Edmonton Journal from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada (2024)

SEMI-DISPLAY 1 THI EDMOVTOV JOIKXAU AUTOS fOU SAU (Cff si) 1550 Fperisl Deluxe 1 paaaencer elub co ipe. radio, heater, visor, 2 spare, winterized. 13 000 miles Privately driven. Excellent condition. 7524 99 Suite 1.

net msTr-est Notiet of Sal Lictase Timbaw erf N. 1250 TtTnr, FFBRr at im I AUTOS 0 SALl (Cent .) rSTSO CHfTfeoTfT. HoistT ridio, I batr. spare, anti-freer, license, i Jon with truck W739 92 Are GREY 1950 Dodge aedanett for aaie. Heater, visor, seat covers, fxcei-i lent condition Low mileage.

Privately owned Pn. 34419. AUTOS FOR SAU (Cont'd) 1 "ia9 jter cleluse Studebaker. II Aba Ph. 35725 evenings l47Pord deluie coach.

Like new lr.airta and out. 10221-108 6t. 1 1C41 Oldmioblle S-paaaenger coupe Radio, heater. blo heater, new HOUSES fO SALE Cef)j SMATL house, i rooms anil bth. II utilities ft rears oid.

Work to bu and school ImmIH' psre 5 SOO, wrmi or 45.000 ch 1141T 5 si $7,650 Full Price Lovely new stucco bungalow Large IV mg room 2 very nue bedrooms. Juli modern cabinet kitchen. Oak faring Bflrfmrnt suitable for suite. Terms can be arranged, Ph. 76995.

BAY RESERVE- motor, nice aliape. What offers Ph. 320i3. 88)0 88 Ave. 1150 Meteor Custom 2-door.

all accessories 2-tone piiijit. liirguard Inner tubes. Whitehall tires. LeM than 3 000 miles. C1 over $2700.

seil S21U5 Can be w-en at Baljie Motors. 118 Ave, Ph. 7'j8 before 7 Dive sedan. Good condition and shape. 11524 102 Ave, until b.

Ph. 8B--V1. AUSTIN Devon A-40 1951. Excel-lent tires. Reasonable price.

Ph. 35273 lK4tt' Sfudebaker. 4-dixr sedan. A-l ecnd)tln. Custom heater, radio, sun-viaor.

Pn. a8244. 1W3 CHEVROLET aedanT tood motor, rxxiy and tires. New dutch, batterv, radiator. Seil reaon-aoly or trade for older model car.

Apply J711 7tf Ave. 19(5 DOrXiE custom aedan. Reconditioned thro'urhout. Very amart appearance. 6 Kheels and tires.

Haa many extras. Sell very reasonable, lake older mtxiel In trade. See at 58uti 1U9 St. 1(4I coupe. Can be seen any-Uiiie 6407 114 Ave.

1929 WHIPPET, fairly good shape. New sealed betmft. Tires good. 820 88 Ave 5-7. EXCEIXENT 1950 Fleetlltie Chevrolet seoan Sell or trade Ph.

37458. 1947 Prlvateiy ownerL Very g)d shape. Ph. 41755. 1 9 CHEVROLET.

llke riew. Air connittoning. 5. 000 miles. S-U reasonably or trade.

10615 92 Ave. 1947 sedan Excellent condition. 0ner driven. Ph. 352i8.

CARS. TRUCKS. JEETS 4x4s and UNION MOTORS 10212 lJSt. 1947 "Chrysler Royal sedan Radio. alr-coBditione.

I.ifeuard tubes. What offers? Ph 32BV) jTEWi950 AustiV A 40 Low mlle-age. Priced to sell. Ph. 31372.

sedan for aaie. 450, Ph 3R548 AUT0S, TrutajJeMa1 WANTED, lata model? salvage Any condition. Beaaonabie. Oarneau rVyly, 10MS 4 Ave WDX 44 Jeep, front mounted winch Ph. I5451.

20 CR5'r'd. Pay iiiqhest cash prices MIKES CAR SALES S72S 111 AVE. TO BUT OB BELL Central Auto Sales i03B ioi st, Ph. a7 CARS WANTED rOR CAEH 8HEP8 AUTO 8 ALES Jasper Avenue Ph J467 Will seil your car without charge on conetenment NOH l'HWEST MOTORS 10810 Jfiier Ave Ph 2447 AUTOS FOR SALE (93) :50 Chevrolet, mechanically A-l. 575 CnliMfirr trade.

Ph. W72-24I4. 1942 Ford coupe for aale Cofid tires Motor like new. Heater, rlnck. Car just like new.

hale price Ph. 20781. SACRIFICE ii4a oach. New motor. Cjivvi rubier Air conditioner, block heater.

Will finance. KKl4 68 Ave Ph. 340O2 19:14 Chevrolet cotie. Tlood condition. New ruOOer.

Winteri-ed. Suite 9. Railhead. 142 evenings 19W Chevrolet rjeluie T-jipedu. 6.fa0 miles 44O0 arcea.vriea Showroom condition.

1 1 5H lo2 Ave. 7iW BUYS 1K0 Chevrolet Oversj tires. New battery, block heater and Anti-free 11WJ6 8S St. 13.19 Olflsmoblle sedan. HadlrJ, heater, fuilv winterized.

A-l ahape. Ph Ford 300. Ph. for Red Suite 2, Hut L7, Wales Aparl mentis Ctifvloh-t RadirT heater, Mtn-visor. new batterv.

mileage. pericct condition thiouh-mit. lino 1 Ft Ph 7)8 Fcrd eedan. Perfect, eondl-tion Quirk sale at i5. Ph.

282S1. 10 )04 St 1937 Pont-ac aecisn. Nice, clean car. Finance 1(43 St. BEAUTIJCL 1148 Pontiac sedan coupe Tor-pedot.

Two-tone grey. M. push button radio, heatr. defroster, low prehfcure. tirea.

new battery. 11526 101 St. 1P49 Austin. A40 aedan. Frost ahieloa, completely winterized.

Ph. 236. 150 Pontiac. Fx'ras Reasonable. Take trade.

10548 87 St. Plymouth Deluae sedan, pushbutton radio, air conditioner, sun-visor, spotlight and other extras. In good shape. Must this week. Priced low for quick hale.

12202 10S St. Ph. 75549. DROP IN and see our large selection of 1951 Cars and Trucks (All Models) And host of dependable used-car transportation ct MOTOR SALES "The Go'eje no the Corner That Dea's pi the Square" 10960 101 St. Ph.

25944 -21074 Open Evenings Easy Terms Trade-Ins Accepted 1950 6O00 ml'es. Trade for older car in goou couditiou. 90 )2 93 St. 195rf Chev 2 jor sedan coupe, radio and air conditioner, miles 12.275 1 1950 Vauxhall srdan with I heaterr. Uoo miles 1.775 I 1949 PonliAC coach, deluxe miKlei.

air conditioner 11.825 1 1949 Poniuc coach, healer and defros'er 41.775 1948 Chevrolet coach, radio, heater, reconditioned 41.550 I 1947 Studebaker Commander sedan, air conditioner 41,625 1947 Chevrolet coach. heater 41,475 1940 Buick sedsn. air conditioner, new ttrea 4 795 1939 DeSoto sedan, raaio and heater 4 67S TRUCKS 1950 Chevrolet ton pick-up heater. 41 425 1950 Chevrolet ton pick-up with deluxe cao 41.495 1949 3 Uin. 17'- wb reconditioned 41.975 1945 Chev 1, ton pickup 4 6S0 1942 C.

1 ton 4 375 NEW DEVON MOTORS CiENErlAL MOTOPJ3 AND IMPERIAL GIL DEALEP-S Phone 74, Devon 1951 HUDSON SEDAN Brand new, driven 250 miles. White-wall tires, air conditioner. 4200 below list price Apply evenings, 10545 90 St. Highland Courts. 1950 STUDEBAKER.

Champion Deluxe Sedan radio, air conditioner. driven onlv 4 500 mllea. Cn be seen St 11516 48 St. or ph. 76687 ergs.

LOVELY 19.V) Custom Ford. Tudor Metslllc finish Low mileage. Owner driven 42 POO Ph 75379. TODAY ond TOMORROW 900; $1,475 I $1,400 tl nc $1,525 GOOD VALUES I i i I I i 1929 MODEL A. Good shape.

11844 S5 St. WEST END MOTORS LTD. Exclusive Dealers Kfnnriitrrt -Triumph 1225 Stony koed Ph 81064 1951 Hjllman Mix Sedans WITH LOTS OF ZIP! Many Colors to Choose From Where service means more tl.n aale. GRIERS0N SERVICE AUTO SALES Johnny Williams and Bill 9S2S Jasper Ave. Ph.

24723. 440 DOWN takes 1924 Chrysler aedau. PL. 972-9'j'li. 1950 HYDRAMATIC Oldsmoblie sedan.

Practically new, witn radio, air-conditioned, heater. Ph. 25472, evenings 25W71. MODEL A coujje. lovely shape.

Ouud rubber 9547 106 Ave 1948 plvmouth Verr rood condi-, tlon. Completely eiuipel. Mual aeil. 932) 91 fcl 1950 Autlu. 57O0 miles.

Privately ouiied. New couditiou. Fair prive. lja)9 78 Ait. TWO 1950 Deluxe Pontiaca.

Low miieaue. City driven. P-dio and heater. Privately owned. 1018 72 Ave.

1948 PONTIAC aedan. good condition. 41450. Cash or terms, ph. 4 1005.

1B28 PONTIAC running order. New tires. 480 Ph. 72111. BEAUTIFUL 1947 Original Chevrolet Sedan Trade Or Terms GRIERSON SERVICE AUTO SALES 0625 Jasper Ave.

Ph. 24723. SACRIFICE 1948 Mercury sedan. 4975 Finance. 11541 45 61.

Pn. 76977. 1949 HILLMAN7Low mileage. Good condition 10861 97 St. busem*nt.

1949 Austin sedan. Trade or terms. Beimonl Motors. North Edmonton. Try Kallal Motors 1947 FORD 4 -door Radio and heater.

Good condition and tlrea. Ph 74454. 1049 Monarch iperfect) 41 975. 1949 Meteor sedan, 41 66U. Ii41 Dodse aedan, 4 675 1937 Ford coach, 4 310.

1934 Ford 4 25U. EDMONTON USED CARS Comer 118 Ave. 96 St. Ph. 75155.

1949 Pontiac torpedo. 1P48 Pontiac coach. 1947 Chevrolet coach. IP46 Pontiac sedan. 1940 Chevrolet sedan.

ROY HALI BURTON LTD. 11010 Jsper Ave. Ph. 24235. Try Kallal Motors EDMONTON CAR SALES 10231-lOOtli Street Pnone21338 Exclusive Northern Alberta Dealer for Morris Cars.

Mill Creek Motors 9605 82 Ave. Ph. S1180 "BUICK-PONTIaC-VaUXUALL cara, CMC Trucks PRICK ANDREWS LTD. 10040 104 St. Ph.

29391. BURROWS MOTORS LTD. DODGE-DESOTO DEALERS Jasper Ave. and 106 fit. Ph.

2214 ARROW MOTOR" KALES 10108 111 7)914 BRITISH CAR REPAIRS 10981 101 St. Ph. 22476 Vanguard ond Triumph Sales ond Service MILLER Motora Ltd. 10019 104 St. Ph 22776.

KENN'S SERVICE "c.ARAGE LTD. Chrysler. Plymouth. Fargo. Ph.

25180 CY'S AUTO SALES 11004 101 St. Formerly Westminster Atito C-, 1 1405 Jasper Ave. 1950 Chev. torpedo sedan. 1950 Chev.

bustle back aedan. 1950 Chev business coupe. 1949 Mercury 1948 Pontiac hydramatlc aedan. 1942 Chrysler sedan. 1941 Chrysler sedan.

1941 Chev. aedan. Mechanics Specials 1940 Packard sedan. 8:195 1940 International -ton. 4375.

Cy's for the best buys Corner 101 110 Ave. Ph. 23039. DAWSON'S AUTO SALES 105 A St. Ph.

42516 10336-101 St. Ph. 41526 NORTHERN NASH LTD 11 740 Jasper Ave. Ph B1149 HILLMAN SALES AND SERVICE 7930 104 St. Ph.

35652 MARKET AUTO SALES 10538 101 St, REAL ESTATE Pictures of Homes large' and small See them hanging on Lyle Bros. wall. DIAL LYLE 2-2-5-1-2 sw 0 ip Lyle Brothers Real Estate 10U4 101 Sf, GDposite Kresqes MANY OK LlfLE BROTHERS' BEST are sold without newpa(er announcements. We suitest you call personally for the latest and best "values aelliiiK on TODAY'S market. IS GOOD' List Tour house with Lvle Bros, and Prepare to Move.

Ph. 22512. Res. Sitttil i SPECIAL NOTICE OF SALE RerH. 1247 Tfte will offw fir by bhAi.KIJ TtNUtR a JO In the ut the tiiirteentti lav of March.

IVal ut the roiui.ua. fittU tiwjt, Adailnutralii.u BuiltliJi. fc-J -niontoii. Aioerta. rwMX to cut timbrr under ruac from ti4C fuliow-Uitc iuimm: Ail ilunc irUiu witUU wuultU Ut if luu.si.ip iicrruucJrr were uJiH(j-tJ uuorf the AJr-ria Hvteiu uf Lami fcurvrvs LryI SuO- 1 Uivisi.iiis 4 a ftnu Id uf octiiuii 10 iu LitAurvrved 40, Halite 1.

Vteat of tlie Ml. Mrridiau CoiiLaiiiiuiC .17 uf a Wiure uix tuorr or itrs. The Krth iv (-miiiuU-o to nuinl tproKiiuatelv 4oU OlnJ 11 u-r- 1 liHuUulc fconiie tiiuuer auitaiie Hi utHiiufaUlure of luuiiwr out nu 1 warraatv la giveu aa to lite qtiniiiilv uf quaiitv of ttie tiuiber ou the tlrriu. Tie ilerui Ur awardnl to ti.e pertou WtiiOeriii iL Lituel rim I of uet of i miu 1 iu ber of tra other timu poplar orrr and a'iove li-e rate aa uiav fruiii time to Uiue oe prescriUed Ojr it Leuteititl Governor tu ComixiJ. fSitia luiiM oe In uu.La oi five cenla.

Durei pUe on ml oihrr producu alinil a.ibjrtt to teriiis of Sr Una 34 of 1 he KtresLa i. Irnuera t-ucUxxi iu a eirtl taloer auu tuniiLr! fir UrrtU No. 124 aill be atpUM ron au liiUividiial. botl cHfara 1 or pr liirrtnp, tiartii-ia utmii nA ol ref lAiratimi wunt teuoermtf a nil tiiay mtxiiiUii peraoit of tiirourh au arut iiie auUiorialloii lu Vnn A of lie iM.ieUuJe to Tle Kr-Bii Kc. nausi a j4iiipanv the u-iitirr, or ijy lerrt-U III till.

No (jertu ni may auomtt more thao out teutier I-at the Jjertti and uo ie j.uer Usm Oe 1 1 lair a oui it Usis beeu omitted. The tender uioi tje iu Form of the t.lieunie to Tirf Aft a id Imtftt at'ctfiiipanied Ur-I2HMUI of Ij.tO uu iu Ali mi t-heque pavaule the Provtnciai I reaAurer. or tiearer H-ndi of il.r PriAime of Altrrta or the Oeiu- ujeiit of CuhMUa. Hie deiMAii if I he purchaser shull be reijtn-d aa a teuarAiitee of aHh the temia and toudUK.i ttt the ll.rii-e and hi. 11 be ftrleiteii it tlie uurchar iaaa to toiniiletf the cou tract.

"i he purt ha-rer tnunt wkd a roitiruct in bunn of tlie Schedule to 1 he r'retu Act agre-iu? to carrjf o-it the trnna and couiiitiutis of he ale and ml the asine time apply for IttfLt for the curieut eu ptUi He turn of 70 beaikf the incurred hi fturvevin and other liicideutal Ufiutr with the Iu raw fee. CliarKew and Umber axe. The lirens fthall be fur a term not exceed lug one year and thai, be I reueaaule fr l.ire vam while iiier I la ou the Berllt a ddu-ieot tiuaulitv of the kiittl a ad uiuiei.fciuu tisiiier pecit.ed lu the lit use liue'iae ahali expire ou the 31 at day u' July fuiiuUik 1'a laane. The cuttnife of tiTeen ti in tier ou the berth ahall be auhject to a tdka-lueter uf nut lera than ten lucliea itieabiireti twelve Inches lrom the Kfuuud, Ail format prodiK taken Irxtta the Berth, emept round mine tiinbera aud pulpwoiid. shall be manufactured! i at a properly equipped sawmill.

I The Minister may. In his discretion. I relect any or all tenders for the Bertn. further particulars may outlined upoii appiuaiiou. It will facilitate the issue of the )kei.

If the applicant Includes with ins tender a clearance from the Wm lenient Cutnpeijaaiioii Hard. Ht'tSilS. Director of rorestry, EDMONTON Alterta, rebruary 20tb, lyi. NOTICE SALE License Timber Berth No. 1248 The undersiened will offer for aale by ShALKD TENDER al 2 30 clock In the anemone.

the thirteenth day ol March, 1951. al the rotunda. fitth Hour, Adninuairaiioii nuiunue. KUiitoiiliiu, Alleria. the right to cut uiuurr under liceio from the follow-liK lauds: l-eai SolMUviiiloiis 11 aud 12 the North halves ul l.e:al Subdivisions a e.

7 and 8 and ail lliixve Mrtitui.s of Ival SiiOuivl.Mohs 9. lu. I I and 14 ul Section 31 iviuvr to the South and West of the nun bank of the Athabasca Hrer tue Wetst half uf Leva! UMici 12 of bee un lviuy to the of the said nvht bank uf the River of Section 32 lu a9, haute u. Wet uf the atu AtiTiulan' couiaituuK of a square luiie, inure or The berth is eNtiiuatrd to contain approximately UM ooo M. merchantable spruce timtier auitable lor tlie iiKtuiitacture of lumber but no warranty Is given as to quantity or quality of tlie timber ou the berth.

I The Berth will be awar.le to the person tendering the lipfhes" laie of dues on sawu lumber biiecies ether than poplar over and above the rale a mav from lime to tune be pte-scrtbed bv the Lieutenant Coventor in Council, bios must oe lu unit live cents. Dues payable on all other products ahall ue sunltct to I he terms of Section 34 of Tue Foreata Act. Tenderi enclosed In a sealed container aud marked Tendr lor berth No. 1248'' will be accepted from au individual, body torporaie or registered partnership, lo suuiiut proof of registration when lenderinv. i aud may be subu.ilteU iu person or throiusU an agent wbr- authoriKallon III Form A of the Schedule to The Forests Act luiift accompany the lender, or by registered mall.

No person mar submit more than one tender tor the bertli and no tender may be withdrawn once 11 has been auiiiiutted i Tue lender must be in Form of I the schedule to The Forests Act aud must be accompanied bv a deposit of 4 too 00 lu cash, marked cheque payable to Ihe Provincial Treasurer, or bearer Bouda of the Provluce or Alberta or the Uoverument of Canada. The deposit of Ihe purchaser ahall be retained a a guarantee oi with the terms and coudllioua of the license aud snail be automatically furlelled II 'he uliichaser iaiia lo complete the contract. Tue purchaser must ngn a contract in Form of the Schedule to The Forest Act arreeiins lu tarry out the terms auu coiulltions of the aule and at the same lime appiv fcr a i license for the year paving the stun of 478 70 beiiiv. the cms liuurreu In cruisliig surveying and other Incidental charges, logeliier with the rental, llceuse fee. f.re- guarding chargea and limber areas lax.

The license shall be for a term not exceeding one vear and shall be renewable for two years while there Is on the berth a sufficient ian'ity of the kind aud dimensions )f timber specilied in me license. Each lice ise shall expire ou the 31st dav ul July l.iU.miiiL' its Issue. The cutlinvr of r.reen timber on the Beilll shall be subject to a 'iaiat IT of nut lesi than seven Inches measured twelve Inches lrom the yrouiid. All luecchauuiule oalsuiu fir intist be cut. All forest products taken from the Berth, except round mine Umber! and pulpwcaici, ahall be mauufactureu al a pruperiv equiopeu aawniui.

The Minister mav. iu his discretion, relect auv or all leuJers for the Berth. Further particulars may be obtained upon application. It will lacllilsie the issue of the license ir the applicant lucludca with his leuder a clearance from the Workmen Compensation Board. E.

S. HUEST1M Director of Forestry. EDMONTON. Alberta, FVoruarv aotli. I91.

Notice To Creditors and Claimants IV THE EHT4TE OF SAtiS EL XEH.D late of t'llv of EtliiiiHitiNi In tit Province of Alliecla, M. Railway fciiiplovee. Ieeawed. NOTICE is hereby given thai ail persona having claims upou tu estate of the above named Samuel NeilU who died uu the 21si day ut December. 1950.

are required to file with the undersigned Public Trustee by th 3rd dav of April. 1951. a full statement duly verified of their claims aud of auv securities held bv them, and alter "that date the Public Trustee will distribute the assets of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notsre has ben so filed or brought tn Ms knowleng. DATED this, 13th day of February, 1951. Puhllr Trustee.

Administrate n' the Eatate of Samuel Neild. Deceased. P--tnctaJ BuilHtr.1. 10043-10TA Arenua, Auto Financing i QUICKLY! Find the car you would like to buy then find ho proc'icolly easy if is to purchase with the he'p of our Auto Finance plan! Our business has grown through the cjoocl will of whom we have ov.ined. May we ossitt you, toe' Sterling Finance Alberta owned to serve Albeftons best 106 10130 101 t- Ph.

26228 Edmonton Pa. 27283 Notice of Sale Liccam Timbtr Berth 1249 Ti.e uniiersi'ned will offer for aaie by MEALED TENDER at 2 10 o'clock lij the tertian ut toe liilriettitra of Marco. 151. at the rotunda, filth fiir. Administration Boiloiovf, Edmoutoii Albert.

It. rlrlil to cut Umber under liceojMt frum Hie f.jjuw-1 lug All thoee portions huilu would lie If the T.JW1..-UU1 uerenuo-r srrr suiKiivuird turner the AliertA Svatetu of Land burveys buo- dlviMiHia 13. 14 aiiU 15 of 'Jl: subdivisions 2, 3. 4. 6 7.

lO mil the WVM. halves of Levul Sutxll viimii 8. and IS and 'He East halves of I.ra! Sltltvuiou- It and 14 of bVctioo 'Si in Luvirve.eti TotsMsruu 'M Rauve II West of lue 6th Mertdlau: containing .18 of sst.drc tulle, mure or lr-. The Kertli Is estimated to contain approximately 2 7o0 UO0 PUM uier-chuulaoie spruce aud pine timber suitable fur the nj.uiuf.tcture of lumber or other lorral prixiu -ta but no warranty la yiveu as to lUe quanutv or quality of the tuuorr uu the Berth The llerth wil be awarded to the persuu tendering the hiiiest rate of dues on sawn lumber oi apeciea other than poplar over and above tue highest rate as may troui time tj tune be prescribed by the Lieutenant tiuveruor In Council, bids must be In units of live cents. Dues pavibl tin 1 all other product shall be n.uicrt to 1 the terms of becuou 34 of The forest A.

'lenders enclosed In seiied container and marked "Tender for berth No. 1249 will be accepted from an Individual. u.mjv turpurate or registered partnership, i i partners submit proof uf registration when tendering and may be submitted In' person or through an aeni -'hwr autiforiatlon in Form A of toe 1 Schedule to The Forests Act mint accompany the tender, or by regis- 1 tered mail. No perMjn may submit more than tender for the Berth and uo tender inav be withdrawal oute It baa been aubtnitted. I The tender must be In Form of the Schedule to The Fureals Act and 1 must be accumpauled by a deposit uf 62.250.00 iu caMi.

marked cheque 1 payable to the provincial Treasurer, or bearer Bunds of the Province of I Allerta or the Government of Canada, The tiepoftit of the purcliaer auuil I be retained as a guarantee of coin- plinuce with the terms and c.m .1 ions of the lheuhe and a.itoinall- callv fnriciurf' if live our-ltaser to complete 4-ontraci. The purchUMT mutt a contract In roriu of the Schmule to 1 he Forefcia Act avreeiior to carry out ti.e teriua and conuiuoiiB of the sale and at the same time apply for a license for the curr-ut year paying the sum of 4109 b'in me coaia Incurred In surveying and other Incidental charges. togetuer with the rental, llceiihe lee. fireguard-lug charges and luntjer arras tax. The license ahail be fur a term not exreedknr; one vfr ami snail be renewable for aix wars while there Is on the Rerth a 3 u.icieitt uuantity I of the kind auu tiiineiiAuuts oi tiiiier ie Ified In the Esi 'icenae shall evjiire on the Jlt day of July following us asiir.

The culling of ercen timber on Berln sli4ll s.iuj.vi to a diam-irr of nor, lcLl; than thirteen luchea measureu Jriun the itrouiii Al itierchaiiuoie baisuui fir inus: ue cut aiui utilied. I All forevt pnouc, taken from the Berth, except roun.l mine tlnibcia and I pultiwood, shall a equipped sawmill i'he Muilsior may. his Jlsiretion. re let auv or all tenders fur ttie I Berth. I Further may be ob- I tai.ied upon aoplicutiou.

I It will tacil'ta iue Isa.ie of the license If the apiilh ant incniilet wit'i his tender a clearance liom the Work- I men's Coiiiocnsjit t. i E. 3 HLKSTiS. Director Forestry. EDMONTON A.berta.

Februarv 20th. 1 Tenders for General Contract for Erection and Completion of Court House at Lfthbridge Alberta Scaled tenders addres.sed to the i undersiened lor the vteneral contra for erection aud completion of Court House at Leihbriclvte. Alberta will le received up to 11 o'clock am. Mountain Standard Tune. Friday, March 30.

1WS1. Plans snd specification! may be had OU application to Mrevil, Mitchell aud Mreili. Iu8 McFarlaiid Duildiua. Leth'uridvie. aud will be available oulv to contractors remtered and operatluK lu tue province of Alberta, ou deposit of Kitty iSjOOOI Doilwra which will be refunded hen plana aud specifications are returned to the Architect complete aud in good order not later than one week after closing date of tenuariuy.

jlherwit the dcpoMt will be forfeited. Each tender mutit accomperled bv a inail.ed cueuue tor Five I p-r em the tender which will be returned within six davs aiier ton-trat Is awarded. Success! ul bidders will be reiuird to tfive a bond ol a Security C.u.umr, Acceptable to the Owners, lor wenly (20 i per cent of the contract. All Contractors snail be i for visum; the site and i the amount of work performed umier previous contract for foundations, eic. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted.

ti. II. N. MONKMAN. lleputv Minister of Public Works.

City Of Lethkridge New Gait Hospital, Lerhbridgc, Alberta. Sealed tenders addressed to the tindersiytied and endorsed "Tender for the New Gait Hospital. Lethbnuvte. Alberta" ou the outside of the eii-velotie will be received until noou. FYuiav.

March 30lh. 1951. Plans. Specifications and Tender Form mav be obtained from the undersigned at the City Hall. Letli-bridge.

Alberta, or from owulev and Matiieaoii. Architects. 13. ti Hornby Street. Vancouver.

B.C. A certified cheque oil a chartered batik uf Canada, made lavable to the Cltv of lthbruiKe, must c-compauv the tender, lu the amount of five (5 1 per cent of the teucie" price. This cheque will be forfeited if the tenderer declines to enter Into a contract on the basis of Ills tender, when (If) called do so. L'pou the sl3iitn of the contract, the success! ul contractor will be required to post a Cuir.rsctor i Suretv Bond tor filtv 5ui per cent of the amount of the contract, and upou receipt of this bond, the certified cheque will be returned. The loweat or any teuuer not necea-aarllv accepted.

A deposit of 4200 00 la required for each aei uf plans and specifications, which will be returned whea the plans and specifications are returned to the undersigned or to the architect. In complete and KOod coiuii-tion. These plans and specifications are available to general contractors only. A. L.

H. SOMERVILLE, City Manager. Cltv Hall. Lethbrlrige. Albert.

LcaU Continued Page 24. I $550 Down Will Euy 1948 Chevrolet Fleetmaster sedan, dark green with heater ond new tires Thia car is on display at NORWOOD SALES LOT Edmonton's Leading Used Car Dealers KALLAL MOTORS LTD. BONDED FOR YOUR PROTECTION 11424 Jasper Avenue Main Office Phone R2496 loans Jasper Avenue Phone 28605 10022 103rd Avenue Phone 23862 Norwood Sales Branch 0728 111 Avenue Phone 72521 The will offer for at1 by SEALED TENDER at 3 an cincll 111 the afternoon of the thirteenth tiay of March. 1951 at the rotunda, fifh fluor. Adminitration F.d iooiiUju.

Altserta. the right cut tinnier under tltenae from the follow, lue luiioa: All Ihtjse pirf-tiona which would be If the Township hereunder were subdivided under the AlbertA hvstem Land Surveys Legal Subdivisions i 11 aud 13. the West hai uf subdivisions 3. 6 14 and the Ni.rth half ol leeal 4 the South half of Leeal 12 of Section 12. Leyal 'ubdivistorjl 4 12 tlie West halves of Legal Subdivision 3 and 5.

the (South half of I.e;iii subdivision 13 of Section 13: l.e:al Siioclivisioiis 6 and 16. the E-vst halvea of Leva! Subdivisions 1 and 15 and the Njrth half -f LeeaJ so tail vision 6 of Section 14. the tvun halves of Leeai Subdivisions 1 and 3 of Sectiuli 2J In Unsurvered 72 ltl.lii-e 14. West of the 4'h Mrndiati' containing .843 of square mile more or lesa. Tlie berth i estimated to rontaitl aoproiuiiatelv 6o0 000 M.

mer-ciiatitaiiie ptue iiinuer suiTxb! roe tie itiaiiui.u.-ture of or whf forest pimi ucis but no wsrranrr la riven as to the quantity or Qiiaairy of the timber on the Berth Tue berth will be awatded tn person u-uderinvr the hivthfrt rate nf dues on tawti lumber of soet other than poplar uver and above the ra1 as mav lrom time lo time r-e pre-s riiinl bv tte Lieutenant Governor lu Council, bios must be in unit, r-f live cent. Due pa. able on all other orixhict shall sublect to tro lerins u( Section 34 of The Fore-a A't. Tenders ent liaMd in a aealeel ervn-tauter and tnarxed "Tender for Berrtt Sti. iiMi' will tjc accepted rom an iituiuuual.

Ialy corporate or registered pariners.hip ipartners aubmtt proof iti revtistratnrfi when tenderirsgl and may oe submitted in person nf throuch an tgeut whose au'horij'atinii tu Form A of 1'ie heduie to The Forest At must sccompatiy ti.e tenner, or by registered mall. No person may submit more than one teuuer tor th berth and tender may be withdrawn once It has been submlt'ed. The tender uiuit be In Form of the Schedule lo The Tests Aet and must be aocoiiiuanied be a deoosit of (72U00 In narked ehecue payable Ut toe Provincial Treasurer, or bearer Bonds of the Province Altjerta or the Government of Canada. The depttait of the purehaaer shall be retained as a guarantee of compliance with the terms and cnnetir.inna of the llceuse aud shall be forieited If the purchaser fail tu complete the contract. The purchaser must sign a ceintr.et iu Form of the Schedule to The Forests Act agreeing to carrv out the terma and conditions of the and al the aame lime apply for a license for the current var pavlrg the sum of 461.75 being the ro.

incurred in cruising, jurveving and oilier incidental charges, together with the rental, litense fee. ftre-truardiiig charges and timber areas lax. The license ahall be for a term not exceeding one vear and ahall be renewable for nine years while there is ou the Berth a sufficient quantity of the kind and dimensions of timber specified lii the license. Each license shall expire on the 31st day of July following its Issue. The culling of greet timber on th Berth atiail be eubiect to a diameter of not less than twelve inches measured twelve Inches from the ground.

No green spruce timber to 3 ciii. All merchauutnie baiaam fir must be cut. All furest prxiuciS taken from the Berth, except mine ttmhea and pulpwood. artp 1 be manufactured at a properly equipped sawmill. The Minister mav.

In hi dtae'ton, relect any or all tenders for the Berrh. Further particulars may be obtained upon application. It will facilitate the issue the license if the applicant lnelud. wttlj lue tender a clearance from the Work men a Compeiiaatton Board. E.

S. HUEST1S Director of Forestry, EDMONTON Alberta. February uuth. iai. 0 I IV THE lTTK OK PtRCV Mil HI HI, late of Frimrmtnn, Alberla.

sieei-lianl, Iteceased. Notice is hereby given that all persons having claims upon the esta'e ol the above named Percv Manner! Hides, who died on the 24th dav of January. A 1951. are required to lie with The Canada Permanent Trust Company. 10126-lOOth Street, Edmonton.

Alberta, bv the 30th day ol March A D. 1951. a full atatement duly verified of their claims and of any securities held by them, and that alter that date the executor will distribute the assets of the de-teased among the partiea entitled thereto having regard jnlv to the claims of which notice haa been to filed or which have been brought to its knowledge. Dated this 18th day of February, AD. 1951 THE CANADA PERMANENT TRUST COMPANY, Exertltrvr, bv CAIRNS ROSS, WTLSON WALLBRIDGE, It Solicitors.

24 Dominion Bank Building, Edmonton, Alberta. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND CLAIMANTS IV TH lTIK OF HMYTRO 1 k. lie the ItT nf E4-iiioiiIoii. in the Province Al-her I a. hi nfed.

Nome is hereby K-ven that All rer-soiis having claims upon the est a la of the above named Dmvtro Paskaluk, whu died on the 21 ih dav of Januarv, are required to file wlrh ths umlrrhiKueo Public Trustee br the 3rd dav of April, 1851. a full statement dtilv verilled, of their claims and of auv securities held bv them, and thai after that date the Public Trustee will distribute the assets of the de-ceitied anion the partiea entitled thereto, having regard onlv tr the iauns of hu notice has hen so filed or brought to his icnow1Jce. Dated tins 16th day of Februarr, Wol. PUBLIC TRUSTEE. Administrator of the Fitate of Dmvtro Pak aliiK.

DeeHMd. Provincial Buildtne. 1OO48-101A Avenue. Kduionton, Alberts. OF ArPUCATlOV TO TIIK PKI.UMKM OF CAV4DA KOK A PRIVATE BILL Netii I berehy aiv that an apDliaHt Will tf uituie to tli 4 Vsrlmfnent of Cnri, at tlie Lir-e-n or ut-it (sjilowiai wmrm rh.ref, hf Ai-l to iiw-ort-jf-ir a rnitn nndw 'b lislitf irt u.iHu Pipe Ijn (ornArt'ini l.iiiiiusl or silt ti wib4r uatue PaHiam4nt may i(iaut, lur the piirpaja of acquirtne.

onjmj'- tlllg. OWUlUg ftUti UTs4TlllDX Mn. TPtfv. piuwut iBllv auJ or ititfrnmeoimity within of witHie siiiui tt.r tlie tranmiw-n srd trausiunAU4u of and oil any liquid prudt.t-t or bv-produt-t ttirHf. and to ex-r-t4i 9'i i utkrr fMrfnif Btttl rwrporate aa t.

be u-i eHir lor lit irr irif: ojt tas etjrt'ia ot Ut 1 4tHiany snd to have ail i.nesni. rif lt aud itiimiinitjep eonfer-rtvi Hv Ths rip l.iut-s Ant ami aoy otlier gn4M-ai lssiarjos rr-Uliiig to le.i'' hue, nh)eet to the ol said Act and any ii eneri lari4iarwa. Laie4j at Montreal, P.Q., this 12th dav a Fehruary, HtfH AKU. KOH8VTH KER for tbe 1700 Tbe Hank RuiMmc, TENDER FOR ALL TRADES FOR ERECTION OF AN EIGHT ROOM SCHOOL AT MIRROR, ALBERTA Sealed tenders addressed tn tut Secretary. Mirror School Division No.

31. lor a Contract in all trade for the erection of an elementary arhml at Mirror, Alberta, will be r-eiv4 up to five clock p.m., M.S.T. March 1st. 1951. Plans and specifications mar be had on application to Fred H.

MacDena'd, Architect. 220 Kresge Building Edmonton, Alberta, on depoait ef which will be refunded when plan and specifications are returned to tbe Architect complete and In good order, not later than one week ater cloairtf date of tendering. Each tender mut be accompanied bv a marked cheque or Fid rVond for five per rent of the tenMar. wiiir.n wtll be returnd within six da-va after eontraet 1 awarriwi. The lowest, or anv tender nt rtecewartly acreotM, FfFD.

MsfDOKALO, Peg'erM A-eht'ert, 54 8'0lldla, Edrcanton, Alberta, jrf.f ULTRA-MODERN 5 ROOM BUN- OALOH. Et-xeptionaliy fine finish and material large living- room with, coved celling and picuire windows. Dining room, 2 very lare bedrrioms. convenient kitchen. Central hall Basem*nt roughed In for rumpus room.

This la an unusually well honie. Near bus, Mav be seen bv sppnunment oniv. Full price 411.750. Miy be hand ed wild 45.0OO Cash and wt N.H A. term.

FLE A BKOK OR A. V. HOtRClkR 24 Chisnoim Blk. dav 451-7324i eve. NEW GLENORA ROOM BL'NGAIXlW 15 month old stucco bungalow.

Liv ing room, room bath and 2 bedrooms, opening orf central hail. Fxtra room In basem*nt with re- mainder of basem*nt roughed in for aulte or large rumpus rttom. Forced air furnace and a.r-condmoned. oak floors. 50 160' lot, completely land-j acaped Close to trollev line, school and shopping 1402.

103 after- p.oni ftn.d 'ifninis, I JOHN 8CHADKCK i 33017. NEW 4-rivom 3 bedroom. NHA term. Ph 4225 $2,500 DOWN 4 roomed stucm bungalow at 72 Ave. and 109 St.

Thia home I about 10 year old and can be matched for 'value Heated garaire. full basem*nt, landscaped lot. Full price. Phone 20203 fa*gs. SOUTH SIDE Ranch Style Bungalow $3,200 Down Thli lovelv 7 roomed bungalow la airuated in the Bonnie Doon district close to shopoir.g.

achoola and trana-portatinn Home consists of living room, dining room, laiee kitchen with lot of cupboard apace, also 3 lovely bedrooms and utility room: Thia home la heated with forced air thermo controlled furnace. Phone 20018. AUT0M0TIVE GARAGE SPACE (88) double heated garage. Ph. 41748 AUTO WRECKAGE "(89) LARGE supply of New and Used AUTO WRFCKAGE and AUTO El F.CTRIC PS60 1 02 Ave Ph.

21512. REYNOIjbs MOTOR 8UPPPLY Ph. 65 Wetaakiwtn New and Used Auto Parts All phone and mail order Promptly aUenriedto. tars wanted forwreckina. Ph.

238SJ. 10319 98 St. ImperialAuto Wreckage. for- wrecking Ph. 21987 9514 102 Ave Jasper Auto Parts AUTO REPAIRS (90) FOR DEPENDABLE WORK SEE Okos Garoge Ave.

Ph. 71B17 BRITISH CAR REP IPS 10BR1 101 St. Ph. 22476 H'jh Class Body Repairs For All Mokes of Automobiles Dominion Motors ford-Monarch Tmcka and Can 107 St. and Jasper.

Ph. 29421 AUTO and Truck frame straightening a apeclalty Welding and repairing of all kinds Invited. Distributors of Char-Lynn Hv-rJraullc Punina and Anchor Hvdraullc Hose. Waterloo Industries Ltd. 7819 104th Street Edmonton.

Phone 32221 "GREGORY AUTO BODY WORKS Auto Bodv and Fender Works 8625 102A Ave. Ph. 25427 Radiators A-l RADIATOR SERVICE 9623 104 Ave. Ph. 2B7.V).

RADIATOR repairs ana recores. For quick, efficient, guaranteed service see or call Waterloo Motors Kingsway Limited lV8 101 St Jh. 23079- 20728 Tirei, Partj, Accessories GOOD USED 825x20 tire. fiOO-50-16. 670-15.

AIRWAY TIRE SERVICE 13301 118 Ave. Ph, 82716 8ee us for axle, batteries. Ignition parts, and all accessories for Tour car or truck. AUTO WRECKAGE LIMITED. 10340 97 St Ph 25589.

TRUCKS TRAILERS (91) 1045 KS Nice shape. Good box. 10343 a 5t "Drruirp rl trailer Chassis for pole-trailer with 9.00 tires for 4350. Trailer axles (new). Brantford Anthony hydraulic hoist 4nd box.

11' long. 75. B. P. EQUIPMENT CO.

9670 P9A St. Ph. 26053 1951 ton Chevrolet pick up. 1900 miles. 41900.

Ph. 23175 between 6 and 8 1945 3-TON Ford truck. Gravel box and hoist. Good body, rubber, motor. Ph.

743W. 1947 "3-TON Ford' truck. Power take-off. flah plate, extra overload springs. Good shape.

Best offer. 10449 80 8t. 1950 Chevrolet S-ton" ptck-up. Antl-free7e. heater.

This truck Is l.ke new with only 8.000 true miles on. Sell or take "par on trade, balance eav terms. Apply 1(7118 158 any-Mrne. 1949 International K-B-2 'i-ton truck Low mileage. Like newi Cheap.

Ph. 36372. 1948 K-B-S-7 International truck. Winch and 22' highboy. Price 42500.

Ph. 36372. 1947 Ford 3-ton with Branriford hoist and box. 25 tires. 158" wheel ba.ae.4 10001 1 323 104 St.

1940 TON Dodge Express. New motor, block heater. Winterised, license. Insurance. A-l mechanical condition.

4650, half cash. 12724 88 ft. UNITED TRAILER CO. 11011 98 St. Oil and propane ranees for trailera.

NFwTtONG C. truck with dual wheel 700x18 8 plv tires. 6300 under list price. 9340 106 A Ave. Try Kallol Motors ONE International -ton panel with ladder racks and spray painting equipment.

Apply 10918 72 Ave 23' semi-trailer van. EDMONTON TRUCK BODY WORKS 10971102 St. FOR sale 'or trade: 1947 3-ton Ford Van. 176" wheeihase. Eaton axle and Booster brakes.

Ph. 24790, 1947 Dodge panel. 10149 106 days. 2 White trucks, tndm. dual drive.

900 rubber. 214 wheel base. Worked 3 month'. Terms. Appiv Albert Houston.

Dawson Creek. B.C. 1945 "7 ton Chevrolet. Fair condU tlon 4700. Box 693 Journal.

WHITE 5-ton" Freuhauf aemU tralier and Insulated van Flat deck with )ob. Ph. J28442, nights 86312 1949 MERCURY panel. Vtonriike new. Reasonable.

Can be seen after 7, 12110 108 Ave. Try Kallal Motors INTERNATIONAL truck D30 with steel dump-box. 4700. Can be seen Viewpoint Service Station or Ph. 72788 after 5:00 m.

1949 1-TON International. "Cheap for rash. Ph. 35149. GOOD 1947 Ford 3-ton.

New motor nd bat'erv. Good rubber. White Star tervice. 11710 P5 Ft. Ph.

75661. AUTOS, Trucki Wonted J92) 1938 Chevrolet coupe sedan wanted. Mutt be A-l. Ph. 37740.

EDMONTON MOTORS Limited THE HOME'OF 0 Used Cars and Trucks Available on Easy Terms CARS SNAP $795 194! Buick sedan. Radio and heater. 12748-Fort Road. 1929 MODEL A for sale. Good running order.

122i9 93 St after 6 1947 PONTIAC deluxe sedan Radio, heater. Good Price 41.450. 12330 80 Si Ph. 74856. 1950 DELUXE 2-door" Chevrolet.

Radio, air-conditioning. Owner driven. Like new. 98)0 105 StPh. 24820.

1937 FORD "coach. Good shape. 4285. 10220 107 St Ph. 28768 PONTIAC coach.

Good condition. Highest offer. PhL 31975. 1948- PONTIAC Torpedo Deluxe. Excellent.

9860 84 Ave. 1947 CHRYSLER Royal aedan. per-feet condition. Consider trade. Ph.

31335. 1941 MERCURY" sedan. Ph .75151. 3 BARGAINS 1940 FORD con; Good body motor and rubber. 4625.

1937 Dodge aedan. Motor, bodv and tires excellent. 495. 19:17 Ford coach. Good running condition.

)45. Terms. 8145 112 Ave. 1949 PONTIAC" coach. Defroster, underseat henter, light blue color.

Like new. 41700. Ph. 72330. 1936 CHEVROLET "sedan.

Cheap for cash, A-l 10514 92 St. 1647 FLUID drive Dodge sedan. With radio and heater. 41.350. Ph.

83091. 1937 FORD sedan New motor and tire. 4650 Ph. 73241. 1942 BUICK Special.

New motor. Guaranteed Radio, heated Good condition. Sell cheap. Rear 8017 118 days. 1949 DODGE "sedan.

Good ahape. Sell or trade, older car 11343 70 St. 1949 ENGLISH Ford. A-l ahape. miles Ph.

32054. 1949 Cher or Pontiac cvaches A-l 11.695 1949 Mercury aedan 41.695 1949 Plymouth coach 41.675 1949 Pontiac torpedo 1 695 1949 Wlllvs convertible 41.495 1948 Chev Coach 41295 1948 Chev coach 41,195 1948 Dodge sedan, and 41.350 1947 Chev sedan 41.195 1947 Chev coach 41.195 1947 Butck torpedo aedan 41 595 1947 DeSoto. and 41.495 1947 Ford coach 41.095 1946 Pontiac sedan 4 950 1942 Plymouth sedan, and new motor 4 825 1941 Plvmouth coach A-l 4 725 1941 Dodge 4 725 1941 Ford coach 4 650 1937 Dodges, sedan or coupe, each 1936 Dodge aedan 4 365 1936 Model 616 tlrea 125 TRUCKS 1950 Chev -ton 61.550 1947 Mercury panel, new motor 6 950 1946 Chev 'i-ton 6 750 CASH TRADE TERMS co*ckRALL DICKSON 9614 118 Ave. 9533 118 Av. Phone 75857 1950 Monarch sedan, 2-tone tan.

Whitewall tires, nickel rims, redto, turning lights. Very low mileage. Like new. 1948 Chrysler Windsor. Rodio, sun visor ond oil other accessories.

1949 Dodge fluid drive convertible. Healy Motors Ltd. "Your Friendly Dealer" Cor. 105 St, Jasper Ph. 22247 "Open Evenings for your convenience" BEAUTIFUL 1949 Meteor Sedan.

$1,465 Must be sold this week. TrnHe Or Terms GRiERSON SERVICE AUTO SALES S625 Jasper Ave. Ph. 24723 Safe Buy 1949 Plymouth Suburban Custom Radio Sun Visor Directional Signals Spotlight Whitewall Tires $1,895 407c down, balance over 1 8 months. Many Other Late Models To Choose From Waterloo Motors Ltd.

116 St. and Jasper Ph. 81961 1947 Buick special sedan. AH c-cessone F-H-fect condition. 62430.

Ph. 75135. No dealers. 1950 1949 1947 1949 1949 1949 1948 1948 1949 Chevrolet Deluxe cooch, conditioner ond block heater, low mileage $2,000 Ford Tudor, oir conditioner, $1,700 Oldsmobile hydromotic sedan, fully equipped $1,500 Chevrolet cooch $1,725 Meteor cooch, oir conditioner and sun visor $1,600 Chevrolet deluxe cooch. Heater $1,675 Oldsmobile sedan, fully equipped $1,775 Pontiac coach, equipped $1,550 Meteor sedan i $1,600 TRUCKS Mercury ton pick-up 1947 1949 1949 1950 1949 CM ton pickup Pcnriac sedan delivery ii i- VJ.nri.V-.

UO IIIIICJ Chevron sedan del, very MANY OTHER 10041 -102 Street Phone 25131 "Chevrolet and Maple Leaf Trucks" SALE HELD OVER 10 DAY DELIVERY ON ANY UNIT NOT IN STOCK. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ON TUB FOLLOWING New 51 HUDSON Hornet and Pacemaker sedans, also hew 51 HILLMAN Minx sedaua (iranchlsed dealer). New 51 MONARCH and MERCURY sedans with or without overdrive or radio selling below list price New 51 FORD deluxe and custom seditna; 4000 miles or t0 dav lull warraniv ou all new vehicles. New 51 PONTIAC std. or deluxe or big 6 sedans, coaches.

6 pass. coux-s. torpedo and busael-backs. New 51 CHEV fleetline toroedo and bussel-back deluxe stecial and powertjlide sedans, beautiful colors. SO DODGE custom fluid drive sedan and 50 HUDSON sedans, like new.

low mileage. 600 below list. SO CHEV deluxe bussel-back and fleetline special seuans in new condition below list. SO PONTI AC 2 door torpedo and 50 FORD deluxe aedans. 6 coupes, like new.

4200 4400 below list. SO HILLMAN and AUSTIN sedans In first class condition, fullv truaranteed, 4400 below list. 49 HUDSON six sedan lu first class condition, new motor, excellent bodv. low mileage, $2,000 below list. 49 AUSTIN sedan In A-l shape.

61 ,095. and 48 CHEVROLET Ileetline. lovely body. 47 CHEVROLET, DODGE and PLYMOUTH sedans and coaches in A-l shape, very good bodies. 41.09S-41.S95.

47 HUDSON six and eight aedans in good condition 4J5: aud 46 HUDSON auper 6 aedan. 4595. 46 MERCURY 114 and 118 coaches and 5 pass coupes and 46 CHEV sedans in very good order 42-41 FORD deluxe sedans and 41 PLYMOUTH coach, all are A-l mechanically with good bodies and tireo. 40 CHRYSLER roval sedan with orverdrive and 1940 HUDSON sedans In good order with extras 6395-4475. 36-37 FORD.

DODGE and PLYMOUTH sedans and coaches In kood running order. 6250 4375. 36-33 CHEV. FORD. DODGE.

PLYMOUTH sedans, coaches con ties, ready to drive. 4125 42H5. 31-30 FORD A coaches, coupes. In good runnine order 495 -6195. other older models 459-495.

TRUCKS New 51 FORD and 1 ton express deliveries and chassis and cabs, fully (rtiaranteed with free servicing. New 51 CHEV standard and deluxe cab i ton pickups, also new 50 DODGE 'T tons, full warranties. New 51 FORD 3 tnns 1S8 wb. and 50 CHEV and GMC 3 tons 161 wb with six stud wheels 825 or 900 tires. 49 FORD 3 tons.

156 A-l shape all around, holtt and crain boxea. optional eonlp. 41.195 -41 475. 9 FORD 7 ton pickups. A-l.

ai.ip, 47 DODGE 1 ton. steel eraln box. and eood 47 WILLYS jeep with cab. 46 STTDFBAKER and 4S FORD ton pickups A-l shape, motors reconditioned, cood bodies. 6505 479.

45 FOD 3 ton with coed box and motor overhauled and 41-40 FORD and FARGO ton? 6305-4495. 36 FORD ton plckuw In pood order with hydraulic brakes and older model converted trucks 475-4165. You ft the Best Deal at Cl, DMinnlelr Alberta a Leading Auto Dealer we give otan Keynoias open eytcktngs GOOD TRADES EASY TERMS PHONE 390 OR 51 WETASKIW1N.

Edmonton Journal from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada (2024)
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Author: Velia Krajcik

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Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

Phone: +466880739437

Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.