I want you to go get Durant you got to do right by him can’t do it wow can’t do it I got a responsibility to be a good team after Steph Curry is here but Joe you owe me you owe me some I don’t owe you anything you got four I built this yeah you think what you mean please you think Joe I have built this you think Joe lob thinks that Steph Curry runs the franchise I got news for you now run and build it’s totally different but come on sty I told you what I thought about Joe Lake he’s a killer and he’ll Steph Curry if he thinks it can help Curry’s a killer too apparently not well I’m just saying like the the the notion that this couldn’t happen to the Warriors well I’m not come on now I’m not saying that I’m hoping it doesn’t happen Austin’s in San Jose what’s up Austin guy hey yeah he hey guys listen steiny I’m I’m with you man it’s interesting conversation that the power laws actually you know are we are we so sure we’re not heading down that road uh could be heading down that road with the Warriors I mean we don’t want to we don’t want to think about it g uh Guru but uh if they don’t if they don’t get a plan for transition either in terms of like steiny said running with the youngsters or whoever those youngsters are and I think the other parallel steiny is that I’m I’m with you I I don’t know that the Warriors youngsters I’d be so comfortable saying that they’re the guys in fact I don’t believe they are but so the Giants are giants are kind of showing us what could be the Warriors and don’t think for a second Guru I know we think that these things last forever with Steph Curry and all that stuff but the Giants found out that you know you you get empty seats and a hurry doubt you know listen I pay I paid to see New Orleans game this year brother and they were walking out of that game okay I was there they were booing if you have too many games like that in in Chase Center I don’t care who’s on the court there’s going to be empty seats so so steiny I guess the the conversation should continue around hey what are the parallels and are we sure the Warriors have a plan to avoid what we’re seeing for the you know what what we’re seeing with the with the Giants and the last thing I want to say about the Giants guys I’m not a big baseball guy but I will say this uh faran is getting he’s doing what the owner wanting to do he’s making money for the team I mean as much as we talk about his what the players are doing he’s still making money he and they did the same thing with the A’s the A’s made money in spite of the fact that they they were terrible on the field and the fans didn’t like it they made money so the owners care about that first and for for most and then the second thing is is the fans and what they think I think they do have to pay attention to the entertainment part of it though because if it’s not entertaining fans won’t won’t won’t won’t stick around very long guys thanks thanks Austin appreciate the call yeah we’re up against the stting but the one thing about the Giants and warriors is that Giants don’t have Steph Curry like Busters gone he’s 36 they’re not going to have Steph in two years I he you talking about the now though like this is the problem with a lot of you all yeah look at you better hey put your glass is that God you you have to start planning for life without step and that’s okay and if you don’t you could be destined for this kind of thing but Ste and I’m not here Steph is not Larry Holmes he’s still bringing something to the table and that’s why what you just said is why we operate with urgency when a dur is available or somebody of his caliber we go now cuz we know the end is coming it’s over over it’s over this segment is you’re right uh what’s coming up next in the game is presented by Fremont Bank full service banking no compromises ladies and gentlemen start your engines the event [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] a [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] Piera Alex Smith Jeff Garcia and others if you want to go to the event you can buy tickets at Dwight clarka tickets are $87 and 100% of the proceeds goes to the Golden Heart fund Willard and dibs will be at the Dwight Clark Legacy series tomorrow so won’t want to miss that heavy weights uh what was the other they had Steve Young on yesterday did you get a chance to hear him uh I heard most of it yeah um here’s the other here’s the other thing the Giants are battling right now like Melvin didn’t come here to manage this team that he’s managing right now he came here to he came here to manage Snell Harrison web Wade conforto cair Chapman that’s who he thought he was going to manage he thought he was going to marry a veteran team I got you but what did you tell me yesterday goo life is not fair yeah and that will change okay so now what does he do you got to make the most out of exactly yeah what you have now but the one thing about what you just said steiny is we have got a glimpse of this team healthy and everybody available and it wasn’t anything to write home about right and even though we we all knew or Evan predicted that both guys were going to get off the slow starts and they did yeah I remember when Evan said I don’t think Giants fans know how bad Blake sn’s going to start cuz last year start well all right so nothing to see here then hey uh you know what we missed yesterday uh I do what Kyrie Irving scoring less than 10 points in two of the last three playoff games no it’s yesterday was the 10th anniversary of 10 years ago yesterday not us what happened 10 all right hold on that would be 14 Giants won the World Series no on this date hand down man down Steve Kerr became the coach of the Golden State Warrior wow 10 years ago yesterday why’ you say Mark yeah cuz that’s who he replaced and then won titles man if Mark had it to do over again he’s got a podcast I if he had it to do over again finish that he would have treated people differently knowing he wasn’t going to get a second chance which is a bunch of crap Ola well is that the only reason he would treat people nicely is so he would get a second chance that doesn’t sound like a nice guy to me he’s got God H boy yeah we all do he knows where to find God I know that man yeah what a I got to tell you our gu got me what a great hire Joe lob made no that was incredible incredible he won in his first year even though Mark toughened him up came up with the moniker the Splash Brothers oh that’s yeah that scored a lot of points for him remember he said this the best shooting back court ever yeah and he was right and Steve Kerr came and said that’s the offense you were running under Mark Jackson I’m laughing but it’s true dude I used to watch clay and Steph dribble it sometimes they wouldn’t even get a shot off at the end the game uh sequences but uh shout out to sterr he’s dude’s got four yes he does he absolutely does you wanted to say something about something oh the boss so the great James concade came in today might or might not have dropped off some Valkyrie swag and I heard him say there’s something in there for the host so there’s six of us so I go in you know a little taller than them I go you got my shirt and then I could sense something was off you know I got the guru sense so he goes in the bag and he’s fumbling through the bag and then he goes well you know one’s not going to fit you and I didn’t like the way he said one’s going to fit me right so he goes it’s a large I said larges are different so I grabbed the shirt put it up under my neck he goes you don’t got it all the way up under there I go so I’m already sensing you don’t want me to have this shirt and I go oh this will fit me he goes well the problem is there’s four shirts I go you so you were trying to take me out the sweep steaks without taking me out the sweep steak saying I couldn’t fit a l that’s a big large and your boy still in the sweep snakes so now he’s got to figure out who doesn’t I love you did you say I could have yours if it came in the essence of being a team player dude yep something happened to you on the trip oh you can also uh go to shop. if you want to get some Valkyries gear there you go who’s the coach we don’t know that yet the first drafty what about your girl last night Caitlyn Clark was it that many 10 okay was her first game she hit a couple heavy mov she set a w NBA record for turnovers in didn’t oh boy 10 turnovers she hit a three though she had 20 though yeah yeah she had 20 20 and 10 couple nice hesy moves nice 20 and 10 for she’ll be all right you know I kept I yeah she’s fine uh I kept watching that game last night thinking is this sustainable you know they they had a sellout in Connecticut for the game against the fever so Connecticut sold out in large part because of Caitlyn Clark and their prices fluctuated too I wonder I wonder if like that can continue through multiple games in multiple cities if she if she is anything remotely close to what she was in school steiny it will and that’s what we’re talking about that one thing to set it off like Latifa I already know one person that is traveling to San Antonio to see Caitlyn Clark like they’ve already bought their tickets when the fever go to San Antonio really Evan come on yeah cuz they they want to see it play and that’s just where where their trip kind of Al lines they’re in Texas but like they’re making time and spending money to go see Kaylin Clark and in two years we’ll be able to see her in the bay yeah we will wow it’s a good point I I didn’t even think about that we’re getting a WNBA team the Valkyries and all people got jokes it’s the XL I wear go ahead son Guru did what he always did don’t talk about that during the break no he he did what he always did he did what he always does sty Minnesota has no chance right they’re done right Minnesota’s done a fork in them okay have degrees sty it’s over man they’ve bottled up your boy he has no help and you were the same guy that said Minnesota’s going to sweep him after they were up 2 that’s what I mean when I say when you say those things they don’t matter but let me speak let me act like at your funeral even though you ain’t going nowhere you take your stuff out on the world on me and right now you’re mad and you’re blaming me Minnesota hey if you want to do it take it out on me but sty and Finch is so great man he said something so basketball esque yesterday he said we’re not passing the ball the ball’s sticking dude’s trying to do too much and that could be Denver’s defense but sty you’re they got they figured out Ant-Man well they can’t and man now he’s going to be like I needed somebody I need somebody else well don’t forget they were playing without Conley last night that W that came out of nowhere he heard his Achilles on the last play of game uh four well and he already has hurt the head coach oh boy I had forgot nice way to sabotage your season Mike Friendly Fire yeah I mean your boy got off the bench last night I said sit down finy sit down I felt bad for him saw he was trying to crawl over the scores table on one leg scream at the he’s a gamer you look you guys are brothers man they’re not done they just have to win their next game they got one more game left 48 minutes can’t stand when you do this but it’s fact and it’s not me just saying it watch it’s not fact who’s the lady go watch the game again Steines it’s over Denver has figured him out like this I how did I get teamed with this guy watch the game says and then you’re okay it’s if EV said right both you guys do it both you guys do it and you’re both wrong most of the time told you not to count out the Nuggets that segment ladies and gentlemen was brought to you by the Alam County Probation Department watch the game again then sigy won a career with purpose great pay outstanding benefits and a promising future the Alam [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] a [Music] a yeah [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh I’m going to watch it believe me I I really I I really love now back to steiny and Guru on 957 the game all right did you know it was uh tick season lime diseases transmitted through the bite of infected ticks visit ATO pest controls website today to learn more and take control at atop two days away from what’s bugging you yeah I got a lot top 10 we do it now hey can we not bury the lead you guys got an event tomorrow I told St and the listeners tuxedo will be the attire with those heavy weights yeah definitely not definitely thought he was right what is the official attire smart business casual okay which is a leap to know that a guy who wears shorts to work every day knows what smart business casual is but we’ve kind of worked our way through it and I have an idea radio industry is not one to be told hey dress smart we don’t do smart right so um I don’t think anyone knows what that is but but further description was was provided uh I don’t think we’ll be wearing shorts no I don’t think we’ll be wearing hats suits I don’t think we’ll be wearing denim no okay once you get past that then you can go ahead and NWA Express Yourself yes I’m going to be wearing something that is synonymous with a former Giants first baseman who love to look at 32 pitches on the corner and not swing at them Brandon Belt I’ll be wearing a belt that is great I thought you were going to wear a giraffe suiton and I yeah we wore suits to the Bay Area sports Hol of f we weren’t in it no you went full uh baby faran with the bow tie you look great you look great yeah no there will not be a tie tomorrow wow my tie went on after the show but uh you won’t no I definitely won’t I’m definitely going to wear a jacket though I have a nice jacket that I picked up a couple years ago that it fit me two years ago and then it did not fit for the last couple years but it fits now like a Blazer yeah yeah yeah okay like a Blazer I will not yeah I will just because it now fits and so I’m in a in a spot now where my whole closet has opened it’s wide open cuz I’m no longer a fat red pumpkin that I used to be so now there’s a lot of clothes that I can wear again 23 still 23 yeah we won’t weigh in again until uh probably tomorrow maybe Friday look at him and steiny knows this if you weigh in every day it’s like some days you’re up two some days you’re down one you’re up three you’re down three it it becomes a little bit too much of a roller coaster of emotions so I try to just weigh in once a week check in Thursday where am I but uh we’re doing pretty well are you ever down eight like the Giants were last night at home I said that’s the low five dude that was a low they were down nine by way oh man true the low Point came when they were down six when your boy hit it cuz I didn’t even know they were down eight cuz I left wow he left think about who we’re talking about here and I wasn’t at the game I’m saying I changed the station to watch the Nuggets play The Wolves I I watched the whole game but I’ll be honest I missed the bottom of the ninth that’s actually I went back for the bottom of the ninth because what the Cadence that we have in our house this is how I knew they went down eight is uh little guy will get out of the shower and this is bad parenting but he perpetually has his iPad open and like the TV’s not enough I got you TV on one game the internet is up to a different game and he’s like Dad the Dodgers got 10 I’m like sweet I don’t want to talk about this anymore go to bed and then uh and then he goes hey Luciano’s up and I went oh give me the remote I want to watch Marco hit there we go and then uh and then he grounded into a double play and we went right back to the NBA game yeah boy boy was it a hard hit ball it was okay he got good wood on it you know I don’t think the exit V was over a 100 but he yeah it he play center I love MOS but Lucio has never played anything other than shortstop except for four games in the Dominican winter league the dwl if you look at his baseball reference so the Giants are hellbent on him being a shortstop even though Bobby Evans joined us yesterday we heard good job you know Bobby he didn’t say that he can’t play short but he’s like yeah you know with a big body like that you got to wonder if they see him as a short stop if you don’t maybe see him as a short stop here’s an idea put him in left let him try third base I don’t know he’s got the frame but what about Matos is he going to continually be ran out in Center um Melvin was like yes is a great right fielder we get that Melvin said it is what it is you see that oh man he said Matos is going to play well so so so here’s here’s the rub it what it is yeah this is the rub the rub is is you’re hearing uh some people maybe within the organization certainly within the fan base are sort of arriving at play the kids mode play the kids all right well if you’re going to play the kids stick him out there and and and right we’re supposed to quote see what he can do now I personally think I’ve already seen enough because we got a lot of data last year and he was not a good outfielder 76 games and then they spent all off SE trying to work on that and now we’ve had two games and it looks like I’m not going to say he’s lost them both but neither one of them was a I talking and and and the Monday night game he might have had a hand in losing that baseball game so I don’t know you know yeah Yas is really good and right so why weaken yourself there for Center um but here’s the deal dude your center field is probably gonna miss the rest of the year man so who’s going out there I don’t know what a crazy injury if he’s out for the year it’s going to be it’s going to be at least a couple months how do you guys view just and and I don’t I don’t even know where I’m going with this that Farhan in the off season signs Snell um uh Solair Chapman’s not hitting and then who’s the four oh three of the four are hurt like can you really hold it against Farhan this team’s had put eight guys on the injured list in the last 10 days I mean that’s it is what it is you’re not going to beat the Dodgers so hang in there scratch and Claw and wait for the guys to get healthy yes and I think the Jung hul Le injury is one where I mean the guy got hurt playing exactly the way that you wanted him to play you assigned him to be the grandson of the wind and he played a great center field and he went out for a ball and you know scor that one for the Outfield wall Jorge Solair yesterday taking one off the head in batting practice that is just ‘s luck as Bo might say the Blake Snell one well that one to me becomes interesting because you have a guy have a muscle injury after coming in late to camp and not going through his normal offseason workload and now he gets an injury that could be related to him not properly preparing is that on Farhan not so much as it is on the player but you sign the player and now the players hurt so the bottom line is if this year ends the way it’s kind of gone so far that can’t be good for Faron guys guys guys guys guys break breaking news what 957 the game breaking news the NFL’s 2024 Thanksgiving Day schedule give it to me been released I know we playing game one the Detroit Lions will host Packers the Chicago Bears Willam game two the Dallas Cowboys will host the New York Giants okay and the night game no the Green Bay Packers will host the ners the Miami Dolphins oh well okay there’s your Thanksgiving Day the ners aren’t playing Christmas no Christmas no Thanksgiving for those of you for those of you who missed the earlier breaking news I like it Christmas Day uh games they will be on Netflix all of them all of them only two of them cuz it’s Wednesday There’s No night game so these will be played in the 10:00 a.m. and 1:30 window our time first one Ravens at Texans second one Chiefs at Steelers man two good games yeah I like it there you go I like it there’s your holiday schedule 2024 I really thought the Niners were going to be in one of I thought they might be in Detroit for Thanksgiving I thought that they might do that I feel like the Bears have played the lions like five of the last six thanksgivings but whatever um I’m actually in a way kind of glad that the Niners don’t play on these either of these days right because last year we had with everything that’s Co and different all Christmas has been messed up for a few years with our group sometimes people have been sick it had nothing to do with Co whatever last year we had remember there was the Southwest flight debacle a a few years ago so last year we had a perfect Christmas and then it got ruined because the 49ers came out and played like crap and I got told quit watching the game yeah so like I I I kind of dig like just just put your feet up and watch somebody else lose right right and for me Christmas is still about the NBA and I know the NFL is kind of moved in and Mos on over and I wonder if the Warriors don’t get a Christmas Day game cuz they’ve gotten a Christmas Day game now for what sty six years in a row or maybe even more yeah there is there are five of them so a third of the league play as long as you’re going the NFL schedule uh we should mention there’s five International games this year did you know that yeah three in where are they Brazil Frankfurt and three in London week one Brazil yes buos Harris Philadelphia Eagles Paulo oh you’re right Paulo buos not I thought it was Frankfurt I could be wrong I mean you know having been to Germany as many times there no game in Mexico there are three in Mexico I believe no I thought you just said London Paulo and Frankfurt oh so no in Mexico no no in Mexico game okay where’d that go uh to S Paulo to sou Paulo okay and I could tell you what those games are but Packers and Eagles sou Paulo on a Friday night the day the day after the open get out of here why get out of here Friday’s for happy hour no it’s not everyday is for football every day is for football are you out on on uh no I’ll be watching day after Thanksgiving football I watch all of it Black Friday yeah I’m there who plays on that day I don’t know we don’t have that 500 schedule comes out it’s got to be like the shrine ball well it used to be uh Texas Texas A&M was the oh so there is an NFL there is an NFL game on Friday after there was this last year there was the Dolphins played the Jets is that right something like that that’s the gluttony of the NFL is unparal Mone Mone money wait wait until this year’s Christmas shows them the way of how to do Wednesday night football do dot dot who wants the Wednesday night football package that’ll be for sale here in another couple of years well I think that if they play Wednesday and they are then they will play on every day of the week this year except for Tuesday and I would imagine that there will be a Tuesday if there’s a weather delay Monday they’ll find a way to go to Tuesday this is what many people have long clamored for which which is just play the NFL every single day of the week wow it does now you’re baseball the Wednesday thing does get complex because if you’re the Chiefs and the Steelers it’s Christmas Day therefore you are in theory two weeks away maybe from a playoff game and you will be playing your third game in 11 days see I got to believe they got that that’s tough factored in though that’s tough like what they do and when they play after well well no week after that wins the week after that would in theory be week 18 you get week and a half off but you will have played on Christmas day that will be your third game in 11 days unless you have a buy preing that usually usually no buy that late in the year yeah after week 14 I think is the last week bu so from what I have read this is a thing now you play on Christmas Day when it’s on a Wednesday you are playing your third game in 11 days wow the ners did that the ners had to do something like that last was similar to that but it’s hard 49 of Frankie was mad it’s not easy you’re listening to 957 the kgmz FM and HD1 San Francisco always live on the free Odyssey app twitch and YouTube powered by first NorCal Credit Union yeah looking forward to schedule at 5 o’clock we’re having a schedule release party and you’re all invited 5 o’clock today Mark has put together a great guest list for our party we’re going to do it live on the air as the schedule gets released we are going to have many many guests at our party and I of course will go through and give you the first look at EX exactly how the ners will do the last seven years I’ve gotten it exactly right every game I’ve predicted has come to pass so stay tuned for that I thank you GRE because I was like where the hell is the proof on that it’s the same proof as Mr O I had Minnesota back in January there no no wow shot fir I’m gonna give you a that’s a guru there you go by the way by the way Guru you you might you might want to not only listen closely to the schedule relase party it’s possible that you might want to be a part of it you should be um because I’m excited what yeah the reason being is what we’re doing is we’re going to have a few high-profile fans of 49er opponents who will come on all right all right I’m available and we’ll we’ll listen we’ll whack it around a little bit and uh I believe that that you are all right a high-profile fan you guys let me know all right y only if you do it with a toothpick we had a call or call no we had a guess what was our guy je uh Jesse Rogers he does I love Jesse yeah he’s good we were talking about the state of the Giants and out of nowhere guys he threw some he didn’t throw rocks but he threw some rocks that people have at San Francisco and why the Giants may be having trouble Landing free agents and it didn’t I wasn’t ready for it because it it kind of just naturally happened organically but what did he say Stan you want to he just said you know that there there are factors that are that are hurting them the perception of this like I he said he said there are real issues wow and so I wrote down real issues and I said so can I assume the real issues are the perception of the city taxes I’m getting maybe the stadium and he said yeah and are you buying that guy across the board he basically agreed with that he might have thrown in one or two more yeah but I was just I’m not ready yet you know they’re not winning so they’re not attractive right now sure that’s that’s circ*mstantial you got used by judge and he was never going to leave the taxes is never that’s not new but you pay taxes in La pay taxes in New York that’s not new uh the ballpark I do think that’s a thing I think that’s a thing for for hitters I do too and it has been for a while and uh Blake snail chose to come Johny was like it was late good as did Jorge Solair and Matt Chapman and Jung Huli so I I will still reject I’m not saying there aren’t certain individuals who are like I don’t want to live in San Francisco the same way there are individuals who I don’t want to live in New York and I don’t want to live in Texas and I don’t want to live in wherever I think that that’s that’s always a part of free agency the idea that the Giants are in some sort of disadvantage versus other teams around the country just because of San Francisco I’m sorry I refuse to buy it I refuse you cannot tell me that San Francisco is what the worst city in The Bigs it’s not that’s it and and so like and people I won’t say it and people who are all going to live in Lafayette anyway are freaked out because because what because because when they’re crossing the bridge they have to look into the City and oh my God but that’s the thing you can never get an answer he it was his truth he feels that way and we’ve heard about it before Farhan kind of alluded to iter yeah Buster alluded to it who was Brian I’s biggest free agent signing if you can remember because but that’s not what they did they had the home that’s my point is they’ve never built through free agency so if if there are challenges in every city like like I said Toronto some guys don’t want to play in Toronto they just don’t want to play in Toronto and so the if if you can’t sign it’s like it’s like Oklahoma City in basketball you better have a good farm system then if you can’t get free agents and he has built it apparently so now they don’t have either I mean he was the assistant GM when they got bonds wasn’t he bonds and there was a reason he came different that’s different sure right and I you look at I think the biggest factor for me if I’m a free agent hitter is the ballpark and they’re number 26 in terms of ability to hit this year in the ballpark factors so if you’re a hitter and you’re thinking about free agent destinations this would not be the place you would choose and forget the the politics if you’re not politically aligned with the Way San Francisco is maybe that’s a factor if you’re not somebody who is you know wanting to pay state taxes that might be a factor the city condition in certain areas that might be a factor but for me the overarching ones are is this team any good and how do I hit in this ballpark well I was hoping that shohi realized last night is actually not that hard to hit it out of here he actually said he likes it beautiful did he say that oh yeah I’ve seen two guys hit a ball where that went it it was Sosa right-hander and Barry yeah and I found out Slater did I was like where’s that game Harper Harper hit one Harper Harper hit one that went over that was a bomb it was absolute uh shot yeah yeah it was a shot no he like wriggly he said he loved he said it was beautiful views what was the other part he said about about being here last night I just saw him say it’s a beautiful ball beautiful views I enjoying looking at the beautiful views as I watch the ball fly over the fence I had that point yeah it I mean no I to me um the biggest detractor is it’s the team it’s the fact that the way that the front office has done things I think like they’re it’s not that they’re not classy to their players they are I think they treat them well in that sort of like periphery way like they treat the family well they they don’t they don’t skimp on things I think all of that is fine but I do think there is also they have gone so deep into um the metrics and the analytics that it feels very there’s the players and then there’s the front office and they’re not all on the same team all right speaking of which now the front office I’m going above Farhan it’s hurting that there’s no owner that PE fans feel like they a Joe lob or a York who the hell is the owner on third and King and where is he I don’t think that’s helping Farhan at all the representative of is Greg Johnson and I don’t care if I know him I care that I don’t like what I do know of him I don’t know what he looks like I know what he looks like and and and I know what he has said and and the things that he says do not sound like somebody who’s hellbent on winning that’s that’s what I think but unlike the A’s he let his GM open to he gave him the credit card to go purchas yeah they they they went and spent some money they went and spent some money um there’s so many problems there’s so many problems there’s too many to count what what’s the number one before we get out of here injury uh uh no that’s a for me that’s a little too uh that’s a little too SP the it’s a little too spur the moment um wow I got a lot to say on this today all right all right well we’ll uh well for me number one is uh you got love you got two and a half minutes right he was 209 gave me out the bag is not on the shoulder I appreciate you taking the invitation away D well I would love to answer the question the bag is not on the shoulder and you don’t have a collared shirt on so I know you don’t have a tea time so 212 feels Fair very fair to me the biggest answer is not injuries it is your roster’s not good enough they tried to get it better in free agency but what you had before that is not good enough and the youngsters that you’ve brought up we go they’re not good enough either and last night’s a great example where your center fielder who is a replacement can’t field your catcher is having trouble throwing people out and you have too many automatic outs in your lineup so yeah your additions it’d be great if they were healthy and playing better the fact that they’re not for me is not the number one issue to me the number one issue is that what you have in general is not good enough but what leads to that like that’s that’s a symptom what’s the disease well the disease is and you know I don’t want to blame the one guy who put this thing together but that to me is where you would look because the collection of talent they’ve put together is substandard that to me is yeah the symptom is a catcher who can’t throw and a fielder who can’t field and base runners who can’t base run HS who can’t hit but I think lack of talent is the symptom what’s the disease why disease is an organizational inability to uh identify and attract talent that to me is the I think it is scouting young Talent young young Talent high school and college they don’t love the young people I’ll give you two words uh overthinking and ego man one big word one small word yep and he’ll have more on that cuz we were told that this Farm was good vegetables were real good giving you the the tea up gur that time blame him don’t blame me Mark’s going to expand on that I’ll be listening I want you to leave I am out you be listening I’m going to be listening to 957 the game they’re longtime friends let me tell you something real quick about dibs that I’m sure not everybody knows and first time Partners hang in there big guy there’ll be Bri days ahead now these two H grown Bay Area boys finally come together to take over Sports Talk get the hell off of my doorstep Major League Baseball you stetin it’s Willard and dibs on 957 the game all right man today’s the day today’s the day today is the day that a lot of people um who have listened to me talk about Giants baseball today is the day you’ve been uh you’ve been waiting for that’s so freaking embarrassing I can’t even I don’t know what to do with this anymore yeah I don’t know what to do with this anymore I know everybody’s trying I know that it’s early Mark and I know that everybody’s hurt and you’re right it is early by the way don’t take anything I’m about to say to mean that uh I’m giving up on the season right ah play the kids it’s not going to work anyway who does that it’s me I’m not that that no not giving up on the season I was on my app this morning trying to buy tickets my kids really really want to go to a game you know what I’d like to show them a good time right this is so painful for Giants fans to watch the Dodgers come to town and do this to us and I wonder if the front office is embarrassed or if they still want to just tell us that we don’t know we don’t know what we’re talking about I don’t care who’s right anymore I don’t care who’s smart I don’t care who has a good idea or a plan or what the analytics say all I know is that this hurts like hell to sit here and watch our ballpark get overtaken by the Rival feel like every at bat is a complete mismatch it’s kindergarteners against seniors in high school and we’re acting like it’s a fair playing field and we’re thrilled when we almost win H Monday night it took him to 10 before it all fell apart this is terrible and the list of reasons is long and everyone’s got their favorite one and I’ve reached a point where they’ve filled up my brain so much that I don’t care anymore who’s right it doesn’t matter who’s right this is awful this is absolutely an awful experience to be a Giants fan right now so I will start by pointing the finger at me I have been the loudest voice in this town in support of this front office I think there’s all kinds of things that people don’t know about this front office who they actually are what they’re trying to do where the efforts have come from and yes they are smart they’re not stupid and they’re not cheap they just proved that too so I think there’s all kinds of things and and and and that’s why I’ve spent as long as I have going you know what okay be patient what about a little of this what about that maybe it’ll come around don’t forget 2021 107 wins my bad okay me a Culp of time I have spent the better part of five years saying that no this I I still think this can be the right thing and sure maybe I’m the last one to get off the bus and so that makes me wrong wrong wrong I don’t care where you point the finger I think it’s silly to point it only at Farhan I think you can point it in almost any direction you want and have a point I just want to say this is not okay you cannot look like this you can not let that beautiful building get overtaken by let’s go Dodgers chance you cannot have the kids who are being taken to baseball games over there be excited when sh Otani on the other team hits a home run because they just want to be excited about something the Giants surprise you right now when the ball goes to the Outfield off of one of their bats it’s shocking when it’s not a ground ball and I know they’re good ball players over there and they’re hurt and they’re trying and they’re this that and the other but I’m sorry this is big big big time billion dooll professional sports so trying I got Yoda for you there’s no try you have to do you cannot look like this when the Dodgers come to town you know how ridiculous they looked in their City connects last night I love those jerseys but last night you actually did look like ice cream cones nobody’s in the mood for your bright orange and by the way this year they’re seethrough I don’t know if you all saw the Instagram post they put out there’s Casey Schmidt with his City connect outfit and you can see his jersey tucked into his pants in front of his crotch my God the whole thing is so cringeworthy I I don’t even know what to do with it anymore your Ace is facing your rival tonight good Lord I hope you look like a baseball team whole experience is absolutely out of control right now my bad I’m sorry I’m sorry for everything I’ve said the last four years you don’t have to be sorry good freaking God I can really appreciate your sentiment and your emotions and last night was unfortunately I think indic ative of where these two teams are and that’s what makes Monday night for me hurt even more because Monday night and I said this on Twitter yesterday you know Monday night was the one you should have had last night is really more indicative of where you are versus The Dodgers their top five hitters including pinch hitters they went 11 for 23 and they drove in eight runs your top five including Luciano who came in and pinch hit for YZ you had a total of three hits in 16 at bats you were for 16 they were 11 for 23 and you know the bottom of your order Casey Schmidt with a couple of hits and you know the young guys are showing a little bit here and there of Flash and promise but you look at your team compared to that team and you are not even in the same sport in all honesty and then you you look at the crowd and your crowd is being dominated by their crowd and your building which is something that had never happened before so you said it I think pretty accurately in my opinion you can’t just point the one finger at the one guy and say you are the problem and if we do something about you for hany well then everything is going to be fixed it’s not that it’s an organizational thing where the fan base has lost faith they’ve lost connection you mentioned the city connect uniforms it’s the city connect uniform the city disconnect rather because your fan base is disconnected season ticket holders are selling their tickets to Dodger fans Dodger fans are buying up your ticket tickets in bunches knowing what’s going to happen which is most likely a sweep the Giants could e it out tonight with Logan web and the spread the odds are very close I think the Giants are plus 125 Dodgers minus 145 with an opener who we don’t even know who will be by the way but this is indicative of where you are so to just point the finger at Farhan is wrong or Bob Melvin or Larry bear or Greg Johnson or whoever you want to blame this is every body from the top all the way to the bottom um we can use the word they yeah it’s not it’s not a he right um but it’s the Giant’s pronoun right now is they the whole front office you you have a plan I bought into your plan your plan hasn’t worked is that all your fault here’s my answer it doesn’t matter right right it doesn’t matter I am not sitting here today trying to chase someone down with blame I am trying to express to the Giants organization how painful this is for fans of the team this is a painful experience it’s not funny and I say that knowing that it’s just Sports it’s not like I’m taking some sort of an ego hit to bed every night right at 10 o’clock I can laugh well get a bowl of ice cream and go to bed it’s okay but what did you do last night and you said it during the crossover and I don’t know what point of the game is when it happened for you but you did something that you don’t normally do if they’re playing the Marlins or The Orioles or the Rays let alone the Dodgers I turned it off I left you you left I left to watch a basketball game in Denver colle that wasn’t close by the way in the first quarter right it did like I just couldn’t watch anymore you turned it off a guy who will watch of the 162 you will watch at least part of probably 145 of them 153 of them I mean like almost all of them exactly exactly you’re a guy who covered the team you spent many a many a many a night doing post game you love this team this this is your team and yet in May miday you turned it off you turned it off Mark they turned you off is what happened when this time of year gets here I look so forward to this right they have Center Stage we talk about this in my home there’s almost a competition to see like when can we get Dad to buy the tickets how much can we get Dad spend when who do we get to there is so much excitement for this and that’s what I’m upset about I understand some of this is out of everyone’s control Patrick Bailey’s got a concussion Jorge Solair is firing balls off the top of his head God Jung Huli is trying his butt off and ends up blowing his shoulder out conforto with a twisty whatever the hell’s going on over there I don’t know Ahmed Murphy right they’re all hurt and so to measure them now against the Dodgers has a bit of unfairness that’s not what I’m getting at what I’m getting at is that you have you have become so formic with the way that you do this and by the way more importantly than that because every baseball team in America has a whole room that is called their Analytics Department the Dodgers have one too they’ve got a big room and it’s filled with computers and gizmos and they’ve got all of the information and data they all use this but good grief can you please be open to evolve when you see something that’s not working can you stop telling everyone around you yes it is is we know what we’re doing you can’t do that for three straight years while you’re just losing losing losing and by the way losing happens in sports I’m not even terribly upset about that what I’m upset about is that you have created something completely lifeless in place of something that I love with every fiber of my being it feels like the season is getting cancelled because the product that you have created over there means that we have to turn our TV on every night right now this week and watch our Rivals party in our faces woohoo let’s go Dodgers chance yeah loud too Giants fans applauding shohi hitting the ball 450 fet just because they’re like well at least we got to see that you got to tip your cap that was a bomb ski you can’t do this you can’t take Giants baseball and turn it into this we love this this is our city this is our team this is our sport you cannot take it and turn it into something so lifeless and keep telling us that you know what you’re doing you know who also this year is 19 and 25 the A’s and the Pirates the A’s the Pirates the Giants so when you talk about your brand and I know this is not only about the record and you’ve been very clear you’re on the record that this is not about the record and it’s not but the reality is if you’re a fan who’s just glancing at the standings in their morning paper and you see 19 and 25 and you see a 10 to two loss to the division rival how motivated are you to go and I guess that’s a question for you cuz I know you’re going on Friday are you going to still go on Friday yeah I’m going to go I mean are you looking forward to it like you normally would well yeah cuz I’m going to be with my lovely your lovely and your family I get that and we we’ll eat food and and we’ll have a drink and we’re going to have a phenomenal time are you worried about a rocky takeover no let’s go Rockies I I I I refuse to ever give up on the Giants that’s part of my DNA right so there’s no give up there’s no I’m not going there’s no protest but my God I get to be really upset and and I get to be upset with myself I went all in I went all in and to each and every one of you who over the last 5 years I told you you don’t know what you’re talking about my bad I didn’t know what I was talking about you may not Rob this city of our fun you can’t do it um we’d love to hear from you 888 957 9570 we’re sponsored by Scandinavian design it’s Willard and dibs don’t miss major Memorial Day savings at Scandinavian Designs [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] y [Music] [Applause] n n [Music] [Applause] n [Music] [Applause] [Music] he [Music] [Music] and hits it high hits it deep towards the ocean gone Dodgers take the lead and a mammoth home run from sh Otani now back to Willard and dibs on 957 the game I’d tell all of you to go tonight I want you all to go tonight Dodger fans not telling anybody to give up on anything to show Hey kid yeah go take the stadium back go take it back they won’t of course they won’t they can’t they can’t because it’s embarrassing you can’t go out like the whole fun of it don’t you understand what the fun of this is being a sports fan by the way 888 957 9570 am I like too much too soon do you want to come down my road for everything I’ve said for the last four years whatever 88 957 9570 let’s go I Take Me Out to the Ball Game if they don’t win it’s a game for it’s one two three balls they hit out at the old ball game what’s a fun of a rivalry a fun of a rivalry is the back and forth nature the competitiveness the familiarity of a team that you’ve swapped paint with you’ve gone back and forth rubbing is racing these two teams are evenly matched and you know what Mark when these two team teams meet each other what can you do you throw the records out not this time yeah not this time cuz you look at their lineup it’s Famer Famer Famer really good really good really good haven’t heard of him but he’s great really good that guy’s awesome okay and then maybe the number nine hitter we can get and for the Giants it’s hurt hurt rookie not good not good Rook Rook Rook Rook Rook Rook Rook Rook sorry I’m just trying to cheer you up I me I’ve never seen you like this well like that’s what it feels like this year right you guys have been asking me for a while now like why why am I this annoyed this quick it’s very very like not like me right at all you know what I mean it’s more like me don’t translate it into giving up never because I’m that’s why would I do that they’re two and a half out of the car yeah like I’m not I’m not this whole like ah screw it play the kids disagree right totally disagree season’s not over we’re in May chill that part of me is still totally chill that’s not what this is about I think I just finally accessed last night what I’m so annoyed about I feel robbed you took something from us these games were fun you could go to a game and accidentally get a ticket next to a Dodger fan and you could sit there and you could have like your little Trash Talk you could do your thing you could have your inning where the Giants put up twoo and you look at them and you go ah yeah all right see we got and then they come back and then you come back and the game invariably would be four to four in the ninth inning and someone would win we have got our tail so far up between our legs right now easy we are sitting here in the first inning going wonder how many the Dodgers will score here in the top of the first I watched the game on Monday Giants go up 3-1 I screamed cuz I was like ooh like they might actually have a chance to take this game late they take a 4-3 lead late I sat there the whole time I’m like let’s figure out how they’re going to blow it yeah CU they will because the Dodgers have a lineup that just won’t quit and I understand that if you measure almost any team against the Dodgers right now you’re going to come up short but you have pushed our Tails so far up between our legs right now we have all lost confidence we’ve lost the ability to go to the game and and Swagger in and and look at somebody wearing an opposing team’s Jersey and have a fun conversation you’ve lost we you’ve taken our ability in some cases to convince our children that this is where they would like to spend a Friday night or a Saturday afternoon it’s completely demoralizing as far as the process is concerned again you know me I’m not wrapping my selfworth up in the final score of tonight’s game right but you took something from us we love this and it stinks right now like if you think you’re creating something fun let me be the millionth to step until and tell you you’re not you’re not it’s not fun it is not fun to turn the game on it is not fun to have blue everywhere chanting partying my God Dodger fans are bringing pinatas to the game tonight cuz they know what’s going to happen the party starts in the first inning which is by the way all I’ve ever wanted for baseball go out there and have a great time but it’s really hard to do when you show up knowing that you’re about to get your butt kicked yeah every game is like the opening scene in platoon well it feels to me like Warriors Lakers did for the better part of 15 years where the Lakers would come to Oracle at the time the Oakland Alam County Coliseum and the Lakers would win and I’m just looking at the numbers they won 57 of 76 games over about a 15-year period 57 and 19 including multiple 10 game win streaks the Lakers would come to Oakland it would be two third Laker fans Warrior fans would sell their ticket tickets it’d be purple and gold it’d be magic and Kareem worthy and Byron Michael Cooper little bit of rambus even Jack smre would get into the game late and give you a couple of buckets an amazing poll and you know it was the same thing over and over you would you know you’d be in it in the second quarter and you’d end up losing by 17 and it’d be Laker fans everywhere and that’s kind of how this feels I spent my childhood with the greatest moment in Warriors history was when sleepy Floyd lost his mind one time so that we could lose the series in five correct as opposed to losing it in four he was Superman that was that was it that was the greatest moment of my childhood in Golden State Warrior basketball completely and that was uh 1987 May 10th 12 years old 37 years ago almost to the day and uh yeah Warriors won by eight after losing by 25 then they went and lost by 12 Lakers in five Lakers in five gentleman sweep they won the first three the Warriors needed a superum effort to win game four but that’s kind of how last night felt and this whole series feels a little bit like Warriors Lakers where you know the Giants played great on Monday night and I I said it yesterday it wasn’t an aame but they brought their B+ game they made just enough mistakes to lose the ball game and then last night felt much more like the showtime Lakers where you know magic and Kareem they sat the fourth quarter Lakers Akers 122 Warriors 94 ho hum barely broke a sweat yeah but somehow even that felt like less embarrassing than this like because it’s it’s baseball and there’s that feeling in baseball of you know hey Anything Could Happen yeah like you’re supposed to be able to win one out of three even when you’re the worst team right like it this just feels like a complete party for the opposition just a party at at your house I I I’m I’m so so upset with Uninvited Uninvited Guest who brought 28 of their closest friends and you didn’t have the gumption to throw these people out or even call the cops on your own party you just let these people come to your house and rage and spill and you know somebody stole your mom’s favorite vase and then cigarette butts on the carpet you’re hitting a little close to home I’ve told you the story when I had to do that well it’s true I had to go hide in the den my dad’s office I called the cops your own part I hid under his desk and I called the cops to my own house I did it’s so great it worked too yeah get out of here but get out of here um you were down 10 to two at that party might have been more than that might have been more than that um okay let’s hear from you okay Richie and queens hey Richie what’s up you’re on with Willard and dibs hey boys how are you um we’re okay yeah I tell you Mark I was like depressed calling you and listening to you like I’m on the ledge at this point and I don’t blame you how that’s okay uh because I feel the same way you know I’m on the east coast and I’m watching I went to bed when it was 4 nothing because I normally don’t do that early in the game but this team it’s it’s it’s Dreadful when they’re down 4 nothing down two nothing it seems impossible to climb they got to me there’s no worst offense in baseball right now that just is not I don’t care what the statistics say I’m looking at this team on a daily basis like you guys are and whether it’s Chapman with two outs and two on or or obviously the injuries are a big part of it but you know when I think about it too guys like I waited 52 years for them to win in 2010 and I said you know what I’m happy now then obviously we won in 12 and 14 then when we get to 14 people say to you come on you’re going to be happy no matter what happens to the rest of your life no it don’t work that way now it’s 10 years later you know The Shining Light if there is any I still think I know the kid got beat up but I I’m not giving up on when I think this starting pitching is going to be okay and I also say especially when snow comes back if he’s not traded which could happen but the fact that there three wild cards two and a half out like you said they’re going to be in it but their Bullpen with Rodriguez with Miller with the Rogers boys with uh Walker and obviously Deval you get to the end of the games you got a shot the problem with them is that they never get enough runs to be in that position I think they’ve scored three runs or less in the last at least 20s something games that they scored six runs against Colorado it it was it was incredible so yeah and obviously look the injuries are a big part of it but I am not ready Mark at this point to say I’m going to Cincinnati I go to two twice a year wrot go Cincinnati last year was Milwaukee Pittsburgh this year it be Cincinnati Minnesota you know so I’m going to spend three days I’m going to take my wife who knows that I’m a big fanatic and we’ll go to the game and the only saving grace and I’m not throwing I’m not throwing make it you guys feel the only saving grace to me is the Nicks at this point because I have the Nick at least that’s a positive in my in my NBA I think but Draymond says Draymond says they’re a fluke though Richie you know what he’s full of and you know not again and now we spoke he’s full of what Richie he’s full of what I think it’s I think it’s outrageous that that guy is on that show why after the year because I just think his whole demeanor everything that he did and I’m not saying it because he’s a golden state or another player if that was my guy if that was oakus I’d say the same thing it’s a disgrace that I’ve gota you know that we’ve got to listen to him after his episodes this year he should be like hey put away for a year get yourself together and come back next year different attit yeah here not and not to change the subject Richie it’s always great to hear from you but the the truth of the matter is is that’s exactly why he’s there um he he grabs your attention did you all not notice that Draymond Green no matter what he says on the last two nights on Inside the NBA it gets repurposed all over social media shared everyone freaks out everyone reacts like don’t you get it don’t you get it have you ever watched skip bis on TV there’s not a human being on planet Earth that I can find who’s like I love skip bis like he’s I love I love what he says he’s so smart I really enjoy watching skip bis nobody says that why does he make $6 million a year because he gets you he gets you he gets you to react that’s what Draymond does of course he belongs there he’s going to be a bigger star on TV than he was in the NBA I think but that’s kind of beside the point you know the stuff that you see last night I mean we can even Whittle it down to some of what you’re watching in that game the the score was nothing nothing after three Innings and I could set my watch to it I’m like Keaton win is now about to go through the order for the second time yeah they’re going to whack the ball all over the yard and I know this ends in an injury and so then it’s like oh Keaton win got hurt right he got hurt after he got whacked all over the yard the exact same thing happened to him last week in Colorado second time through the order I don’t know if he’s tipping pitches that was the talk in Colorado um and I don’t want to come down the road of a young pitcher who’s not even supposed to be in the rotation anyway but these are the things right now that when you’re watching the game make the whole thing feel impossible and that’s all I’m asking for you know like Richie saying hey they won three times you’re going to be set for life in some ways I am I’m not over here demanding a championship of course not I’m demanding that you don’t look like a welcome mat for the other team and their fans this is completely uncompetitive uninteresting not fun there’s AB it’s reflected in your attendance right now what are you offering us you’re offering us the chance to look at three Hall of Famers who happen to be wearing uniforms that aren’t Orange they’re blue that’s what they’re offering you this is just like the warriors uh it’s a great timeout click and roll in the Kobe Bryant 5game mini plan where you get the Kobe game and then you get four other games to come on out and yeah see the Warriors but don’t miss Kobe Bryant don’t miss the Michael Jordan mini plan that’s where this Giants team is right now they are a team that is attractive based on who the opponent is I mean I the reality of it I’m even annoyed by the little things that you see out there like I I get it a bunch of guys have gotten hurt and and and so young guys have gotten thrown into um BigTime roles but I said this yesterday I don’t know why if you’re 25 years old that means you can get picked off first base I don’t know why if you’re 24 years old that means you don’t know how to take a route to a Fly ball you you this is the big leagues but that it doesn’t look like it it doesn’t look like it like that’s there are too many nights and and and when the Dodgers are in town is absolutely one of them and guess who’s coming to town next week God I can’t wait for the Yankees to get here this is going to be so great so great what do you think the stands are going to look like that Knight not as much blue what do you think it’s going to sound like when judge hits the co*ke bottle crowd’s going to go wild Yankees all that yeah yeah I mean well you’re asking for a major league performance from a team that is not full of Major Leaguers so that to me is a little bit of an unfair way to look at it because they’re supposed to be Major Leaguers well they’re not they should be ready by now they’re not ready and that it becomes a deeper issue because whether it’s Matos or Ramos or Luciano or Fitzgerald or Sable or win we can run down another four or five names these are guys who are clearly not ready and you could see by the way they’re playing and Keat and win God love him friend of the program last night in the fourth inning it was a home run it was two walks and a double a sack fly and a triple and it’s 4 nothing and it’s night night it’s over it’s over in the fourth because your offense Matos Ramos Luciano along with the veterans that you have you’re not good enough to score four runs really against anybody so for me it’s not so much it looking at the product the product is not a major league product right now yeah but we’re also I think that leads to us making excuses for people who should not have that happen we’re we’re acting like Blake Sable is a rivercat he was here all last year he spent the entire he’s a rule five guy right you could not send him down he was on the team the whole year so we don’t get to go oh Blake Sable rivercat a couple of weeks ago yeah but he had a full year in The Bigs Matos was here for almost 80 games and we’re like oh but he doesn’t know how to catch a fly ball yet what right Luciano has how long do we need to bake these brownies apparently a long time cuz oven is not set for 425 your oven is set for warm so you’re cooking basically with an Easy Bake Oven instead of the ma stove that we have at home that bakes things quickly and evenly it’s a convection oven it’s quite lovely but the bigger issue is I think why are the guys you’re bringing up not ready why is Luciano now six years in the miners still not ready to come up and contribute and you mentioned it m in center field my goodness I mean playing center field it’s not easy but the routes he’s taking on these fly balls is alarming it’s like little league stuff Marco Luciano I I get that he’s still 22 we’ve been hearing about him for better than four years yeah um I’ve already said this if you told me that in 2024 he wouldn’t be up until the 44th game or whatever I I’d have called that crazy but here’s the other thing all we ever hear from the organ is they say ah they’re not sure he can play shortstop then move him right why is he in Sacramento playing shortstop every night if you don’t think he can play short stop because now you need a short stop and you’re like let’s get Casey Schmidt couple of knocks last night cuz Marco Luciano is not a short stop then put him in left field cuz guess who else got hurt the left fielder I I just there’s so much don’t understand anymore and and and and and so it’s great that we’re all being told we just don’t understand and you know what we don’t that’s fine I’ve said it all day long already I was wrong I am wrong I maybe I don’t get it it doesn’t matter anymore I don’t care who’s right I just know that as customers we we reject this this is not the fun that we look forward to in our summers um rich and Fremont hey Rich what’s up I’ll tell you right now first of all guys they take my call I tell you right now Mark Willard you have the voice of Giants fans right now I tell you something if I if I was Bob Melvin I would be recording this this this this broadcast and I will be playing it back to every single Giant in that boot pin right now I would just be playing it back to him I go listen to what your fan BAS is saying about you okay that to me would be the smart to get these guys to understand what they need to do once they get out there onto the field Mark you have you have the Giants breath right now because I’m G tell you right now Giants fans they’re not happy and guess what they shouldn’t be happy because that product stinks okay it’s God awful 19 and 25 really come on guys Money’s been spent okay I’m sorry you guys want to blame faran go ahead Money’s been spent this is not a faran isue anymore this is a product that is just not performing up the park it’s almost like the Warriors and Joe ler he spent 400 million you couldn’t get into the playoffs really come on man come on and this is about the guyss this is not about coaching this is not about okay this is about the product on the field okay and I get you got some guys that are hurt I get that but at the end of the day you are the San Francisco Giants you represent the Bay Area and if that’s so then do that and do it the way you’re supposed to Three Time Champion thanks guys rich thanks yeah appreciate it um yeah um the whole thing right now for uh for me it uh it it just comes down to the product you know 18 and 25 like I’m sitting here sounding real loud today the Ace of their pitching staff four days ago called them dog bleep right yeah that was Friday right just echoing that just echoing that and I know he means that in terms of the way they’re playing baseball because he’s in the clubhouse and he is a player but um I don’t know what happened since that nothing but losses exactly yeah exactly um we’re presented by Fremont Bank full service banking no compromises I guess my only advice for the team actually here I’ll save it coming up next I got my advice here’s my advice for the front office and we’ll keep taking your calls 888 957 9570 um it’s wither and dibs no I’ve got some advice for you and it’s [Music] [Music] n [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Applause] [Music] n [Music] [Applause] n [Music] [Applause] [Music] do you have to be a homer I’m a Giants fan now back to Willard and dibs on 957 the game is someone playing a trick on us this week what do you mean all right the Dodgers come in and use the Giants as a r doll jeez too soon Grandy I come in and have expressed how I feel after what was it like it’s just it’s a demoralizing situation right now to try to be a Giants fan you know what it is right um a demoralization sensation thank you Grandy yeah uh you were very eloquent when you laid that out and you surpassed gry’s 99 minute rant for last week so congrats I did oh yeah that was more like 15 good yeah that’s what I was going for I was told to uh let eat don’t ever try to beat me again no we were letting you eat and you did you feasted and you’re still eating but what do you mean about like are you being trolled right now what’s going on in your world well again it’d be one thing if the Giants had just lost a couple games because you know there was some timely hitting in the eighth inning or whatever sure sure but to have the ballpark overtaken to not even feel like there’s ever a chance in any given n bat like it just does completely and totally overwhelmed and overmatched so I’m feeling the way I’m feeling and I get to work today and here are the second and third legs of the parlay you’re already feeling like a Giants ragd doll I don’t know how I can describe this to the listeners but those of us who work in the media we operate on free food oh boy that’s how we roll talk to me so we look at free food differently than you we look at it in many ways as our lifeblood When we arrive at a game often it’s the first thing that we look for before like a good seat oh yeah or who do I need to talk to tonight dude Niner games I’ll eat three if not four meals including dessert and the ners they take care of the media you get lunch oh they’re amazing at halftime you eat postgame they bring out pizza and got its hits I tell you what if dude your boil gain 8 lbs in a n game used to be if the Giants roll out if they roll out free food starting tonight I’m taking credit for it because I think that they like right they need to apologize right to everybody but anyway um we show up to work today and there’s a huge spread of good-look food with a napkin right in front of it Matt Nan has tweeted out a picture of it so you go look at it so it’s a napkin right in front of it that says do not touch now look if it’s someone else’s lunch fine I’m not grab somebody else’s food out of the fridge guy yeah I don’t do that I hate that guy so I didn’t touch now I touched the napkin just to mess with people but I didn’t touch the food but at no point is there any indication of like who’s the food for exactly is there a high-powered meeting in town nobody’s there it’s just a full afternoon of walking by this table 27 times staring at really good looking food eight salads 16 half sandwiches and a tray of cookies and you can’t have any of it not a one and you don’t know why don’t touch then you come in here to start the show we’ve got three monitors in here and what is playing on NFL Network dibs it is uh the 49ers taking on Kansas City in the Super Bowl and it took a minute to realize which Super Bowl because you and I are talking to each other they look the exact same we’re making incredible eye contact because it’s what we do and I asked you during the break which one it was and you had to do a double take because they are the exact same game this is the first Niner disappointment not the most recent one and I asked you and I’ll throw this out to the callers if you’re interested at all Triple 8 957 9570 which Super Bowl while watching it did you feel like the Niners were going to win more cuz we’re looking right now they’re up 20 to 10 with s minutes to go wait they just had the ball at Midfield did you guys see what was on NFL Network beginning at 10:00 this morning no oh uh Niners Ravens Super Bowl I mean not even joking do you do you understand now I guess I know what’s coming up next do you know do you understand now why I’m asking if we’re being trolled right like when I get home I is my dog GNA bite me like what are we doing today momes is 19 of 31 goodg yeah he doesn’t even have 200 yards and he’s thrown two picks yeah he’s never won a Super Bowl at this point you asked me which one they should have won more and I was like this year and now I realized that was recency biased yeah Jimmy garoo got the ball a 10-point lead 9 minutes to go and they’re driving around Midfield and like the Niners are in complete control right if you had said to me in this moment the Niners are about to lose this game by double digits I’d have been like what on God’s green earth are you talking about even now as momes is at the 50 with 7 minutes to go and they’re starting to move they’re still down 10 they’re down 10 657 to go so anyway anyway the point point being is um you’re not helping NFL Network and and odyssey what is helping is that you now have gotten not one but two meals since the don’t touch sign has been removed it’s been removed yeah so yeah well no the burrito was tching has begun I brought the burrito yeah I had a little finger sandwich yeah it’s delicious turkey beautiful let’s go to John in Newport Beach please John hi John what are you doing you talk we’ll eat how you guys doing uh better now John fine all right I want to talk to you guys about the young kids um we all want them to be good right but I mean we got to set some realistic expectations Ramos was the only one lighting it up in Triple A this year I mean Matos wasn’t lighting it up Schmid wasn’t lighting it up Luciano wasn’t lighting it up um and these guys are the future um or what we want the future to be um and I mean this is all on Farhan the roster just isn’t good enough and if these guys don’t pan out and there’s a good chance that these guys don’t pan out um this team is going to be in the for the next couple years um John your your phone’s crapping out a little bit but um I want to go back to something you said right at the beginning cuz I take issue with it you want to know what phrase I will never use to name my fantasy football team quote realistic expectations I can’t stand that what does that mean we need to have some realistic expectations no it’s Sports so no we don’t I never ever ever want to wake up ever and go let’s be realistic no this is the fantasy land we don’t play for this team we don’t even know these players the whole thing thing that we’re doing is a fun ride and so it doesn’t need to be realistic okay I don’t care who was lighting it up last week in Triple A what does that even mean that’s a completely different League uh at other times they have been lighting it up when Matos got called up last year he was lighting it up so sometimes they are sometimes they’re not what what does that mean it to me that’s that’s getting too fine with our point and so I do I want to say this again and and then let’s find out if you’re feeling the same thing I am 888 957 9570 um and here’s what I’m getting at I don’t care if the young guys take some time I don’t care if some of them aren’t good cuz not all of them are going to be good I don’t even care that much that In This Moment On May 15 they’re 19 and 25 that that is not my point my point is from a much higher level of a view my point is that you are looking at this organization and now it’s year six and they have failed to put together something that we can be proud of something that’s fun something that doesn’t take our ball Park away fill it with Blue Jackets all partying and rubbing it in our faces while we sit there and and preach well no it’s actually fine I told you I wanted to give my advice to the front office and here’s my advice just for this moment because there’s a lot of things I could say do things differently draft better blah blah blah that’s all that’s not what I’m getting at that stuff’s all obvious my advice for this front office is to stop telling everybody that they’re wrong and you’re right you have to stop that you because by the way I’m not even talking about the fans you’re doing this to your own players I know this we know this we’re in the media we have press passes we talk to people your own building is filled with people who have morale in the dirt that’s your own people that’s not my opinion that’s a fact and if you want to continue to act like you’re the only one or ones who know what the right answer is you’re going to run this thing and yourselves you’re going to run your own jobs right into the ground so that would be my advice start looking around at some of your people maybe take an opinion or two maybe try to do some things a different way maybe open up that you don’t have it all figured out because what you’re putting on TV every night right now is it’s devastating for fans um we’re sponsored by Safeway um 888 957 9570 are any of you feeling the same way or or completely different 888 957 9570 it’s Willard and dibs head to Safeway this week for these great digital deals Luc ear cagefree eggs 18c count large gradea [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] n [Music] [Applause] [Music] for the ones who get it [Music] done now back to Willard and dibs on n57 the game all right first and foremost guess what uh richelia is going to join us in one hour I love Richie Richie yeah all right yeah okay Richard really is GNA join us we haven’t had a chance to really uh pump this up and hype this up but we’re having a schedule release party at 5: I can’t wait we have some special guests a lot of fun maybe some surprises we will go through the unveiling of each 49er game and we will stop down on a couple of them and dive a little deeper and make fun of people who root for the teams that the 49ers are going to beat this year okay we got a few special ones big and so that’s going to be great it all gets unveiled at 5 you might know by now some of the game week one Monday night are against the Jets week seven they’re home to the Kansas City Chiefs they don’t play on Thanksgiving they don’t play on Christmas right in a rumored week two against Minnesota if I’m not mistaken right yes yes that that yet to be confirmed but it’s all but been confirmed I love that they play the Vikings early they might see Sam darnold yeah might be darnold versus pie be awesome week two and they might end up playing the Vikings late as well a team that you know could be better could be a playoff team you never know and I the Niners are going to play in the regular season probably seven teams that are going to make the playoffs maybe more well how I mean how would you know that yet well you you would just look at the teams a lot of good teams you wanted to put percentages on it like Kansas City you would say they’re probably going to be a playoff team Buffalo you would guess is going to be a playoff team I think yeah yeah and then you know you can get into Detroit everyone’s high on Detroit as a possible Super Bowl team Miami Green Bay is another you know and then Rams twice exactly so you could look at any of that and uh yep y you know yeah I don’t want to get too deep into the football because I I do believe we have some Giants breaking news 957 game breaking news this from Alex pavlovich and others the Giants have brought in a new catcher Mark to shore things up behind the ditch not the ditch the dish Squad we have a new guy in the squat I’m being told Kurt casali is back with the Giants Markt C thank you for that a grand total of uh zero at bats so far this year although he wasn’t on a team he played for the Reds last year well I’m looking at something from uh a YouTube page called fish on first from February 15th new Marlins catcher Kurt Cali quote I still view myself as a major Leaguer and yet he Al so to the Giants yeah so I I was that worthy should I not have in Grant he hit uh he h you know now when he got traded to the Mariners in 2022 by the Giants uh he hit just 125 for them the rest of the way um which deal was that which of the 13 deals he’s made with the Mariners Sally was just like um gosh was that part of AIT was that was that in the Han no was that he went with um what was that cat’s name who never pitched for the Giants Matthew oh Boyd Matthew Boyd Bo look at me I’m a giant I think he went with Matthew Boyd in that deadline deal okay I’m a Giants fan yeah Boyd was a tiger then signed with the Giants was hurt and then they traded him before he ever came back in Pitch it would kind of be like if they traded Robbie Ray this year right so I think he was in that deal he goes to Seattle he has he plays in only 16 games he hits 125 following year he signs with the Cincinnati Red Legs at age 34 and uh his average balloons all the way up to 175 in 40 games okay so that was last year balloon and then this year uh he had not uh he had not played yet so Kurt’s back but look you know what he can catch he can catch like he can play he can play behind the plate like he can catch a good game 35 and a half years old out of Walnut Creek yeah and he’s like yaz’s best friend okay there you go he hasn’t played on a big league Squad this year however he’s absolutely raking it in the Cubs AAA system for the Iowa Cubs getting 362 in Triple A this year how about Kurt Cali the Savior but wait if he’s in the Cub system how the hell did they uh how did they just sign him they just plucked him if he’s in the Cub system they can’t just have on their 40 man roster I don’t know how it all works no they must have him go they s they signed him they didn’t trade for him 23 games at AAA hitting 362 with seven home runs and then they dumped him all right like whatever they sent Jackson REITs back down wow pardon me if I don’t feel a lot of loss there so fine experienced catcher who can actually you know catch the ball yeah I would imagine he’s going to be in the lineup tonight or is it going to be Sable again probably sa sabes doesn’t really feel great behind the plate sabes will he can hit he can hit a little bit not a great catcher right and that I mean that’s where I mentioned this yesterday the loss of Patrick Bailey is twofold because he’s been one of your best hitters and you’ve had nothing behind the plate as far as being able to to frame and throw guys out Sable is hitting 375 yeah he’s hitting the ball I mean if you’re looking for bright spots and I don’t know if you’re in the mood for bright spots today of course I am like I you’ve been Dr negatron all day it’s not negativity it’s you’re keeping it real it’s authenticity and I love that about you I am very very very frustrated yeah I want to make sure that we we we really like ride that fence this is a fine line um if you only tune in and listen to four minutes or whatever going to call your friend my God Willard gave up on the year he gave up on no there’s no give up this isn’t about the St endings there are some circ*mstances in play that I would be a jerk if I wasn’t acknowledging them the whole team’s hurt the best team in baseball’s in town and the rivercats are playing this is not about the final score it goes so much deeper than that but last night was really for me the breaking point in terms of the product the process all of these things it’s not not working and I and I have sat here for four years and tried to hold you up and defend you and understand you and and and try to share um in in quite frankly what we know is an unfair world like nobody sits around for the you the fine print iTunes service agreement scroll agree move on you don’t read that thing so like if Farhan does go on a radio show and give you is plan you’re not listening you’re not listening you’re just screaming and mad and and I get it and I get it but if you sit there and listen to what they’ve said I really bought it and as we get to today my message is it doesn’t matter who was right we this is taking too long and it’s going the wrong direction ction and it feels embarrassing and the chants in the stadium are no longer Jung hul Le they’ve changed to let’s go Dodgers and it’s just not acceptable you can’t take our baseball team and turn this in to a formulaic process that when it doesn’t work you stubbornly keep banging your head against the wall that’s my issue I don’t think you’re I don’t think any of the people over there are dummies I don’t think that I think their stubborn as all get out I think their ego could probably be checked I I think all of those things and I think they are lacking a little awareness or they’re and maybe this means the same thing they’re bearing their heads in the sand I don’t even know like sometimes when you’re too close to a situation you’re the last to know right and so I don’t even know to what level they know this I’ve actually worked for bosses in the that don’t know how down morale is in a building I don’t know if Farhan knows that let me confirm it for you your morale is in the dirt and and this goes to the marketing department the ticketing department and guess what the clubhouse too it does and there are guys who’ve been trying to say things the last few years and they’ve been trying actually use kind of nicely Ross strippling sha manah right um you know Mania on our very program yes like they’re they’re trying to suddenly be like yes jock Peterson not through words but through his own actions playing puoy dose in the clubhouse and the skipper basically turning his back and not even really policing it and I think that it’s all permeated down to the fan base and also up from the fan base because you can’t tell me that the the players don’t know this and you know we’ve talked about it before Casey Schmidt you know you know when there’s a crowd that’s with you or if the crowd’s not really with you and you can even look over to the Oakland A’s I’m not saying that this Situation’s gotten that extreme but you know that Oakland A’s players feel that at home they look forward to going out on the road where there’s a little bit of energy from the crowd and this week this Monday Tuesday and then tonight and tonight’s going to be more the same it’s not just going to turn around because Logan’s on the bump and it’s a big game and you want avoid being swept there’s going to be maybe even more blue in the crowd tonight and it’s sad to see the fan base take on such a Laz Fair attitude toward the club but it’s really what the club is putting out there what else can we do exactly what else can we do you can’t Swagger into the building tonight and you can’t expect the fans to care more than the organization seems to be caring I want you to think about this for a second what’ you say the line what’s the line tonight it’s Dodgers I think minus 145 Giants plus 125 okay Logan web against t to the B to the D so let’s let’s unpack that for one second okay I want you to think about what you just said and I want the organization to freaking hear this okay you are in your building with your ace against TBD and you’re the underdog I’m seeing it now as uh elaser Hernandez getting the ball is that right gry is that what you’re saying who are you exactly I’m GNA give you a big W cuz whatever the larger Point remains and the Giants should feel very embarrassed by this your rival is in town you are in your building you are desperate and your Ace is on the hill and the Dodgers are starting ah grab that guy and put him out there number 52 elaser Hernandez and you’re the underdog rather significant one too his ra 6.35 his whip is not a very cool whip at 143 the gap between the Giants and the Dodgers has probably never been larger in my lifetime in my lifetime I have turned 50 next year now maybe there was something to be said for the 80s I was a baby I barely even remember any of that Gaga goooo I do remember L master I had some baseball cards whatever but that can’t be you can’t be at home desperate with your Ace going against Johnny whatever elaser Hernandez and you’re the underdog the numbers I gave you by the way were from the last year he pitched which was 2022 so the Dodgers have blown the dust off of elaser Hernandez who has not pitched since October of 201 22 he’s going to throw for the first time in that’ be 19 months and he’s going to shove and they’re favored and he’s going to shove and they’re favored correct your ace against the guy who hasn’t pitched in 19 months and they’re favored in your building well it’s their building don’t say that don’t say that that’s the stuff that gets me going don’t do that Lucas should I say it again don’t do that you won’t it’s not okay hey Mark yeah Chavez Ravine North are they okay with this are you okay with it I’m not okay with this I’m getting that I’ve been here for the last 90 minutes I’m sensing that you’re not okay this reminds me of Pulp Fiction when uh marcelus Wallace says to uh Butch after Butch comes in and saves him and Marcela says I’m definitely far from okay I am far from okay two things do you know what I think is at the the very core of this great scene by the way this is this is baseball it can be radio um it can be parenting it doesn’t matter whatever business you’re running whatever house you’re running it doesn’t matter I find you have to it’s not an easy thing to do but you have to try to build confidence in the people around you it’s very very important I try as a as a dad to build confidence in my kids my God it’s not easy right you’re tired you’re overworked you’re stressed they’re pushing your buttons it’s not easy next thing you know somebody’s mad somebody’s in tears and you’re like whoops I didn’t mean for that to go there I teach I teach classes the university level it is absolutely a stated goal when they come in I want them to leave with more confidence than when they arrived that’s a stated goal okay um we try to do that here let’s right let’s be positive how about try this try that you don’t see me right me like we’re not running through here barking people down right does the Giants front office think about that at all when they tell every player well you’re only good on Wednesdays when the temperature 54° and there’s a lefty on the hill or when you’re Marco Luciano you’re the number 45 Prospect in all of baseball and the shortstop who wasn’t supposed to beat you out in spring training beats you out in spring training then he gets hurt and what do you get a phone call to your buddy so he can get called up like that’s I wonder if they understand they’re like yeah but but spreadsheets here’s the data you’re right there’s the data but there’s no way there’s no way to put into that computer what happens when you support another human being and what can come out of that support another human being give them a shove give them a chance and if they fail if MTO still can’t do a route well then great we move on right but there is so much and this is why when when you guys ask me on the on the changeover there’s two words overthinking and ego the overthinking is well gez I know we probably should call up Luciano but facing a lefty the next two nights SM smid’s average against left he’s 280 Marcos is only 240 let’s go Schmidt good Lord good Lord and then three days later Schmid gets his first hit off a righty can you just show somebody a little confidence can you delegate to somebody else hey I think you’re smart why don’t you make the decision instead of controlling everything and there’s the ego controlling all of it and deciding you’re the only one who knows what’s going on so we’re going to do it our way even when we can see that it doesn’t work for three years running that’s how I see the Giants organization right now that’s morale is in the toilet and I think morale should have been better this year than last year because if you’re a regular everyday position player you at least felt like you’re in the lineup and you get to be in the lineup but all those guys who we talked about in the lineup Jung Huli is out he’s injured Solair is out he’s injured and Slater a guy who was going to platoon he’s out he’s injured and all the way down both your catchers are injured so it’s hard to really look at their options right now and see a lot of options the Luciano points a good one but they obviously thought that Casey Schmidt was a better fit for right now than Luciano and now Luciano is up here as well so he gets a chance and for all these young guys at of necessity they now get the opportunity to show what they have but what if these guys aren’t good enough if Matos can’t figure out how to play The Outfield and if Casey Schmidt still can’t figure out how to hit at this level and Luciano still can’t play short stop then so it will be well then I mean where are we in in August if this continues and then you realize that your farm is not as good as everybody thought it feels like you might be back towards square one then you pivot right then you pivot but can you imagine for a second you’re Marco Luciano okay yeah you’ve been you’ve been the dog in the minor leagues for four years now even longer but yeah okay you’ve been the guy that everyone’s pointing to and just so like try let’s try to go into his brain for a second okay you’re told last October I sat in the Dugout so did Bon we sat so did lman we sat right there right next to Farhan and he said Brandon Crawford’s not going to be back because we have got to open up a runway for Marco Luciano he is that’s our opening day shortstop next year assuming all things are normal then with three weeks to go before spring training is up they sign Nick Ahmed their’s sign number one then the buzz kind of goes away yeah Marco’s not going to win the job so he doesn’t even get the job he doesn’t even get to start then he goes to the minor leagues and he’s not great he’s also not embarrassingly bad by any stretch super high on base percentage not a lot of Pop to the bat but okay so you’re down there and you’re doing your thing and Nick Ahmed gets hurt and you number one Prospect in the organization you get a call to the manager’s office and that manager brings J Marco have a seat right here listen Ahmed got hurt and um Casey’s going up because a left-hander is starting tomorrow night do you know what that would feel like if I were Marco Luciano slap in the face Mark so I’m the number 45 Prospect in baseball and you looking me in the eye and you’re telling me I can’t can’t go hit some Lefty named Spencer on the Reds when I’m a right-handed hitter I can’t hit him you don’t have any faith in me to go try to get a hit at third and King tonight against the Lefty because Casey’s average is 40 points higher against lefties yeah that’s absurd well Casey was better in Triple A so far this year great great he’s not Marco Luciano well maybe he’s better than Marco Luciano maybe maybe the organization knows that Marco Luciano is not the player that they thought he was maybe five years ago when they picked him out of the international pool and you’ve seen him not race through the organization and you’ve seen other teams have 20 21 and 22 year olds come up and Flash and pop and Luciano is not seen by this organization at least as a guy who can either play short or hit at the major league level so far but then you call them up 5 days later out of necessity yeah not really well a catcher went on the injured list yeah and I wonder what the move is for the casali well luckily it’s REITs oh yeah you’re right Jackson Reitz goes back down Rey you know God if they had sent Marco back down I would have my we’d be doing the show right outside farhan’s office today like you got to you got to show some people a little love these are your people remember what Bobby Evans said I said what’s one piece of advice if you’re building a farm system he didn’t even pause right he almost stepped on me his answer was so fast believe in your guys believe in your guys right the Giants offices right now whether they are clubhous whether it’s ticketing people whether it’s marketing people whatever you do over there I I know this they’re all cruising around being like no nobody believes in what we’re doing Nobody Like Us hashtag yeah you can’t function that way so this is not the standings it’s that that’s that’s the thing to me and the standings though are a byproduct and you’ve talked about Simpson ver or symptoms versus disease I do think that the disease is what you’re talking about it’s an organization that doesn’t have a lot of belief in anything that’re doing just one quick uh postcript as I borrow from Bryant Gumble Giants this year against teams above 500 1 and 11 GE delicious are you kidding me 1 and 11 0 and5 against the Dodgers 0 and four against Philly one and two against Boston uh we’re presented by Fremont Bank full service banking no compromises uh Ben Kevin stay right where you are we come straight to you coming up next Richie aelia in a half hour and our schedule will release party is coming up at 5: it is Ward and dibs Brooks and D [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] St [Music] [Music] [Music] hits it high hits it deep towards the ocean gone Dodgers take the lead and a mammoth home run from sh Otani you okay no man I’m pretty far from okay now back to Willard and dibs on 957 the game all right you saved it I was I was about to come in there you do not need to play the Otani Homer twice I’m pretty far from okay but now I understand what you’re were doing well and I is that uh Joe Davis on the playby playay who who was that correct Joe Davis on sportset La Joe Davis love you and it was a pretty good call that’s not the ocean my brother it is to them it’s the same thing I know it’s the same thing Max Muny did go get it out of the ocean I’m like that’s not the ocean and I get it and you hit it he hit it so far I mean I would have to go a long way to get to the ocean in that direction he would have to hit it about 3,700 miles to get to an ocean in that direction I’m glad you’re making this distinction cuz people will be like but it’s the same water like it flows in from the ocean well a whale uh is fine out in the ocean but not in the bay exactly in fact remember Humphrey the hump back the whale ever gets into the bay we got to stop everything it was like Co there’s no work right there’s no eating there’s no school everybody go get the whale and see if we can get the whale back out into the ocean that’s the ocean this is the bay good job dibs hey Dodgers people stop calling at the ocean it’s the bay oh my God I was wondering how long ago that was oh God don’t say it I don’t want it my thought was 1990 no it’s earlier isn’t it it he actually entered the bay twice 85 and 90 now how’d they know when it came back that it was him because you can tell I don’t want to be racist but they all look alike you’re a wh come on like for real they do I mean let’s be honest it’s not the brightest whale if he got stuck in the bit twice the second di came back and they’re like dude you again I thought we figured this out there’s an old saying in oceanography fool me one time shame on shame on you can’t get shame fool me Can’t Get Fooled Again I’m sorry but the second time you show up they’re like dude you find your own way out like I’m sorry we’re not doing this again the second time you’re on your own the second time you meant to do it yourself out plus like the second time five years later what just like a 9-year-old Whale by now you come back in 1990 dude you should know better yeah Humphrey exactly Humphrey swam up the Sacramento river that whale is wet whale’s an idiot sonar check brother seriously hey whale what are you doing what the what are you doing um all right oh boy um I do we we got to read super chats don’t we can I just just read it that’s stupid it’s just so Random the great Rich mention $1.99 kaminga 2x he’s a cancer to the dubs you can say sucks I didn’t know if that’s what he meant yeah if you’re going to say sucks then you have to spell it right you don’t have to actually like nobody texts things correctly yeah whatever the great Rich mention he has a $1.99 worth you want to tick lovely Christie off when you say when you no when you say thanks to her send THX she’ll lose her mind really thanks I don’t know would do you not have the second and a half more that it takes to find the letter a n k in on your phone yeah really you don’t have enough time for me that you can find the N when you want to write thanks how do you feel about just K as opposed to okay is that also yeah not into it not into it it’s kind of a teenage girl thing yeah and and sometimes it’s 2ks I really don’t know what the hell that is what’s the KK thing why what is that what does that even mean it means K all right all right all right no it’s o KK KK what it’s a more respectful way to say k cuz the single K very disrespectful why is the Double K disrespectful no it’s the nice way to do it the single K is disrespectful it’s very dismissive why okay why is a double k not disrespectful you took an extra second put a second letter then use an O exactly that also to me is disrespectful okay in text form disrespectful it’s just what are we even doing I don’t know what we’re yeah all right read between the lines or letters thanks for the tutorial on phone usage Lucas you’ve already had a rough day tough day stand down can you help me fix my phone exactly uh let’s go to Ben in Fairfield hi Ben that was very well timed hi Ben what the hell are you doing just driving up from work guys I just like you guys and a lot of people I had to change the channel in the ninth inning last night uh but I’m going into the game tonight with some buddies and there’s something about walking in the center field gate that uh kind of completely turns my turns my mental mind frame around and I’m excited I’m gonna boo some Dodgers fans and crush the beers and have a good time I like the attitude boo some Dodger fans Crush some beers no it’s great and have a good time I want to make like you brought this up a couple times Ben I’m gonna be at the game on Friday night with with with with my my lovely lady like I’m not boycotting anything um but I think um I have dot dot dot finally finally reached a time where I’m like look we this isn’t about fault we can’t do this anymore like when are you going to get to that opinion Giants you can’t do this anymore I don’t even know what that means I don’t know who need to hire who you need to what you need to change you can’t do this anymore and I wonder if you can exactly quantify what this is because they tried to do something different they tried to bring in an exciting centerfielder they gave him a long-term deal and a nine figure contract they tried to bring in a defensive third baseman who has the ability to hit he hasn’t so far they tried to bring in a DH Slugger who could put some out by the co*ke bottle and he got hurt and he hit himself on the Noggin during batting practice they tried to bring in a Sai Young quality pitcher right or two one of whom is out till July the other of whom is out until next week so I think that they actually tried to do what you wanted them to do I don’t like that you’re saying all of that in past tense to be honest with you well they that’s what they’ve done and so they tried to do it now I’m not saying that it it won’t work in June July and August not giving up on it still out no but in terms of we can’t keep doing this I don’t feel like that they’re doing this like they have been doing this the last couple of years no it like it’s so many things that’s why I keep saying this isn’t just about the standings it’s not about the batting average it’s it it’s so much deeper than that you you you you have allowed the Giants fans Mojo to get ruined that’s how I’d say it you’ve killed arojo and and and that’s the most important thing that we can have look at Warrior fans they had a bad year they ended up in the lottery and a warrior fan is still peaco*cking around we got Steph and we’re going to do something because we got an owner who doesn’t quit so we’re the damn Warriors they still have a Swagger yeah Niner fans what they’re really Niners are really good I would argue that there’s more wagger and more Mojo around the Golden State Valkyries than there is around the San Francisco Giants right now totally fair the purple the logo we’re fighting over t-shirts in the other room we’ve only got four for six of us I can’t even send text messages to my extended family all of whom live in LA all of whom wear those stupid Blue Hats or sometimes they’re slap Thunder sticks together or they’re weird enough to think beach balls belong in a baseball game all of that Ridiculousness and I can’t say a word I don’t even want to text him I don’t even want to have fun with it because it’s not fun this needs to be fun this needs to have some sort of touchy feely nature to it for a while it was presented as well we the fans need like a player to get behind by a jersey you got Jung Huli that looked like it was headed in that direction but it’s so much deeper than that you you you have built a product that is clearly lacking in confidence and morale it has Spilled Out into the fan base and now we arrive at the game just like you know hoping for one we said it we said it before the series even started Giants baseball don’t get swept well look where we are jeez look where we we got we got six hours till we find out if the hashtag work worked they’re facing a pitcher who hasn’t thrown in 19 months and the Dodgers are favored elaser Hernandez will throw for the first time since October of 2022 during which time he had a 6.35 erra and a whip of about 1.4 yet they’re favored in your Park yeah I I’m I’m not wow I’m not here to uh to take anybody down th this frustration absolutely comes from my undying love for Giants baseball and and as I sit here today having watched what has happened not just last night but to a degree the night before and a lot of the nights this year certainly when they were in La um a few weeks back this is like you’re just you’re listening to someone who’s expressing loss that’s what this feels like did did like this is what I do do during the Spring and the summer this is what my nights are built around this is my family fun time this is this is what we talk about this it’s the rhythm of your night if I can borrow from debar absolutely you can and and and it’s gone right now and I want to get it back and you can get it back but you have to do something different you have to do it differently you can’t keep tell telling everybody you’ve got it all figured out when it just keeps getting worse this isn’t about this series how unfair of me would that be oh rivercats against the Dodgers of course you’re down 02 this is so much more about all of the other stuff watching that Stadium get turned into one of those stadiums you know those stadiums like Sofi it was crazy right Rams had to go to a silent count Sil count there some 49er fans oh my God that’s us this is us it’s disgusting you can’t let this happen and I know baseball’s hard I know I’m not saying you’re not trying but six years you got to you got to do something different you got to do something different it’s tough to to Really enact change when you don’t have the the Weaponry to make things different because you’ve only scored five or more runs this year on 12 occasions in those 12 games your record is 12-0 when you score five runs that’s so when you score four or fewer your record is 7 and 25 which means in 32 of your 44 games you’ve only gotten four or fewer runs so one way to really ignite your own crowd if you’re 19 and 25 but you’re losing 11 to8 and you’re losing 10 to7 the crowd’s going to be much more into it they’re going to be much more excited about going to the ballpark but like last night is a great example of where you are where you are so overmatched and you managed a meager two including an oh by the way we’re down 10 to one run in the ninth well and this wasn’t even one of their dominant pitchers right I know like Walker jer’s about to return sweet glad the Dodgers are about to get even better you’re listening to 957 the game kgmz FM and H1 San Francisco and odyssey sports station always live on the free Odyssey app twitch and YouTube powered by first NorCal Credit Union upgrade your savings dividend open to First NorCal first class money market today Richie Aurelia in 15 minutes and we chose Rich for one very very clear reason um I love a lot of the Giants analyst they’ve got a really good group to me Rich is the one that’ll fire off the straightest shot and uh and obviously was a part of some really good Giants teams and that’s the example I’m getting at Rich doesn’t have a ring but man that was exciting baseball and you felt like when the Giants were hitting something might happen something’s about to happen um and that is just completely gone from this lineup and and I say that before everybody got hurt uh let’s go to Kevin in Belmont hi Kevin thanks for calling what’s up hey thanks for having me on guys um I just want to say I feel like us baray as sports fans the ners and the Warriors we we expect them to have a certain standard year in and year out and over the years they’ve given us championships Super Bowl appearance appearances great memories you know extremely criticized by the fans the media and then when it comes to Farhan I feel like the bar is just set so low and he’s been given so much leash like I I still don’t really know what the plan is is you know the the farm system he I feel like he doesn’t want to call up his guy young guys cuz if it doesn’t work out then you know he’s definitely out of there and I I what I hear from you guys is the plan this year mostly was to for the Giants to become more entertaining and I feel like I mean is Matt Chapman supposed to make me whip out my wallet and buy some tickets or Nick Ahmed like it’s not like if Marco Luciano was their opening day like I I would have been there so I just kind of want to get your thoughts on that yeah it’s a really uh Fair kind of a question SL comment Kevin thank you very much um I can tell you what the plan was I can tell you exactly what the plan was and this why I always had a really really hard time when people would call the Giants cheap because I’m like no I I know that they’re willing to spend and I know they’re going to spend but they also wanted to go into that with some caution because they wanted to spend at the right time and that right time was supposed to be when some of the Homegrown Talent was ready to fire just watch what the Padres did and that hasn’t even ended up you know being great right they’ve underperformed at times but watch what they did right when they they first they signed Eric Hosmer to a relatively Rich deal you’re like oh that’s kind of random all right and then right after that they went and broke the bank for Manny Machado and you’re like oh the Padres right and it was right as tatis was arriving and they had a couple other young guys they were really excited about some of them have worked out couple of them have ended up being trade bait McKenzie Gore the left-hander ended up going to Washington but watch what the Padres did they brought up young players who were either ready to play or ready to be massive trade chips and then they spent like crazy Xander Bogarts Bogarts Machado you darish darish um who’s my other pitcher that got 100 Mil Musgrove Musgrove right and so that was that was the plan the problem was none of those guys ever developed except for Patrick Bailey none of them were like ready to rock and so I do think that the spending you watch the Giants do this off season is probably not in farhan’s wheelhouse it’s not what he wanted to do but he knew that coming into this year it’s like we we can’t be Bland and again right we’ve got to offer something to the fan base and so it was like all right we’ve got Bailey maybe we’ll have Luciano but let’s go get some a new manager some established big Leaguers who we know will perform and and the NL Young Award winner and and and then Jung hulle can be our de facto free agent but homegrown feeling guy in the middle of the diamond that was their plan right but the Homegrown guys have not paid off combined with the guys you brought in have either underperformed or are now hurt or both yeah and the guys who were here haven’t performed outside of Lamont Wade Jr y has shown flashes conforto went healthy by and large your biggest issue has been Health but to your point when you want to rely on the young guys to come up and fill those gaps they have to be able to come up and actually do just that and that’s where the biggest glaring weakness is in my opinion of the whole Farhan era so far it’s that the farm that was supposed to bear fruit last year and we got into last year it’s like you know what it’s going to be next year but that’s okay it’s okay if it’s next year for Matos Ramos Luciano Schmidt and Bailey and all the rest of it they’re all going to come up and if they all pop combined with these free agent signings all of a sudden we’re cooking with gas and we’re leaving Harrison out and we shouldn’t uh I’m really excited about Kyle like the steps he has taken just in the last three weeks are a big deal and Logan web has been mostly solid he already established right but he’s at least a guy who’s from here you know as far as feathers in farhan’s cap he counts um the pitching staff still has a great chance to be good they they they really do and it’s wild quite frankly that they’ve not been better Dave Fleming was fantastic um this morning on that very subject by the way doing the call from the sixth hole at Valhalla you want talk about a flex this guy comes he did the phone call from the six from the sixth hole of Valhalla and shasy is like I’m upset and Dave please help us and Dave’s like all right I will uh I’m going to talk to you like this and I’m sorry because there are six professional golfers right next to me and we are at Valla oh my God yeah it was amazing but he also said some really good things with regard to the pitching staff take a listen the Giants pitching numbers right now overall don’t look good and if I were Farhan or anybody in that organ I’d be pissed about that right now they’re way better than they’re showing on the pitching side and whether that’s sloppiness lack of concentration just purely lack of execution uh whatever you want to come up with the reason for that I would be ticked off if I were them about the way the pitching has showed so far this year because it’s better than they’ve showed but I think that is a clear strength of this group and I think it’s going to be you know we’re going to see more of those young guys uh up in the big leagues whether Reggie Crawford’s going to be here pretty soon Wiz and Honda is going to be a good big leager like those guys have nice Futures with this team that is a strength uh Dave Fleming usually serves as such a calming influence for Giants fans uh he walked around the grounds of bhalla and used the word pissed yeah yeah that’s not uh that’s about as fiery as as you’re going to get out of Dave but he’s not wrong and you know Katon win’s last three starts have been demotion worthy yet I don’t know if you have anybody who is ready for a promotion and we all have been talking about Carson wizen hunt and if you look at what he’s doing in triaa Mark it’s not good as Z is in the sevens and Mason black is a guy who’s come up and he went back down so other than waiting for Cobb and Robbie Ray to finally get healthy enough I don’t know if you have a real able solution right as far as who you’re going to go to to replace some of these failing arms um well I I mean like some of these failing arms look uh Webb is fine Harrison is on his way Hicks is doing the darn thing no worries there okay three fths Snell’s about to be back you hope that that looks the way that it’s supposed to look yeah and then yeah you’re going to have a placeholder spot whether it’s Keat win or or someone else until there’s Cobb and or Ray or whatever you can figure that out you can figure that out you can figure it out but it’s time well and also you’re not really even Treading Water right now you’re starting to drown and you can’t win the division in May and forget the division you can’t win the wild card in May but you can kind of lose it and even though they’re two and a half out in the wild card race they’re behind five teams so I’m not scoreboard watching just yet but you’re in a spot where you need to start making some hay you’ve got Pittsburgh and Colorado coming up and as I mentioned earlier you’re 1 in 11 against teams with a winning record so that that to me is is the alarming part of this that’s completely alarming that’s why three weeks ago I said that this Giants year could turn out like the Warriors where you’re good against the bad and you’re bad against the good and so far that’s been the giant season Dallas Cowboys esque a little bit yeah you’re right y you’re right the Philadelphia Eagles well the Eagles had more of a of an inverted thing where they were so good and then they were so bad Miami Dolphins right you know teams like that and that’s not good enough but I mean look nothing matters until like I don’t especially this time of year I’m not even looking at the standings you’re under 500 that doesn’t work period get to 500 and we’ll talk and and they are digging themselves a hole that is going to be difficult to get out of if they can’t get it going and and now the problem is you’re asking them to get it going and they they they are doing it with with their babies and really hard to get it going with your babies now some of them are going to be back soon I would think that conforto and Solair hopefully Bailey not that far off once those guys get back yeah you like they’re running out of time you better start boogieing you know you get to Mid June you get to July and and the record looks like this um boy you going to see the kids all right you will see the kids we’re sponsored by O’Reilly Auto Parts he shoots straight he’s going to tell us exactly what he feels about this situation with the Giants that’s rich aelia and he joins us next on Willard and dibs plus we are 45 minutes away from the release of the NFL schedule and the party will start Willard and dibs now at O’Reilly Auto Part save $8 on a [Music] [Music] [Applause] n [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now back to Willard and dibs on 957 the game all right again NFL schedule release party 5:00 but we’re not there yet we got business to tend to okay and uh also a quick reminder we haven’t even talked about it much tomorrow tomorrow’s going to be incredible we’re California theater in San Jose Dwight Clark Legacy series uh the whole show starting at 2:00 ESP to see second half of the show it’s just going to be a parade of amazing people Brock pie and Steve Young and Dre Greenlaw and Alex Smith and um Jeff Garcia uh Dwight clarka if you want to be there and get tickets $87 you know why and 100% of the proceeds go to the Golden Heart fund uh 49ers helping former 4 ners so it’s going to be a great day we’ll be there we hope to see you there and uh and put on a great show for you um speaking of putting on a great show I always feel like that’s the case whenever we get to talk to this guy Richie you’re real you rich first off thank you very much for doing it I’ll let you know I’ve spent much of the first two and a half hours of our show uh really expressing frustration at the state of the Giants organization it it really feels embarrassing quite frankly when the Dodgers are in town the way this looks uh talk me off of uh off of this or or do you do you think I’m right where I should be well well I think the the the three of us if divs is there should go to that schedule release party because that sounds like more fun to me than talking about this stuff right now amen Ain no party like a schedule release party where everyone is oh and0 and you can dream about an undefeated year rich I I agree with you man yeah it’s been it’s been uh it’s been a little frustrating I think uh and I can’t just say this year it’s been frustrating I for a few years for for uh for Giants fans um is I mean honestly can can all the fault go on the front office I don’t think so um you know I I feel like they’ve tried to sign some players that they just can’t sway them their way and uh you know when you look at this year I mean listen they signed some quality big league players but you know guys are hurt guys aren’t performing um I mean it literally is you know almost like Sacramento team out there playing right now against the Dodgers so yeah it’s frustrating um am I ready to throw in a towel no but but I will say this I I think one of the things that happened in the last few years and I’ve heard a couple people comment on this now was the fact that you know in 21 you know they wi 107 games and you know and listen I I give him credit for doing that but at the same time you know everything that possibly could have went right that year went right with with the 21 team and when you kind of don’t make any moves to back that up you lose Gosman or you don’t sign him back um and then you take a step back you know um I give the team credit for winning that many games in 21 but you know pretty much the same team the next year and you know they weren’t even close to that so I think it uh work in progress right now guys I’m as frustrated as anybody else yeah and the frustrating part Mark and I have been talking about is the the fan reaction as well where you have a lot more blue than you do have seemingly orange and black in the crowd and my frustration Rich lies mainly in the inability to develop positioned players and you know going back to when you were coming up in the 90s it doesn’t feel like there have been a ton of them since then to now where is the the problem lie as far as the Giants being able to develop positional players in the farm you know I don’t know um you know usually when you you know when you’re a team like the Giants and you’re playing that ballpark yeah you’re going to have to overpay for free agent uh hitters and you’ll probably you know get some pitchers as free agents that wouldn’t mind coming to pitch there because it’s a it’s a pitcher Park when you go back to the idea of you know you know Drafting and you know getting your own guys you know I I don’t even know anymore at this point in time what what the the level looks like or what I’m trying to say I guess is like how do you how do you judge the talent that you’re bringing in in drafting because you know I I think there’s there’s limited scouts out there and everything’s done by analytics now and uh I mean I remember when I was playing it was all about you know you what what tools did a guy have what was his makeup was he a gamer you know was he a grinder and I don’t know if that exists anymore and I’m not saying they don’t do that but they really you know haven’t had any Stellar position players come out of the you know the minor league system probably since like Crawford belt and and posy did um so I I don’t know what to say I mean look hel heli Ramos looks kind of good to me right now and maybe he’s finally gonna get his chance but you know I I I don’t feel like um I don’t have the knowledge on their minor league and scouting system to really answer that question because I don’t know how they evaluate talent anymore whether it’s by the eye or or by the number Richie AEL you’re with us here on Willard and dibs 957 the game Rich you know even you mentioning there that everything is done by analytics and that’s not just the Giants by any stretch but I do think the the loss of that human feel between front office and and Clubhouse can be really difficult to manage how based on your eyes and following the organization how would you describe that right now with this team the relationship between the front office and the clubhouse um I don’t I don’t think it’s a bad relationship um I just think that a lot of you know as far as the players going but listen the players will take take you know their their point of accountability they’ll take accountability I mean you got guys that they’re signed this year that aren’t playing well I mean you got you know Matt Chapman’s not hitting the ball Blake snow’s been injured and when he’s out there he hasn’t you know played really well I mean so you have some guys that and uh you know have some guys that just haven’t performed a Solair um but as far as the the relationship with the front office I just I just feel like sometimes you know maybe the team needs feels like they need a little help and you know maybe they go out and make a move and when I what I say you know what I mean that when I say that is you know try and make a move to you know get somebody that might be of relevance you know that might help this team ride away right now and you know maybe not a you know a guy off the waiver fire or something like that CU we’ve seen that for a number of years with with this front office and you know some of them have worked out a lot of them haven’t um but none of them have really been a home run right so you kind of want to see like you know could the Giants have gotten Louis AR rise before the Padre’s I don’t know I don’t know what they were looking for in the trade but I mean that guy’s a uh you know won a couple batting titles and you know I’m sure he would have fit in somewhere on this team so um it’s it’s a great question you pose and again um I I don’t have a definitive answer for that I feel like right now this may be an organization with more questions than they have answers and do you start to ask the questions now or is it you know giving these guys a little bit more rope to figure out exactly what you have because ultimately Rich you’re only two and a half out in the wild card is it too early yet to panic about this Giant’s roster I think it is I mean yeah with with the new playoff format how many teams make it listen you pretty much probably knew when the season started you were playing for second or third place in the division I mean the Dodgers are just you know just a monster and you know even when they’re not playing their best they’re a monster um so looking forward here you know you do have so many injuries and you know if you can get some of these guys back and stay you know kind of close in that wild card race and not trying to do too much I mean the main goal right now should be to try and get it back as close to 500 as you can you know day to day just playing every game you know one day at a time but um you know they need to get some production out of this lineup they need to get some better defense um you know they’re looking forward to getting some pitchers back soon but then again you know you need the guys to perform so uh you know I feel pretty good tonight about Logan web on the M he normally pitches pretty well against the Dodgers so uh maybe they could squeak a win out of this series but uh you know I don’t I don’t think it’s time to jump ship yet I mean it’s still pretty early in the season if you go on a run of winning like you know 12 out of 15 or 12 out of 16 you’re right back where you want to be uh Rich uh Rich AEL you’re with us here on uh on Willard and dibs you know you talk about that gap between the Giants and the Dodgers and everyone gets it but I think we’re also getting a little tired of just accepting it you know if if if that’s in other words if that’s the symptom what’s the disease what what has led us to this point where it seems like the Dodgers do everything right and have all the resources and the Giants don’t well I mean look I mean I just rewind the clock eight years ago right the the the Giants coming off three World Series and then you know they falter a little bit in 16 to make the playoffs lose to the Cubs and then after that kind of like you know kind of fell flat a little bit at the same time I don’t know at that point how many years in a row the Dodgers had been in the midst of winning the division or at least making the playoffs every year and you know when you have guys on a team like they have in a market that they’re in with the money that they’re willing to spend I mean you’re going to get the free agents and you know you get a Freddy Freeman you get a sh Otani you get the pitcher from Japan you get who mookie bets in a trade right so I I think that’s where it kind I go back to is just that consistent winning mentality that the Dodgers have put forth and put their you know their best foot forward the last I don’t even know how many years it is 10 12 years and uh the Giants coming off the three World Series just have you know kind of Fallen back a little bit to the pack and uh know if there’s anything wrong with that um but it just goes to to show you if you have Deep Pockets and you know you’re a winning team you’re you’re going to get the quality players and you have to have deep resources to be able to make those trades and the Dodgers have done a better job of building up the farm and that was supposed to be one of farhan’s big benefits here with him as president of the baseball op so do the Giants need to change their approach to Drafting and international evaluations well I’m sure that I mean Farhan came from the Dodgers right I’m sure he’s following the same model that they have um I don’t know if they’ve hit on a bunch of guys that they thought they were going to but um you know it it just hasn’t seemed to happen yet um and I I don’t know I don’t know when it would happen I mean I know we got some good young arms in the minor leagues right now but you know listen you may need to trade some of those guys to to get something and you know I’m always of the belief and I I I think this was you know at least when I was there Brian savan mentality was like hey I’ll always trade a prospect for proven Big League player because the term Prospect means you know it means something means he hasn’t proven anything yet at the big league level where if you can trade a guy or two and get a proven big leager you know I’m going to do that and I think they uh possibly need to be more willing to do that moving moving forward in the future Rich you played the position based on what you’ve seen do you think Marco Luciano can be a short stop um I think he I think he can for the short term uh I just he’s kind of big you know and I I think he plays better at a at a corner position or a corner Outfield spot um you know I I I think with him you know if you ask me first off Health got to be healthy and he’s had a string of injuries over the past few years whether it be hamstrings back or whatever it is he just hasn’t been able to stay healthy and you know then when he is I mean you know yeah he’s a prospect right you’re you’re you’re looking ahead at what he could possibly do but you know if if it’s me I want to see that dominant season in the minor leagues like I want to see dominance for more than a week or two you know it’s got to be over a couple month period or or season and I don’t think we’ve seen that yet from him do I think he’s capable absolutely I think he’s capable but in the long term I don’t know if he’s built to play shortstop uh he’s built to be an athletic Big League player I just don’t know if that’ll be a short stop for the long term you know what’s interesting is it seems like everyone says what you just said like maybe not long term and I’m like if that’s the Outlook why have they not started to try him somewhere else yeah I I that that’s a great question I don’t know I mean I listen honestly right now with the glut of injuries to outfielders you could try working him out in the Outfield during BP and just getting him a little more comfortable because as we’ve seen with his roster the last few years and we know how farh Han Maneuvers the roster they love the guys that could play multiple positions so if you get him a little bit of work whether it’s at second base Third Base Outfield the better his stocks going to be with this organization and then he’s just going to have to prove that he could hit up here yeah and you’ve seen a lot of that from the youngsters coming up and then you know Casey Schmidt hitting down in Sacramento and not really showing an ability to hit here as well if Luciano is going to play some minor league infield other than stop you figure he would have done it by now so how much time do you do you give him with the big club before you start to maybe realize that any of these guys aren’t going to be able to make it what’s what’s the bat total that they get rich in your mind before you start to make definitive decisions I mean it it it’s very hard to come up with a number for a team that wants to compete right so this team wants to get back in the race so it’s very hard to say like oh well if they were you know you know is it late in the year whatever well let’s get this guy 100 at bat see what he can do that that’s different right now you’re still in a mode of trying to get back on track trying to get some players healthy and trying to win some games and that’s very hard to do consistently with somebody that doesn’t prove themselves right away over a consistent period of time so I I would say during this time of the season the numers shorter um the bats are shorter or you know lower number but as the season goes on if you fall out of it then why not see what they could do right I mean you know I I think the Giants are an organization that are you know they’re they’re caught in between they’re kind of in purgatory right where you know the fans wanted to win they wanted to go get all the big uh free agents sign everybody but then at the same time when the you know when the performance isn’t there everybody wants them tear it down so they’re in a very tough position I’m not very enviable of of the position that farhan’s in because it is a tough position um but you know only time will tell and I think the quicker some of these you know injury guys come back the better it’s going to be for this team but in the interim I mean they they don’t really have a choice but to play some of these guys out there um I’m not letting you get out of here today without a golf dad update um as as a fellow golf Dad please can can you explain what happened earlier today oh dude I’ve been three days in a row I’ve been walking out at Stanford Golf Course out here there was one of the NCA regionals for division one golf was out here and my son Chaz is a 50er at SMU and uh they basically it came down to the last group today uh mark it came down to the last group that was playing with the kid from my son’s team Old Miss and Stanford and uh Stanford and SMU Made It by one stroke and Old Miss missed because the kid missed the birdie put from like 10 ft so it was a very it was very nerve-wracking I probably need a glass of wine right now but uh but it looks like I’ll be heading down to San Diego in uh about 10 days or soce dude congratulations what what did he shoot today today he was even for the tournament I think he was one under it played pretty tricky out here was a little windy and uh it it played tricky but uh you know what it Liv to fight another day and uh you know he’s a fifth year so this will be his last year so I’m glad he gets the opportunity to you know go and play Nationals again he’s played once before with the university Arizona and now I get to go with does he have uh like Pro Prospects does he is he thinking about giving it a go or is this going to do it for him as far as competitive golf goes at this level no he has aspirations to tr try and get a card toour card somewhere probably in the fall because that’s when they do a lot of qualifying so I think he’s going to stay amateur through the summer and based off of his uh World Amateur Golf Ranking he qualifies for some pretty good amateur events uh this summer so in between my my covering the Giants I’ll be traveling to watch some more golf tournaments it’s so good is there anything worse than watching someone else stand over a five foot putt that you care about oh dude it’s no it’s the worst because you can’t control it and it’s like that in between distance yep and like you know I was like oh man but uh you know fortunately worked out for them today and they they they actually they were pretty out of it after day one and they came back yesterday as a team and shot like 15 or 16 unders so they got back into it and they finished up strong today uh love it congrats to your son to you as well rich thank you so much for hopping on on a busy day all right guys have a good one man yeah there he goes Richa no he’s not wrong I swear to God when they yeah I’ve been there when my kids were both in school when they run the birdie putt 5T by I’m just like I’m I’m going to the next hole I can’t watch this oh yeah you’re not turning that birdie into a bogey are you are you really about to do that one of the most nerve-wracking ones for me was watching my younger son who was a freshman and he’s playing varsity cuz you know SK Skyline High in Oakland he’s out there on the first te of his first event and he’s playing with three seniors from Castro Valley SLE Andrew whatever and these are almost grown men big kids and my little guy gets up there he’s about 5’4 81 pounds and I’m just worried that he’s not going to be able to hit it past the uh the bushes by the forward te it’s the worst yeah it’s like oh man no man hits at about a buck 40 as a freshman I’m like ah he’s off and running okay here we go you know I can’t stand it there’s nothing worse than watching your kid just like in agony over it but rich is right they handle it way better because they’re just like playing golf exactly it’s like no big deal just like this is terrible I hate watching this right now um all right 888 957 9570 is the number yes Giants baseball has been Center Stage yes in two hours their Ace takes the hill against somebody in a blue hat and the somebody in a blue hat is favored and it is highly highly unacceptable I love what rich said though like it to me it’s it’s just too simple to go fire Farhan or this is farhan’s fault it look in the end he’s the president and this product is not good enough and that should say all you needed to say but to me this goes way past that’s been my message of the day this goes way past the standings or or any game last night or anything like that I feel robbed of the experience you can’t have Giants Dodgers games look like this you know this I’ve got as much patience as any fan in the world yeah but you you cannot they can’t they they cannot look like this you can lose you cannot get repeatedly embarrassed and have your Stadium get overtaken by opposing fans that’s just you can’t do that it’s unacceptable but unfortunately it’s where you are and it is for now at least it is not only acceptable it’s the reality and not only on the field but in the stands as well and until ownership and upper management and management decides to do something about it it’s going to continue and what was the story The the 76ers owner bought like 2,000 or 3,000 tickets so that Nicks fans couldn’t come to Philadelphia and take over the stadium the arena and everybody ripped the Philadelphia 76ers for the embarrassment that you had to get to that point and you had to do that and I don’t think that the Giants would do something like that but you’re at a point where drastic times call for drastic measures and you’re right Mark you can’t continue to have this be the reality the Dodgers come back in June I think right June July I it’s June for one more series and if things continue the way they have so far it’s going to be the same song in the summer their party will continue no no doubt about it yeah you know you know what I really want from from this front office and Farhan actually started it already remember remember he talked to Susan slesser a week and a half ago and he said this has been hugely disappointing um I want more of that I want that from Larry bear I want that from Greg Johnson I want that from everybody stop telling me it’s okay stop stop acting like it’s going well yeah we’ve got some injuries but hey Mission Rock am I right stop show some frustration show some accountability all of those things let everybody know that there are human beings in there who are really upset with the product that they’re putting out there because we can’t be the only ones who are are mad and I know we’re not I know they’re mad I think right now is one of those moments for some vulnerability and act like let everybody know how upset you are as opposed to what you normally do is bring Larry bear on to NBC Sports Bay Area so you can tell you about all the projects they got going on and uh and then bring someone else from the front office to say well we would be good if not San Francisco know what I’m saying well how about enough of that and let everybody know look this is this is not okay and and and God darn it we we pledge to be on it we’re like we’re doing absolutely everything we can you know we’re offering tickets for $51 uh so we’re you and attendance is up a little bit mark I don’t know if you noticed that tendance is up over last year and darn it if we weren’t bitten by the injury bug I think we’d be we’d be right in it you know if we didn’t lose Draymond Green for all those games we would have been a six seed am I right huh huh presented by Fremont Bank full service banking no compromises all right 888 957 9570 is the number the NFL schedule release is 18 minutes away we are on it we’re about to have a party up in here we’re going to change the vibe maybe we’ll show the Giant how you can have some fun we got some special guests we got some surprises around the corner all of that is next on Willard and dibs you know it’s also really fun mark [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] n [Music] [Applause] n [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] damn it far on trade him now back to Willard and dibs on 957 the game all right we’re about to do this we’re about to do a schedule release party the NFL schedule comes out in 11 minutes okay and here’s what we’re going to do I just give you a little teaser little teaser all right not going to unveil everything for you but we got special guests lined up and we’re going to yell at them and then they’re going to yell at us and we’re going to poke and we’re going to prod and we’re going to going to pull out a 49er Victory each time but we are going to go through the schedule game by game partially so dibs can play win loss yeah yeah and then I’ll make fun of him for it cuz that game’s the stupidest thing alive it’s actually the best game and it’s as I was telling Rich aelia this is the most exciting time of the year because everybody can dream of 17 and0 it’s fun for those who like to play it okay well that would be any game well right but I don’t like to play it it’s kind of like Let It Ride at a casino know you know those games that look like blackjack tables but they’re not yeah those are called House Games those are games for you to lose your money but some people like them right I don’t play any of those games so I know what you’re saying right they’re house games right um the odds are terrible I’m out but they’re fun for those who like to play them right and you can win money it’s allowed you can so if you want to play it play it sometimes you do win money at those games those house games I feel the same way about win loss you could play it if you like it I’m out I’m going to win no matter what so you play I will I will not bet you this time on anything okay if you say the term scheduled loss right I’m just going to go silent on you um but that’s theame I will highlight the scheduled loss there will be at least one on the schedule that’s fine you can do that and I know there have been reports already leaking out uh from our very own alumnist Kyle Madson talking about six Prime Time games which is the maximum and uh he is reporting at Niners wire USA Today don’t reveal the teams yet don’t Reve the he is reporting six Prime Time games yeah yeah those are games that aren’t in the afternoon Mark they’re not which uh and can I just tell you that uh two uh three how many of them are at home that’s what I was doing four of the six would be at home yeah which uh and I’m seeing that well that would be a work day and that would not be a work we’re going to be at Levis a lot this year two two of the four are days where you and I can be live on the scene number two no no not two I see three I see Monday yeah Thursday on the road and then Sunday yeah Sunday on the road yeah Thursday uh there you go at home and Monday at home look at you three PR yep all right those are my favorites those are the only ones that my I can try to bring the family to right because of the Sunday Night Show we’re not going to Levis on a Sunday I can’t do it I can’t do it so do it I I look for these and yes uh mad hag and we will be at all of them period look cuz we said so I do the booking except for one of them one of them might be during the holidays that one there at the end might be sorry you already locked yourself in no that’s actually well after the holidays week 17 yeah cuz it that baby uh you know I have to do the actual we’re coming up here in 5 minutes when the party starts oh that’s right cuz week 18 week 18 so coming up in a few years we’re going to have a week 20 in the NFL when they go to 18 games there’ll be two buys we’re going to have 20 weeks in the National Football League yeah week 17 is December 27th to January 2nd it would appear okay which would make that January 2nd a Monday yeah probably not going to be back yet yeah yeah I might be off there in uh beach somewhere something drink maybe the holiday rating period last couple of days of the holiday book huge maybe huge maybe um and so uh let’s see first guest um oh okay first yeah hard out 510 so we’ll get to him as quick as possible beautiful anyway yeah no problem okay so just before we get into the schedule release I’m going to preface my uh win loss game by saying that I do think this Niner schedule is more difficult than anyone that I can remember just based on the opponents that they’re going to have now I agree with you how they stack them always determines a lot like last year that Cincinnati game I did say was a scheduled loss it was the last game before a buy and the Bengals were coming off of a buy and even at that the ners had the worst schedule in terms of uh rest deficiency they were a minus 20 meaning their opponents had 20 days collectively more of rest than the ners did and still they managed to be the number one overall seed in the NFC yeah yeah so uh so this is what we’re about to do we are going to go in order and unveil the games for you but this is how I like it let’s let’s let’s do it slow let’s do it slow okay all right nice so what we’re gonna do is we’ll let you know some of the highlighted games and then we’re going to walk our way through the entire schedule right probably over like a half hour period quite frankly um we’re going to walk our way through the schedule game by game we’re going to stop for a few of them and have special guests and then we will yell about them and then we will move on to the next game and work our way through the entire schedule and then Dan Dibley will tell you if the 49ers going to win or the game yeah we can do that at the end yeah and then I’ll laugh and then at some at some point we’ll move on and then get back to screaming about how Logan Webb better shoved tonight because I’ve about had it with this crap well okay that’s how five o’ hour is going to go today and you can’t call your teammates and your entire team dog Schmid in the middle of a sip yes without coming out and doing well yourself you got Schmid on yeah yeah it’s you know I love love the way he did it cuz he was asked a question and he you could tell that he was going through should I or shouldn’t I I really shouldn’t but I need to I’m a leader I should boom dog bleep bang yeah this is dog bleep so four minutes the schedule comes out Lucas is this just like posted somewhere and you’re going to run it into us or whatever sure yeah okay do you even know that like I have no clue I’m on social media I’ll see it like everyone else all right so the schedule is about to come out here in four minutes I forgot to ask you something Grandy when you said that the Giants had a lineup come out is Luciano in it no he’s not Schmidt uh Schmidt is uh it’s yky Estrada Chapman and then Wade and then 5 through n as work it’s fun Ramos Matos Sable Schmidt and Cali Cali B ninth all right Double C is in the nine hole does he get a standing out when he when he gets back to the Batters box in the third inning tonight well Savor yeah depends no no it’s Dodger crowd W maybe that’s why they give him a standing oh yeah that’s a great Point yeah yes okay it’s 125 so you’re five through nine are four AAA players and a guy who was a Cubs minor Leaguer earlier today stop calling Blake Sable a minor leager he was a giant all year last year and he’s the best hitter on your team yeah and he he did well and galdi is also a AAA player that’s what I said he was a Cubs minor Leaguer earlier today and if you want to like put the put a medal on Blake Sable because he want to put a medal on him but stop calling him a river cat where was be this year to start the year where would he be this year if not for injuries to the other two catchers he’d be a rivercat I mean that’s let would have could have should have like the only reason why he didn’t go down last year is because they were not allowed to and because they liked him if they didn’t like him they could send him back out sure send him away and gone he’s playing really well sure is yeah darn it Blake Sable ladies and gentlemen they hit him third in this lineup am I right you ain’t Kidd nothing says boy your offense is struggling when you have to bat two catchers in your lineup did you say Yas is leading off correct okay so casali and Yas are hitting back to back and they’re they’re boys they’re boys into uh Vandy together cassali second lead off there you go that’s what my little league teach coach would tell me and I hated it actually I was hitting eighth and he would say uh your second cleanup and I was like you know what it worked for a little while and it’s like you know what tell you something eth cuz I stink coach you could just say it Ron bar rest in peace he was a good coach second cleanup hitter yeah you’re like why don’t you shove it up your wahoo coach yeah why don’t you let me be the first cleanup hitter then yeah Danny little Dan for me lead off hitter Mikey has an on base percentage of 2 78 what are you saying he gets on base about a quarter of the time all right right maybe even a little more slightly more than a quarter of the time about 28% yeah which is two out of every seven yep there you have it that would be 28.6 so it’s it’s even a little bit less you’re right you’re right look at you Captain math over there you know me yep um all right we are literally less than a minute away um we do know we do know game one we do know game one of course and that is going to be the Jets here at Levis for Monday Night Football and we’re going to be talking that out in just a second we’ll unveil who’s coming on to join us it’s not fancy pants names but these are people that are going to bring some heat now um you’re listening to 957 the game kgmz FM in HD1 San Francisco on Odyssey sports station always live on the free Odyssey app twitch and YouTube powered by first NorCal Credit Union upgrade your savings dividend open a first NorCal first class money market today all right schedule just about to come out we’ll dive into our party some of you may be familiar with Jason McIntyre others not as much Jason is the one who sits across the way from Colin coward on his uh radio and TV show every day he’s also the one who established the big lead I know was your favorite website back in the day it’s a good one I believe he then sold the big lead and that’s what allowed him to go purchase a home out in Los Angeles and become Colin cow herd’s uh second chair uh over there so he’s with Fox Sports One and uh and and established the big lead and and is a fun friend and very good at what he does and unfortunately for him is also a very large Jets fan and so we’re going to grab the schedule and go note for note and Jason will be first up in just a few minutes as soon as we can get the schedule in front of us but obviously uh the six Prime Time games you mentioned y we’ll find out if this is accurate um but as of right now uh the rumor is that the 49ers we know Monday night against the Jets week one y they’ve got a Thursday nighter in Seattle week six yeah I’m looking at the schedule right now so I can confirm as you’re going okay you’re doing great all right uh it’s being printed I am I being told all right um okay uh 2024 did we do it okay I don’t see it where do you see it ners uh Twitter oh and uh yeah okay fire away Dallas Cowboys week eight is that right that is correct and then the other Prime Time game Buffalo week 13 on the road and the Rams week 15 at Levis and then week 17 December 30th the Hurricane’s birthday Gail dibl the caner that is a 515 game ESPN ABC Monday night football December 30th in week 17 okay we’re not going to be expecting you to remember this there won’t be a test but let us roll through this just real quick and then we’re going to highlight some of the bigger things and we will get Jason McIntyre on shortly to scream at him about the Jets week one home to the Jets Monday Night Football week two the 49ers go to Minnesota that’s Pie versus darnold week three they’re at the Rams it’s going to be crazy week four Patriots come to Levis week five Cardinals come to Levis week six Thursday Night Football in Seattle you know about week seven Kansas City Chiefs will be at Levis on a Sunday week eight dibs just mentioned it Sunday night football Dallas Cowboys here at Levis week nine by week week got the whole week off week 10 at Tampa Bay this is November 10th week 11 the Seahawks will come here on a Sunday as we head toward Thanksgiving week speaking of which the 49ers when we get to late November we’ll simply have a Sunday game they will be at Lambo field week 12 week 13 they are at Buffalo that’s Sunday night football again then the Bears come to Levis week 14 week 15 the Rams come here to Levi Stadium week 16 is when they go to Miami to take on the Miami Dolphins week 17 that’s the Detroit Lions that’s Monday Night Football and then they finish at the Cardinals week 18 yeah there you go that’s the look real quick at the 2024 season schedule for the San Francisco 49ers and we’re going to get a little deeper into each of them week by week I love that and uh first blush takeaways by week is perfectly positioned at week nine you’ve got eight games before you’ve got nine after the real rugged quote unquote road trip would be at Green Bay at Buffalo that would be one where you might stay back east and that’s uh you know pack your cold weather gear late November at Green Bay and then at Buffalo December 1stc and then uh the other one that’s really intriguing is that spot where you’ve got uh 10 days between the Rams and the Dolphins so you do have to travel to Miami late season whether or not a huge Factor you might get some rain but at least you have a 10-day break between the Rams and the Dolphins which sets you up for a tough stretch with Detroit as well late in the year all right let’s Dive Right In week by week we start with week number one the Jets coming to town Levi Stadium Monday night to wrap up with week one joining us to take one on the chin cuz the Jets are going down is is our buddy Jason McIntyre FS1 live here on 957 the game hello Jason how you been Buddy I’m great I I I’m waiting to bet the Jets money line and with the points against the Niners in week one I can’t wait it should be a great game wait a minute did you say money line or with the points those things uh are right in in one another’s face Jason I said both just w even covering I love it um listen let’s be real as long as Aaron Rogers doesn’t talk about vaccines or Ukraine or uh Tucker Carlson we should be fine you know let’s focus on brief uh let’s strap in with Mike Williams I mean you gota love this new offensive line I’m just I’m being serious I looked at the schedule for the Jets it looks to me like yeah I I just wonder about uh who the Jets backup QB is because the over under on Aaron Rogers snaps in that game is said it four and a half well played I I see you I like that but uh in all seriousness I I think this is a great great game like for nationally televised gonna get a huge number you got both coachs doing battle Salah against his former guys I I don’t I’m being real I think the Jets offense is going to be dominant this year look uh I actually like the Jets and and we’re intrigued to see what they actually look like with Aaron Rogers because we were intrigued to see that last year but but Jay come on man like this this this this is the opposite of the house that Aaron Bill the 49ers have owned this guy where is your confidence coming from not in the Jets offense but in this actual matchup yeah well so in the matchup so uh ree Hall by the way uh scored nine touchdowns last year I think he was second in the league to mcaffry and scrimmage yard you know the Jets as a teams off look nothing like they did last year because they have a real quarterback they have a real offensive line I don’t know if you guys know this guy Mike Clay at ESP he out rosters and Accord broke down every position group and every roster he has the Jets as the second best roster in the league behind the like this is be know people think oh it’s the Jets same old Jets this team’s gonna be Jason um I I I I I just want to remind you what you just said the Jets have the second best roster behind the ners yeah um so listen man it’s great to hear your voice your phone’s a little bit wonky there but appreciate it and no doubt we’re going to get back on the phone before that game actually happens in September do you plan on coming up uh that’s gonna be a tough one uh yeah I gotta ask the bosses at Fox I don’t know if they’re gonna let me miss a day unless you I can get on your private jet maybe uh we’ll work on it we’ll work on it it’s actually a four-door vehicle but uh you’re welcome to jump in the back seat all right fellas good luck all right Jason thanks I thought when he said I was going to ask the boss I thought he was talking about his wife was actually talking about about his bosses all right so Niners and jets Monday night week one sure Aaron Rogers coming back does make the Jets a very very different Squad because they were that team last year that was a quarterback away now they’ve got a quarterback however Niners have owned the guy and let’s not act like he’s a sure thing either this is a dude who was already getting old and now is coming off of an Achilles injury that’s true and their offense though if they have a good quarterback I agree with Jason is very very good the defense last year was absolutely nasty I don’t know how many games they lost 13 to9 or 16 to 11 it seemed like every time especially early in the year the Jets were good defensively they were competitive but that quarterback that they had was so bad their offense was putrid I think with Aaron Rodgers and that the skill guys that they have now and the roster is good that’s going to be a very difficult opener for the ners yeah uh no doubt it’s going to be difficult but it’s going to be even more difficult for the Jets let’s let’s not forget what that Arena if you will call it that is going to be like in that situation I’m really happy for 49er fans that this is the stage this is the way that this team gets to start its season yes it didn’t win the Super Bowl so Thursday Night Football 5 days earlier is not going to be here at Levi Stadium but this is a little bit of the next best thing you get a standalone you get Monday night you get your home building and you get a really interesting opponent across the way that energy that night and I know we’re going to be there uh is going to be next level absolutely and it’s Aaron Rogers in a quote unquote homecoming it’s Salah versus Shanny which is a very intriguing matchup and you know Jason mentioned the Jets with a great roster and the only roster that’s better is the 49ers and so match up of great coaches and a matchup of quarterbacks won a Super Bowl champion and a former MVP against the a shuck Brook py so many interesting matchups in this week one game week two for the 49ers they’ll be on the road in Minnesota 10 a.m. kickoff September 15th coming off a short week now and they got to go on the road are the Vikings starting JJ McCarthy or Sam darnold in that football game I think it’s Sam darnold I get the sense that McCarthy is good but I think that Sam darnold’s probably going to win that job early on and you know Sam darnold is just he’s turned into a pretty sturdy reliable probably won’t help you win probably won’t hurt your chances of winning so I think that it’s going to be Sam darnold early in that match up I didn’t ask you week one are you giving them a win dog oh no it’s a loss Jets come across the country and beat the 49ers yes the ners will go to Minnesota at 0 and one I don’t like doing this with you at all you gave him a loss in week one I gave him a loss in week one Mark they’re favored by 6 6 and a half right now depending on where you shop I think that the Jets are very good and I think they come across country and they win that game r e l a x relax relax I’m not going to predict the Niners go 17 and0 okay uhle clearly not they’re not going to go 0 and 17 either are they going to go one in one what are you giving them week two in Minnesota they go to Minnesota to bounce back on a short week as L Neal would call it not a short week but a short week I think that they’re just way better than Minnesota even though they’re traveling and they have a day fewer than Minnesota will I think they handle the Vikings on the road week three they’re at the Rams we know that story very very well don’t need to say a whole lot on it other than that I do think the Rams are an interesting team if they’re blessed with health this year that receiving core can be a problem they’ve moved the ball against the 49ers before they did it last year um and you know coming off of uh the short week after uh after week one that’s an interesting trip to Sofi stadium and could be a challeng for sure uh your Survivor pool game for me if you want the Niners week four when Drake May and the New England Patriots come to Levi Stadium week four that one’s a W for sure no doubt and I think they start to hum by going to La and winning a tight one against the Rams and you know the Rams are good they’ve got a couple of great receivers and and a quarterback who may be on his last legs but something about Shanahan V McVey Shanny always seems to have the upper hand most of the time in the regular season most of the time yeah and then we got a couple division battles Cardinals week five week six Thursday night in Seattle then week seven is the Chiefs game put that aside for just a second we’ll Circle back to the Chiefs week seven play win loss with dibs here in a second but for a moment how about um how about week eight [Music] oh that music oh uh was it five touchdown passes or six that Brock had in this game last year I can’t remember I lost track gry was it six I think I think it was six I think it was sixs right 42-1 what a colossal embarrassment for America’s team week eight right back in the same building same time slot Sunday Night Football the Dallas Cowboys are at Levi Stadium and guess who’s here to talk to us about it it’s a guy who know goes by the name Guru hey goo what’s up they call me cowo Cowboy Daryl in the Metroplex all right I I don’t even know to what level you’re peaco*cking this year um with uh with with your Cowboys and and in theory Dak on a new deal week eight Sunday night football back in the bay your thoughts uh it’s going to be a shellacking nothing’s changed on the cowboy front has actually gotten worse and I’m being real with you guys I have I have diagnosed myself this is the last year Dak Prescott the Cowboys actually needed the ners to get this Sunday night game the ners are on a revenge tour shout out Kevin Cosner the Dallas drafted their offensive line is just in flux they drafted Tyler gon they don’t know where he’s going to play I’m telling you this is a 20-point win by the ners that’s just where I’m at guys well can I change your opinion by letting you know that the Cowboys will be coming off of their buy they’ve got Detroit week six they’ve got a buy week seven then they go to the ners it’ll be a well-rested daking company goo does that help change your tune at all uh not at all it’s not about rest it’s not about endurance it’s about chess and checkers and the Niners are playing chess that’s why they’ve had the success that’s why they pounded Dallas last time and unfortunately McCarthy and new defensive coordinator Mike Zimmer are playing checkers nothing is going to change this is going to be ugly and I’m just keeping it real and I knew it was going to be ugly last year guys this is the last year Dak Prescott will be the quarterback of the Dallas Cowboys I’m just I know you don’t care I do I’m just telling you brace yourself um boy goo is down on the Cowboys it’s over yeah I mean by the way Willard and dibs 957 the game this is our schedule release party in the NFL just 15 minutes ago the entire schedule came out for all teams we’re going game by game with special guests the Cowboys will be here week eight for Sunday Night Football and we’re talking to our guy goo man you are like I I mean I’ve I’ve never heard you like this about your team except for when you gave up on the Pirates a couple weeks ago well I’ll tell you what and I appreciate that I’ll tell you what I am ready to sacrifice a season listen a season to get four out of there and that coach but if the four is out of there and Dak I’m ready for the new era shout out baseball hats I’m telling you Mark I’m done 27 to nothing at halftime in the playoff game when everything the week before went your way to get a home playoff game and the Jordan love comes in it’s over and dibs I know Willard doesn’t want to play game and you guys aren’t asking and my time’s almost up the NFC champion and I love this game dibs the NFC Championship will be Rams at ners just put that in the cap put that in the cap yeah that’s the Time Capsule is what we like to put that in granny going and Mark that put inter so Cowboys don’t even make the playoffs then goo who wins the East is it still Philly is it mtown Philly back again Dallas may win the they’re going to win the division with probably 10 to 11 wins that won’t bring me back it’s bigger than that you can’t even get to a effing championship game you can’t even be garoo at home deak you can’t be Brock pie you know it’s like when does it end every Jerry Jones I’m gonna commend the Jones family they could have extended dck like Jared Goff they said no and that’s why I’m excited today and I I I said yes I’ll appear on your show to say this thing is done this thing is done mark it really is I can’t wait uh goo thank you for hopping in just so you know you have to say yes when we call you’re not allowed to say no to us hey it felt good saying it though yeah it felt good uh we’ll talk to you tomorrow at 1:45 okay there it goes that’s that’s our own Guru with the Dallas Cowboys coming to town week eight we’re going to go game by game you haven’t even mentioned who you think’s going to win some of these but we have to jump ahead now for another special guest I love this man we both love this man the Niners will be in Miami to take on the Dolphins um week 16 we tried to get Darius Rucker because the Dolphins made him cry he was unavailable so we had to settle for Fox Sports radio’s Arie sper America’s second favorite dolphins fan live on Willard and dibs 957 the game hello Ary hey guy hey right off the bat I played goet Darius Rucker I’ll tell you about that later on I I’m a little disappointed right off the bat you you’re you’ve already insulted me you cannot bring on a Dolphin fan unless I hear this I mean we can’t even we can’t even hear what you’re playing Ary we go tell we can’t even tell you what we’re going to do you a favor cuz we can’t even hear what the hell you’re playing with your with your 1982 Tech technology so instead we’ll play this for [Laughter] you I wish I could see you right now because if there’s any of my friends if there are any of my friends who have moves it’s you Arie that’s that’s okay I was playing Miami Dolphins Miami Dolphins Miami Dolphins is number one and we stole that from the Houston Oilers I had the dolphin sound effect ah what difference does it make big game week 16 how great is that one it’s probably gonna mean a lot more for Miami than it is San Francisco probably G to be a number one SE for Miami San Francisco may have that clinched up by then so I I love that it’s in Miami I love that it’s late in the season weather won’t really be a factor this could be one of this will probably be San Francisco’s toughest game especially because it’s on the road I love it I can’t wait for this one that’s a very ego maniacal statement knowing that the bills Chiefs Lions Packers Cowboys are all on the schedule as well you think this is going to be their hardest game I was I stuttering uh did you know that the Miami Dolphins would have been a number one seed and probably would have won the Super Bowl last year had they not got into some major injury problems especially on the defense and you know what Tyreek Hill got hurt he had to miss some games Jaylen w got hurt my good when you missing H and wad uh moer got hurt a chen got hurt our two running backs our two wide receivers the defense my goodness man what what do you want but it’s a different year this year Tua stayed healthy he showed he could stay healthy they got a great offensive line they love mozer mozer he was fantastic last year you guys know a lot about him eight chance Superstar running back in the NFL not good running back not great running back Superstar running back in the NFL and with hail and Wadd oh did I mention our third wide receiver is some bum called Odell Beckham Jr oh whoa try to keep up with us I Dare You does he come with does he come with a time time machine and a flux capacitor Ary I’m looking at your schedule your last six opponents in succession are all playoff teams from a year ago including two bouts with the Jets I’m afraid your team is going to be beleaguered battered and bruised by the time the Niners March in and win by double digits again okay one you act like the Jets are so the jet wow I’m supposed to be worried about them they got a quarterback that’s like older than I am he’s in double ARP seriously they’re not going to do anything they don’t ski me plus Miami’s got one of the easiest like the fifth easiest schedule in the NFL so I don’t know what you’re reading but you got to reread it my friend learn how to read a schedule they got like the fifth or six easiest one there so they it can’t be all that hard you want to know why the NFL gave him an easy schedule Arnie why because they don’t beat good teams Arie tell me that like I can’t believe the Swagger you have off of last year when was the last time they beat a good team because it wasn’t last year last year last year was tough for teams that were over five 100 it just absolutely killed me and then we out of all things we have to go to Kansas City for the playoffs when it’s like negative 100 degrees it it made Alaska look like like Hawaii like Alaska’s like come on out there no problem here it was you people had limbs amputated and we’re playing football in that weather like we even had a chance and the whole end of the season went right downhill with the injuries and playing in like Subzero weather playing in the Antarctica it it was just ridiculous but that’s why I’m so optimistic I can’t believe you’re getting 22 to1 you should put some money money down on Miami buy yourself a nice house up there you know AR span your Fox Sports Radio part of our NFL schedule release party here on 957 the game Willard and dibs we’re going through each of the 49ers games and they will be in Miami week 16 to take on the Dolphins you’re you’re you a Believer In Tua do you know that one two years ago when he got hurt he was leading the NFL in just about every major NFL statistic last year he was right up there also so what do you what ex what exactly do you want from him he’s a major quarterback he led Miami to a good a good season last year they should have won the division so they kind of fell shorter than that the like the end of the season let the bad tastes they’re going to give him a long-term contract he’s going to get like $50 million a year he’s he’s more than fine he’s a that that’s my quarterback that’s my quarterback says to yeah no I I love him and I I think I think it’s a good choice I certainly don’t think I’d go fishing for another quarterback well you would probably want a quarterback who is uh you know an MVP finalist making a million a year and you can be honest with us Arie you you’ve got QB Envy when it comes to Brock P you can be you could be straight with us out here yeah I mean there’s nothing better than an average Quarterback first of all is Brock they say Brock is the quarterback I I when I think of San Francisco I think of Like Bugs Bunny where they’re like pitching Bugs Bunny catching bug bunny mcaffrey Center maccaffrey quarterback maccaffrey blocking for maccaffrey throw the maccaffrey tackled by maccaffrey it’s like it’s like every that’s all do you have more than one person on your team I just want to know just a bunch of all Pros you know from KD to Warner and all the way out to Trent Williams and all the rest of the fellas dud hey what do these hey Arie what do these numbers mean uh to you 25 for 37 for 210 yards and two touchdown throws in only three quarters of action do you know what that what I’m referring to no I don’t you could tell me okay that that would be Brock P’s line against the Dolphins in his first ever NFL game that launched him into stardom oh I remember that and you know what’s so funny I remember watching that game and when he came in because there was an injury and I remember telling my friend PL or my he was my Frank my my partner plank on the air said I can’t believe he lost to some guy he didn’t even go to a real college he went to Iowa State for crying out loud I I was so distraught over that that this guy came in and and his first game was against the Dolphins to beat us I’m like a I just sick to my stomach over it um I do remember two of throwing two picks in that game yeah we don’t have to relive that game that’s not why you had me on today is it I’m just curious no that’s totally that’s totally why we had you on and we’re going to get the relive of it on December 22nd to when uh the Niners go to Miami and uh do it again by double digits first of all again it’s on the road so you know what it is San Francisco going on the road cross country uh and like I said it’s going to mean a lot more for the dolphins dolphins are going to have the division in sight the number one SE sight just like they did last year except they had major injuries this time they’re going to be at home it’s not going to be negative 115 degrees outside so that’s going to be well it’s not going to be San Francisco where it’s like a 32 degree day and it’s raining and miserable and everybody’s just miserable outside you’re like it’s in San Francisco that’s not gonna happen so I’m I’m fine with it I feel good I bet you the Dolphins are favored in that game um well we we’ll talk to you when it gets closer Ary but um I won’t talk to you on Sunday but I’ll talk near you okay thanks for hopping on you guys are great take care man I’ll speak to you later go dolphin he got one in on us Shar de D that gry man he showed us at the buzzer week 16 will be in Miami but don’t fret the Niners do come back home for week 17 guess what it’s the night before New Year’s Eve and it’s a Monday night and the prime time lights of Levis will be alive again I mean i’ I’d say you only got one shot but it turns out you’ve got two because they’ve already took one shot they already took the Detroit Lions best shot and it wasn’t good enough for the Detroit Lions now I feel terrible because our good friend Ryan Field of ABC7 in New York who Al is a Michigan State Spartan and uh and as big of a Detroit sports fan as you could possibly imagine is on the line and I do Ryan I feel terrible because first of all it’s great to have you on the show and and you know this like making fun of a Dolphin fan or a Cowboy fan that’s great coming after a lions fan I feel guilty there is some sickness in you for doing that my friend but let me tell you what but it is great to hear your voice great to be back on the show you and I go back a long way did radio together and uh we spent many a Sunday back in the day talking about my beloved Detroit Lions and how bad they used to be and my how the tables have turned that all of a sudden they are Super Bowl contenders in that Eminem song you were just playing had me ready to run out of the tunnel myself there at Levi Stadium uh on week 17 that’s awesome and you know it’s going to be a fun rematch from Niners fan standpoint cuz Mar and I have talked about the dread we all were feeling at halftime of that game but how does a lions fan think about it looking back at being so close to knocking off San Francisco yet watching that thing just get away in the second half yeah I mean you look at it from a couple different perspectives one I mean the Lions before this last playoff run had one playoff win since 1957 so never even came close to sniffing the Super Bowl outside of Barry Sanders third season in ‘ 91 when they lost to the skins and got smoked in the NFC title game and they go on the road tough environment make all the plays in the first half take a 17-point lead at the half I’m making all my Super Bowl Arrangements getting the tickets lined up where I’m going to stay in Vegas making all these things happen only to have the bottom fall out and the best way I can explain it is the first half was the new look lions and the second half uh the team that Mark Willard and I used to discuss all the time the same old Lions uh it was a tail of two halves you got the ball bouncing off face masks uh fumbles at the 20 yard line drop passes on fourth down penalties everything that could go wrong did go wrong and it was definitely an opportunity lost make no mistake and and again you know it we’ve talked about this before now you guys have as well on Sports Talk Radio it’s like would you rather lose by three touchdowns and just get blown out or lose a heartbreaker like that and you could certainly make the case for Lions fans I rather would have just gotten blown out in that game than to blow a 17-point lead at halftime and lose the way that they did it it was excruciating in every way possible he’s a big fancy sports caster in New York but a Detroit Man At Heart Ryan Field is with us here in our NFL schedule release party on Willard and dibs 957 the game Ryan does does Dan Campbell take too many chances yeah I mean you could certainly say looking back at that game in particular that he definitely is the Riverboat gambler but those that attitude and that um you know game management is really what got the lines there to begin with so many chances that he takes and Bill Cower who I guess is a mentor to him uh I read an interview after the season was over and he said that he spoke to Dan Campbell was like listen you have to coach differently not only in the playoffs but you have to coach differently with a lead and he basically told him you shouldn’t have gone for fourth down when you were up two touchdowns when you just needed a field goal to bring it back up 177 and lessons learn the hard way but then again guys gof put the pass right in Josh Reynolds hands and he dropped it so if Josh Reynolds doesn’t drop that pass they come down and score a touchdown we might be having an entirely different conversation right now but that’s just the way it goes do I like the way Dan Campbell coaches absolutely do I wish he’d be a little more uh judicious if you will in making those calls yes and I think he learned his lesson the hard way here in that game you mentioned Jared gof throwing footballs now he’s throwing wads of cash if he so desires what are fans in Detroit thinking about the mega deal given to the kid out of Northern California I mean all you had to do is watch the NFL Draft when they were doing the Jared golf chance you know 200,000 people that were down there for the draft uh you know that that chant took over college games it took over baseball games basketball games I mean the guy has become uh a hero of sorts in town uh and especially doing what he did for the lions that hadn’t been done in any of our lifetimes winning all these playoff games in one playoff season so he certainly earned it and I don’t think anybody has a problem with it the guy had the second most passing yards uh tied for the fourth most touchdown passes so it’s not like they’re giving this to a this contract to a guy that hasn’t Prov proven himself he’s already been to a Super Bowl with the Rams so I think everybody’s on board they locked up Alan ra they locked up P so they believe they have their Foundation their quote unquote building blocks here locked up for the foreseeable future yeah let’s just say uh with a quarterback on a rookie contract here in San Francisco we took note of the Jared go contract yeah absolutely how could you not man oh man Mr birdie keeps playing like that he’s gonna be making himself plenty of money uh one day real soon 55 million next uh next uh next march that’s probably my prediction hey Ryan awesome to hear your voice buddy always a pleasure guys take care thanks Ry there goes our friend Ryan Field all over Detroit sports the Lions will be here for Monday Night Football Levi Stadium week 17 okay let’s Circle back if you will we were only two games in on your win lost special you’ve got the ners losing Monday Night Football week one to the New York Jets I’m still ticked at you about that pick but you have him coming back with a win in Minnesota week two week three Sofi special Make Some Noise the place will be R the Rams host the 49ers and it is the Rams and for the YouTube audience I am using air quotes because it is the Rams home opener home it’s their home opener as well they play two on the road then they go home and there’s no place like home when you’re the 49ers and you go to La the Niners beat the Rams at Levi South to get to two- one after a hiccup in the opener okay week four to Levi Stadium the New England Patriots new look Patriots no more bellich and a very young quarterback presumably uh at Levi’s for week four it’s a rebuild for New England that to me is a classic Levis beat down you go from a home game in La back home and really this is kind of a nice stretch for the 49ers where you play in LA and then back-to-back games at Levis the ners starting to roll now they get to three and one easily over New England okay and then in theory a game where they’re a big favorite again the very next week now they’re the new look Cardinals got a whole new receiving core and whatnot but the Arizona Cardinals on October 6th come to town in uh on uh on October 6th and it’s week number five and I love calamari as a nice appetizer dipped in a little aoli but I don’t love Kyler Murray so calamari greater than Kyler Murray he doesn’t come to Levis and get the win and it could be a Josh dos uh versus Kyler Murray matchup something tells me Do’s Revenge game that dos will play in that game because the Nal will be up by 30 to me is ottoman City the ners really starting to look dominant get to four- one okay so you got the ners at four and one first quadrant if you will I know it’s not perfect anymore 17 games but you’ve got the ners at 4- one and uh you can’t take a breath because four nights later you’re on the road at Seattle feels like their Road game in Seattle is always on a Thursday night it has been the last couple of years they’re going to go ahead and dial it up and do it again for week six double short week because Seattle plays the week before the Sunday before as well and I’m not as scared about going to Seattle as I used to be I think the crowd not as much of a factor up there and you know this Niner team is still just better they find a way to get in DK’s head as always he might get ejected cuz it’s what he does when the ners come to town makeing five straight wins for the ners they get to five and one all right you’re redeeming yourself because that loss on week one really had me down but then you Uncorked a five-game win streak now it gets interesting week seven and a 5-1 49er team hosts Patrick Mahomes and the Kansas City Chiefs mini buy you get a week and a half off leading up to that game but Kansas City gets a full week because they are coming off the buy so Kansas City coming off its full buy comes into Levis and I just think that this is a bad matchup we saw it in the Super Bowl on TV earlier we saw it in the Super Bowl back in February we saw it in the regular season a couple of years ago something about Kansas City and Andy versus Kyle favors the Chiefs they come to Levis and they get the win off their buy the fall to five and two I want to point out the travel thing that you mentioned Sofi is week three week four is home week five is home quick chip up to Seattle and then two more home games followed by a buy yeah so very restful first half of the Year outside of the trip to Minnesota for the 49ers after the Chiefs come to town one week later Sunday night football Dallas Cowboys you’ve got him at 5-2 coming into that game and coming out of that game six and I got him at 5 and three Mark scheduled loss for the 49ers much like it was last year Dallas Dallas is coming off it’s by as I mentioned so you’ve got the Chiefs off a buy the very next week Dallas off a buy Additionally the Niners are heading into the buy and we saw it last year the mentality of going into a buy sometimes softens you up I don’t think that the Cowboys are necessarily better but in this schedule spot arrested Dallas against a Niner team playing its eighth game game in eight weeks including you know this would be four games in three weeks with the Thursday nighter they go into the by limping at 5 and three I can’t see it yeah thank you neither neither can I and I won’t even if I saw it I refuse to see it I’m closing my eyes you can’t make me look week 10 coming out of the buy at Tampa Bay it’s a great spot to travel across the country and Tampa Bay is a team that is going to be a little bit up and down and I like the Niners coming off the buy going to Tampa the first real long trip since week two at Minnesota they handle Tampa coming out of the bu to get to six and three right back home for the Seattle Seahawks for week 11 bad matchup for the Seahawks especially here at Levis that’s a win you’re seven and three okay now it starts to ramp up again and get a little chilly Lambo field the frozen tundra Green Bay Wisconsin week 12 at the Packers Brock pie does not uh do well with a wet ball let alone a Frozen ball Green Bay looking for Revenge Green Bay gets revenge that’s a loss at Lambo um and then right the next week they stay out east and they stay in the cold at Buffalo uh Buffalo does not have any wide receivers on their team but they do have Josh Allen they do and as of now that’s a game I’m going to be going to and I need to bulk back up to avoid the freeze and this is not a good spot for the Niners in a two- game Road Trip in cold weather cities they lose at Buffalo mark seven and five seven and five at this point seven and five yeah all right back home December uh 8th week 14 Caleb Williams shut up Luke Caleb Williams and the Chicago Bears they fatten up on Chicago that team is not ready to beat the ners hear that Luke Caleb Williams throws three picks good I hope he does okay yeah y all right uh week 15 Rams at Levi Stadium Rams coming off of a game against Buffalo which is going to be difficult the Rams are going to be softened up the Niners are going to win that one at home okay um so you got the ners at 9 and five y three games to go here’s the AR span your special at Miami predicted a double digit win in our interview with Arie I’m sticking with it you get to 10 and five you’re starting to roll now okay you’re on a winning streak and then you get the Monday nighter on December 30th back at Levis against the Detroit Lions extra day of rest Detroit leads by three touchdowns at the half Niners still win that game okay it’s carbon copy kids you got them so they’re at 11 and five now have they clinched the uh the division probably have they clinched the bu I don’t think so at 11 and five they may need to beat Arizona in week 18 and do they they they are at Arizona they end the year with a five-game win streak they go 12 and five and I’m not sure if they get the one seed it may come down to the tiebreaker 12 and five with two separate five-game win streaks correct and uh back-to-back losses in week seven and 8 and week 12 and 13 all right 12 and 5 Mark I want to make you a promise right here on the show if that happens exactly the way you just said it I’ll give you $1,000 one if I go 18 for 18 I give you $1,000 major all right uh we’re sponsored by the Alam County Probation Department and we’ve got more to unpack on that plus get you ready for uh the Ace versus TBD over at Oracle Park put your freaking brooms away I’ve kind of had it on Willer and dips won a career with [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] n yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] so I’m ecstatic about that now back to Willard and dibs on 957 the game don’t look don’t look don’t look have you looked at it don’t look don’t click on it all don’t click on it did you already look at the whole thing no okay through the entire National Football League a little bit of John Facenda in that only one team oh that’s right one team Harry Callas rest in peace has no Prime Time games God that’s good can you name them only one team one team has no Prime Time games no games at night I was hoping Harry would ask for the game show music please game show music please jeez uh one team one team has no Prime Time games that’s what I said DB a couple different times one team well you would figure it’s a bad team uh it is a bad team that’s a good a Thursday night game everybody play on Thursday night I thought no prime time okay I heard you this team uh is it the Carolina Panthers oh the Carolina Panthers I had to be and they suck great for David terer though saves them money they don’t have to turn the lights on at all this year there you go that’s a good point thank you I mean actually do you want to know like what I think is sort of the Hidden thing behind that I think that that Prime Time games there’s the obvious thing right the like the teams that are good and have popular big markets all that there there are three teams that have six Prime Time games and you mentioned earlier that’s the max that’s the max allowed right there there are three teams that have six Prime Time games it’s the 49ers it’s the Cowboys it’s the New York Jets right youall can figure that out the markets the quarterbacks the all of that right um but outside of that when you have your H hum Thursday night game what does the NFL really want what’s going to drive people to the screen when it’s the Jags playing the whatevers you know the Titans or something like that to me it’s fantasy football and the Carolina Panthers literally might not have anyone drafted off of their team at all in a normal fantasy league no one right who do you want on that team didn’t steiny end up with the quarterback because he lost like seven different quarterbacks last year in our leue he start Bryce young in a in a game I think he did in a game really he went to the championship but sure did he was in a spot yeah he was in a spot where he was running out of guys yeah running out of QBs I mean I’m in the league that does the super Flex with the two QBs so Bryce young will get drafted there but this guy is such a d yeah I couldn’t even tell you um they signed who did they bring in they brought in a receiver that has a little bit of name value this is that time of year where you’re like oh he went there I didn’t even know he went there um but well they have Adam thien and Deontay Johnson is that I’m thinking of Deontay yes Adam Thelen was already there he was there last year Deontay Johnson from the Steelers you were thinking of Rashad Penny who couldn’t even get on the field with the Eagles oh the penny yeah they do have chuba hubard who they do he’ll get you know he might be your flex two guys to watch from a way too early fantasy perspective Jonathan Brooks their rookie running back may take over as the starter there and Xavier Legette rookie wide receiver something yeah maybe yeah yeah that’s like a week 17 fct I got my eye on on the tight end just because he has got a great name Tommy tremble that is a good name that’s a good name it’d be better if he’d be better if you were in a band uh but uh Tommy treble but I like likeall player but anyway yeah Niners have six uh Prime Time games that leads the entire NFL along with the Jets and cowboys and they will play both of those teams in Prime Time games during the year yeah and uh one of the great listeners added to my tweet about uh them playing teams off of buy Buffalo is also going to be off their bu when the Niners play him three teams the ners will face coming off the uh that teams by I feel like that’s not good like especially when you look at that Buffalo game the Niners will not only have a game the week before but it’s a lengthy road trip and it’s Lambo yeah like this is a hard two we period very cold weather you would figure it’s Thanksgiving week followed by the first weekend in December you’re going to two of the coldest weather environments in the entire NFL you’re going up against good quarterbacks it’s the dog days of the season right about two-thirds of the way through and you’re playing rested teams that’s unfortunate that’s going to be hard yeah it’s going to be really hard and I wonder how they approach it because you know you’d like to stay out in that part of the country but where do you go if you’ve got all your your cold weather gear and you go from Green Bay to Buffalo and you have some time in between the two games and you want to go somewhere and decompress do you go down to the Green Brier like usual and if so you got to bring a whole another set of clothes and plus December is not a great time to go out there and and vacation and you know get out of the lake and play golf and do some archery whatever else you could do with the Green Brier you really want to go to that game I would love to go to that game December in Buffalo December 1 in Buffalo just to experience that to experience a game with 70,000 drunk lunatics jumping off of their car through folding tables I would love to see that you will not be a fat red pumpkin but you will just be a red pumpkin like your your cheeks which already skew red yep if you put those in the Buffalo bite I like oh my God please take pictures I’ve never been to Buffalo and you know that experience to me is is very unique for sure looks super unique and it’s just one that I I would love to uh to take in before it’s all said and done Thanksgiving at Lambo yeah appetizing but I’m not I’m not going during Thanksgiving that’s the uh the Super Bowl of holidays for my my lovely wife and her family well you could do both it’s not on uh it’s not on actually you know what Thanksgiving is super super late this year it’s the B oh you got a problem buddy it’s the 30th Thanksgiving Thanksgiving is the 28th that Buffalo game is Thanksgiving weekend yeah that well it’s I can probably fly out on a Friday it’s going to be a no from you dog Thursday is the big day and her family so as long as I’m around for the Thursday all right fly out Saturday yeah maybe catch a red eye Friday night yeah fly out Saturday go do the darn thing yeah uh but your Lambo excuse is gone true you know true give it a shot it’s really really fun all right if you’re a football fan thank you for coming to our uh our schedule release party and a good time to tell you this what we’re doing tomorrow we could not be more excited about and we want to thank everybody uh with the 49ers and with the Dwight Clark Legacy series for having us out and so we’re going to be out there tomorrow at the California theater in San Jose and you can be there as well just to give you a little rundown of what’s going to happen we’re going to start there at 2 o’ won’t be anybody there yet but maybe us um but we’ll start counting you down and talking things out and whatnot but as the night starts to open up it’s the Dwight Clark Legacy series and the Dwight Clark Award winner this year is Dre Greenlaw and Dre will be there um there is also a natural born leaders Roundtable discussion in this year for I should say three former 49er quarterbacks and one current one will gather and discuss and we expect to have them on the show as well and that is Brock pie Steve Young who’s already been on Alex Smith who’s already been on and Jeff Garcia has already been on on and others are sure to be there as well a couple of the 49er rookies I know are going to be there Alden Smith is going to be there it will be a parade of stars and they are all going to be stopping by hanging out with Willard and dib


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  1. Brett is the GOAT

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